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Skip this one
10 August 2022
I am a big fan of the DB Cooper story. This documentary at about three hours long doesn't offer much to the already existing story. The first episode is decent, but mostly a recapping of the story. From there it devolves into what is mostly speculation, a lot of which is absurd and a waste of time. Overall, it examines things from a different angle, but gets lost in the backstory of the backstory.
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Silly, dull and just barely watchable
29 May 2022
I didn't have high expectations going in and really just wanted to see how dumb it was. The interviewees are mostly cringe worthy, two of which are self proclaimed zombie experts who contribute little. It's essentially these speculatory interviews sandwiched between the same twenty visuals on a loop. The Nostradamus factor is laughable at best. So much vagueness. Pass.
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It's a prime time soap with a few scares sprinkled in
1 May 2022
The Haunting of Hill House is one of the best things I've seen in the last year, so I was excited to see Bly Manor, and had some high expectations. I was more than a little disappointed.

Bly Manor is slow and drawn out. It could have easily been edited down to half its length. The main storyline (if you can call it that) is diluted and bogged down by too many secondary storylines. It tries too hard and gets lost in the seemingly endless amount of character life drama. Hill House also did this but to a much lesser extent. The main storyline stayed front and center, and was scary and unsettling. This is not the case with Bly Manor. I can't say it doesn't have it's moments, but they are far too spread out and with too much fluff in between.

A character in the final episode even states that it's not a ghost story, but a love story. They weren't wrong. I just wish this reveal had come in the first episode to save me the nine hours of drudgery. I was expecting a ghost story, and a good one at that.
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Unnecessary filler
1 May 2022
An incredibly boring, useless, drawn out, irrelevant piece of the story. It ruins an already sluggish series. She sleeps, wakes, and walks. A lot. Disappointing.
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Truly chilling, intense, beautiful and sad
26 April 2022
This is one of the best things I've watched in recent memory. There are times it is legitimately scary with goosebumps and all, and times it is touching and may raise a tear. It caught me quickly and kept me engaged til the end.

This would have been a 10/10 had they cut back on the dysfunctional soap opera drama that at times, took control of the story. In hindsight, it's easy to get past.

An odd casting choice: nothing against Henry Thomas or Timothy Hutton. They both dishes out a fine performances. I have to wonder why they didn't choose one actor and use a little make up for aging effects. The two look similar, but either one could have pulled off the forty to sixty look necessary for the part.

But I digress. Watch the show!
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Cardinal (2017–2020)
Gritty and intense. Very well done.
23 April 2022
The cast and writing are superb. I started watching because Billy Campbell caught my attention staring in The Killing. He was great in that so I had to give Cardinal a shot. Twenty-four episodes just isn't enough. Seasons one and four are fantastic. Two and three drag a little bit are still very good. Overall, one of the best shows I've binged over the last year.
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The Call (II) (2013)
Routine Crime Thriller
21 April 2022
This film gets an A for suspense and pace. It will keep your attention. Beyond that there's nothing new or compelling going on. The story is predictable and even absurd at times (911 operator turned investigator turned vigilante) to the point that I found myself laughing. It's certainly watchable but don't rearrange your schedule to see it.
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Ridiculous fun
5 April 2022
I don't really follow the superhero movies, so my opinion is about as unbiased as you'll get. I also haven't seen Suicide Squad (2016) though I understand this film is not a sequel. I watched it honestly because I became a fan of Joel Kinnaman after watching The Killing (great show BTW.) He's excellent in this movie and truly deserves more recognition and A-list work...But I digress.....this is a great flick packed full of action, suspense and plenty of laughs. The story is way over the top, but in a good way. The cast, performances and production quality is as good as it gets. Definitely worth seeing, and I've put it on my rewatch list.
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A well made tale of survival in the harsh Greenland environment
19 March 2022
This is an above average film covering the true story of two men surviving nearly nine hundred days in the arctic conditions of Greenland. Dramatic and sometimes quite bleak, the story is offset by the beautiful cinematography. A recommended watch, but not for the faint hearted.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
If this movie was any slower it would be going backwards
6 March 2022
Do people set out to make bad movies? I have to wonder. This runs at a very slow pace. Lots of dramatic pause. The script is laughable. The story is empty. It's an ominous movie so everyone speaks in a low ominous voice. Be prepared to keep your thumb on the volume button. Better yet, don't waste your time.
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Still (VIII) (2018)
Avoid this nonsensical mess
27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
None of it makes any sense. What happens inside the tree? Is moonshine the elixir of life? Do they time travel? All questions with no answers. Plain and simple, don't watch this movie. There, I just saved you ninety minutes of your life. You're welcome.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Some parts were outstanding. Some put me to sleep.
22 February 2022
The trend these days is binge watching. I think sometimes productions get a little lazy with editing, knowing it's going to be ten hours long. This is a case in point. There are times where it just drags on. There are multiple storylines to follow, and they're presented while jumping around the timeline, so it's a bit of a jigsaw puzzle. Unnecessary. On the plus side, most of the storylines kept me engaged with the exception of the traveling symphony. It just didn't seem to fit, and what they were doing didn't seem plausible in a post pandemic dystopian world. This was generally a weak spot throughout the stories. The character's actions weren't always plausible. With the exception of Jeevan's storyline (the most believable) there is little mention of how these people sustain themselves. I can't buy that dozens of people can live in the same building for twenty years, and neither the building or the people show any wear and tear. Everyone appears healthy and well fed. Despite my strong critique, it is watchable with some parts that were quite good. Just be prepared to wade through some that are not.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
I was ready for it to be over
20 February 2022
This is almost watchable. It has a good story and the characters are well developed (I will say though that I found the Bev character to be nothing but obnoxious. Not scary or interesting. Like nails on a chalkboard.) The problem is that it goes on and on and on and on. It seems every few minutes someone else is making a speech. Rattling on and boring me to tears. I'm sure the producers wanted to make a multi-episode event for folks to binge. This could have been edited down to three or four hours and it would have dramatically improved the end product. Sorry Netflix, but this one is a pass.
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Scorched (I) (2003)
Entertaining and fun
15 February 2022
A great cast here. Did the heists maybe have some reality issues? Yes, but it was easily forgiven. I found the story and performances highly entertaining. I had a smile on my face the whole time.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Tries too hard to be odd
15 February 2022
Stories packed full of cryptic writing and images are not necessary entertaining. This movie lacks direction or clarity. An explanation should be offered for at least some of what's going on. Two hours I'll never get back.
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Doesn't live up to the hype
14 February 2022
It's a good flick but it tries too hard and doesn't live up to the hype. One of the highest ranked movies on IMDb. I don't think it's quite that good.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A darkly comedic parody of the human condition, that is also a potential, bold reality
12 February 2022
This movie laughs at us. Not a chuckle, but a full on belly laugh. The kind that hurts a little. The political spin on the issue. The division of beliefs. The denial we exude when reality is screaming in our faces. Deny the facts. Believe what's convenient. Yes, the film makers packaged this as palpable humor, but the undertones of who we really are, are there, and it's a little unsettling.
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Grimm Love (2006)
Unnecessarily graphic
7 February 2022
The story could be told in a satisfying manner while leaving some of the more disturbing details to the imagination. This movie chose to not use that approach. As a result it becomes completely unwatchable. I would encourage these film makers to sharpen their writing skills and use their imaginations. It makes for the best cinema.
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Just silly. One of DeNiro's worst movies
6 February 2022
The visuals and cinematography are quite good but do not a movie make. Travolta's performance and accent (it comes and goes) are laughable. The ways the two main characters trade off having the upper hand are absurd. The ending is ridiculous. Add a bad script to all this and you have a hard pass.
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Ash vs Evil Dead (2015–2018)
Just didn't do it for me
1 February 2022
The show is carried by special effects, jump scares and excessive gore. There's not much of a story to follow. Ash trying to undo what's been done and battling deadites. One can move through entire episodes and add nothing worth mentioning to the storyline. The show does have it's moments but the viewer must wade through a swimming pool of blood and guts to get there. I'll also mention the horrible audio challenges. The violent and/or action scenes are extremely loud. A lot of the dialogue scences are to a menacing whisper (cue Lucy Lawless; speak up girl!) Be prepared to keep one finger on the volume button through every episode. I love the first two Evil Dead movies, but at this point I think it's all been done.
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Motel Hell (1980)
Funny and disturbing. There's nothing quite like it.
30 January 2022
The story is so unique and twisted, it makes it a modern day classic of sorts. I honestly would have ranked it higher but the script and acting are so bad. On the other hand that could be perceived as part of its charm.
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Charming, funny and entertaining
28 January 2022
I discovered this movie when I was a kid and have always loved it. Danny Kaye is at his best, giving off tons of animated energy. A fun musical comedy.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Absurd, darkly comedic, ultra violent, secret agent nonsense
27 January 2022
It's no cinematic masterpiece, but it's a fun ride. Bob Odenkirk leads a solid cast (highlight being Christopher Lloyd) who are on their game. There's plenty of excitement and if you're into the type of action movies where the hero can do no wrong, look no further.
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Flawless (2007)
Just a little too hard to swallow
25 January 2022
It's a charming and entertaining story. I would have rated it higher but I just can't get past the heist itself. The details, though interesting, are just too far fetched to be believable. The very foundation of the storyline is the film's one glaring flaw.
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Dull and routine
23 January 2022
Things the writers thought would be scary: mold, clothes in a closet, broken security cameras, soap. Things that are actually scary: nothing. It won't scare you to death. It might bore you to death.
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