
11 Reviews
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Could have been better
22 March 2021
It's well acted I guess, although felt the birth scene was way too long and hard to watch. I love Ellen Burstyn but she was way too old to be Vanessa Kirby's mother - she's old enough to be her grandmother - and not a young grandmother. I hate that Hollywood does that - ages are always all over the place like we're too dumb to notice.
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Insecure (2016–2021)
Entertaining enough but....
4 November 2018
Let me start off by saying that I am NOT the demographic the show is after: I'm white and middle aged. I find this show mostly entertaining, and it's fairly well acted and I suppose realistic, although I'd think that by age 30 you'd already have your act together, especially if you went to Stanford. Could live without some of the graphic sex scenes, or with toning them down anyway. But I have to ask: Is this how educated african americans really talk to each other?? If so, i have to say I'm surprised and disappointed because I feel it just adds to the stereotype that I thought this show was trying to debunk: bad grammar, awful sentence structure, n-word this, n-word that. Don't even get me started on the music that is played, but at least that part I get.
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I don't get it
23 September 2018
I watched the first season of this show and found it silly, dumb and over the top. What was with the Marcia Clark and Chris Darden impersonations? Is that supposed to be relevant? The OJ trial happened almost a quarter of a century ago - I find it hard to believe that anyone under the age age of 40 got the inferences. An awesome revolving door of guest stars, but I just don't get it. I'm not saying I never laughed, but not enough to keep watching.
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Big Little Lies (2017–2019)
19 March 2017
I was looking forward to this mini-series because of the stellar ensemble cast. But 5 episodes in and...Nothing. Has. Happened. It's a snooze fest. Reese Witherspoon is an Oscar nominated actress but you would never believe it if this is all you saw her in. It's not her fault - just not very good writing or character development. I won't be watching the remaining episodes. Too boring. Oh, and by the way, the way they interview people "in the present" about a murder that happened - but we don't know who or how yet - that's so "The Affair." Been there, done that. What, the overpaid writers in Hollywood can't come up with new material anymore?
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The Intern (I) (2015)
A likable movie if you just don't expect much
25 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very likable, cute and "feel good" kind of movie. It's entertaining, just don't expect much. It somehow feels like it could have been better, maybe if the script were a little deeper. Also, the character of Matt (Anne Hathaway's husband)- talk about miscast. He's such a dweeb, you can't even imagine that Anne Hathaway's character would ever be attracted to him to begin with, and yet the irony is that..HE is the one having affair. Anyway, I usually find Anne Hathaway fairly annoying, but I liked her in this, and I loved Robert DeNiro's character, which is basically how every character in this movie feels as well. Well maybe except for Linda Lavin's character lol....
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Not great but not awful
25 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a decent miniseries. I thought Kate Winslet was great in her role, and most likely would have taken home the Emmy if this had been better written. My biggest complaint about the story - and perhaps this is true in the original novel, I don't know - is that it's never explained as to what happened in Veda's upbringing to make her such a manipulative spoiled bitch. She grows up in the 30s, when most people were lucky if they had regular meals let alone a place to live, yet she's vicious and hateful because her mother works in a restaurant. It's not because of her sister's death because she was like that before her sister's death. Also, I don't understand why everyone falls all over Evan Rachel Wood's performance in this. Really? I thought she was mediocre at best. She chews up the scenery in this miniseries - sooooooooo overacted. The scene where Kate Winslet's character finds her daughter with her husband naked? Evan Rachel Wood's movement and performance reminded me of a soap opera. Truthfully, my opinion is that this miniseries would have been much better with a different - and better - actress playing Veda.
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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
Beyond awful
20 January 2014
I'm absolutely astounded that this god awful show has made it to its third season. I can't imagine what kind of people actually LIKE this show! I don't even know the actresses' names, and don't care to, but I honestly feel they are the worst actresses I've ever seen, it's as though they are simply reading from a script - really really badly written scripts at that. In your face "jokes" that just aren't funny, especially the way these dimwits deliver them. It's truly cringe-worthy. I'm embarrassed for the people who write this show, produce it, act in it, and watch it regularly. Each show is like fingernails on a blackboard.
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a fluff movie
31 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not the worst movie in the world, but total fluff. I get the idea that this movie was sliced and diced in the editing room and the scenes just seem to blend awkwardly. I've never seen the DVD version, but I'm guessing there a ton of deleted scenes. Just so many things you are supposed to overlook. For instance, if Amy and Kat grew up in London, why don't they have British accents? Kat has to cash out part of her 401(k) to pay Nick the $6,000 yet she brings with her what is clearly a $30,000+ designer wardrobe - the entire movie is one big fashion show. The character Jeffrey is such a complete d-bag one can't imagine why Kat would be broken hearted over him, let alone spent 7 years with him. And what right does Edward have to be angry at Jeffrey for having a fling with Amy before Amy even started dating Edward? Obviously Jeffrey didn't tell Edward because he's a slime who was cheating on his fiancé with her sister, but he didn't do anything to Edward. And why would Edward, who can't even argue with his fiancé, be best friends with such a slime like Jeffrey anyway? Anyway, Dermot Mulroney is pretty to look at in this movie.
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6 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First let me say that I loved the series (well mostly, some episodes were duds in my opinion), and I loved the first movie, so I was looking forward to the sequel. What a disappointment, from beginning to end. All I could think during the movie was, did any of the actresses read this script ahead of time? Poor Charlotte with her full time nanny living in her Park Avenue apartment, is overwhelmed and has a crying spell/breakdown in her pantry when her daughter puts her red icing filled hands on the back of her vintage ivory colored Versace skirt. Who wears a vintage pencil skirt while making cupcakes??? A white one no less??? Poor Carrie, disappointed that her marriage is getting stale because her husband, who probably works 60 hours a week on Wall Street, doesn't want to go out on the town night after night. The horrors!!! The nerve of him bringing home dinner!!! Doesn't matter that her days are filled with filled with shopping and lunching with her friends. The raunchiest women in NYC go on vacation to the most conservative part of the world. Yawn. Dear lord, one lame joke after another. Abu Dhabi do? Erin go bra-less? Lawrence of my labia? "Dick Spurt"??? Who's your long distance carrier?? (A "joke" which is about 15 years late since long distance carriers don't even really exist anymore, not with cell phones anyway). Jokes about "camel toe"...just as Charlotte falls of a, how clever....Samantha's constant whining about menopause?? When is that EVER funny??? Seriously? This is the best they could come up with? I was seriously cringing, (almost) embarrassed for the actresses and the pathetic writers who thought this garbage would be entertaining. Truthfully, I almost turned off the movie within the first 10 minutes with Samantha rubbed cream "down there" while sitting at her desk - oh and her office has glass walls and her secretary saw the whole thing. Ugh, gross, who thinks that's funny??? Thanks writers, for killing this franchise, b/c I'm certain there will be NO SATC3 after this giant turd.
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This isn't a documentary, even if the director wants to pretend it is
9 September 2010
I turned off this movie after 10 minutes because it annoyed me too much that the camera work was done as though it's an amateurish documentary. Why??? It is what it is, not what it isn't. I don't understand why this type of camera work has become so popular. After almost one hundred years of cinema, does Hollywood really believe that moviegoers who pay $10 a ticket want a movie that looks like it was shot by 10th graders for their sociology project? No wonder 80% of movies are gone from theatres within 6 weeks. And could someone please tell me why IMDb has decided that reviews have to be ten lines of texts in order to be submitted? Also, by the way IMDb reviewers, why do so many of you insist on writing a synopsis of the movies? It's a REVIEW, most people who read these have already seen the movie, those who are thinking of watching it don't want a synopsis. Say what you think of the movie and be done! Geez!
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21 December 2009
One of the lamest romantic comedies I've seen in a while. One bright side is that Drew Barrymore, in my opinion the most mediocre and overrated actress in Hollywood, has very little screen time. Kevin Connolly needs some serious acting lessons, how this guy gets acting jobs is beyond me.

Jennifer Connolly, usually such a gifted actress, is truly dreadful in this, but I guess even an academy award winning actress can't help this sad script. How ridiculous, her character wouldn't leave her husband for cheating on her, but finding out that he was sneaking smokes behind her back sent her over the edge?? Yeah, that would happen in real life (rolling my eyes). The story lines and characters are pathetically weak and uninteresting.

Thank goodness I saw this on HBO and didn't pay money to see this. Still, it's 2 hours of my life that I'll never get back...
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