
17 Reviews
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Nostalgic Action Flick Marred by Corny Dialogue and Low-Budget Effects
7 June 2024
"Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man" offers an entertaining blend of action and nostalgia with its quintessential early '90s vibe, but it often feels like a comedy spoof without the laughs. Mickey Rourke and Don Johnson deliver charismatic performances as the titular characters, yet their corny lines seem forced. The plot provides some thrills and buddy-cop dynamics, though the special effects resemble something from a high school project, and realism is far from the equation. It's easy to see from this film why Daniel Baldwin was nowhere near as successful as his brothers. Despite its cringey moments and ridiculous plot, the film's rebellious spirit and memorable characters still make it a somewhat worthwhile ride for fans of retro action flicks.
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Road House (2024)
Film Review: "Road House Revisited"
22 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Road House Revisited" starts off with an awkward vibe, setting the stage for a rough ride. The film opens with Dalton (played by Jake Gyllenhaal), a legendary fighter, arriving at an illegal bare-knuckle fight. The tension is palpable as the reigning champion refuses to fight Dalton due to his fearsome reputation, an intriguing setup that promises a mix of action and mystique.

In a scene reminiscent of a superhero comic, Dalton gets stabbed with a six-inch blade, only to nonchalantly pull it out and patch himself up. This display of near-superhuman resilience sets the tone for a character who seems almost invincible, adding to the film's over-the-top allure.

Enter a young woman who owns a troubled Road House bar in the Florida Keys. As Dalton tends to his wound, she offers him her phone number, seeking his help to deal with the regular trouble and targeted vandalism plaguing her establishment. Initially, Dalton declines, but after a near-miss with a freight train and losing his car-home, he reconsiders and takes a bus to the Keys.

The storyline is undeniably weak, revolving around a small community terrorized by thugs under the command of a local villain who aims to redevelop the area and reinstate a drug trafficking route. Despite its predictable plot, the film manages to hold interest with its gritty atmosphere and Dalton's enigmatic presence.

However, the introduction of Conor McGregor's character marks a turning point, and not for the better. McGregor's performance is painfully cringeworthy, his "acting" more of a distraction than an asset. His lackluster portrayal and exaggerated mannerisms detract from the film's already tenuous grip on watchability.

While Dalton's role as the welcome stranger initially adds a layer of intrigue, the narrative quickly unravels into a clichéd mess. The film's potential is further squandered by McGregor's presence, reducing it to a laughable experience rather than the gritty, action-packed drama it aspired to be.

In conclusion, "Road House Revisited" starts with promise but falters under the weight of a weak plot and subpar performances. Dalton's near-superhuman toughness provides some entertaining moments, but the film ultimately crumbles, leaving viewers with more cringe than thrills.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
Stop watching before you get to Season 5
23 September 2021
This was a funny light hearted show seasons one through four, Zooey Deschanel is mostly ridiculous & cannot sing so shouldn't !

Come season five the show lost all direction, becoming actually hard to watch. For a few episodes Deschanel was missing & Megan Fox filled in & whilst the show remaining mostly stupid the show benefited from Deschanel's absence.

I guess they all got rich & started to phone it in which is a shame because you only get remembered for what you did last not what you did first.
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Teachers (2001–2004)
Not renewed after season 4 ?
7 April 2021
What started out as moderately entertaining slowly declined in to utter drivel with season 4 being ground zero of this show's total collapse.

The show never really recovered after Andrew Lincoln left & as the seasons finished so too the core casts.

This most certainly wasn't a timeless classic ! More a case of you had to be there (at that time).

Channel 4 comedies often suffer the same demise! It's quite amazing this lasted as long as it did !

Notable terrible performances: Vicky Hall, Mathew Horne, Kara Tointon, James Buckley, Amanda Abbington.
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Big Mouth (2017–2025)
Is this show actually funny ?
20 December 2020
From the outset this show has me in a state of confusion ! It's all so wierd & outrageous it hard to know if what you are watching is funny or just tragically wrong, a bit like watching a little kid fall over or walk in to a glass door, your initial reaction is to laugh but soon aftr you feel guilty for laughing. I managed to stay on board right up to the last series & then they put Jay & Lola together & i find myself wanting to throw up 🤢 Never has a cartoon made me feel physically sick !
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
Season one was only okay, season two; boring as boring can be !
10 December 2020
When a show's timeline starts flashing back & forth it makes it hard to stay focused & season two did this in episode two, it was boring as hell up to this point then the back & forth killed it for me.
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Motherland (I) (2016–2022)
Is this show funny ? Seriously ! stop acting like a six year old & think about it, it's really not funny at all.
31 July 2020
Absolute garbage, it's unrealistic humour in that the supposedly funny occurrences are just beyond possible. It's obviously aimed at people who have a child like cartoon humour level which is sadly very typical of British produced comedies today. I'm amazed that an actor would want to be associated with this utter drivel.
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
I didn't finish season 3, it is absolute trash.
21 November 2019
Many of the reviews are of the same opinon as myself, season 1 was good, season 2 filled in gaps that weren't really there & then the disastrous season 3 ! The central character Ani is totally ridiculous, comes out of nowhere, gets into everyone's business, lied everytime her mouth opens & basically ruins the show past & present. I stopped watching half way through the season, when a show annoys me as much as this i owe it to myself to stop watching, I immediately took it out of my Netflix watch list & removed it from my watch history, i need to forget this rubbish ever existed & move on. It's a shame that Netflix chose to do this season as it's tained the whole franchise.
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Weeds (2005–2012)
I was very late to the party but the show is still awesome..
5 February 2019
A widowed mother struggles to raise her children and keep up a certain life style they were all accustomed to so she decides to sell a bit of weed to make ends meet, this quickly spirals, deeper and deeper out of control ! Friends & relatives get dragged along for the ride as Nancy plays wack o mole with each issue that arises. Where will it all end ? Prison, on the run or worse ? You'll have to watch to find out.

This really was a quality show, shame it's not still going ! Some really funny plots that keep you wanting to see the next episode & so on.
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Gunned Down (2017)
Cliche British Crime Film Hits A Wall.
3 February 2019
Okay, so i'm not going to describe the film like some others have, that's not a review. What i can say is that this particular film is a poor mismatch of other films that seems to have been cut short. The cast is made up of actors whom have all been in other gangster type realeases who have obviously been type cast now & this is the best job offer they can get. The way the Police has been depicted is laughable ! A major crime in progress & we see one van & an unmarked car responding ? Totally ridiculous. James Cosmo, the SCOTTISH actor is laughable, he is struggling so badly with the London accent his delivery just fails, his tone & manner is totally off, this is also the case for the rival villian, just totally unbelievable. Overall the film is garbage, not gritty just cliche.
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Overboard (2018)
Not bad for a remake.
5 January 2019
A remake of a 30 year old film ! Has that ever worked ? Well, i'm a tad bias as i love Anna Faris ! This was okay, the Spanish twist gave the film it's own identity along with the gender reversals from the original. I watched on Netflix so the Spanish was subtitled so no real issues there. Overall, a family friendly film with some laughs, a hot Anna Faris, a hot Eva Longoria & a feel good ending. Anyone saying this is the worst film ever must have only watched a few films because there are literally thousands of films that are worse.
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Atypical (2017–2021)
This show should have been "Young Sheldon"
24 October 2018
So if you've not seen "The Big Bang Theory" & " Young Sheldon" this will not mean anything. The way the writers have written the character Sam would have suited a younger Sheldon Cooper to a tee, "Sam" sounds like Sheldon & even looks like him. When they wrote "Young Sheldon" it was like they had not really watched "The Big Bang Theory" This show really does highlight autistic traits & i really hope the NTs out there take in this show, it could even be shown as a tutorial!
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Move along people, there's nothing funny to see here !
5 March 2018
As a life long TBBT fan (life of the show, not my life) this show is more of a big flop rather than a big bang. It's just not funny & after watching the first two episodes i am going to call time on it I'm afraid. I've been watching "A-typical " on Netflix & the main character in that show is far more like Sheldon or how you would imagine a young Sheldon Cooper to be.

I guess this is just an attept to follow on from TBBT which in it's 11th season is failing to entertain like it used to. I think Chuck Law is struggling nowadays with the termination of "Mike & Molly" , two & a half men eventually ending after a dismal last two seasons & "Mom" dieing on it's arse, this is just another fail. Give it up Chuck, you had a good run, made some bank plus made some greedy actors very rich & insane (Charlie Sheen)
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Sick Note (2017–2018)
Terrible writing ! JUST NOT FUNNY
6 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The people who wrote praising reviews are either a sandwich short of a picnic or have a vested interest in this shows success! But that said, writing reviews that it's good when it really isn't is just a waste of time because the script writing is just so poor, the characters by & large are just not believable ! The acting then follows suit but then when the writing is this poor what can an actor do about it ? If you have seen Extras where Andy Millman is railroaded in to changing his show in to a farce, well this is maybe what happened here ! I am amazed that SKY have picked this up to be honest. League of gentlemen was dark, Psychoville was dark ! This is just juvenile
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Fried (2014– )
It was always going to be tough
22 April 2017
I really have no idea how this so called comedy made it to television? With the concept, a comedy based in a fast food restaurant, it was always going to be a non starter. Very much like a similar comedy based in a job centre this take on high street outlet life fails miserably. The writer obviously took the idea from channel 4s Phoneshop, changed the demographic to one suited to the moronic & rolled out this drivel. For me it is a non starter, it's just not funny in any way.
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Reign Over Me (2007)
A brilliant, emotional journey in to one mans grief at the loss of his family to the 9/11 attacks
15 February 2010
This is by far the best bit of acting from Adam Sandler, don't get me wrong i enjoy all the films from the Happy Madison group but this is nothing like the others. It's darkly funny in places but mostly it make you feel such despair for the main character 'Charlie Fineman' His old college room mate 'Don Cheadle' sees him out of the blue, knowing he has lost his perfect family, years before and having tried to unsuccessfully contact him in the past, tries his best to find his old friend that seems buried under his grief leaving him misunderstood, lonely and vulnerable. My review doesn't really do the film justice but i really was moved by the story and performances, best film i have seen so far this year, can't believe i missed it when it was released.
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Heat (1995)
L.A shoot out
22 June 2006
Heat 1995 This is a re-make of a little known film, made for t.v. called L.A.Take Down / L.A.Crimwave / Made In L.A.(1989) down but with top name actors, Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, Tom Sizemore, Amy Brenneman (from judging Amy)and Ashley Judd. One of the actors (Xander Berkeley)who played Waingro in LA Takedown also played a character in Heat, all be it a 2 minute part as Vincent's wife's lover. Although this was a high budget re-make i actually preferred the more "rough round the edges" version of the film, L.A.Takedown. Written and directed by the same Michael Mann, I'm not sure why he re-made this film with top name actors six years later but it's not a bad film.
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