
25 Reviews
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The Night Manager (2016–2025)
very good series
4 November 2023
I just watched 6 episodes of this series on Britbox where I have my subscription.

I am so glad somebody makes movies from John le Carre books because I have tried reading his books but I just get mixed up. So much goes on in them and I cannot keep all the twists straight.

I have been able to view other films taken from his books and they then make sense to me.

This series goes full tilt through all 6 episodes & does not lag anywhere in each episode.

Tom Hiddleston is excellent with this role. I am not familiar with much of his work, but I will look for other things he has done.

I am not a huge fan of Hugh Laurie, but he does play a very good bad guy.
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Nuclear Hurricane (2007 TV Movie)
something to watch if you are bored
28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a moderately interesting film. Jack Scalia is one of the lead characters and he is still a pretty good actor so that made it better.

There actually are 2 stories going on like the previous review states. But they also threw in a pregnant woman who just happens to need to deliver her baby during the worst part of the storm inside some sort of falling down shack.

I did notice a glitch in the story--a woman crawls up into the ventilation system to try to get past the AI on the screwed up computer system..she goes UP, but you never see another ceiling fan opening in any other part of the venting system.

This is a secure nuclear facility & they would have several venting fans through out the building and they would be in the ceilings.

So that is what made it just a mediocre film for me. It is always the little stuff that seems to get away from these small budget films.
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The Thaw (2022– )
take the time to watch
21 August 2023
I am at episode 3 now and am still interested in the plot of this series.

My biggest compliment is that this has been dubbed into English so I do not have to read it. It seems like Poland and Norway do not have any problem dubbing their series or films.

I like the series and films coming out of Europe a lot, but I do not like to read the dialogue while I am trying to watch the action on the screen.

There should be a way for viewers can opt to have all films and movies dubbed just by clicking in icon. I am sure the technology exists somewhere.

Anyway, I do like this series and the mystery within the story line. I do also agree that it was not necessary to add a daughter to the main character.

But just hang in there and keep watching even if it gets a bit slow sometimes.
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Zulu (2013)
good sleeper movie
19 August 2023
Discovered this film on Tubi recently-don't usually watch films with lots of violence.

This should be watched just because it addresses old & current actual history in So Africa.

This film references Project Coast, Wouter Basson, biological/chemical weapons & apartheid that still exists in So Africa even today.

Look up my references on Google & read up about this stuff..mainstream US never talked about this in any media form.

I am a senior & old enough to remember apartheid there. I do remember when companies in the US decided to boycott So Africa back in the 1980's- not that it actually did much good.

History note: So Africa was settled by the Dutch-not the English. But the Dutch treated non-whites in their colonies just as bad as the English did.

Please read up about the references I mentioned- it actually happened. Also Wouter Basson was never punished for any of the things he did & is still living free somewhere in the world- he was born in 1950.
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super good movie
7 August 2023
I really liked this movie a lot. I found it on Kanopy which has lots of movies & series that you cannot find anywhere else.

This is not an exciting movie, it feels sort of like somebody is telling you a story about something they experienced when they are in their early 20's.

I have never seen Ben Affleck in this sort of film before- this was a really good job of inhabiting a character- he seemed very natural.

I have seen other film he has done but this film showed how good he could really act. He was quite a bit younger in this film.

The parents of Sonny drove me crazy-but since I am a senior, I lived thru the 1950's & have actually met people like them.

That era was pretty conservative & repressive- people weren't supposed to veer off a specific path.

This was just a really good film.
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Mayans M.C. (2018–2023)
super well done series
2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished all seasons & I liked this series even better than SOA. It felt more realistic.

I didn't mind needing closed captioning when Spanish was spoken.

You can always hit pause & use google translate if you want a better understanding of the Spanish..that is what I did.

In S05 E10--the ending for Felipe (Olmos) made me sad--would have liked that part to be different.

I liked the use of pictures at the beginning of each episode- it gave a look at actual history here in the US.

Not to give away the ending..but.. it broke my heart.

I am a female & a senior & I still thought this was a really super well done series.
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The English (2022)
do not waste your time
23 December 2022
All the big positive reviews show "verified purchaser" but I am not sure if that means they actually paid to buy a dvd of the entire series or are Amazon subscribers. I am a monthly subscriber-does that make me a "verified purchaser"?

After I write this review, Amazon may decide to deny my review because I only watched episode 1. They have done this to me before- but I do not feel this series is worth watching. All those big long reviews remind me of book reviews or movie reviews by people paid to boost the ratings.

I found this series depressing, repellent & overly violent- I am NOT inexperienced when it comes to understanding this type of program. I have been around 75 yrs & seen the good & the bad. So, again, I only watched episode 1 & did not like anything about it.
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Alaska Daily (2022–2023)
pay attention to this one
8 December 2022
1. Was nicely surprised by this show. It held my interest for the entire 40 minutes. It is well done & addresses an actual problem that still exists in Alaska- but is doesn't try to shove political correctness down your throat.

2. This needs to be more than 6 episodes for each season. Per Wikipedia- there are only 6 episodes & it will be another year before Season 2 appears in the fall of 2023.

3. I am very tired of the big pay channels- they are lazy about their programs because they figure they have a captive audience- if we are paying monthly fees -I guess this means we (the audience) approve of their tactics. I am pointing my finger at Hulu, Netflix, Peacock, Paramount, Paramount +, ABC. CBS, NBC, FOX, CW, etc.

4. My point is proven by the Yellowstone monopoly. The producers have spread it out over at least 3 subscriptions. I can see season 1-4 on Paramount+. But I cannot see season 5 unless I sign up for Paramount & the interconnected pay channels .

5. Then during November/December we maybe get 2 episodes on the other channels until after New Years. Again manipulation by the big monopolys. Big business points out people are away from home too much during this season so they lose viewers- really? What are all those cell phones & tablets being used for during that time?

6. My local public library carries these seasons on DVD's -after each season ends. I can check each DVD out & view each season in my home in my own time-FOR FREE.

7. And also note: all syndicated tv channels- ABC,CBS, NBC, CW,FOX, etc only have each episode at 40 minutes-because the commercials take the other 20 minutes!!
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Hope Street (2020– )
another good show from UK & BBC
2 December 2022
I am currently watching season 2 on my Britbox subscription.

All the episodes are available-which I prefer-don't like getting only episode per week.

This series has good well done characters-most of them normal people- but there are a couple that I would NOT miss if they weren't in every episode. They become annoying after about 3 episodes in a row.

The character of Concepta could do with a tone down. She is in everyone's business-even if they don't want it.

Her son & his soon to be ex-wife also receive lots of un-needed & often un-welcome advice. She is constantly pushing them together-they do not want to be together anymore.

But nobody will tell her to stop-she is good at ambushing him in the pub & pulling him aside to give him some more guilt over the situation.

Like I said, good series otherwise.
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The Rookie (2018– )
decling story line
17 October 2022
I watch this on Hulu, but you can't leave reviews there. New season has continuous Rosiland Dyer storyline-this is especially bloody, violent & ridiculous.

Storyline is to grab high marks for the Rookie Feds new show so producers are dragging this line out too long (crossover episode).

I have stopped watching Rookie for this reason until the Rosiland character disappears from the storyline. This program used to be good without the extra violence- I like Rookie Feds so far. Maybe this new show will be more interesting. The crossover episode is on Oct 18- I will look at the episode & will shut it off if the Rosiland character isn't killed off permanently.
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Four Lives (2022)
good true story
11 August 2022
I like this series..very interesting. It deals with the murders of 4 gay men in London UK. It is not soppy, no un-needed blood or violence- pretty typical British tv...but really good.

The police however are complete buffoons without any empathy for the parents/families. British tv always seems to make the police cold, rigid & unfeeling.

The character of DC Slaymaker is particularly inept, stupid, bumbling & offensive..his demeanor clearly shows he does not like or even try to understand that gay people are just "people".

I am at the middle of the second episode & will continue to the end because I want to see the outcome.

I like British tv in general-in fact most of the programs...but the treatment & attitude of the officious detectives makes me angry.

I live in the US so my opinion may be slanted.
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2022 review unhappiness
21 April 2022
1. I have a current subscription to this show under Britbox (it is not thru Amazon), but I cannot find any place to voice my growing displeasure of this tv series.

2. I have been watching this since 2016 & it used to be good, but 2021 & 2022 have carried out story lines way beyond a reasonable time & the stories have become more outlandish with each year. This doesn't have anything to do with the ongoing plague that everyone has dealt with for the past 3 years either.

3. I will not expose current story lines for anyone who is not current with & up to date as of April 20, 2022, but I am going to STOP viewing this series for an extended break.

4. Britbox & UK tv channels don't give you any place to voice complaints/concerns. The many websites for Corrie also do NOT give you a place to voice complaints/concerns.

5. This used to be a very good soap opera series way back in the 1980's but the writers seem to have lost touch with a good story line & with moving the stories forward to a conclusion.
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Vera (2011–2025)
very very good
24 January 2022
I like this series very much. I have seen all the episodes using a Britbox subscription.

But just one you think that the writers/producers/dressers could possibly remove that stupid scarf she constantly has strung around her neck? Don't think it is really that important as part of her character.
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Dopesick (2021)
24 November 2021
I am only at episode 4 & this series has made me both angry & scared. The Sackler family KNEW what they were intentionally doing & simply did NOT care- they just wanted the profits & fame.

The FDA is worthless about actually truthfully vetting a drug. Purdue intentionally lied to the public.

The Sackler family filed bankruptcy & used every excuse they could find to stop full legal prosecution...they were more worried about losing their inflated lifestyle & influence & their numerous homes/cars.

The Sackler family SHOULD have been sent to prison to pay for all the lies & all the people that died using Oxycontin.

Sadly this type of thing will continue because too many people in power are all too willing to look the other way while they have their hand out for the under the table payoff.
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Missing (2009–2010)
easy watch
3 August 2021
I just finished season 1- it was good..not exciting, but good. You have to remember this is from the UK & they have a different take on cop shows & the amount of blood & violence- not like in the US.

This is just easy to watch, the stories are all different & things get wrapped up with each episode- you don't have to be rivited to the screen to follow the story line.

I found this series on Acorn-which is a UK produced subscription. I find lots of good things on the Acorn service.
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worth the time
22 May 2021
Just finished this film & found it to be very good. So first I will address some of the other reviews/problems.

1. No this does NOT depict a sheik from Iran. They do not wear those sort of robes. That depicts more Saudi Arabia, Iraq or Libya where they do wear those sort of robes.

2. At the start of the movie there is referencing to Gert de Jagar. This man is really Cornelius Gerhardus van Rooyen born 1938. If you type this name into google search- you will get a Wikipedia section to read about him. He was truly a very evil man. He also had 6 children.

3. He is featured at the beginning of the film making a statement & refusing to give the name of the high ranking minister that was driving all the trafficking & abuse of the young girls. This minister was part of the National Party that controlled So Africa & maintained the iron fist over the less fortunate citizens of the country.

4. This film shows So Africa after apartheid had been removed. It also shows the ghettos that still existed for the African citizens.

5. The film is sort of hard to follow for the first half- you will need to actually watch the screen to understand who the young girl is as you progress thru the film.

6. The film addressed current existing trafficking & also past trafficking years. Unfortunately it seems to only be getting worse.

7. My review is done from the perspective of an adult white American woman, but I will remember this film for a long time.
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Love My Way (2004–2007)
new from 2021
9 April 2021
I have only seen 2 episodes from season 1 so far- but I do like this series & will continue with it.

I have subscriptions to Acorn & Britbox because I am fed up with all the commercials & over the top blood & violence in US made tv programs & US made movies. If I could find a way to get a BBC subscription-I would do it- please note- I do live in the US. TV programs here are no longer 55minutes- you get 40 minutes of storyline & 20 minutes of very LOUD commercials.

I would like to respond to: jk-692-23639422 May 2013...this review mentioned seeing more nudity in NZ/AU programs- well that doesn't bother me--at least somebody isn't beaten up or shot or stabbed at least 3 times in a 40 minute program.

Also the review mentioned seeing the same people over & over in so many programs...well this is Australia- not the US/Hollywood lineup of actors. In Australia, they have a much smaller actor base to pull from. I think those actors do a wonderful job & I enjoy seeing all the different characters in all the different programs.

I also enjoy TV & movie programs out of the Scandinavian countries. I watch less of them because I have to read most of the dialogue. I am hoping in the future that some sort of AI can be invented that will automatically put those programs in whatever local language the viewer has.

Not all of my review is sour grapes...I do still catch some NBC & CBS shows on another subscription here in the US. That allows me to not have to watch the commercials-I just watch them all 1 day after they are on tv.

Just so you know, Chicago Fire is my favorite & I really enjoy it when the Severide character runs around in his boxers!!
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
good show..but..
9 February 2021
Like many other people, I have been watching this show since the beginning. I also really detest the characters of Lou & Tim...I am now on season 13 & whenever either of them are in the story line, I fast forward past the whining & me me me attitudes of both characters...both could be removed without hurting this good series..
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The Border (2008–2010)
too many americans
15 May 2020
Found this series on Prime...It is Canadin & I liked it...until...they added an American FBI agent to come in & push everybody around...she was NOT needed to make this series interesting & enjoyable..Canada makes good product with their movies & tv series...don't need to stoop to adding American agents - doesn't make it any better...just annoying. PS> I live in the US
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The Wire (2002–2008)
lnteresting program
17 April 2020
I am only on Season 2 so far..I like the series- just would like the music level a little lower--I have to keep hitting mute.
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Gentefied (2020–2021)
15 March 2020
First, I am a 73yr white woman & I LOVED this series..I hope Netflix is smart enough to keep this series going. There are a lot of truths in this series & the really fine actors bring this out. I have seen American Family & Mi Familia and this series is on the same level as both of those shows. Really really fine series for ALL of us to watch....Netflix - do NOT cancel this series!!!
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Royal Pains (2009–2016)
okay show
22 February 2020
Now on season 6, this is entertaining-not compelling. actual outdoor scenery is really pretty. actors do a good job-can't stand the Evan character but I am now clicking past when he starts ranting-can live without the father character also- they are both annoying. But why do ALL the females have to wear 6" heels/wedges with shorts? Anything more ridiculous looking? Story lines pretty good-entertaining to watch.
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Justified (2010–2015)
opinion reservations
25 January 2020
Just started watching this on Hulu-about 5 or 6 episodes into it..this is an interesting show to watch (yes, I am aware it is not longer broadcasting), but I am growing tired & bored with the constant religious crazy & his backward twisted interpretation of religious dogma to suit each of his current situations.

I am now just clicking past all that bull crap to watch the rest of the program-that I can tolerate. The overly southern drawls don't help much- I have lived in Texas many years ago & they do NOT drawl like that at all.

Anyway, something to watch when the snow storms keep us inside.
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Chicago Fire (2012– )
minor issue
16 January 2020
I have watched this show from the beginning & have never been disappointed. But, I have noticed a recent trend with the women's hair...for some reason the people directing this show seem to feel the women need hair hanging in front of their eyes---this is particularly the case with the Sylvie Brett character..she is supposed to represent an EMT in a working role..

In reality...she would NOT be allowed to have hair hanging across her eyes/face while doing her job. Next season the people directing should make an effort to better portray the REALITY of the EMT job- especially since more young women see this program & may aspire to be an EMT.

I don't care if their hair covers their entire face when they are OFF duty...but let's try for some realism in the characters.
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good story
1 January 2020
I liked this a lot...interesting because this really held my interest all the way thru all episodes. Would like to see a season 2, but that would probably then go into using "fiction" to make more episodes. Any bare bottoms that you see is extremely brief & entirely in context for the scene. There are a couple of men in this series I would have slapped very hard.
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