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Fan of the original PS here :
20 September 2024
Whoever made this movie is not a fan of the original. It's safe to say they probably didn't watch it. Why? Because the big reveal at the end is bogus. In the original movie Judd retells the story of how he has buried a dog in the acid, forbidden ground and it came back dark and evil so his father had to put him down. Good research guys!

I remember being very scared by the original but this one is utterly predictable. The ancestors are to blame! I know this is a horror movie but please! How many times do we have to hear the same tired old lines? The character's emotional range was also better exploited in the original.

Asides from that, despite an impressive cast, the movie fails to be anything but lame. Also, young ans sexy actor is always the way to go, but unfortunately he is no Fred Gwynne.

For me this is a fail. I think that franchise is now effectively dead. Please don't go burying it in the acid ground!
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So bad!!!
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
But what really made me write a review was no one appeared baffled that the protagonist accepts to have her first kiss blindfolded to just any guy who has five dollars to spend. What!?!?

That's just apalling! Yes, these guys objectify and control her too. But really? No one got heartbroken over that?

This is a tragedy. Have we become so jaded about sex, that the loss of innocence is just no big deal? Oh and loosing your virginity beneath the Hollywood sign? How tacky and uninspired! Can't even bother to get a motel room! This is shocking!

Clearly girls should learn to lower their expectations. Not! Sex in public for your first time. What's next an orgy? Where is the respect? The self respect and the respect for your partner?

No wonder this movies keeps referencing to John Hughes. John Hughes was the unsurpassed king of coming of age movies. His movies were sweet and deeply human. Nothing to do with this sickening thrash!
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Ken Scott writes movies that have a lot of heart. I love you Ken Scott!
22 December 2022
I like this less than: La grande Séduction. Why modify this pure gem of a film? Ok it's bigger actors and I understand that he'd want this story to be accessible to as many people as possible (english scenario au lieu du français). But it lost it's magic. Without Raymond Bouchard and Luc Boutin the movie becomes generic. They make the surrogate father relationship seem real.

To anyone who enjoyed this: I strongly recommend watching the original. It is worth putting up with subtitles. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry. It will stay with you long after thd credits have stopped rolling.

Starbuck and Les doigts croches are also fantastic Ken Scott movies.
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Hollow Man II (2006 Video)
It was forgettable at best
4 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's a copy paste movie (synopsis) only with a weaker acting. Oh and how can they list Christian Slater as the lead actor when he is only onscreen for about ten minutes? Ok he did the voice over but come on! I wanted to see Christian Slater's take on this! I find the fact that they used Christian Slater's name as misleading since you can actually see him in just two scenes.

Disapointing. They (the writers) brought nothing new to the story. Not even a new angle or how the people undergoing the transformation feels as their bodies began to fail as a result of the experiment.

The original was much more entertaining, and it had bacon 😋
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Copycat (1995)
Very strong movie
4 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It is a perfect polaroid of what forensic science thought about serial killers at the time. It is well written, well acted and thoroughly entertaining.

Helen Hudson is traumatised by Daryl Lee and she retreats from the world untill she is forced into action by a copycat killer.

Which makes for a classic underdog story. How can a traumatised doctor mixing pills and alcohol help find a serial killer? Hard to believe and yet she makes it in spite of her personal struggle.

Sigourney Weaver is captivating and luminous as the damaged psychyatrist Helen Hudson. Her vulnerability is both touching and gripping.

. Strong supporting cast, a very capable Holly Hunter and a dashing Dermot Mulroney to boot.

Very impressive performance by Harry Connick Jr as Daryl Lee, Connick Jr who I only knew at the time from the When Harry meet Sally soundtrack.

The chilling last scene was definetly hinting at a sequel that I would have welcomed like Santa on Christmas eve.

Very entertaining movie.
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I Came By (2022)
Not bad, but not good either
3 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix really oughta put a meh rating as this is one of those forgettable productions.

I was looking forward to seing Hugh Bonneville in something other than Downton. But even though it seemed like a far cry from Lord Grantham, watching it felt like it was kind of a sideways move. Bonneville plays a haughty retired judge whose hobby is of the homicidal sort.

Bonneville villain was sort bland. Not very unhinged, not very mean. Also, interesting issues are left unexplored. For instance, is the character murdering as an attempt to suppress the fact that like his father he is gay? Instead the character is just boring, even the dismembering scene is not very convincing.

All the other characters are unidimensional stereotypes and therefore not worth caring for. And the fiend judge goes through a lot of them.

I think the movie might have been better if the judge had been struggling with his desire for murder. He could have been telling himself the charges he could incur as he was doing his crimes.

The "you don't know your neighbour", burglar finds something awful genre, also seems kind of tired. Especially when it's been done much better. If you like the genre, I recommend you watch or rewatch Bad Samaritain with Robert Sheehan and David Tennant, which is far superior to this movie.
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Submerged (I) (2016)
Impossibly lame!
18 August 2022
I watched in morbid fascination as Jonathan Bennett effectively killed his acting career. Although likeable enough in rom com or as a host, he is just plain weird in this. His acting is off, all the time. Clearly, JB was out of his element with this one.

As of the story, it is full of holes and in dire need of some logic. Someone in tge writing department should have regroup their thoughts cause this story is all over the place.

The characters are utterly forgettable. How did they get Tim Daly on board for that colossal fail is beyond me! Watch something else, unless you love bad movies.
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Farm House (2008)
Abject sick filth
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How can people watch such garbage? The costumes are facetious and superfluous in the part where they finally explain what is really going on. They look like Amadeus left over cotumes got died black.

But as I sit here writing this, still sick to my stomach, I wonder what entertainment value can be found in watching a woman drown her own baby?

I didn't think they would take it this far. I didn't think they would actually show her push the baby in the water. I don't know who's baby that was but whoever agreed to subject their child to this for a movie, should have child protective services look into them. But this Hollywood right? So long as there are big bucks involved anything goes.

Isn't it bad enough that there are people doing that in real life, now they have to make us watch it?

I hate that pretentious, rotten to the core, sub human people can present this as art. This is garbage. I hate this movie.
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Utterly stupid. It's the Resident evil they filmed in Versailles!
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood really need to brush up on their classic before desacrating them in this manner.

The dirigeable? The scene where milady flies in the air to fend off attackers? The scene were milady breaks into the queen's personal appartments? All absurd, nonsensical, pathetic attempt at reviving a classic who didn't need the revamping in the first place.

With so little care put into respecting the book's characters and themes one wonders why they picked this movie to make at all? Why?

The story in the book is what we call in french : un roman de cape et d'épée. This is the quintessential one, the one that comes to mind when you think of the genre.

Typically, this type of story is full of adventures (read action), intrigue (plotting against one's ennemies) and romance.

But this Hollywood treatment has killed the triumvera of excellence with it's heavy handed and unecessary use of special effects and ill advised artistic liberties.

In Dumas's book milady is beautiful and smart and very very wicked. She doesn't need pullies to fly about.

I would also like to point out that in the book, D'artagnan maybe young, but is also very smart. He is always intrumental in countering their numerous ennemy.

He also serves as a moral compass for the other musketeers who are all quite set in their ways.

In this adaptation, D'artagnan is a country bumpkin with a big mouth and wicked sword skills.

With classic themes such as frienship and foiling an attempt at starting a war by compromising the queen, the book's still easily appeal to modern readers and viewers.

Yes, the modern world is almost out of monarchs but there is still something to be said for capable men coming together to do the right thing. And by doing so forming lifelong friendships.

The are gifted actors in this, but I cannot comprehend how they were conned into this soul sucking painful to watch failure.

This is an abject and ludicrous adaptation. It is by far the worst I have ever seen.

I beg you Hollywood, please leave my classics alone. Find yet another game you can turn into a feature film.
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All kinds of awesome
22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet! The original GB gets a 10 but this one deserves a solid 9. I loved it. I thought the all girl cast (previous movie) was fun but this sure beats it.

Songs from the original score set the mood almost right away.

Like in the original, we are facing a genuine tangible possibility of doosmday. Children to the rescue with a little help for grandfather's ghost.

Little Puffmen were super cute and delightfully evil. My only regret was they kind of sounded like the minions.

Young quirky protagonists that perfectly set the underdog table for us.

Although, the original cast wasn't there for long, we the fans had been dying for a reunion. It's too bad that the project came to fruition at a time that Harold Ramis was no longer with us but I thought the hommage was heartfelt and tasteful.

Lots of references to the original for the nostalgics, lots of cool tech stuff and special effects for the younger viewers. A very smart movie. The kind fans, had been expecting since the first GB, sorry GBII.

Also, isn't Paul Rudd super cute with a beard?
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He's All That (2021)
Such bad acting is a disgrace!
13 May 2022
I thought the reverse thing could be interesting. Not wildly creative but it had potential.

When you think of romantic comedies expectations aren't all that high. Actors just have to smile and look pretty and do embarassing things that people do in real life, so we can relate. But the acting in this is so desperate they look insane. That girl (plays the main protagonist) looks hysterical.

Where does Netflix get these actors? Yes, they are physically attractive but they Can't act to save their lives.

As a selling point, Netflix informs us that RLC and Matthew Lillard are back. Yes, RLC still looks good. But to be honest, I don't even remember Matthew Lillard from the original. Freddy Prince, Paul Walker (<3), yes, but Matthew Lillarc? No.

I recommend you pass this one. It is pitiful.
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Beauty and the Beast (2012–2016)
Pales in comparison of the 80s serie
29 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am 12 episodes deep in season 3 and I am giving up. These guys have stretched out the sauce way too much. In my opinion, it was a mistake to make Vincent more attractive. In the eighties version, Catherine find herself falling in love for Vincent despite the fact that he looks leonine. She falls for him, because of who he is. He is well read, refined and noble. He is brave and selfless. But he always looks the same, hence the confusion Catherine feels at discovering how her romantic feelings for Vincent.

This Vincent is a soldier and a doctor but knowing he is a beast doesn't seem to deter Catherine, probably due to the fact that he looks normal most of the time. She spends most of the first two season trying to persuade him that he wants to be with her and that they have a shot at a normal life. Then it's a position reversal. Vincent is the one trying to persuade her. And than they switch again when Liam comes along. I find the dynamic of their relationship exausting to watch.

Kristin Kreuk is a true beauty, and could get anyone to use her fire escape and meet her on the roof.

The 80s version has much better acting, although in this one Catherine takes part in the action. Also much respect and admiration to Ron Perlman who spent hours in the make up chair. The new Vincent benefits from special effects. Go old school and check out the 80s version Linda Hamilton and Ron perlman are entrancing to watch.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
Lower your expectations
20 April 2022
Than lower them again. I did like the original movie better. In this one the story is non existent. This just goes on and on. The characters are bland. Brittany Snow's acting is tentative and terrible.

Only two redeeming qualities: Idris Elba as the driven cop and Jonathon Schaech whose especially good at playing a very disturbed former teacher/murderer. Save this movie for when you've seen everything else and you are bored out of your mind.
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17 April 2022
Yes, this movie has breathtaking images. But the story is also very moving. It says a lot about family and respecting animals.

I love Bryan Adams. I think his raspy vocals are a perfect match for the story. His voice makes you think of a lone cowboys whose only companion is his horse. Although, at time I felt they overused his music, it was still a pleasant ride.

When the movie came out, everyone was raving about the song : Here I am. But my personal favourite is: I will always return. It is overly sentimental, someone somewhere is puking away it's disgust, but I am unashamed to say I love it.

Spirit has a lot of caracter and Matt Damon pulls off another great performance as narrator. His style is kind of subdued and it sort of draws you in. Yours truly, beeing of the opinion that narration is often overused and unecessary. With many narrative performances being damn near mindnumbing.

This movie is near perfect. And I hope you will enjoy it as much as I have.
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When you venture too far into the dark...
12 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The picture you want to paint is not very clear. What is this movie's message? To me it's muddled.

Parts of the movie were successful at creating tension. Other parts just seem to drag on forever. Are we inside the protagonist mental breakdown because her mind rendered fragile by the loss of her daughter, couldn't take the accidental death of her husband? Where the hell is the woman's charger? Did the husband truly physically abuse his wife? If we are veritably inside the woman's breakdown, did she even really lose a daughter?

So many questions. Few answers. For the purpose of storytelling, more clarity would have been welcome.
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Black Friday (III) (2021)
Do yourself a favour and pass...
11 April 2022
Not very funny. Bruce Campbell's presence is not enough to make us forget that this movie rips off other movies such as Army of the dead, the Blob and the Mist. Utterly forgetable. I watched while doing something else, which means the movie fails at getting and keeping your attention.
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Child's Play (2019)
Very nicely done!
24 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I usually steer clear of remakes as they tend to be inferior to the original. But this one is well worth your time.

A strong rewrite rejuvenates the story. Although, I'm not crazy about the CGI doll it's easy to understand why they went that way. The doll is so expressive at time you feel sorry for it. Almost.

The technology the Buddi doll has access to makes it more likely that a teeneger would possess one, once he is too old to play with regular dolls.

Brad Dourif is Chucky. But strangely enough, Mark Hamill also is Chucky. Mark Hamill (the Joker) is one of those brilliantly gifted actors who can take you on this kind of roller coaster ride. Portraying Chucky as being deeply affectionate and creepy reverent to chilling implacable killer in a snap.

The store scene towards the end fell short of greatness. With many dolls being Chucky controlled. Imagine what an army of these little guys could do in a busy store!

A good time to be had!
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It Follows (2014)
Are you serious? This is complete and utter junk!
4 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is filmed like someone school project.

Sexually transmitted evil spirits? Come on!

They follow, yes, but they do it so slow!!! These poor evil spirits have to shlep everywhere on foot and you can just get in a car and crash it! That will distance them!

Disguting scene with the mother having sex with her own son.

Dumb chick getting her cast wet and significant waste of electrical appliances, so sad. :(

Her real flesh and blood stalker has sex with her to end her evil spirit stalker's stalking. Nice simetry there!

No suspense and painful to watch.
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Stage Fright (I) (2014)
Caught this sick late at night
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it. The sleaze ball producer. The fusion of Madame Butterfly and the Phantom of the Opera. Although, they are both from different genre.

Tracy Michailidis has a lovely voice. Minnie Driver is still looking disconcertingly youthful. Meatloaf does Meatloaf and it works.

Quirky and fun secondary carachters. I very much liked that the ghost sounded like Ozzy Osbourne. The metal tunes are good even though the lyrics are simplistic at best. Yes. I caught myself humming the songs the next day.

It's a fun incursion into the musical / opera gone wrong world.
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Mockingbird (2014)
Pointless and lame
22 January 2022
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Insipid and boring. Fails to be scary. Fails to create a tense atmosphere. Watching this feels like work, now when do I get paid?

Actors are neither convincing or relatable.

Some visual effects seemed like a deserate ploy to create tension.

Unfortunately, these effects end up being mostly irritating.

The plot is obvious. They all go to the same address with guns, of course they're going to kill each other off! I don't think the kids could elaborate something so sophisticated either.

This mess of a film is completely mindnumbing.

I agree with the other user, that the use of classical music is both enjoyable and refreshing, but sadly, that is this movie's only saving grace. To try only if you've seen everything else and you have nothing left to watch.
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Inherently stupid
18 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid chicks, making stupid decisions. A couple blind sharks. You know to even the odds, because these chicks are so stupid. Oh and they panic, all the time, wasting precious oxygen, because you know? That's how womenfolks are. And this was made in 2019? Really?

Also, would like to point out, as anyone who loves Shark week can, that sharks have poor eyesight. They rely mostly on their sense of smell, which is many times more sensitive than ours. So making sharks blind doesn't really turn them into kittens.

Blasting Roxette would probably not attrack them but for the vibration it creates. Also would like to know who, in what profession do they listens to music underwater? And who loves Roxette that much? Sounds travels differently underwater and I'm pretty sure down 47 meters the pressure plays a part in how our ears treat the information.

The moral of the story? Now instead of being bullied Mia can be the most poular girl school! All she had to do was getting eaten alive. Now everything is right with the world!
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Scared (2002)
Cheap Scream ripoff
8 January 2022
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Scream becomes Scared. The title even have the same amount of letters! But now we are done with the clever part of this movie.

Scream had a pair of killers wearing masks, Scared has a pair of killers wearing masks.

One of the killers is a loudmouth (flashback to Matthew Lillard's wacky performance).

The killers are seeking fame not unlike in Scream, where the killing tandem plan to blame violence on Tv and movies to plead insanity.

I usually like Brian Anderson movies but this is far from being his best work.

The ultimate scene with Sam and Nick putting their masks back on is stupid not suspenseful. You can't distinguish who's who in the fight and in an unbelievably predictable move : Sam wins! No sequel for this movie!

I frankly don't know if it was meant as an homage or just trying to do it better, but they have failed on both account. Don't bother with it. It's just a pitiful, poorly acted facsimile. Stream or rent the original Scream movie, it will be much more satisfying.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
Tokyo ruined it for me
6 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I made it through season one and a handful of episodes from season two. Many things are great about this show. A lot of great writing. Ingenious plot and original take on heist. Great perfotmances by solid actors.

Now, what ruined it for me is Tokyo. That chica's immaturity is deadly. She's the one who makes rash decisions and lands her teamates in trouble or dead (Moscow). They got away with stealing billions and this stupid cow can't be bothered to lay low? And it's Rio who gets caught! She's like an albatros! And then she has the nerve to insist people help her get Rio back, even though Rio would have been safe if it weren't for her!!! Yes, she's beautiful, but if you have that kind of crazy character in your life, that can not be bothered to wise up and learn from their mistake : you need to cut them loose!
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Blood Shot (2013)
So cool!
14 December 2021
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Big budget movies should watch this and learn from it! I have two complaints: I didn't care much for the terrorist angle to the story, and second? Please make sequals!

So good to see Brennan Elliott in something Hallmark did not produce. Action, comedy, horror. Well balanced too. The vampire's look is a clear hommage to Nosferatu which is awesome. The dynamic between the characters is explosive. Tough bromance between vampire and pugnacious cop, nicely done!

LOVE IT! So much so that I'm willing to overlook that Brad Dourif looked like he bathed in Cheetos. Can't wait to watch it again. Very entertaining!
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The Unholy (2021)
Beware the false prophets!
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Although, the battle of good versus evil angle has been done repeatedly in movies, I thought this one was pretty good. Evil spirit is cunning and manipulates an innocent girl to do its biding. The false healings / miracles was a twisted way for the evil spirit to get followers. JDM has an unscrupulous journalist works well. Good job done by William Sadler has a emphysema ridden uncle / priest. Cary Elwes apparently doesn't have a prayer to save his own life! Some scary moments throughout. Well done!
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