
7 Reviews
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Stop judging movies based on the novels they're based on!
12 February 2008
My summary line pretty much says all I need to. Notice that every bad review of this film is from someone who loved the book! Since when did a film live up to the book!? Of course this is a great compliment to Jane Austen. I mean, if your love of an author's work can make you hate on a movie like this then you have to have a pretty good thing going! Me? No, I've never read a Jane Austen novel. And, I doubt I would have never watched this movie as I'm not in the target demographic. But, I happened upon it one rainy afternoon and it just sucked me in. I noticed it on IFC again tonight and I couldn't break myself away. I love it.

Now, of course, I'm a bit biased as I have a crush on Frances O'Connor. But, still, I thought the acting, pacing, and scenery were all very good. What stands out to me though is the way O'Connor shows vulnerability making certain scenes all the more sincere.
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Day of Wrath (2006)
Slow moving, but well made.
12 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure where people are coming from when critiquing this movie. One review sounds like a group of frat boys rented it to make fun of and were disappointed that it wasn't funny? It's a costume/period piece about the Spanish inquisition! What are people expecting? Action? Comedy? This movie moves very slowly in parts, but it is simply telling its story. You've got to be patient to watch a movie about the Spanish inquisition in the first place, so be forewarned. Other than that, Lambert gives a good performance, the costumes are excellent. I love the little twists and turns.

Is it suspenseful? No. Is it supposed to be? I never got the idea that it was. I guess the bottom line is: What are your expectations of a movie before you watch it? If you go into it with none, then you are a lot better off. This movie doesn't fit a lot of people's expectations, but that doesn't make it a bad movie. In fact, what I liked about it was that it doesn't fit into the normal American movie genres of: action, comedy, buddy movie etc. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the stark beauty of many shots and could accept its low-budget shortcomings because the story and acting were good enough for me to enjoy.
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same movie as taken alive?
12 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure, but I believe this is the same movie as "Taken Alive" Franco's 95 release. I haven't sat all the way through this one yet. I purchased it tonight at Walmart for $1 thinking it was something I hadn't seen. If it isn't exactly the same movie then they re-used a LOT of footage, plot, etc. Very strange.

Anyhow, I watched Taken Alive and enjoyed it. But, I am a serious old-time bodybuilding fan. Franco, as some may know, is a two-time Mr. Olympia, 1976 and 1981. Which, is the highest achievement in bodybuilding. His 1981 Olympia win is one of the most controversial in the history of the sport. He was very muscular, but had a serious leg injury and terrible gynocomastia on one of his pectorals, i.e. he had a small female breast from steroid use. Enough with the history of bodybuilding. As I said, although I enjoyed this movie, very few in the general population will. It's not a "great" action flick, just a quirky low budget porno movie sans the actual porn.
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Well shot, acted, and written despite what others may say...
31 August 2007
I have heard people writing comments about being shocked by the sexuality in this movie and about being shocked by who was involved in producing it (i.e. relatives). Consider this: the actress who plays Julie was not 14-15 years old when this was shot, she was 22! It's called acting. And, her older "brother", an actor who was no relation, was 19. So, get over it folks. It's a movie, a slow moving but very well done movie.

Truth is, I'm sorry if this movie offends some people. But, for goodness sakes, it's a story on a screen that is not even that racy. The movie is actually paced quite well to fit the somber mood and really, who can complain about the acting. I think some who have found any serious fault in the production are just trying to justify their uncomfortable feelings about the subject matter.

Anyway, read the other comments, choose for yourself whether or not you care to watch it. But, if you are not put off by the subject matter, you will find a beautiful and sad story.
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Good on its own...
18 May 2006
Like others have said, many people compare this movie to Monty python- which it is not. Others are disappointed for other reasons. I guess this is the result of expectations. Myself, I really appreciate all the interesting visuals- the mood is very well established. The casting is excellent! (gotta love Imogen!) My question would be, what's not to like about this movie? I mean, if you 'get' python-like humor, enjoy a fantasy adventure and so forth, then you've already seen countless worse movies. This movie is better than almost all others of either genre. It's an all time favorite of MINE. But, if watching goofy guys battle staged sea monsters and hunt for Valhalla isn't your thing, don't watch this! It's like nothing you've ever seen. It's special, and funny, and endearing in it's own weird way.

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Hercules (1983)
Only for devoted Barabarian movie fans...
14 May 2006
Sword and Sorcery, D and D, whatever you want to call it, it was a genre unto itself back in the day. And this, this is one of the defining movies of that genre, like it or not. I, myself, am a huge sword and sorcery movie, comic, and TV show fan. I own many things relating to Conan and started a 'barbarian brothers' website when there was no info on them to be found on the internet. So, naturally, the fact that this movie is cheesy, campy, and just plain over the top appeals to me. And, as an amateur bodybuilder and longtime fan of 'classic' bodybuilding- of which Lou is an integral part, I enjoy this movie as one of Lou's best. Every other comment has given the basic plot, told about the special effects and so forth. But, I just want to say, If you are into this particular genre, this movie is a must have. The coloring, scenery, effect, sounds and especially the magnificent muscles of Mr. Ferrigno make it very enjoyable. It's not so much like sipping champagne and dining on caviar as it is like having beef jerky and pop. But, hey, sometimes you just crave some calorie rich fun food! It is now available on a double-sided DVD with Hercules 2- which, yes, is even more over the top.
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Conan the Adventurer (1997–1998)
Decent Fantasy Series
7 May 2006
Let me start off by saying that I am a big Conan fan. I enjoyed both of the original movies, I've read many of the novels and own a decent collection of comics. I didn't expect much from this series. As far as I know, it was shot in Mexico and is, somewhat low budget. There are kind of primitive (by today's standards) computer generated effects and even computer generated establishing shots.

But, as has been said, Ralf Moeller is a good Conan. At 6'6" or so and 280+ lbs. he makes an impressive warrior. He has been in some of my favorite movies and had a very impressive bodybuilding career in the 80s (not as much in titles, but in achieving an impressive and imposing physique on such a large frame!) So, he is fun to watch on screen. Also, the supporting characters are strong in their roles. Also, there are some characters from the Conan novels such as Karela. Many of the stories are pretty good, some are mediocre (as with any series).

The only real complaint I have about this series is its limited shooting locations and generally (too obvious) low budget production values. When every episode takes place in the same forest, it begins to look repetitive. We watch fantasy movies/shows to be taken away to imaginary places and in a series, this means fresh and new places of adventure, not the same ones show after show. The props and sets are another complaint. i.e. many of the weapons used are obviously wood or plastic and have no sharpened edge of any kind. They really made this too obvious. Conan seems to be the only one with any kind of real sword. What? they couldn't get a BudK catalog and order a bunch of $50 swords? And, every village looks like the huts and houses were thrown together in five minutes. I used to make better forts than this as a kid! So, those are the elements that are less than convincing.

The boxed set is reasonably priced and a must have for Conan fanatics like myself. But, the casual fan may get bored quickly with the generic sets and low production values. As a side note, I notice that Teagan Clive has writing credit on this show- she is a long time writer for many muscle magazines and a bodybuilder in her own right. Also, Matthias Hues ( of "I come in Peace" fame) makes a guest role in perhaps the best episode in the collection- mostly because of his great performance. He lends a more authentic "barbarian" quality to the episode and chews the scenery well in this type of role.
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