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Abduction (I) (2011)
Keep your shirt on Taylor, you've got a great career ahead
27 September 2011
I have no idea why this movie is so panned. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've never particularly taken to either Lautner or Lily Collins to date, but I found them both personable in this. I wish Directors would let Lautner keep his clothes on though. We're not all 13 year old "Team Jacob" ninnies you know, we can actually enjoy a well muscled man with his clothes on! Imagination people, it works wonders. Anyway, about the movie. The premise is interesting, and I feel, fairly well carried out although I would have liked the movie to go another 15 or so minutes to really build the suspense more, I blame sloppy Direction for that. The actors all acquitted themselves well, but I'm getting a little weary at Mario Bello turning up all over the place as everyone's mother. I've never forgiven her for her painful portrayal of Evie O'Connell in Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, her accent was like fingernails down a blackboard - that was a criminal piece of miscasting. Moving along, I think any problems with this movie lay completely in the lap of the direction-less Director and Writers who should have kept the script tighter. I've read other reviews that said there wasn't enough action, I disagree. There was plenty of action, there was just more time spent on inconsequential's than background to the story. I gave it 8 stars which is generous, normally I would have give a movie of this quality a 7, but it needs a boost from the 3 stars it's currently sitting on. I actually think the cause of the resistance is in no small part because Taylor Lautner is in it. And not because he isn't any good, it's the Twi-cringe factor.... I'll be very pleased when the whole Twilight franchise is over and buried so we can all forget it and judge the actors and their future roles on their own merits. It was fun at first, but now it's just old. If Taylor Lautner can keep getting parts like this and do them as well as he did this one (those kicks were impressive) I'm sure he'll be making movies into his 30s at least. If only he were taller! As for Lily Collins, I'm now looking forward to seeing her in Mortal Instruments, I just hope someone does something about those ghastly thick eyebrows of hers - they're disturbing, and worse than that, distracting.
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The Haunted Airman (2006 TV Movie)
Enthralling from start to finish
2 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was completely enthralled by this tale from beginning to end. From Robert Pattinson's portrayal of the physically injured and psychologically tortured airman, to Julian Sands as the less than beneficent doctor, who, from the moment you see him you just know is going to be evil.

The story commences with Toby Jugg (Pattinson) flying his bomber when it's hit, leaving him a paraplegic, followed by his arrival at a convalescent home somewhere in the English countryside, looking far too gorgeous to be ill, and accompanied by his Aunt by marriage who the viewer realizes almost immediately he is in love with.

Over time he comes to realize that his doctor is keeping him isolated, not sending his letters to his Aunt nor passing her correspondence to him.

Then a couple of the other patients - who seemed to be improving - die and his paranoia really kicks in.

If I have a complaint about the film it's that the Direction could have been a little tighter. The acting is exemplary (as one expects from Pattinson and Sands - although Sands always seems to play the same character no matter who it is) however, and I have no complaints with the script.

All in all, this is a very entertaining, if disturbing way to spend 70 minutes.....and did I mention how easy on the eye Robert Pattinson is?
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Race to Dakar (2006– )
A highly entertaining sequel to Long Way Round
24 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I always follow the Dakar, so when my husband bought Charlie's 'Race to Dakar' DVD home I couldn't wait to watch it! Of course we'd seen the broadcast of the race when the actual race was on, but that never gives the background and specific teams.

If you watched Long Way Round then you won't be surprised by the language which frankly I find more amusing than offensive.

I think the only thing that annoyed me about the DVD was Charlie's hair, but he had it styled before Dakar so my feminine need for neatness was assuaged; tho' I could have lived without the 'flame' undies lol As with LWR, the preparation was every bit as interesting as the race itself. I nearly cried when Charlie broke his hand, and winced at every bruise he sustained while training....and of course the death of Andy Caldicott...that was an appalling tragedy, but then every year there's something.

Russ drives me nuts, although his attitude has improved a thousand times from the argumentative cynic he was in LWR. It's great to see him get along so well now with Charlie.

What I learned from this odyssey was - 1. never let Scorpion prepare your vehicle for ANYTHING! - they had months to prepare the X5, and still the day before the team left for Lisbon, Scorpion had only done half of things that needed to be done, and the vehicle was a pain throughout the whole race; 2. the Dakar organizers need to put a lot more work into their rider/driver retrieval plan - leaving Matt (and presumably a large number of other riders/drivers out to dry the way they did was nothing short of culpable negligence; 3. Charlie has an endearing enthusiasm for 'rough and tough' adventure but needs to toughen up a lot to really perform as he'd like; and finally, 4. Charlie and Ewan are planning another of these epos called the Long Way Down in 2007, and I can't wait to get my hands on it! :D If you love bikes and/or genuinely nice blokes 'having a go', you have to watch this, I guarantee you love it. It's very entertaining.

In conclusion, to Simon Pavey - you sir are a hero, I was so impressed by the your 'quiet achiever' manner and the fact that you actually finished.....just incredible considering what an monumentally difficult race it is. And to Charlie, Matt and the rest of the team - full marks for pulling it off. To think that a relatively green team could have achieved so much is truly admirable. You're all wonderful.
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Doves of War (2006– )
Bosnian War Crimes and the UN forces make for great drama
13 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
** Big spoilers here folks so be warned **

The kiwi's should be very proud of this show, and it's a great shame that, instead of ditching it they just fixed the few shortcomings. But that just proves how stupid the entertainment powers that be really are.

The basic story is about a retired (get out or be chucked out) UN soldier, Sergeant Lucas Crichton and a former UN soldier colleague who try to get to the bottom of a leak to a tabloid newspaper revealing an atrocity from his Bosnian war past. With blood on his hands he turns on his immediate comrades in search of the source of the leak, as more secrets are revealed they come to the attention of the United Nations war crimes trials in The Hague.

The show had a strong cast believable in their roles (not the stretch some of the characters in American shows are) and I would've loved to see where it would all lead.

It probably could've benefited from a few more scenes being shot in daylight though. It kind of went overboard with the atmosphere of dodgy deals only done in the dark. And maybe a more imaginative Camera Director. The camera work is a bit 'busy'.

Had the potential for greatness. But it's still very very good.

I believe the show was replaced by one of those dreadful 'swapping spouses' programmes from the US. Talk about the ultimate insult to replace something that matters with such mindless drivel.
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
absolutely brilliant and well worth the wait
26 November 2006
I wasn't at all sure what to expect when Torchwood started but I have to say I love it!!! Capt Jack Harkness is of course very exciting - and a known character since we met him first at the end of the 2004 season of Doctor Who, but the rest of the characters were a complete unknown.

Gwen the main female character I was afraid would be too ordinary, but it's actually her ordinariness that has made the character so good. I'm still getting used to her tho and find myself thinking - heavens girl, stop putting mundane values to what you're experiencing - but of course, that's part of it isn't it? Owen I couldn't stand until ep 4, but I like him now. His character just needed fleshing out a bit, which each successive story has done.

Tosh - well, the name got to me first, love it! - and she's a bit of fun when she get's going. She's so involved in the uniqueness of what she's doing that she was probably dysfunctional in normal life. This is her perfect niche.

Ianto is the droll personal assistant. He holds down the fort, cleans up their messes, pays the pizza man, vets the visitors, that sort of thing. I heard him described as Torchwood's "Alfred" (of Batman fame) and that's a pretty accurate summation.

Like the new Doctor Who, Torchwood is fast and flashy and very 21st century. I hang out for every Sunday for the next episode.

I remember as a 10 year old in the mid 1960s waiting longingly for the next episode of Doctor Who, and by the time it had ended you'd be lucky if you'd advanced an hour in the timeline. Torchwood is approx 50 minutes per ep and I swear it feels like only 20 minutes, that's how action packed it is. And I'm always left wishing it would go for another 50 minutes.

Tune in, check reality at the door, and buckle up. It's a lot of fun, pretty scary, and not necessarily comfortable viewing in parts. This is no show for little old ladies with delicate sensibilities.

There's sex, gore and horror along with a few laughs.
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Sahara (2005)
What a ride!!!
25 October 2005
As a long time Clive Cussler fan I've been waiting a very long time to finally see Dirk Pitt back on screen. And what a perfect Pitt, Matthew McConaughey makes.

I was a little concerned about Zahn as Al Giordino (always my favorite character) but he was pretty terrific too.

Right from the opening scenes this movie was an adventure and the music chosen, complemented it beautifully. I really got a 'feel' for Africa by the use of genuine African music too - traditional and contemporary played......apart from the African music, it didn't hurt that a lot of my other favorite songs were played either.

As far as the book was concerned - I felt the movie kept to the book as faithfully as the time constraints of movie making allows - I was sorry the Kitty Mannock scenes couldn't be used though, but agree it would've slowed the movie down.

Not since Raiders of the Lost Ark have I felt so completely engrossed in an adventure movie from the opening scenes to the roll of the credits.

Can't wait for Mr McConaughey to reprise his Dirk Pitt roll in the next adventure .....(hint hint) For pure escapism in the best sense this is a 10 out of 10 movie, and with no bad language or really graphic violence, it's one for the whole family.
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Carrie (2002 TV Movie)
A unique take on the original
30 November 2004
I think everyone knows the story of Carrie. The strange innocent misfit who's teased mercilessly and maliciously by a few of her school peers. and develops her telekinetic powers to protect herself after a particularly cruel and humiliating prank is pulled on her.

Well, I think I enjoyed this because it put a different spin on the original story. That is, the story is told after the fact in a series of interviews conducted by the police.

The movie has a good cast and the script is good. The special effects, while used to good effect, aren't particularly 'special', but the camera work, particularly in the ballroom scene when everyone is panicking, is deplorable. I've taken better home movies. Still, if you can ignore that....

Overall I really enjoyed this telemovie and would recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of a scare and to be entertained, and not

I'll probably be burned at the stake for this too, but I preferred Angela Bettis charactisation of Carrie to Sissy Spaceks in the original.
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Cold Case (2003–2010)
A fairly ordinary copy of Cold Squad
24 September 2004
I can't quite understand why anyone bothered to make this show, I really really can't understand why anyone watches it more than once or twice.

For one thing, the Canadians made a much better, much more convincing series called "Cold Squad" from 1998-2002. The acting was excellent, the characters believable and the 'police work' was well researched.

I'm not at all convinced by the 30-something - barbie having a bad hair day - central character with the little girl voice. Are we really supposed to be convinced that all her pensive pouting is actually deep thought and not just disguising a vacuum?

I watched it 3 times - to give it a fair go - but it just doesn't grab me.

Maybe if it wasn't so centred around Miss Lily and concentrated on the plot it would be more interesting. I'm not a devotee of shows that glorify a character at the expense of the theme, and it's unworthy of producers to make them.

This is obviously made by the same type of people who bring us all these dreadful "Survivor" and "Big Brother" series.

How negative is all that then? I've never felt so moved to write such a negative critique before. Sorry it was such a bummer, but I feel really strongly about this.

Before you judge this too harshly, go and watch a couple of episodes of Cold Squad.
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Separate Ways (2001)
Not sure if the acting was bad because of the awful script or the script seemed bad because of the awful acting
3 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Massive spoilers here folks - be warned!: A woman who can't seem to get over a high school romance, because, despite the fact that(if the actors are meant to be around the same age as the characters) a good 20+ years must have passed since then, her paramour had said they 'would always be together', and then after having his 'manly' way with her nubile bod', broke up with her.

But, when she saw the news in her high school reunion (or whatever) newsletter that he was about to march down the isle with someone else, she decided to stalk him and remind him of his promise.

Enter the sleazy, unattractive, black-mailing, PI, with the sleazy, unattractive, chain smoking PA (personal assistant) (who it seems he's bonking on the side - who else would have them?).

Despite the jilted high-school sweethearts later protestations - after being confronted by the equally gormless 'soon to be married to someone else' ex-lover - that she never meant any harm, she managed to bump off a couple of clueless blokes in a pretty nasty way - including the aforementioned sleazy PI whom she offered to make a contra "I don't have all the money - perhaps we can come to some other arrangement" deal with and left him with a hypo in his saucy bits and a watery grave.

It went downhill after that...

This is without a doubt the worst movie I've ever seen....and I've seen Plan 9 from Outer Space. I'm not even sure why I kept watching it. Probably because it was on in the wee hours of the morning and I was waiting for a 'proper' movie to come on after it...I think. Maybe I just couldn't believe anything could be so bad.

However, if you're a red-blooded young male, you'll probably enjoy all the T & A.

The only character I found convincing was the sleazy Private Investigator. Neither the female nor the male lead elicited any emotion other than distaste - which was fine since she wasn't supposed to be likable, but I think we were supposed to feel sorry for him - not to mention his fiancée (equally boring and unlikable). Oh well, watch if you dare.
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Las Vegas (2003–2008)
Great show! Fun and fast paced
28 June 2004
The actors have all been very well chosen for their roles and it's pretty obvious the age range the producers are predominantly appealing to. But as an approaching 50, I still think it's excellent entertainment. The fast finger snapping pace that all the shows are coming out with these days keeps the tension and the viewer gets so caught up in the pace that any gaffs or gaps in the plot are easily ignored.

If I had any criticism at all, it would be that Nikki Cox is a little too well endowed to trust all that cleavage to the benevolence of gravity.

I hope the show runs for a long time to come.
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Be a kid again and take every child you know to see it!
23 December 2000
My 6 year old is the toughest audience for any movie. He hates crowds and suffers a form of claustrophobia. So when he insisted he had to see Thomas and the Magic Railway, even knowing how much he loves Thomas (he has every character) - I was sceptical about how much of the movie we'd get to see before he started wimpering that we had to go home - as he had through the 5 other movies we had taken him to see.

Well he surprised me ... not only did he sit with rapt attention throughout the whole movie, but then we went and saw it again!

I was a little concerned that the quintessential "Englishness" of the movie would be lost when given the Hollywood treatment, and the actors would take the focus. I was so pleased however to find that the trains were still the stars. We loved "C" Junior too (that accent ooo!!!) He was terrific - and despite being a little apprehensive about Alec Baldwin playing Mr Conductor I thought he was great too. Blending in the Island of Sodor background with the phone call from the Fat Controller (Sir Topham Hatt) to Mr C was a nice touch as well.

Anyway, I know we'll probably go to see this again at the Cinema (at least one more time) and then I'll have to endure the nagging until it comes out on video, but it's worth it.

Everyone who doesn't have children, borrow one or two or just go on your own and get in touch with your inner child. After all, everyone loves trains.
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The Matrix (1999)
I loved it!
23 December 2000
IMHO this movie perfectly blends the music and the action. The story is unique.

This is a movie I didn't want to finish. So, I watched it again!

From the very original premise of humanity plugged in and used by machines as a power source to the action scenes, I found The Matrix riveting from the opening scene.
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