
6 Reviews
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Centennial (1978–1979)
No DVD yet...
14 June 2005
I loved Centennial when it first came out, and I remember it being re-shown back in the 90s sometime. I definitely agree with all the people who say it's the best mini-series ever! A movie could have never done justice to the complex characters and stories in the book (which I have read at least three times over the years). While looking for info about whether Centennial was available on DVD (it's not), I came across a link on that let me sign up to receive an email announcement in case they ever DO release it on DVD. Thought people here might want to check it out! See:
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Doesn't live up to the hype :(
23 October 2000
I saw Pay It Forward two weeks ago when it was shown as a sneak preview here in Charlotte. I had really high expectations, and over all, the movie did meet a lot of them. I was impressed by the acting of the main characters, and the story was interesting. I don't want to give away anything, but the ending ruined the rest of the movie for me! I just don't see any real reason for it to have ended the way it did, and even if there WAS some justification, did they have to make it so sappy? And that song they played throughout the final scenes was terrible. You know, I might have been able to buy the ending if they had just chosen a better song.
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Light and funny!
7 October 2000
I have loved Midsummer Night's Dream ever since I studied it in 8th grade English class! I was a little afraid to watch this movie since I wasn't sure it could live up to my expectations, but I was very impressed! All the acting was good, but I was especially struck by Calista Flockhart's Helena! I have NEVER watched Ally McBeal, so I wasn't sure what to expect from her. But I felt her acting seemed very natural and real. Sometimes I get the feeling that actors doing Shakespeare are more concerned with just getting the words out than with actually ACTING them, but Helena was great, showing all the emotion that was needed for her part. It seemed coincidental that she was speaking in verse.

Kevin Kline was great as usual, and I loved Stanley Tucci as Puck (which was hard for me to imagine before I saw this movie!) The play within a play was wonderful, and had me and my husband laughing out loud, and the ending of Pyramus and Thisbe even brought a tear to my eye! I liked this movie very much!
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24 June 2000
I remember seeing this movie on TV when I was very young, and I always wondered what it was. This evening I came across it on AMC and recognized it immediately. It hooked me right away. It has some kind of sick fascination towards it. I remember being very disturbed by the ending when I saw it before... I can't believe I was so soft hearted. Now I think the ending is perfect!
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Ok, predictable, but I liked it...
4 June 2000
So maybe it's the vodka affecting me, but this movie made me cry. As a 41 year old, I can totally identify with "Josie Grossie". The movie is a complete fantasy, but I think that's what was intended. Don't we all remember our high schoolmates as stereotypes? There were smart kids and popular kids, there were jocks and stoners. I was invisible, which might be even worse. > I think I look pretty much the same now as I did then, but maybe you won't agree with my own assessment of my looks :) Even back in 1977, I knew that looks weren't the most important thing. Some of the most popular kids weren't the best looking, somehow they just seemed to know something those of us who weren't couldn't seem to figure out.

Who wouldn't love to have another chance to go back and do everything "right"? That's what I liked about this movie. Drew Barrymore's character got that chance!
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Mixed feelings
9 November 1999
I have to start out saying I expected to like this movie, and I did, but in an abstract way, not because of an emotional reaction, which is how I tend to react to movies I "love" (my reaction can be happy or sad, my favorites are movies that make me feel!) I thought this one was generally too detached. And it was hard to differentiate between some of the main characters. Was it really necessary for so many of the main characters to have Southern accents? I had a real hard time telling the voices apart. I came away from the movie feeling like I missed something very important, so I guess my next errand will be a trip to the bookstore. I feel like something was missing from the movie that must have been more clear in the book!
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