Night Visitor (1989) Poster


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Dig That Crazy Cast
Steve_Nyland7 July 2008
Dig the crazy "once in a lifetime cast" populating this obnoxious late 80s supernatural teen horror opus: Allen Garfield (THE CONVERSATION, BUSTING), Elliot Gould (M*A*S*H*, BUSTING), Richard "Shaft" Roundtree, Michael J. Pollard (DIRTY LITTLE BILLY, "Star Trek"), Shannon Tweed, Henry Gibson, and 90s porn sensation Teri Wiegel? To hell with the movie! the casting work alone makes watching this crap almost worthwhile.

Which is as lousy of a teen horror movie as they come, though I have to admit it does have a couple of interesting things to offer. Allen Garfield plays a history teacher at a high school for 20 year olds who just happens to be a practicing satanist. With the help of his apparently retarded brother Michael J. Pollard, Garfield has been leading a double life murdering hookers for Satan when he isn't giving his pretty boy students a hard time for being late to class.

The pretty boy is played by Derek Rydall who fellow aficionados of 80s teen horror will recognize (or, not) as the freak at the center of ERIC'S REVENGE: PHANTOM OF THE MALL, which also had a somewhat bizarre, once in a blue moon cast (Paulie Shore, Morgan Fairchild, Brinke Stevens, and Ken DAWN OF THE DEAD Foree). Rydell is a stunt performer turned would be leading hunk and now a writer ("The Power Rangers") which is helpful because he got to do all of his own stuntwork, though I am not sure if Allen Garfield was that spry.

Back to the movie, Rydell's pretty boy hunk Billy is blessed with a hot mom, a hot gal-pal best friend, and a new hot blond neighbor who is apparently a hooker turning tricks right in her own home. She also doesn't mind if young Billy watches her at work through her windows, gives him cans of beer and flashes her cleavage at him whenever she gets a chance. What a place! In fact everybody in this movie is either gorgeous, well dressed, comfortably rich or all of the above. Even Elliot Gould as the burnt out washed up cop who used to be Billy's dad's partner back when he was on the force. His place has Japanese wicker furniture, a polished hardwood floor and yet he still mopes around in a funny hat just like in BUSTING looking all burnt out & washed up, which Elliot Gould is of course very good at.

Where was I. Oh yes, the neighbor finds herself being murdered for a satanic ritual while Billy watches, he decides to climb up onto her roof to get some pictures to better remember the moment by, and realizes his history teacher is really a disciple of Lucifer. The film then becomes a "Nobody believes me!" game where Billy tries to convince Shaft that his history teacher murdered the hot blond next door.

You'd think someone might listen to the kid -- he even has pictures, mind you -- but no, he and his spunky cute girlfriend have to play Nancy Drew & the Hardy Boy to try and get evidence nailing the guy and end up being chased by Michael J. Pollard in D-Day's Deathmobile from ANIMAL HOUSE. Their solution to get away? THROW A WATERMELON THROUGH THE FRONT WINDSHIELD, which isn't as surprising as the realization that people grow watermelons in Los Angeles in random urban lots.

Meanwhile (there are a LOT of meanwhiles in this movie) Michael J. Pollard also has porn starlet Teri Wiegel chained up down in their basement, and she gets to display her naked breasts for the camera before being slaughtered as a ritual prize for Satan. Yet amazingly this is done in a manner that is surprisingly un-sleazy, which is about the only thing I would fault the movie for: It's not sleazy enough, and ultimately too stupid to actually take seriously.

And yet it has a certain something: Allen Garfield is one of cinema's great overlooked villain actors, his crazed bugging expert gave me nightmares after seeing THE CONVERSATION for about the hundredth time, and what's funny is that the movie actually has no problem with his high school teacher being a satanic pervert. It's just like belonging to the Rotary Club or something, and the weird part is that nobody seems to care even when it should be pretty obvious that the guy has some major judgment issues as he plays bizarre, legally problematic head games with his students. While wearing a pink tie. Right.

You'd think somebody would have said something to the school board about him, but there's a sort of white-bread suburbanite conspiracy going on in the movie's fictional community where everybody does their best to fit in, not rock the boat, and just shrug it off as one of those things. Which is what might work best about the film: Any community that has hookers wandering the streets, satanists butchering them and hot blonds moving in next door who don't mind being ogled by their horny neighbors can't be all that boring of a place to live, I guess.

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Pollard steals the show
udar5519 November 2010
Basically the boy who cried satanist. High schooler Billy Colton (Derek Rydall) thinks his dreams have come true when "working girl" Lisa (Shannon Tweed) moves in next door. He gets more than an eyeful one night when he sees her murdered by a Satanic serial killer who just happens to be Billy's history teacher Zachary Willard (Allen Garfield). Of course no one will believe him since Billy and Willard have a history. So he enlists the help of girlfriend Kelly (Teresa Van der Woude) to try and convince his deceased dad's former cop partner (Elliot Gould) to help him prove it. This is pretty standard stuff and director Rupert Hitzig and screenwriter Randal Viscovich seem to be taking quite a bit from the earlier FRIGHT NIGHT (1985). If I had to recommend it for anything, it would be the loopy performance by Michael J. Pollard as Zachary's brother and co-killer. He really has some funny bits, which I'm sure were improvised, in that always amusing Pollard delivery style. Richard Roundtree is the unconvinced cop and Henry Gibson has one scene as a satanic expert. Surprisingly, Tweed stays clothed the entire time she is on screen (even during her sex scenes).
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satanists who are ordinary people make for a pretty ordinary horror movie
FieCrier8 July 2005
A pair of satanists drive around in an old black Cadillac, picking up hookers to sacrifice. A high school student who's always telling tall tales (I was late to school because my mother burned her hair when her hairdryer exploded!) tries to get closer to a female friend, and meets a sexy older woman who moves in next door.

The high schooler witnesses a murder, and even though when the police show up the body is there as described, murdered when and how he described, they don't believe him when he says who the killer is. I found that a bit hard to believe, even given his penchant for making up stories.

A bit randomly, his best friend is a smartass named Sam Loomis, like Donald Pleasance's character in Halloween.

The satanists (of which there are only two) kill some women in their car, and some in their house. They don't seem to actually have any satanic powers.

There's a few recognizable faces in the movie. Michael J. Pollard plays a sort of character he's played before, a man with the mind of a child. Henry Gibson shows up briefly as a police consultant on satanic crimes. Richard Roundtree plays a cop, as he has a thousand times. Elliot Gould is a family friend who the student tries to enlist.

The movie never really takes off at any point. The ending concludes things, and then follows with a musical montage and a freeze-frame which struck me as silly.
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* *1/2 out of 4.
brandonsites19818 June 2002
Very uneven thriller, but the results are still enjoyable. The film is about a constent liar (Derek Rydall) who witnesses his teacher (Allen Garfield) murder his sexy neighbor (Shannon Tweed). Film blends teen comedy, horror, and police detective films together. While it isn't very well directed or scripted for that matter, it is well cast right down the line and the actors turn in good performances, especially Garfield and Tweed in an appealing turn. The finale is especially amusing and the film has a good pace and is never boring.

Rated R; Nudity, Extreme Violence, Sexual Situations, and Profanity.
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It's not a good idea to call your teacher a Satanist.
lost-in-limbo2 May 2008
It's the solid performances from some recognisable faces that lift this all too typical boy-who-cried-wolf theme in this inconsistent low-budget satanic thriller. What strike me the most was how the storyline is so close to Tom Holland's terrific vampire film 'Fright Night (1985)', but it comparison it does lack the charm and thrills of that film. Vampires no more, but Satanists are the flavour. The hysterically unusual pairing of a wearily scorning Allan Garfield and playfully loony Michael J Pollard was a hammy blast as the two Satanist brothers. Derek Rydall and Teresa Vander Woude make for appealing teen leads that get caught up in the devilish mess. Richard Roundtree's no-bull performance is lean, but potent as the detective on the case and Elliott Gould is amusing as a retired detective who comes out of retirement to help out the teenagers. In support roles the ravishing Shannon Tweed and eventual porn-star Teri Wiegel added some sexual energy. Henry Gibson also pops up. Director Rupert Hitzig hones in a workable display and keeps it on the move, even if his jump tactics inadequately fail. Anyhow the predictably implausible and contrived screenplay seems to be playing it for camp laughs, than actual chills. Just wait for the chainsaw and shotgun clash! It's like it's made up of a bunch of comical errors and eccentric passages, but one or two sequences install some welcoming suspense. But really, the humour does overplay it. And what was the idea of that corn-riddled, over extended ending accompanied with a howling song. It was awful! The whip-lashed musical score drums up the repetitive chanting ala 'The Omen' style, but it doesn't come near Goldsmith's classic piece.
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Skid Row for Actors
JoeB13126 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What happens to good actors when they can't get good roles anymore? They end up in stuff like this.

Elliot Gould was a leading man back in the 1970's. He was kind of a big deal. Some of the other actors were quite good, but could be picked up on the cheap, kind of like that state of the art Commadore 64 someone sells at a garage sale.

The plot is that a teenage boy takes to spying on his neighbor, who is apparently a hooker. No one believes him when he says she was murdered his HS History teacher who had him expelled the day before.

ANd what follows is the case of the worst detectives ever trying to catch the most inept criminal ever before they kill more hookers with no survival skills.

I think Gould's performance irked me the most, because his character came off as kind of silly in what should have been a serious movie. Pollard's character was almost as bad, playing the mentally deficient brother of the Satanist History Teacher.
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Another bad horror film
preppy-313 September 2002
Cute, young Billy Coulton (Derek Rydall--who wears really tight pants all during the picture) sees call girl Lisa Grace (Shannon Tweed) stabbed to death by his high school teacher (Allen Garfield). This all happens within the first 30 minutes. The next tedious hour involves Billy trying to convince the police that his teacher is the murderer while the teacher zeroes in on Billy.

Unscary, stupid, dull "horror" movie with gratuitous nudity thrown in (all the victims are hookers). Also Elliott Gould (who doesn't pop up until a hour into the film) is totally wasted. I'm giving this a 2 because Rydall is good (and really handsome) and there are good performances by Tweed and Richard Roundtree (!!) as a detective. Otherwise this is just a hopeless mess. Skip it.
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Shannon Tweed as the neighbour? I'm sold.
Hey_Sweden29 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"Night Visitor" is a decent little combination of teen comedy and horror movie, no more and no less. It holds no real surprises. Still, it's amusing and it does have one good element, which I'll get to in a minute. The oddly chosen bunch of actors makes it interesting to see. Horror fans may be slightly disappointed with the way the gore and sex are downplayed.

Derek Rydall plays Billy Colton, a high school student prone to telling tall tales. So when he learns the identity of the Satan worshipping cretin murdering prostitutes, people are inclined to disbelieve him. The police can't do anything without solid evidence. So Billy is forced to link the killer to their crimes, but fortunately ends up being helped by former cop Ron Deveraux (Elliott Gould), an associate of Billy's dad.

The most fun one will have in watching this is the offbeat relationship between cranky history teacher Zachary Willard (Allen Garfield) and his simple minded, childish brother Stanley (Michael J. Pollard). One could make a movie based on these two guys alone. As for the rest, well, it's pretty routine stuff. Appealing younger performers such as Rydall and Teresa Van der Woude (as Rydalls' girlfriend) are ably supported by such veterans as Gould, Garfield, Pollard, Richard "Shaft" Roundtree as a police captain, Brooke Bundy as Rydalls' mom, and Henry Gibson as an expert on Satanism. The presence of Shannon Tweed, as the kind of next door neighbour many guys would like to have, does add to the enjoyment, as well as the role for 90s porn queen Teri Weigel as a victim.

Marking the directing debut for experienced writer / producer Rupert Hitzig ("Electra Glide in Blue", "Wolfen", "Jaws 3-D", this offers agreeable entertainment that at least wraps itself up pretty quickly and delivers some appreciable chuckles.

Seven out of 10.
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Good cast in threadbare Satanic thriller
moonspinner552 April 2017
Dopey combination high school horror movie and serial killer nonsense has goof-off student accusing his hard-ass history teacher of murdering the sexy prostitute who lives next door. B-grade item distributed by MGM/UA (!) at least gave employment to some interesting and talented actors, including a heavily-bearded Elliott Gould as a retired detective (excellent), Richard Roundtree as the local police captain, Henry Gibson as a psychologist, Brooke Bundy as the kid's mom, Shannon Tweed as the flirtatious neighbor, Allen Garfield as the evil, smirking teacher and Michael J. Pollard as Garfield's Renfield-like brother. Director Rupert Hitzig never finds an appropriate tone here; he presents a Satanic ritual with an absolute straight face, but nearly all the surrounding drama lapses into either camp or cliché. *1/2 from ****
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The Satanist History Teacher
claudio_carvalho1 January 2004
The compulsive liar teenager Billy Colton (Derek Rydall) witnesses the murder of his sexy and prostitute neighbor Lisa Grace (Shannon Tweed) by his history teacher Willard (Allen Garfield). Willard is an unknown Satanist wanted by the police for killing prostitutes with his brother. Like in the fairytale, nobody but his girlfriend believes in Billy. He looks for help with the former friend of his deceased father, the retired Detective Devereaux (Elliott Gould), and they two decide to investigate his teacher's house. But his snoopy girlfriend Dolan (Kathleen Bailey) has had the same idea and is captured by the twisted brothers.

"Night Visitor" is the first movie I have watched in 2004 and uses elements of horror and suspense, like in "Rear Window" and "Fright Night". Indeed it works well on video and entertains. At least three points deserve to be highlighted and commented. The first one is the beauty of Shannon Tweed, impressively sexy in the role of a call girl. The second is the ridiculous character of the great actor Elliott Gould. I do not know how he accepted such a role. The other point is the lack of continuity from about thirteen to sixteen minutes. Bill visits Lisa and gets a beer in his right hand. When Tony arrives, he waives goodbye to Lisa with empty hands. When he arrives home, he has the can of beer again in his right hand and is wearing a type of dark blue coat. When he arrives in his room, he is wearing only the light blue shirt that was beneath the coat. Very funny mistakes. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Nunca Chame o Demônio" ("Never Calls the Demon")

Note: On 21 Jul 2000, I saw this film for the first time.

On 03 Jun 2022, I saw this film again.
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teen flick
trashgang19 March 2013
This is a perfect example that around the end of the eighties early nineties horror was really death. This flick do has the perfect cast and even that shows that a perfect cast doesn't make a movie.

It started pretty will with the kidnapping of a hooker. A new girl (Shannon Tweed) arrives and looks rather sexy (which is normal have been Playmate of 1982 and married to Kiss member Gene Vincent) and her neighbor, a teenager Billy Colton (Derek Rydall), falls in love and is peeping tom on her. One night he see she's handcuffed and he wants to take a picture. Climbing the roof he witnesses that her neighbor is being killed by his teacher Willard (Allen Garfield).

Of course being a teenager and full of imagination no-one believes him when he tell the police that his teacher is the killer. With comedy elements, especially when Billy visits Lisa, in a horror you have to be sure that it all fits together. Sadly it doesn't. Once the killing is done you do see girls being captured but the horror is far gone. Oh yes, sure, there's some satanic rituals involved and the score does work but on screen the retard and the black mess doesn't work. They do show a breast to please the viewer but once the dagger goes into the flesh is doesn't satisfy. You see the dagger going down from the POV of the victim and only a bit of red stuff appears on her face. No on-camera stabbing or result to see.

Can't say anything bad about the filming and editing except a few continuity mistakes for first time director Rupert Hitzig, already produced Jaws 3D (1983). But I can say that it wasn't a good flick. Still some will seek for it for all the well known thespians in it.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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Fright Day
britneyfoxx23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a total ripoff of Fright Night except the neighbor isn't a vampire. There's even a black cop, played by Shaft, who doesn't believe the young hero with curly dark hair and the bad guy has a room mate or gay lover, played by Owen from Tango and Cash, who helps him murder hookers.

The hookers here are played by real life hooker Teri Weigel and semi-hooker Shannon Tweed. And we get Elliott Gould trying to bust Allen Garfield yet again. He's been trying to bust Garfield since 1973's Busting. The bad guy from The Burbs is in it too for a few seconds. Also there's cool rattlesnake. Essential viewing.
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Ambitious horror film is fun....and scary.
djderka31 October 2019
You know there are a lot of fun, low budget horror films that are very ambitious and fun. Like Blood and Lace, Night Visitor, Killer Klowns From Outer Space, I Was a Teenage Zombie and hundreds of others that are always fun to watch.

Reviewers sometimes don't like them because they think they are one reel short of Dr. Zhivago and are spoiled by viewing Halloween, The Exorcist, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and others.

But these great 'second' tier films can be way underrated. Usually made of a few hundred thousand dollars instead of millions, they offer a fun, quirky, style about them.

Night Visitor has a star studded cast in odd ball character roles. The teacher is a Satanist who kills people for his sacrifices. A student tumbles on to his secret and seeks help to help uncover him. See Dig That Crazy Cast review for actor backgrounds.

Sadly, the director mentions that the studio edited his film, which seemed much darker. This version is lighter and fun to watch. I recommend a whole sub genre of horror films made under 1 mil and are exciting adventures into the mind of directors and writers without large budgets.

I recommend this film, I watch it every time it comes on Comet TV, which probably means it has been edited like all the others on TV. You'll have fun.
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Don't be tempted by the eclectic cast ...............
merklekranz25 August 2010
Elliott Gould, Allen Garfield, Michael J. Pollard, Richard Roundtree, Henry Gibson, are among the interesting cast, that are badly wasted in "Night Visitor". The script involves devil worship, adolescent humor, raging teen hormones, and outrageous overacting by everyone. Nothing in "Night Visitor" can be taken seriously, and that means that the whole mixed up mess just trundles along with the audience left holding the bag, because neither of the elements, the devil worship or the humor work. Do not be tempted by the eclectic cast, as you will be sadly disappointed. I know I was. ............................... Not recommended - MERK
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Don't pay it a visit
Wizard-85 January 2010
Even before "Night Visitor" reaches the end, there will be one question that will keep coming up in your mind: "How did this terrible independent production get picked up by a major Hollywood studio?" Indeed, it's a mystery as to why MGM/UA got the distribution rights, but it's pretty easy to figure out why they subsequently didn't do much with it. (I'm not even sure it played in theaters!) It's a pretty cheap movie, with the low budget making the movie suffer throughout, such as with poor audio and obviously post-dubbed dialogue. But even if the movie had been slickly executed, it would still suffer from a dumb and unlikable protagonist, unfunny comedy, and unthrilling thriller elements. Oh, and some of the most obvious padding you'll see - there's only enough plot for about half a movie. The movie does boast a once in a lifetime cast - Gould, Roundtree, Tweed, Garfield, Pollard - but none of these actors are particularly well used. (And their performances, especially Gould's, suggest they know they are in a turkey.) The movie should only be seen by those curious about how MGM/UA lost its touch by the end of the '80s.
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Intriguing, yet terrible
adamcarriere31 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another movie with attractive females and atrocious dialogue. A cast that makes the movie seem intriguing, but falls short as predictable, and improbable.

For some unknown reason in a horror film, nobody believes the witness. We have to always assume this cardinal rule in cheesy horror, but it has even progressed into mainstream studios.

After Billy Cole (Derek Rydall) witnesses his overweight history teacher murder a prostitute (Shannon Tweed), the local police department is uncertain what to believe. I mean the murder happened as stated, at the address stated, in the fashion as the witness stated. But the only question that arises from the police department is "is he telling the truth" scenario, in regards to the identity of the satanic killer. To make things worst, Billy keeps attending the satanic teachers classes, as if nothing had happened. I mean, which parents would allow their child to go to class, knowing their son had witnessed a murder? Would they not fear retaliation by the killer is highly probable? Would the police not hold the identified killer in custody, at least until a trial was set? I mean, they had an EYEWITNESS to a murder!

The lead actor Derek Rydall is about as bad an actor I've seen in 42 years of my life. Boring, predictable, and unfunny. With actors like Alan Garfield, Michael J Pollard, and Elliot Gould, you'd think the people who made this stinker would utilize them better. It's as if they give this movie a glimmer of hope, in a movie badly needing a lead character.

Night Visitor is a unique film that's filled with potential, but falls short in dialogue, budget, and direction. It just didn't work out. Being a directorial debut, isn't enough of an excuse for this implausible bomb.
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Talk About a Bad Night
NoDakTatum29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Billy (Derek Rydall) is a thorn in the side of his high school history teacher Mr. Willard (Allen Garfield). He is always tardy, and makes up elaborate stories to cover. Billy is also a lucky boy. Sexy Lisa (Shannon Tweed) has moved in next door, and she takes a shine to Billy. Life is good. But wait, on the one night when Billy finds himself on Lisa's roof trying to take a picture of her having sex so he can prove to his friends that she is a hooker, she is killed in a satanic ritual by Mr. Willard, of all people. The lens cover was on the camera and rugged Detective Crane (Richard Roundtree) does not believe Billy because of the lack of evidence. Willard has an alibi, thanks to his simple-minded brother Stanley (Michael J. Pollard). We figure out that Willard and Stanley cruise the streets of Los Angeles and kidnap hookers, using them in their sacrificial ceremonies. Willard begins to call Billy, Billy goes to police, no one believes him. Willard threatens Billy, Billy goes to police, no one believes him. Billy goes to rugged ex-detective Devereaux (Elliott Gould), a friend of Billy's departed dad. Devereaux does not believe him.

By the time you see a pattern develop, someone thankfully brings up a "boy who cried wolf" reference, which seems to be the solitary idea that this weak screenplay was written around. The screenwriter, Randal Viscovich, writes characters that have no resemblance to any people you know- they are embarassing, and the high schoolers act like none ever seen outside of the awful "Saved by the Bell." The adults fare no better. Roundtree's character has no purpose other than to not believe Billy. Watch for Henry Gibson as an expert profiler in one scene, almost convincing Crane that Willard could have a dual life. The scene goes nowhere, and has no effect on the rest of the film. Hitzig's direction is not bad, but he is saddled with such a rotten script he can do nothing with. He does stage a badly choreographed fight between a chainsaw-wielding Stanley and a shotgun-toting Devereaux that probably read really well in the script, but looks terrible on film. Another problem: every character says the names of the other characters ad nauseam. I haven't heard this many names bandied about since my last parents day at my sons' daycare. Getting their names straight is no problem. Also, listen for the terrible musical score as a chorus chants what sounds like "Santa Knees" every time Garfield puts on his jackelope mask and kills a hooker. You probably have not heard about this film before, and you are lucky. For some reason, this has a rabid cult following, and I literally received death threats for this negative review on another site a few years ago. I must be doing something right. This visitor quickly wears out its welcome.
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Poor variation of better movies
jordondave-280859 May 2023
(1989) Night Visitor THRILLER/ HORROR

Unconvincing variation of the 'boy who cried wolf' starring Derek Rydall as Billy Colton who has a habit of being a fibber. And coincidentally witnesses a murder of his next door neighbor done by his history teacher Mr. Willard (Allen Garfield) who practices satanic rituals for his abnormal younger brother, and solely kills mostly prostitutes. And of course, no one believes him including the police headed by Captain Crane played by Richard Roundtree. It has splashes of "Body Double" in here, as well as some recognizable co- appearances such as Elliot Gould and low budget film actress Shannon Tweed. Although, the film has to dumb down proper police procedure since they're supposed to check up on every possible lead if a serial killer is on the loose, one also have to ignore the fact that DNA is for some reason is not optional for some reason. Bomb.
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mattkratz15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was an ok film with obvious roots in Rear Window and The Boy who Cried Wolf. A kid with with a history of telling "stories" witnesses his next door neighbor who he thinks is a prostitute killed by his unpopular teacher. No one, especially the police, believes him. He eventually uncovers a Satanic conspiracy.

This movie wasn't great but had its moments. If you have time to kill, you might find it harmless. I liked the final showdown.

** out of ****
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It's because I'm so full of love
jessegehrig26 March 2022
Why is the Satan worshiper a school teacher, surely the point of working for Evil is you get a better paying job. No offense intended to any school teachers, I believe you should be paid much more but I'm not in charge. But so if you work for the Prince of Darkness, I advise you to negotiate for a better paying job. Now and also so here's this movie and then yeah.
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Satanic quasi-giallo
BandSAboutMovies14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off: writer Randal Viscovich claimed that Night Visitor was plagued with several supernatural occurrences that freaked out the cast and crew. He speculates it had to do with the film's subject matter of Satanism. Yes! Carny BS!

Billy (Derek Rydall, Phantom Of The Mall) has seen his history teacher Zachary Willard (Allen Garfield) commit a series of occult murders, but who is going to believe a kid that's always in trouble? The detectives - Ronald Devereaux (Elliott Gould) and Captain Crane (Richard Roundtree)? Or will he and his girlfriend have to go all giallo and solve this themselves?

Man, this movie has a great cast that also includes Michael J. Pollard, Shannon Tweed, Brooke Bundy, Henry Gibson and a cameo by Teri Weigel. I'm also into any movie that took advantage of the Satanic Panic, even if this is a few years late.
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The Night Visitor is a relatively average addition to the horror genre, but it does have some good performances and characters
kevin_robbins3 October 2023
Recently viewed The Night Visitor 1989) on Tubi. The story revolves around a class clown and a local deviant who witnesses a murder, but nobody believes him. He embarks on an investigation and uncovers potential ties to satanic activities, raising questions about his own safety.

Directed by Rupert Hitzig (Backstreet Dreams) and featuring a cast that includes Derek Rydall (Death Wish 4), Allen Garfield (Beverly Hills Cop 2), Kathleen Bailey (Witchtrap), Brooke Bundy (A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Child) and Henry Gibson (The Burbs).

While the main cast, as mentioned above, is recognizable and delivers commendable performances, the dynamic between Richard Roundtree (Shaft) and Michael Pollard (Scrooged) alone makes the movie worth watching. Both of them bring their characters to life, with a cameo appearance by Shannon Tweed ("Dead Sexy") adding some eye candy. However, the acting feels inconsistent, particularly with the main character seeming to try too hard, and Pollard's partner not quite hitting the mark. Some other characters are somewhat annoying, and there are not enough horror elements to generate excitement. The kills in the film are passable, and it wraps up with a classic 80s ending.

In conclusion, The Night Visitor is a relatively average addition to the horror genre, but it does have some good performances and characters. I would rate this a 5/10 and suggest giving it a watch at least once.
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"Praise Satan."
Backlash00723 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers

Night Visitor seems to be a horror film that disappeared over the years. The film is one part Fright Night and one part Devil's Rain. And since Fright Night is one of my faves, I dug this one. How can a movie about devil worshippers be anything like Fright Night you ask? Let's look at the similarities. 1. A mysterious neighbors moves in next door to our young hero. 2. Hero witnesses a murder from his bedroom window but no one will believe him. 3. Hero has to enlist the help of an aging expert who is not as gutsy as he would have you believe. 4. Hero's girlfriend is kidnapped in the last act. 5. Together with the old guy, hero has to enter the house and fight the villain and his henchman. Do you believe me yet? It has that same sense of fun that Fright Night had, but here it's definitely cheesed up. It's more of a comedy than you would think, but it was very entertaining. The cast is actually top notch. Derek Rydall plays the lead. You might recognize him from The Phantom of the Mall...or you might not. Co-stars include Elliot Gould, Richard Roundtree, and Shannon Tweed. But nobody holds a candle to the film's hammy villains: Allen Garfield and Michael J. Pollard. The two of them have a great rapport as the bumbling satanist brothers. They were a joy to watch. One thing that bothered me though, the box claims "from the director of Wolfen." Yes, the second-unit director. Can they do that? I guess they did.
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decent fright night ripoff
ManBehindTheMask637 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Night Visitor is an entertaining and old school 80's horror flick that shares a lot in common with another horror classic called Fright Night. A senior in High School named Colton discovers his neighbor is a hooker but his friends don't believe him. So one night he decides to get photos for proof, except he happens to photograph her being murdered by a devil worshiping serial killer...who also happens to be his history teacher! The only problem is Colton likes to cry wolf and tell stories. So the police and the other students are skeptical. So Colton decides to stop this psycho himself. There are some great 80's tunes, some good acting, and some good T&A. But the film has no gore and a low body count. Shannon Tweed is a treat and Elliot Gould is fun to watch as the ex-detective. It felt like a re-hash of Fright Night but was still fun and unique. The whole teacher being a killer idea was effective. The bum from "Scrooged" plays the killers "special" brother. A pretty good film. Oh, and a terrible poster for the looks like a giant bug or bee when it's really the killer's mask.
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Rupert Hitzig should do more films with a larger budget.
lorenzo2126 June 2002
This is a classic two week shoot genre flick that is fun all the way around. For the genre, the directing by Hitzig is great, and the show is stolen by a small part done by Jovanni Brascia as a john. Everyone studying film, should watch this to see how the basics work, when you have no or little budget. It is done remarkably well and the cast is stellar. Based on what is in this film, Rupert Hitzig is a man we will hear a lot about.
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