Star Trek: The Ultimate Computer (1968)
Season 2, Episode 24
Could be a stage play, perhaps?
30 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this episode at least once every decade since the '80s, and it seems we're getting closer to the possibility of computers gaining their own 'mind' in reality. In fantasy, there's HAL from 2001:A Space Odyssey (soon after this was broadcast), War Games, and the basis of the Terminator franchise, but I can't think of anything before this (though I acknowledge another review has mentioned something from the '50s).

The stage play thought sprang to mind after hearing William Marshall's sonorous delivery, and today, perhaps the story could be lengthened and the tech made aesthetically more up-to-date, though not a lot more to update- they're way ahead of the time as so often on Trek. Today's technology could provide some great live visuals, while of course, hopefully not trying to take over the performance.

Anyway, enough of my pipe dreams. Here, a great show from our three leads with their unique chemistry, Scotty despairs the only way he knows how, and Chekov gives us a "wessels". But, to hear William Marshall say "Revolution" is a treat.

Also, Spock's humorous little put-down of McCoy's "torrential flood of illogic" at the end is highly memorable.
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