IMDb Polls

Poll: Charlie Chaplin at 125 Years Old

On Wednesday 4/16/2014, Charlie Chaplin was born 125 years ago. If he mysteriously returned to life today (and in good health of course), what would you ask of him?

Discuss your choice here:

Results of 982 votes:

  1. 1.

    Charles Chaplin in The Great Dictator (1940)

    I'd push him to go into politics. Charlie Chaplin for President 2016!
  2. 2.

    Charles Chaplin in City Lights (1931)

    He's only human. I'd leave him to his own devices as I wouldn't want to bother him.
  3. 3.

    "The Gold Rush" Behind the scenes Charlie Chaplin, Rollie Totheroh Cameraman, Ed Manson. 1925 UA

    I would ask him if he would mind returning to to filmmaking as a director, (especially using my own script).

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