Franz Kafka Poster

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 2021/VII Metamorphosis (original story) (post-production)
  Comme au ciel (short story) (completed)
  Vor dem Gesetz (Short) (based on the short story by) (completed)
 2024 Bratrovrazda (Short) (short story)
 2023 De gedaanteverwisseling (Short)
 2023 ¡EyL! (Short) (adapted from the short story by)
 2023 Pátio do Carrasco (Short) (from a short story by)
 2022 Loteria (Short) (inspiration)
 2021/VIII Metamorphosis (Short) (story)
 2021 Joséphine la cantatrice ou le peuple des souris (Short) (short story by)
 2021 The Trial (inspired by)
 2021 Cineficción Radio (Podcast Series) (book "Franz Kafka's Diaries" - 1 episode)
- Los sueños (2021) ... (book "Franz Kafka's Diaries")
 2021 In the Penal Colony (Video) (short story)
 2020 The Hunger Artist (Bengali) (Short) (story)
 2020 Decisões (Video short)
 2020/I Ghost Light (Short)
 2020 Jiu Jitsu Frau (Short) (original story)
 2019 Ainer Dorojay (Short) (original story)
 2019 Metamorphosis Centenary Edition (original story)
 2019 Samsa (Short) (novel)
 2019 In Our Synagogue (Short) (based on the unfinished novel by)
 2019 Silence of the Sirens (Short) (original story by)
 2018 I riassuntini (TV Series short) (based on the novel by - 2020)
 2018 The Trial (based on the novel by)
 2018 (Some) Mortal Tales (Short) (inspired by the book written by)
 2018 Csótány (Short) (novel)
 2017 Sen (Short) (original story)
 2017 Mr Rotpeter (Short) (story "Ein Bericht für eine Akademie")
 2017 Siesta Z (TV Series) (based on the original work by - 1 episode)
- La metamorfosis (2017) ... (based on the original work by)
 2016/III The Great Wall (Documentary) (short story)
 2016 The Judgment (original short story)
 2016 Artist of Fasting (short story)
 2016 Der Kübelreiter (Short) (based on a short story by)
 2015 Metamorphosis (Short) (writer)
 2015 The Judgment (Short) (story)
 2015 Metamorfoses de Franz Kafka (Short) (short story)
 2015 Brudermord (Short) (short story)
 2015/I The Metamorphosis (Short) (based on the novella by)
 2015/II The Metamorphosis (Short) (story)
 2015 Up in the Gallery (Short) (story)
 2015 The Process (based on the novel by)
 2015 The Neighbour (Short) (story)
 2015/II K (novel "Das SchloÃY")
 2015 Métamorphose (Short) (freely adapted from the novel by)
 2014 Ein Hungerkünstler (Short) (story by)
 2014 Hochzeitsvorbereitungen auf dem Lande (Short) (story)
 2014 Die Verwandlung (Short) (based on the novella by)
 2014 Report to an Academy (Kafka) (Short) (short story)
 2014 Kafka's the Burrow (novella)
 2013 Dönüsüm: Franz Kafka (TV Movie) (novel)
 2013 Ein Bericht für eine Akademie (TV Movie)
 2013 In the Penal Colony (Short) (story)
 2013 Septième Promenade (Video short)
 2013 Give It Up! (Short) (story)
 2013 People in Places (short story)
 2012 A Common Confusion (Short) (story)
 2012/I Metamorphosis (based on the novella by)
 2011 Before the Law (Short) (writer)
 2011 Dissent (Short) (inspired by the short story "The Judgment" by)
 2011 Trapeze (Short) (story)
 2011 Schakale und Araber (Short) (short story "Schakale und Araber")
 2009 The Burrow (Short) (story)
 2009 The Toledo Report (Documentary) (inspired by A Report to an Academy)
 2008 Conversation with the Supplicant (Short) (based on the short story by)
 2008 Pratioci (Short) (story)
 2007 Franz Kafka's a Country Doctor (Short) (short story "Ein Landarzt")
 2007 A Metamorfose (Short)
 2007 La metamorfosis (story)
 2006 L'homme qui attendait (Short) (story "The Trial")
 2006 Nu devant un fantôme (Short) (novel)
 2006 In the Penal Colony (Short) (story)
 2006 K. Beskrivning av en kamp (TV Movie) (story)
 2005 Emancipación (texts)
 2005 Smesne i druge price (TV Series) (novel - 1 episode)
- Most (2005) ... (novel)
 2004 Metamorfosis (Short)
 2004 Tomorrow and the Day Before (Short) (words)
 2004 The Hunger Artist (Short)
 2004 Teatr Polskiego Radia (Podcast Series) (author - 1 episode)
- Przemiana (2004) ... (author)
 2004 Menschenkörper (Short) (short story "Ein Landarzt")
 2002 Prevrashchenie (novel "Die Verwandlung")
 2002 K (stories)
 2002 Ein Brudermord (Short) (original story)
 2002 The Hunger Artist (Short)
 2002 Neue Flucht (Short) (based on a short story by)
 2002 Flight Path (Short) (screenplay based on short stories by)
 2000 In The Penal Colony (TV Movie) (original story idea)
 1999 Am Ende des Ganges (Short) (novel "Der Prozess")
 1999 Bratobójstwo (Short) (story)
 1999 A Common Confusion (Short) (writer)
 1998 The Sickroom (Short) (story)
 1997 The Castle (TV Movie) (novel: "Das Schloß")
 1997 Metamorphosis: Beyond the Screen Door (Video) (based on the book by)
 1996 The Country Doctor (Short) (short story "Ein Landarzt")
 1995 Nachtland (Short)
 1995 The Hunger Artist (Short) (short story by)
 1994 Inkarnace (novel)
 1994 Procesas (TV Movie) (novel "Der Prozess")
 1994 The Castle (novel "Das Schloss")
 1994 Amerika (novel)
 1994 La metamorfosis de Franz Kafka (Short) (based on the novella by)
 1994 Kamarihaikara (Short) (short story)
 1994 La mort de Molière (Video)
 1993 Khaltabita (novel)
 1993 Rastreseno gledanje kroz prozor (Short) (story)
 1993 Screen Two (TV Series) (novel - 1 episode)
- The Trial (1993) ... (novel)
 1993 The Trial (novel)
 1992 Hiilisangolla ratsastaja (TV Short) (short story)
 1991 Books: Feed Your Head (TV Mini Series short) (book "The Metamorphosis" - 1 episode)
- The Metamorphosis (1991) ... (book "The Metamorphosis")
 1990 Tsikhe-Simagre (novel "Das Schloss")
 1989 Informe per a una acadèmia (TV Movie) (play)
 1989 Theatre Night (TV Series) (novel - 1 episode)
- Metamorphosis (1989) ... (novel)
 1987 El prontuario del señor K (TV Movie)
 1986 Castighi (short story: "Das Urteil")
 1986 Linna (novel "Das Schloss")
 1984 Le château (TV Movie) (novel "Das Schloss")
 1984 Class Relations (novel "Amerika")
 1983 Die Vorüberlaufenden (Short) (short story)
 1983 Kafka (TV Movie documentary) (writer)
 1983 La métamorphose (TV Movie) (short story)
 1982 A Hunger Artist (story)
 1982 The Hunger Artist (Short) (short story)
 1982 Levél apámhoz (TV Movie)
 1982 Télévision de chambre (TV Series) (novel "L'Amérique" - 1 episode)
- Une villa aux environs de New York (1982) ... (novel "L'Amérique")
 1981 Ein Brudermord (Short) (story)
 1981 Fraticidio (Short) (story)
 1980 Ante la ley (Short) (story)
  Television Theater (TV Series) (based on a novel by - 1 episode, 1980) (author - 1 episode, 1958)
- Proces (1980) ... (based on a novel by)
- Kolonia karna (1958) ... (author)
 1978 Il processo (TV Movie) (novel)
 1977 Brosta sto nomo (Short) (story)
 1977 The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa (Short) (story)
 1976 Redogörelse framlagd för en akademi (TV Movie) (story)
 1976 Metamorphosis (novella "Die Verwandlung")
 1975 Koplalómüvész (Short) (novel)
 1975 Die Verwandlung (TV Movie) (novel)
 1975 El teatro (TV Series) (novel "Das Schloß" - 1 episode)
- El castillo (1975) ... (novel "Das Schloß")
 1974 Omnibus (TV Series documentary) (novel: "Das Schloß" - 1 episode)
- Kafka's Castle (1974) ... (novel: "Das Schloß")
 1973 Der Prozess (TV Short) (novel)
 1972 Plain-chant (TV Series) (1 episode)
 1971 The Visitation (TV Movie) (based on works by)
 1970 The Penal Colony (story)
 1970 The Great Wall of China (based on the stories by)
 1970 Tuomio (TV Movie) (short story)
 1969 Thirty-Minute Theatre (TV Series) (short story: Ein Bericht für eine Akademie - 1 episode)
- Lecture to an Academy (1969) ... (short story: Ein Bericht für eine Akademie)
 1969 Amerika oder der Verschollene (TV Movie) (novel)
 1969 Oikeusjuttu (TV Movie) (novel "Der Prozess")
 1968 Hora once (TV Series) (1 episode)
- La metamorfosis (1968)
 1968 The Castle (novel "Das Schloß")
 1967 Le fratricide (Short) (short story)
 1966 Theatre 625 (TV Series) (book - 1 episode)
- Amerika (1966) ... (book)
 1965 De grafbewaker (Short) (story)
 1965 Beretning for et akademi (TV Movie) (writer)
 1963 Ein Bericht für eine Akademie (TV Movie) (novella)
 1963 In der Strafkolonie (TV Movie) (short story)
 1962 La metamorfosis (story)
 1962 The Trial (based on the novel by)
 1962 Das Schloß (TV Movie)
 1962 Prosessen (TV Movie) (novel)
 1961 Der Prozeß (TV Movie)
 1956 Folio (TV Series) (novel - 1 episode)
- The Trial (1956) ... (novel)
 1955 El proceso (Short) (novel "Der Prozess")
 1954 K (Short) (novel "The Metamorphosis")
 1950 Una confusión cotidiana (Short) (short story)
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 2024 Sweet Brother (acknowledgement) (post-production)
 2017 Mr. L (Short) (thanks)
 2015 Männin (Short) (acknowledgment)
 2008 The Reader (acknowledgment: The Metamorphosis by)
 1993 Mutant Action (thanks)
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 2024 ZDF-Mittagsmagazin (TV Series)
 2018 Franz Kafka - Writer between the Worlds (Documentary)
 2010 Kentler Ve Gölgeler (TV Series documentary)
Self - Subject
- Derya Alabora, Prag, Franz Kafka (2010) ... Self - Subject
 2006 Wer war Kafka? (Documentary)
 1983 Kafka (TV Movie documentary)
 1983 Les Idées et les hommes (TV Series documentary)

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