
40 Reviews
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The 100: The Flock (2020)
Season 7, Episode 9
Never Better
10 August 2020
Get the FLOCK outta here ! Non stop suspense. What a series.
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Veep: Convention (2015)
Season 4, Episode 5
Maybe my Favorite
20 June 2019
Hard to depict a favorite episode with this kind of Series, but that lil tirade of Amy's was climactic. Combine with Karen's characterization of the one you love to hate.. Just overall intensity with such quick witted writing. A+
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Animal Kingdom: Man vs. Rock (2019)
Season 4, Episode 3
Other Gang ? Say what ?
16 June 2019
Hey I know this isn't a forum format, but this clarification may still be helpful for review purposes. What non-Hispanic "other gang members " are being referred to ? I've watched every episode and can't narrow down who you are inquiring about.

You mentioned "with the girl". There is Mia, who is part of "Lil Pete's" gang and no new "non-Hispanic" characters have been introduced there. There's "Frankie", who is working with Craig primarily and the Cody's. No additional new gang involved. Then there's "Young Smurf" who is flashing back 30 years (give or take) to her first gang with Colin, Jake, and those dudes. Colin and Jake are not Hispanic. Is that who you are thinking of ? That is a "flashback". Smurf remembering her younger days, as she is confronted with her mortality in the present-day. The only other "girl" character in play is "Angela", Jay's mother Julia's, old friend who was in prison. She currently has no gang affiliation.

So, I'm a bit confused about this "review question" and can't seem to make proper sense of the character referrals. Can the poster clarify who the girl in question is and be more specific ? My OCD won't let it go. Thanks !
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Animal Kingdom: The Hyenas (2018)
Season 3, Episode 13
Not the Best Episode of the Season
15 June 2019
Well, finales generally end up being one of, if not the best episodes of a given Season. For me, this episode did not support that standard. It was good. There was intrigue and answers, and more questions presented. It wasn't as intense or had the action and climactic scenes like some others had. I suppose it's the jobs. I think my favorite parts are the "heist" type episodes, but storyline drama can be suspenseful and entertaining as well. So, I'm just leaving this cuz the rating doesn't seem to reflect my own assessment, in relation to all the other episodes. I wouldn't give this the highest marks of the Season, as its rating suggests. Still very much addictive.
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Animal Kingdom: Incoming (2018)
Season 3, Episode 8
Damn Good
13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah I dunno about not enough people getting to watch this show or not, but man it's good and I'm hoping for many more seasons.

To the one review about 'noise on a plane', you might be surprised how, A) quietly you can cut through cardboard with a sharp blade and B) how much background noise there is on a cargo plane. There's a hum and lots of clinks and clanks happening. Not like commercial air travel and for sure not a library.

One of the things I actually like about this series is, in spite of the sensational possibility of a family like this in California, the details portrayed with the jobs and job planning make it appear not really that far of a stretch. Plus I lived on Camp Pendleton for the better part of 3 years, and all the Oceanside, Vista, Tiajuana connections, make it that much more interesting for me. For not being HBO or Showtime, they provide some great intensity, realism, and grit at times. 9.5/10
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Animal Kingdom: Eat What You Kill (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
Worth the wait
11 June 2019
So, I just started watching TV again about 2 years ago, after about a 15 year hiatus. In fact, I still don't have a television. I discovered streaming and IMDb. I do research and decide what I'm going to binge. Animal Kingdom has been on my radar, but for some reason other Series were taking precedence, until a couple weeks ago. I still haven't seen some very popular shows such as, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Lost, The Walking Dead, and Game of Thrones, to name a few high rated popular ones. I have seen Series like, The Leftovers, The Path, Under the Dome, The Crossing, Wayward Pines, Humans, The 100, Suits, Shameless, Westworld, Narcos, The Handmaid's Tale, Banshee, Band of Brothers, Carnivale, The Deuce, The Americans, Quantico, and MANY other good ones, the last 2 years.

I rate them all relatively highly because, like I said I do my research and I know what I like. I cannot honestly say that Animal KIngdom is the best or my favorite, as there are several, but it is among the top tier, and has a special vibe, as the one review mentioned. Originally I rated it 8/10, but halfway through the second season I have bumped it up to 10. It's addiction level is high and in a sense, I am glad that I waited. It was worth the wait and was like keeping some good quality "in the bank".
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Band of Brothers: Bastogne (2001)
Season 1, Episode 6
Almost Gut Wrenching 9/10
27 May 2019
For the life of me, can't really comprehend how 600 out of 5000 voters, rated this episode a 1/10. The weighted mean still sits at 8.7 out of 10, but still there are almost 600 viewers out there giving this the WORST possible score. Anyone comprehend this ? Is the story too dramatic ? Too painful to watch ? Too realistic ? Too cinematic ? Are these 600 Europeans that hold a grudge ? Whatever it is, it's somewhat baffling.

My stepfather had this series collection on VHS. He's a retired history teacher who is extremely picky about what he reads and watches. Mostly sports, history/biography, and current events. I knew this was a special production, but I never got around to watching it until now. I served 4 years in the USMC and I feel thankful I never experienced war.

Granted this can be a tough episode to sit through, but not for reasons that support a dreadful RATING. What's the problem ? Anyone know why 12% of the voters despise this episode or movie ?
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Revolution: The Plague Dogs (2012)
Season 1, Episode 4
I enjoy it but....
27 May 2019
The show is more than passable for me, but a lot of the complaints that people make ARE somewhat justifiable. I really try to overlook as much as possible. Just the thing that got me in the beginning of this episode was... with the dogs.

They hear a noise in the dark, notice where it's coming from, and Miles takes a torch, their only source of light and throws it on the ground near the noises. Now if he didn't want to get too close, out of fear, why on earth toss the torch ? I just can't imagine getting rid of that torch. Everybody knows to use a stick of FIRE to ward off wolves, tigers, wild dogs ...dinosaurs, cavemen, whatever.. Let's just forget the torch and have the dogs chase us around. Ok sounds like a plan. I know, people don't think when in crisis mode... Only this is Miles, the go-to military man. Oh well, just wanted to get that off my chest. Torches, man, torches.
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What's up with that music ?
20 May 2019
The show's pretty good, but did the background score for this episode weird anybody else out ? Maybe this is a British thing ? Bohmp ! tikki tikki tikki Bohmp ! LOL :D I dunno. I really like this clone concept and all but I suppose I haven't totally 'bought in' to "Orphan Black", as must-see TV yet. I just binged 'Carnivale' and maybe I'm thinking too much "big budget". The music is some interesting generic chit though.
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Carnivàle: Outside New Canaan (2005)
Season 2, Episode 11
18 May 2019
I know this sounds pretty wussy, but at points the suspense was so great I almost felt like skipping ahead a scene to relieve the tension.

Still a shame this Series only lasted 2 Seasons. This may be on the all-time list of shows that were cancelled against the will of the people.
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Rudderless (2014)
Hidden Gem of a Film - 8.6 <--- (specifically)
17 May 2019
This is one of those hidden gems that not nearly enough people will ever get to see....regrettably.

Most of the reviews have covered all that can be said about the film and some are spot on. Those that didn't like it or were uber-critical of the film, probably either reek of the pretentious ilk, are ruled by a cynical or hardened heart, or lack the maturity necessary to appreciate it. I do understand it doesn't contain the easiest subject matter to initiate.

As many have noted, it's an extremely provoking, deep, and emotional film. I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one to acknowledge William H Macy's talent both in front of and behind the camera.

This movie will unfortunately be lost and forgotten among the big studio and blockbuster productions. I wish I could have persuaded more friends and associates to check it out. The truth is I although gravitate more toward the action, sci-fi, faster paced genres, I welcomed what this film delivered. Granted, I was a music ed major in college, I'm also a Marine Corps vet, adventure seeker type. This movie is refreshing, and without a doubt an awesome diversion from your typical high powered, big budget, endorphin-targeted feature films of today. I HIGHLY recommend it.
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The 100: The Warriors Will (2018)
Season 5, Episode 10
Insanely Intense
11 May 2019
Man. I just can't remember a TV Series being this intense. This episode is good, really good. The reviewer saying Abby and Octavia are dragging the entire show down must be watching a different program, living in an alternate universe, on some potent substance, or being emotionally distorted by the heavy content conveyed by those actors. As someone who has physically experienced opiate WD's, Abby's depiction was actually TOO realistic and riveting for me.

I just grow so weary of the "the storylines COULD have been so good" or "it had SO much potential" criticisms. I get it if you just don't like something or it's not your cup of tea, but if 90% of viewership is not ready to "clean house", how pretentious is it to think your conclusions are sufficient enough to make major production staff changes ? I propose that maybe YOUR house be cleaned and examine what internal issues are causing your negative viewpoints, while we stick with the satisfied 90%.

If all these arm-chair screen writing experts could show me their portfolios so I can see what a REAL masterpiece looks like, I would greatly appreciate it. It's important to distinguish the difference between "bad, sloppy writing" and just a storyline or character arc that doesn't happen to be YOUR personal preferred direction or choice. "Time to clean house".... Yeah I'm sure the producers will get right on that for ya. Peace.
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The 100: The Other Side (2017)
Season 4, Episode 11
These people are somethin else aren't they ?
9 May 2019
Well I will admit this much. These characters have more Flip Flops than the beach at Ocean City on 4th of July weekend. First it's, "No, we have to kill these people so the rest of us can live". Then it's, "No, I will never sacrifice another person, we'll find a way". Then it's back to, "The ONLY way we can survive is if we let so and so die". Then it CHANGES again. I keep saying to myself, "Wait, you said last month you're not doing that again". Its worth it, it's not worth it, It's worth it, it's not worth it.... -Sighs-

Anyhow, it always keeps me on my toes and delivers a measure of suspense. One thing for sure, I certainly don't know what I would do if I were in those situations. It's still a pretty decent show if it has you captivated and grumbling to yourself. This week I'm wanting to slap Ja ha and Clarke. Oh Harper and Jasper too. Used to Bellamy. Anyway, let me get back to it and see what happens. (obviously I am way behind but should be current in a few weeks). Peace.
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The 100: Perverse Instantiation: Part One (2016)
Season 3, Episode 15
I'm Still Hooked !
7 May 2019
Again I'm addressing the 1/10's Campaign. - I dunno. You know those negative "wounded" people who always have that "Us Against the World" mentality who always find a way to make it about somebody being "oppressed" ? I think maybe THAT'S what infected the user rating platform.

For example ---> "It's especially gross when (the tortured) are only bisexual characters (or even any other minority character for that matter, which it ALWAYS is lets be real) that the writers take so much pride in being "so progressive" for." Then they talk about how Clarke was supposed to represent the BISEXUAL community, but if these LGBT and minority characters are always going to be mistreated {by the writers}, then they'd rather have NO representation at all.

Awwww. Are you serious ? Really ? I'm blown away that so many so-called fans have made this show about societal social agendas. I get that certain people groups have been mistreated in life, gone through painful stuff, and yearn to have gratifying representation on television that they can identify with. That's understandable. But all this "lashing out" and attacking of a TV SHOW'S creator, storyline choices, and writers, is just a really bad look, not to mention immature, unfair, and IMAGINARY. -----> "The writers have to get off of their high horse and stop queer baiting."

I'm starting to comprehend what's happened here. When word got around that the "The 100" had strong Bi/Homo-sexual or minority lead characters or side plots, those groups "rallied" around the show, tuned in, supported it, and became invested in their story arcs. They were figuratively "rejoicing" for a "win for our team". They were happy they finally had characters on-screen they desired to identify with and fall in love with. THEN, when the story arcs and character developments didn't conform to THEIR ideas or meet THEIR expectations, they felt BETRAYED and lashed out in the manner they are accustomed to. Hmmmm.

Does that sound pretty accurate or plausible ? I don't know what to say except that's what you get when you make TV SHOWS about something more than just SIMPLE entertainment. Thankfully, The 100 survived the "Assault of the Scorned" fanbase exodus and has moved on for 3 more Seasons and likely a 4th (depending how this Season 6 goes).

Perhaps the writers "got off their high horses and stopped queer baiting" to achieve continued success. Perhaps they ARE aware of the IMDB controversy that was had Season 3. Perhaps "Perverse Instantiation" has a double meaning signaling the lessons that the writers learned in Season 3. I'll be starting Season 4 tomorrow. Peace.
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The 100: Terms and Conditions (2016)
Season 3, Episode 8
A Certain Percentage of User Reviews Are Becoming a Joke
6 May 2019
I wrote an exposition on the reaction to the previous episode, and the reviews this episode only confirm my assessment. It's a crying shame that personal and political agendas are adversely influencing the viewer sentiment of a quality show. Some of these 1/10 reviews are quite frankly immature, ignorant, and idiotic. Honestly I've never seen anything like it in my life.

Thank God for the one lesbian fan who gave this episode a 9/10 and addressed the immaturity and irrational backlash that this show is receiving. Minorities and homosexual characters are ALWAYS scripted to die on-screen ? Say WHAT ? I've never heard such hogwash B/S !

Like I said, agendas and political correctness seem to be at an all-time high and have unfortunately not only permeated the entertainment industry, but factions of the television audience as well.

I wish I could address all of the 1/10 comments and the backwards drivel, but it's just too much to write. So for all of you who thought or wished "The 100" to be cancelled after your personal agenda was derailed in Season 3, Season 6 is now underway. Don't expect it to be cancelled any time soon. My guess is you still watch it just so you can gripe and complain. Pffft.
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The 100: Thirteen (2016)
Season 3, Episode 7
Absolutely Groundbreaking - Part I
6 May 2019

Despite the low rating of this episode, its impact among fans, critics, Network TV, and society in general, is monumental. Let me share with you some, "The 100", IMDB statistics... Before this episode, episode ratings were 8.0+ and rating participation was up to an astonishing 4000+ votes per episode. This show was literally delving into GOT territory at a rapid pace. Although viewer popularity was rising significantly, the episodic WRITTEN user reviews were generally about 2-4 per episode. THEN this episode aired. The response was staggering.

There are currently 90 written user reviews for The 100 - Season 3 Episode 7 !!! They range from "bitterly disgusted" 1/10's to "best of all time" 10/10's. The episode rating drew over 11K votes. The median user rating dipped as low as a 5.1 and currently sits at 6.1...

Have you ever seen such a prevalent and polarizing reaction to a single on-screen tv episode or television series ? Perhaps you have, considering today's broad media access. I'll get into the reasons for the tremendous response and caustic backlash, momentarily. First let's take a look at the show's IMDB fallout, post Episode 7. Sadly, Season 3's overall user rating never recovered and failed to go beyond 7.6 stars (the Season Finale). The participation however, remained stronger than normal, ranging from about 5000 to almost 8200 voters, still compelled to submit a rating. Apparently the ire of the disgruntled didn't prevent them from finishing out the Season, contrary to their widespread threats to do so. Although the episodic user median ratings rose again quite considerably in Season 4 and beyond (8.0+), the participation has steadily declined, bottoming out to around 1200-1500 rating entries.

Whether the volume fallout IS directly related to Episode 7 or not, it appears highly probable it was the catalyst. More than likely, all those that were disturbed, offended, angered, and unnerved by the Episode 7 plot "whammy", rode out the remainder of Season 3 (to besmirch, denounce, and defile the ratings), before they jumped ship for good, prior to the Season 4 premier. The current audience must be composed of the faithful who remained, plus any newly acquired viewership.

While I believe that everyone should be free to form and share their own opinions and convictions, it's unfortunate when those feelings interfere with objective, fair, and reasonable observations. It's a shame to see personal agendas corrupt and illegitimize a potentially effective RATING system.

As this commentary is so lengthy, I will continue with a "Part II" to examine the popularity of the events in Episode 7, explore why public opinion is so divided in its reaction, and my sentiments regarding said adverse and divided reaction. Thank-you. - (To be continued)....
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The 100: Spacewalker (2014)
Season 2, Episode 8
Still suspenseful, but...
3 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is an example of how to rate a show for its quality and entertainment value, and still acknowledge plot holes, inaccuracies, or lack of continuity. It drives me crazy how reviewers rate a Series 1/10 because of fictional science, illogical scenarios, and especially medical/military inaccuracies. Sure there's something to be said for making a story realistic or fact based, but this is TELEVISION folks. It's Drama, it's Sci-Fi, it's's pretend.

Sure, mention where the writers may have left loose ends or failed to be congruent, but tainting the whole imdb rating because you are offended by a plot hole, seems absurd and ignorant to me. Because it's fiction, how about just using your imagination to fill in the plot holes and make it work somehow. Choose to be positive instead of arrogant and negative.

For example, in this episode they say there are "thousands of Grounders out there". Well where did they come from ? I thought there were only a few hundred or so. And if so, why are they so afraid of the Mountain People ? Didn't President Wallace or the Dr. say there were only a total of like 400 @ Mt Weather ? (and many of them kids or non-combat). Doesn't quite make sense, does it ? The point is there can always be some unrevealed detail that provides an explanation. Unless you are watching a DOCUMENTARY or Docu-something television, it's mostly ridiculous to expect FICTION to be factually accurate or 100% realistic.
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More Clarification
26 April 2019
As of now, after about 100K reviews the average user rating for Avengers: Endgame sits at 9.2. Infinity War, after about 620K, has an 8.5. I like where this assessment stands and hope it doesn't change much, as more user ratings flood in.

I point this out for all the negative reviews citing how Infinity War was far superior to Endgame and that Endgame was such garbage and flawed. This is without a doubt a case of the criticisms saying much more about the critic than what they are saying about the film. Perhaps their own disposition and attitudes prevent them from a positive perception. They are certainly entitled to their pretentiousness and to feel cheated, but their petulance is their OWN responsibility. Much to the chagrin of this minority, the majority has not only embraced what Endgame is, but for the time being placed it above Infinity War.

I say this because I tire of the arrogance and contempt in people that behave as though they could have written or produced a better result than what they paid to see. Many of those that love to review or critique, think it en vogue or trendy to be incredulous, negative, or never be satisfied.

I'm happy to see that the majority of viewers were satisfied and more than content with Avengers: Endgame. IMO, complaining and rating the film sub par requires a great amount of cynicism and disenchantment. IMO, if you allow plot holes or whatever other discrepancies found in the film, to ruin it or leave you sour and disappointed, then you probably tend to create your own misery in life in life anyway.

There's nothing wrong with having a personal opinion or particular disposition. I do however think it important to put disillusionment and negativity in its proper place, to achieve objective perspective. So again, according to imdb user review, Infinity War is at 8.5 and Endgame is at 9.2 and holding. I'll check back on the consensus in a few months after further reviews.
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Impulse (2018–2019)
Had to drop it midstream
19 April 2019
I've read a lot of reviews, hoping to understand how or why this series was rated a very decent 7.5/10. I've surmised that those that endured the entire first season must either be feministic types or really not have options for other quality programs. I really gave it a chance watching 5 episodes and after a good start it simply crawled and crawled. It's just not truly worth the time, when something more entertaining can be found.

It could just be taste related. I personally wanted sci-fi and more focus on the teleporting. More action, more excitement, more suspense, and it never delivered. To all those saying, "Give it a chance", I certainly did. I'll have to agree with a lot of the reviews. I mean the show is "okay", but you don't just go around handing out 8/10 or 10/10's. I'm looking for true 8/10's to watch.

Like I've read, if you enjoy the "after school special" - "Lifetime Original" variety, I suppose this is for you. If you enjoy Action, Sci-fi, or the elite Dramadies and Crime shows of television, a la "Shameless", "Suits", "The Americans", "Snowfall", "Narcos", "The Crossing", "Banshee", "The Handmaid's Tale", "Deadly Class", or even "Manifest", "The 100", or "Wayward Pines", then IMPULSE will leave you wanting. The intrigue fades really fast. Normally I can decide in less than 5 episodes and I RARELY get duped. For me, if the teleporting is omitted or downplayed to the point it was, I'll just wait for the new "The Boys" anti-superhero series to be dropped. Or maybe I'll give "Into the Badlands", "The Deuce", "Star Trek: Discovery", or even "Southland" a shot.
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Impulse: The Eagle and the Bee (2018)
Season 1, Episode 5
Not much to go on..
19 April 2019
Wish there was more feedback on this series. There's a lot of ratings submissions but very few reviews. I'm wondering how or why this series is ending up with a 7.5. To be honest, it seems to be moving so slow I'm on the edge of giving up. The concept and just 1 or 2 episodes may not be enough to hold interest.

I really hope it picks up soon. Like I said, I like the premise a lot and want to give it a chance. At this point, 7.5 stars seems like a stretch...
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Banshee: Meet the New Boss (2013)
Season 1, Episode 3
Um, I believe "graphic" to be the right word
17 April 2019
Well, it's hard to comment on anything else other than the graphic fight scene. As far as hand to hand cinematic fights go, that was about as poignant as I can recall. Dayum. Just not sure it gets a whole lot more graphic than that, at least for me. It's not always blood, guts, and gore that makes a fight graphic.

Certainly was effective in delivery of some shock value, as far as I'm concerned. Not for the sensitive minded.
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Narcos: Convivir (2017)
Season 3, Episode 8
Getting good
13 April 2019
I almost decided to find another Series to binge after the first episode, thinking it might not have what the other Season's had. Now after this episode I'm definitely so glad I stayed with it.

This thing with Jorge, the thing with Pallmaori (sp), and with Jurado...extremely suspenseful. Once again it feels like a good movie. Guess I'll be checking out Narcos:Mexico too.
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Narcos: Los Pepes (2016)
Season 2, Episode 6
11 April 2019
That episode right there was like an intense movie. Dang.

A lot of Spanish in this episode. It's fine with subtitles, but without subtitles it might be a little hard to follow closely, if you don't know Spanish.

Did I say this episode was intense ? Justly deserved 10/10.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
Ridiculous User Ratings
8 April 2019
I continue to be disgusted with how viewers confound, disgrace, and basically invalidate the imdb rating system. In the reviews, it's stated how amazing the Series is for FIVE seasons, but because the 6th and final season was lacking, they rate HOC a 1 out of 10.

I can understand a Hollywood political agenda ruining the show or leading to its demise, but contaminating the rating system out of emotion is tremendously ignorant and immature.

I'm shaking my head in disgust as if watching a child throw a temper tantrum. What's worse is that these people praise the show, claiming it was one of the best in all of television, then proceed to rate it 1/10 because of ONE season or because of the Kevin Spacey dismissal. I agree with the "innocent until proven guilty" premise and the disdain for liberal agendas, but it makes absolutely NO sense to soil the rating system out of spite. Human nature never ceases to disappoint and two wrongs never make a right, it's that simple. If a car is dependable to get you to work for 5 years but starts to fail in year 6, do you suddenly discount the 5 years of superiority and publically sully the entire brand ? Of course not, unless you are immature, emotionally infantile, illiterate, or moronic.

Please wake up people and get a grip. IMDB ratings are for the viewers, not a means to penalize producers or Hollywood. If you want to cite issues in a written review for clarification then so be it, but PLEASE stop corrupting the rating system with emotional and nonsensical reasoning.

--- "The first 5 seasons were amazing but Season 6 and the ending was terrible and ruined it so I post a 2/10" -- "The best show on TV for five years but here's a 1/10 because of how the Spacey issue was dealt with" --- Are you kidding ???
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11.22.63: The Kill Floor (2016)
Season 1, Episode 2
Compensate for the 1/10
1 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand the public having a problem with insensitive animal killings, but standing up for a cause has absolutely NOTHING to do with TV production quality, acting, or any artistic performance. If we graded all films, TV Series, or any on-screen production based on its moral content, then the majority of genres would be rated garbage and unacceptable.

Depicting truth on-screen is not always pleasant but that doesn't mean it's a trash production. In fact, reality is often more harsh than what's depicted on-screen. Every horror film deserves a 1/10 ? Crime shows ? The infinite displays of infidelity ? Any story with horrible truths, no matter how well produced and acted, should automatically receive a poor rating ? Where do you draw your line ? Kidnapping, murder, and adultery are suitable for viewing but animal cruelty is not ? Humanity must be confused.

Viewers need to understand how reviews work. You are NOT rating the morality of the content on a scale of 1 to 10. You are rating the quality of the film making, the storylines, the acting and the script writing. In actuality, evoking such emotional response most likely indicates the product was of the highest quality.

Attempting to discredit an episode based on support of animal rights or a scene being too realistic is not only unfair and self-righteous, but defiles and taints the rating process. There are some very unfortunate truths in life that are difficult to accept and I don't think a film or TV production should be penalized for portraying those truths, especially when it is relevant or important to the story and character development.

The 1/10 user review based on animal cruelty needs to be discarded and omitted from the rating.
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