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Dubai Bling: Habibi, Welcome to Dubai (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Without a doubt, terrible!
15 September 2023
I was expecting more from this first episode, honestly... But what can we say about a reality show manufactured for entertainment? That's how things work.

From what I noticed, many expected producers to praise Emirati culture, but that wasn't the case. Big streaming sells through controversy. If they took it easy, maybe it wouldn't attract so much attention.

My curious side and good sense of humor allowed me to have a good laugh, as well as getting to know, even if an unusual side, of a city that I admire so much. I parachuted here. But in a nutshell, this show is definitely not in my library.

With time I might continue, who knows.
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Dubai Bling (2022– )
A spectacle of stereotypes to attract attention
15 September 2023
Generalize a couple of high society cultures and clichés, add a dash of celebrities and you have the beginnings of a reality show.

Lots of vanity, intrigue, lust and all other deadly sins to entertain an audience that is mostly young or has the slightest sense of humor for so much stupidity.

And so the scripts for a high society (or rather, "high celebrity") reality show are written. Because, in reality, this show reflects little of the reality of high society. Most of them will value ethics and good manners. Even more so in a society with a strong culture and creed.

Finally, I conclude. Do you have free time to laugh at some of the stupidities of spoiled little groups who constantly live between exploits and bs? Then it will be a good show for you.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Great cast + poor writing = HEART IN PIECES
6 September 2023
It's definitely not a movie that grabs you by the plot, but if you're also one of those who don't lose a title because of a good cast, you should take advantage of it. But anyway, don't expect too much!

You know that time you were late with your homework and had to write in a hurry in the last few hours? This is exactly how I envision it when I think of the creative effort the writers went into creating the film's plot. They taked some lines and dialogues from titles of the genre and still failed in the "Mission Impossible" of a good action plot.

Again, imagine with me - you're a British director, your last few years directed brilliant shows and now you have the opportunity you've been waiting for to get attention from major studios: your first feature deal with Netflix. With a promising concept, which addresses current topics such as artificial intelligence and data privacy, you definitely have the chance to make your name and compete for nominations.

That director is Harper, responsible for "Heart of Stone", which until then had its destiny in its hands, but ended up making its ending comical... Little seasoning, for a lot of action scenes. With a narrative that seems to trip over itself with such predictability and clichés, making attempts to hook the viewer more forced than natural. And with these plot errors and inconsistencies, you definitely understand that it's another one of those movies that Netflix produces to meet schedule.

I am disappointed with the waste of cast, but there are sectors in the industry that will never change... The market average that holds the majority in its niche (streaming) needs to be always on the move, from time to time with new posters.

Short timing, low budget (half of which goes to actors recognized for moving big box office) and limited creative capital, which leads to mediocre (yet popular) productions like this one. In the "family" style, which sells for the appeal of the cast and its award-winning actors. Marketing does its job and Netflix stays its course.

Want quality productions? Follow the releases of major studios and franchises. You can't demand much from feature films coming from streamings where the focus is to hook you through great/numerous tv show productions (which they are undeniably excellent)... that's how things work.

Enjoy watching Gal Gadot in her Tom Cruise version. There are some fun least!
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For fans or those who expect something beyond old clichés
8 February 2023
For a while I stayed away from the recently released shows. But every now and then one of those shows comes along that are impossible to ignore... So it was with The Last of Us.

I heard about it everywhere... Until I was amazed by the very high rating on IMDB... I immediately went to HBO to start the saga and catch up. Before everyone hits me with their spoilers!

There's a lot to say about this pilot episode... Starting with the beautiful narrative that opens it and the script's notorious commitment to character development. The explanation of the origin of the infection in the first few minutes was a masterstroke that opened up space for the unfolding of the plot and the relationships of the characters.

The protagonists Pedro Pascal (Joel) and Bella Ramsey (Ellie) - exported from Game of Thrones and The Mandalorian - were maestros in acting. Not to mention all the creative output led by directors Craig Mazin (from Chernobyl) and Neil Druckmann (The Last of Us).

Even if you don't know the story through the franchise, you'll still realize how absurd the quality of this work is. Art direction, photography, composition and color granding were strengths in portraying a pandemic collapse capable of destroying all of humanity. Combined with the soundtrack that also deserves its credit for the feat.

We see a strong gaming legacy in this series. How dealing with emotions and deep human connection changes an entire narrative. This footprint completely transformed the modus operandi of the old zombie clichés and their hyper predictable dramas.

Undoubtedly, a mandatory stop for fans of the game and also of a good post-apocalyptic series. It's still too early to say, but I believe this is one of the best adaptations ever made on film. The fidelity to the game is fantastic!

Depending on the outcome of this first season, this could be the beginning of a new era in film adaptations from the game industry.

As soon as I heard about the potential of the series, I went to watch it. At this point, if you haven't, you should! It's a beautiful show, worth every second!
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This movie caught my attention in many ways.
20 January 2023
One more of the YouTube channel recommendations... I knew from the beginning that this film would be loaded with the philosophical, existential and psychological basis of the protagonist Julie, played by Renate Reinsve. That at each stage of her life, she seems to overcome her uncertainties, but surprises at all times with her impulsiveness.

I was curious when I came across the works of Joachim Trier. This film is part of Trier's so-called "Oslo Trilogy", three loosely connected films, including Reprise (2006) and Oslo, August 31 (2011).

Reinsve's performance was incredible as "The worst person in the world", a label as provocative as it is pejorative. The story is told in chapters and covers her four-year journey of love and enlightenment, in which we see her launch into different careers and new relationships, but never making it to the end.

The way the film portrays today's social relations and culture in Norway, and probably elsewhere in the world, is perfect. All the characters are deep and deep, where each of them plays an important role in the story, no matter how big their screen role is. Everything seems to be in its right place.

The cinematography was excellent... the scene where time freezes, the scene with the magic mushrooms... it's almost like every chapter of the movie is a highlight, and everything fits together almost perfectly. I just missed, as a video professional, the zeal for some details in the direction of the set.

This movie caught my attention in many ways. A fantastic film. Strongly recommend!
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Boardwalk Empire: Boardwalk Empire (2010)
Season 1, Episode 1
Boardwalk Empire is a must stop
15 December 2022
Another one of the recommendations from Instagram Reels to revive good series that have fallen into oblivion.

This one promises to be as good as Peaky Blinders and Sons of Anarchy, I'm really looking forward to the next episodes. This pilot episode opened the series spectacularly.

Superb direction by Martin Scorsese. I lack words to describe this masterpiece. The episode runs so fluidly that you almost don't notice time passing, to the point of wanting to marathon the series at once.

Steve Buscemi as Enoch "Nucky" Thompson was a master, his talent will no doubt raise the bar for the series even further.

The writing is amazing, with an engaging story, true to the era in which it takes place. Not to mention the scenography, super meticulous and well crafted. It immerses you in the decade with its stunning visuals, relevant soundtrack and detailed set design.

I recommend it to all lovers of a script after the First World War filled with drama of gangsters, politicians and police. If you come from Peaky Blinders and Goodfellas, Boardwalk Empire is a must stop.
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I really liked the chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway
6 December 2022
"Love & Other Drugs" was another one of those movie recommendations for entrepreneurs. I went to watch loaded with expectations on top of Jake Gyllenhaal's character.

The entrepreneurial side of the protagonist ceased to be the focus after it began to involve a touch of romantic comedy and stories involving pharmaceutical companies, as well as the setting of the late 90's. It is interesting to note that "Love and Other Drugs" was an adaptation from the book "Hard Sell: The Evolution of a Viagra Salesman".

I really liked the chemistry between Gyllenhaal and Hathaway. I just didn't find the sudden changes in tone from the second to the third act interesting. From a romantic comedy, it became a melodramatic romance.

One of the reviews here raised something that made me reflect, this movie breaks the cardinal rule of a romantic comedy: you don't care if they end up together or not. This makes perfect sense, as the movie is less interesting when the characters are clothed.

But it's still a good movie to watch on a lazy late night.
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This show should be watched as a philosophical exercise
14 November 2022
I started watching this show by accident. This first episode was at a friend's house. Until then I thought it was another one of those super well thought up anime with lots of adventures. And I was very wrong about that. Not that this isn't fun, on the contrary, it's much more than I expected.

It's a mixture of animations as crazy as Rick & Morty and real interviews with subjects covered in a deeply philosophical way. And yes, the interviews are real! It also took me by surprise when I found out.

This show should be watched as a philosophical exercise, not pure entertainment. Despite the hilarious scenarios and worlds that test your concentration at all times with the dialogues taking place simultaneously.

Animation in the same following as Rick & Morty, a great show, I highly recommend it!
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The Midnight Gospel: Hunters Without a Home (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
This episode unified the truth of many beliefs
14 November 2022
Incredible how this episode unified the truth of many beliefs, without to attack, nor to present itself as a single truth.

In this episode, the one who was transformed was Damien Echols, who became a fish inside an aquarium that controls a robotic body. He explains how his time in prison helped him redefine the term "magic" to mean anything one can achieve on a spiritual level, such as Buddhism. He notes that Western magical paths, such as that advocated by Aleister Crowley, are intended to achieve enlightenment in a lifetime. He further explains how meditation is the key to achieving magic and how the Bible "when read correctly" can be understood as magic.

Echols is perhaps the best known of all the guests: he was sentenced to death with two other friends in 1994 after they were accused of murdering three eight-year-old boys. Without proof or any evidence, they were accused of having always shown an interest in magic and the occult, in a community dominated by Bible readers and followers. Pentagram designs and affinity with the sound of bands like Metallica contributed to the incrimination.

Echols has been painted as a Satanist leader of sorts, and the case, covered in HBO documentaries, has been dubbed the West Memphis Three. The two friends got life imprisonment, while he was sentenced to death. Eventually they managed to prove their innocence, and Echols used the years he spent in prison to further study the magic that so enchanted him.
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The Midnight Gospel: Officers and Wolves (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
This episode brings you a mix of feelings
14 November 2022
I had already seen cuts of this episode on social media. This episode brings you a mix of feelings. But something, no doubt, remains lingering - provocative themes that make you spend your day pondering.

In this second episode, after taking the form of a bizarre snake-footed chicken, Clancy meets Anne and Raghus, both beings of a strange species of a hybrid of a dog with deer antlers. They discuss the concepts of death and acceptance with Annie and Christianity with Raghu as he faced death.

Anne Lemott is a non-fiction author, political activist, and writing teacher. Raghu Markus is a music producer, creator of the Triloka Records and Karuna Music labels, and lived for two years with Ram Dass (master of spirituality, author and psychologist) in India. Today he offers courses and teachings with the aim of helping people achieve a balanced life.
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The Midnight Gospel: Taste of the King (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
This show should be watched as a philosophical exercise
14 November 2022
I started watching this show by accident. This first episode was at a friend's house. Until then I thought it was another one of those super well thought up anime with lots of adventures. And I was very wrong about that. Not that this isn't fun, on the contrary, it's much more than I expected.

It's a mixture of animations as crazy as Rick & Morty and real interviews with subjects covered in a deeply philosophical way. And yes, the interviews are real! It also took me by surprise when I found out.

In this first episode, Clancy discusses the use of cannabis and other drugs with a critical eye and rational wisdom. And he debates the topic with the character Glasses Man, president of the United States in a version of Earth that is in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

The interviewee was Dr. Drew Pinsky who became him, a Californian addiction specialist, former employee of the Department of Chemical Dependency at Las Encinas Hospital, and host of the Loveline radio show from its inception in 1984 to its end in 2016.

This show should be watched as a philosophical exercise, not pure entertainment. Despite the hilarious scenarios and worlds that test your concentration at all times with the dialogues taking place simultaneously. I had to watch this episode twice to keep up.

Animation in the same following as Rick & Morty, a great show, I highly recommend it!
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
A drama without drama, huge waste of cast and story
13 November 2022
Right after seeing a cut of Persuasion made by Netflix, I was aroused by his dialogues with the camera. I went to watch with hope. It will be a masterpiece or simply a disaster. Let's go to the review!

Writing that looked like it came out of a romantic theater play, or rather, from Jane Austen's books...At least that's what they said in the movie.

Am I the only one who noticed that the second act ended up at the end of the movie? The beginning felt like the end, and the end the beginning. The plot would unfold in a deeply exciting way if it weren't for the poor adaptation of the script and organization of the facts. Slow paced, boring and uncreative.

Dakota Johnson carried the few considerations to be made for the film on her back. Brilliant in his performance. She did excellent dialogue with the camera. But unfortunately it was very poorly used with this confusing direction and highly predictable script. Expected more from Cosmo Jarvis' performance, it didn't live up to the height.

Simple photography, no surprises.

For her cultured speeches and her erudite characters, I think the author deserves much more. So I conclude that the book must be really amazing. But with this adaptation they couldn't get very far. It was worth the try, but it was a huge waste of cast and story. A drama without drama. By the way, who is Carrie Cracknell? Rating 5, great for falling asleep.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Order in chaos? This can be terrifying
11 November 2022
I went to watch it with a focus on concept. On the recommendation of a Youtube channel, about the criticism about "order in chaos". And... I'll tell you, it's pretty disturbing! Not frighteningly, more intriguingly.

First Olivia Wilde movie I watched. In addition to being an actress, she does very well working behind the camera. Pleasant direction for a second film.

Florence Pugh is amazing, especially in dramatic scenes. Anyone who watched Midsommar would say the same. Harry was equally phenomenal.

The art direction and photography simply did their homework, but that didn't surprise. But in combination with the soundtrack, they did a great job of holding your attention and gaining your tension.

The entire movie felt like a Black Mirror feature film, so much so that the desert setting is identical to "Smithereens", the second episode of season five. Not to mention the coincidence with "Upload" and "Matrix", which certainly had its influence.

The story will bring you a heavy reflection on order in chaos, enough to make your day a little uncomfortable, especially if you're one of those who ask questions about luck, bad luck, chaos and randomness.

The ending is one that leaves something to be desired. They could easily have lengthened the ending a little to give the plot a deserved conclusion. But still many of the reviews here do not reflect the quality of the film. It's a great thriller. I really recommend you to watch it.
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Bullet Train (2022)
A bunch of Americans in a adapted Japanese novel
5 November 2022
A mix of eastern culture and western references, with knives, guns, family feuds, mafia conspiracy and badass mercenaries gathered on a bullet train. All hired by a mobster with a thirst for revenge.

Phenomenal as David Leitch, since Fight Club, went on to become a great director. Once again surprising in his works of action with a beautiful touch of first-rate comedy and action. He knows how to direct a film that will please all audiences, especially with his good relations in Hollywood. Fantastic Celebrity Cameos in one movie.

The film's art direction was masterful with anime arts and Tarantino inspirations. And according to the cast, Buster Keaton and Jackie Chan led the way in terms of action and comedy. Leitch is simply a genius.

Zak Olkewicz, debuting the Californian screenplays with great competence. Excellent adaptation of the Japanese novel "Maria Beetle" by Kôtarô Isaka. Olkewicz made the story go global and international, taking a little bit out of Japan.

Competent cast. With Brad Pitt doing 95% of his own stunts in this film. By the way, he made a great character. Bringing even some of his attributes to the scenes. Forgotten character and smart toilet was fantastic. Nice to have the freedom to add your ideas. That's the benefit of being a close friend of your director.

Brian Tyree Henry and Aaron Taylor-Johnson burst in theses roles. Together they formed a super dynamic duo of sociopaths in the scenes, with lots of "back and forth" dialogue. This led Aaron to a very interesting position. Since comedy is not his comfort zone. Aaram says in an interview how Brian was largely responsible for carrying this humorous atmosphere between the duo.

Joey King, as Prince in this film and as The Princess in another. The way the movies communicate with each other is hilarious. So... She was praised by the entire cast for how sharp and quick she is in scenes... and also playful behind the scenes. "She's a powerhouse," commented Brad Pitt. As opposed to playful and harmless, in her acting she came with multiple layers, from sweet to revenge-hungry killer.

Despite his few appearances, Sandra Bullock did very well as a Ladybug boss. Replacing Lady Gaga was a good incident.

After seeing the trailer, I knew it would be a fun movie, but I didn't think I would like it as much as I did. I had a lot of fun in the two very well-crafted hours of this film.
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Fall (I) (2022)
One of the most agonizing movies you'll ever watch
1 November 2022
"Life is already too short... why not risk shortening it even more?"

I believe Hunter, one of the protagonists, would say something like that. The likes hunter was willing to do crazy things to get records that would make her famous and rich on the internet. Besides, of course, helping her friend get out of the hellish limbo she was living in. And off they went, Hunter and her friend Beck on their adventure that - at some point - would surely go wrong.

If you are one of those acrophobic people who feel butterflies in your stomach when looking from the top of the building... "Fall" is for you! The feeling of agony and anxiety grips you at every moment during the film.

For a low-budget movie, this was fantastic. With 3 million USD they did what some studios would only do with a few tens of millions.

The writing was fluid and engaging with the plot and character development, which helped a lot in the suspense scenes. Despite how unreal it is, the already predictable twists and the goofs committed, still, Scott Mann managed a great feat.

The negative part was the lack of research to corroborate the technical points addressed during the film. Making even the layman wonder things like that, why they didn't go down in "lineman's pole style". It's such an obvious solution, but not for two experienced climbers.

Some took details like this to say how stupid and time-wasting the movie was. But I say it's just one of those movies you watch on a boring Sunday afternoon, no big deal. Even because the budget for that was ridiculously tight. I have no problems with that. It was worth the time spent!
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Giulia Be as singer acted very well
31 October 2022
Revelation for this new generation of good brazilians directors. Diego Freitas is awarded in short films and in this second long he did well enough to deserve to be on Netflix and reach the top 10 ranking in 43 countries in the first week.

Giulia Be as singer acted very well.

When the goal is dramatic romance, I think it's too risky to involve comedy. And this movie did that. I thought it could be much better, you have to know how to do it.

The soundtrack was almost a disappointment because of the comedy soundtrack. Those little effects that look like you're watching an episode of "Malhação" (brazilian tv show). It gets on your nerves! MPB (brazilian popular music) and classical music saved the film's sound design.

Excellent photography, Brazilian cinema is finally adapting to major international productions... But look, one thing that Brazilian cinema is still learning is color grading. Why the hell did the colorist work with vibrant colors and high brightness throughout the movie? It lost a lot of the film's dramatic narrative with that childish choice.

Good script, not bad and not great. Since they decided to load the film with predictability and romantic clichés. But it brings a beautiful moral to the story... That on a boring day, it will make those two hours worth it.
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