
11 Reviews
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Dare Me (2019–2020)
24 February 2020
That's why I like this show. I am reading the book now but so far it's told in the same narrative style and doesn't leave many things out. Beth legitimately reminds me of girls I have been friends with in the past and is extremely relatable. All of the other characters other than Colette French the cheer coach. I suppose I also related to Sam but I don't want to give any spoilers away. This show doesn't hide behind the facade most shows featuring teenager girls do, but instead shows you a gritty truth behind codependency, infatuation, lies, regrets and a true competitive nature. As someone who played sports and has had many girlfriends, this can't be more true. I have never met anyone more competitive than a woman and this show exposes all of the insecurities that come with such a inherent nature.
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I can't
4 October 2018
And you won't be able to either. I didn't want to like a movie that has been remade four times but this cast was phenomenal. I never have like Bradley Cooper even in that movie with Jenifer Lawrence and he changed himself for this film. I didn't recognize him. I cried so hard at the end I had to put on sunglasses and leave the theater last. I am rethinking so many choices I have made and also if I have experienced a love like that because their chemistry was spot on and tasteful. Also Dave Chappelle's cameo was perfect. I had to see something that made me feel differently than I have recently and this did it for me. I will be seeeing it more than once before it leaves the theaters as should you.
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Haze (I) (2016)
Spot On
8 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I didn't give this a ten because it was so hard to watch it made me queasy at times and I could probably never watch it again but this was completely spot on. I have never been a part of a Sorority but I have seen what goes on behind the scenes of a Fraternity and have seen girls getting filmed that didn't know it (I tried to say something but they were too drunk to care) and have seen people being made to do some of these humiliating things. I still feel sick from this film but it was a good reminder that this kind of stuff still happens because I otherwise had pushed it out of my mind. Excellently acted and done. I forgot I was watching a movie.
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Remember (I) (2015)
Have you ever forgotten who you were?
20 February 2018
I have. There are things that people tell me about my past I have no recollection of and can't believe I did. But when I remember, which I eventually do, it catches up to me despite if it is good or bad. This film explores dementia but makes it very relatable in such a specific way. When something really bad happens to me and I go to sleep, I wake up and forget it took place until I remember it and my life is once again a living nightmare. How do we cope with the things we have done and the things we will do? I would like to believe our mistakes don't define us, but they do.

This movie is profound. I honestly feel as if I lived this long just to see it. I can't believe these actors were and are still acting at such an extremely high level when this was filmed because Christopher Plummer and Martin Landau give the most compelling performances ever.

Look at yourself. Never forget the pain, the love and the choices you have made and inflicted on others. If we could only be so fortunate everyday to wake up and pick and choose the things we want to live with. That isn't how dementia works though. Speaking as someone who has had a very tough time dealing with the past and how it has affected the present and future, this is a movie you need to see. It's so much more than a Holocaust film because of the intensity about what it says about our past. I was taken out of my mind seeing this film. Give yourself perspective and find out not just how this film turns out, but also what you can remember. It was said in "Only the Brave", "What can you live with and what can you die without?" This film aptly answers that question. I am still trying to decide for myself.
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Pop Skull (2007)
The Holy Grail of a Limited Budget Film
13 May 2017
I have been seeking this movie out for weeks and had to join Netflix DVD to secure it. I watched it one night when I wasn't feeling well on a weekend and decided to stay in. That night changed my life.

This movie embodies so many emotions that really can't be put into words. Paranoia, anxiety, sadness, loneliness, fear and perhaps guilt. Adam Wingard basically shows us what the mind of someone who is desperately struggling looks like. It's something most of us have gone through but something we never thought could be depicted on screen. It's beautiful. Every scene is beautiful and meaningful and will bring you to your knees. I don't understand how something like this was created with such a small budget. I have never seen anything this authentic since Harmony Korine. Adam Wingard uses so many different types of varieties of direction to depict what we can't hear and can only see. I simply cannot give this enough praise.

Yes, perhaps this isn't something that you would watch with your family or even friends. I watched it alone and have rewatched it alone since. There are scenes that remind me of Cronenberg and Lynch but yet separate Wingard from the bunch. This movie is hard to retrieve but please try. I have been a fan since I saw "You're Next" and for me, this movie is his best although I love all of his work. This is what someone who really knows what they are doing creates and his passion and clear intent shines through and leaves an imprint on you that no movie has in so long.
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Love (II) (2015)
This film is actually brilliant.
21 August 2016
I know I only rated it a seven out of ten but that's because I admit this film's faults. It certainly isn't near perfect but I felt very moved by the characters and their story. Lots of people may not be able to relate to this film however those of us that do can say that everything about this depiction of love has been experienced and is real. As a grown single adult living in today's dating world I can attest that the relationship between Murphy and Electra exists. Their obsession with each other and with sex that led them into a deep and possibly unreal infatuation was honest and thought provoking. Love sometimes doesn't make sense and can't be described or made logical. Their connection was what drove them into darkness, madness and despair. Love is completely all consuming on any level it's represented on. So many times have I given myself up for something that a year later I looked back on and couldn't reconcile my behavior, and so many times have I given myself up to something to only sabotage it before it completely devoured me. I don't know if I have been in love, but I have felt what these characters are going through and I wouldn't know what else to call it. In the vein of Harmony Korine and Lars von Trier I think Gasper Noe is a genius. Yes this movie is uncomfortable, yes the acting isn't great and yes the story is dry, but it's a genuine take on what relationships look like for some people in their mid twenties to early thirties and I loved every second of it.
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Hesher (2010)
Prepare to be offended...I mean amended.
16 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For any of us who have experienced sheer devastation this movie may not only make you remember, but it will also help you to forget. "Hesher" is a film with a premise that so many movies have tried to attempt but failed to succeed. "Hesher" is a character that I doubt most of us would want to develop a relationship with, yet in his own way he's so likable it's almost painful to watch in lieu of the contrast. There are so many moments in this movie of which I wanted to turn my head or to cover my ears but isn't that what a good movie does? JGL did such an amazing job of making you go from feeling uncomfortable to feeling possibly enlightened? Devin Brochu playing the little boy known as TJ also gave an outstanding performance channeling a child with an innocent physicality and innocent traits in an adult's circumstance. I applaud Spencer Susser for not only showing us something new but for giving us new characters that weren't only relate-able but were in a way that I had to completely become submissive within the story in order to be taken away. We all want a better life. We all want better things and some of us want to be a better person. "Hesher" reminds us of how to remember the things in life we've lost and how to let them go. There is only so much a person can get through on their own. This movie reminds us that no matter who is around you it's not about what they can give you. It's about what you can take from it.
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District 9 (2009)
Are you kidding me? (slight spoilers)
16 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I would first like to congratulate Neil on this masterpiece and I would also like to comment on how amazing this movie really was.

I am a major SciFi fan and I saw this movie with high expectations but I honestly didn't know what I was in for. As far as the blood/gore goes it definitely succeeded that. The language...was indeed pervasive. I walked out of this movie with people to my left and right shedding tears which I hope I'm in the place to do the second time (tomorrow) that I see it. This movie was more then a horror, more than a SciFi, this movie was about what it would feel like to be on the other side of society. This movie was about putting yourself into another "persons" shoes and how far you and they would go to help and define one another.

This movie really makes you think about the life you are living and the lives that are lived by others. Throughout the potholes and the overall premise...this movie was magnificent and should be seen more then once.
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This movie might have cured my phobia of dying.
27 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers be quite honest I wasn't sure of what I was getting myself into when I went to see this based off of the mixed reviews that I religiously read. My conclusion? This movie was a magical, complacent, gorgeous, classic and timeless journey that needs to be taken at least once by it's audience. This movie was more then I expected to be. I won't go so far as to say it is the best movie that I have ever seen. But to say that I left with tears in my eyes and memories in my mind is to be modest.

I don't know if others have such phobias as I but dying is something that honestly plagues my mind and literally distracts and prevents me from living part of my life I have yet to live. When the woman whose name Benjamin doesn't remember puts losing others as eloquent as she did my judgment began to change. I believe she said something similar to....we need to lose people in life or we will never know how important they were to us...yeah, sheer poetry.

This movie I hope will be praised decades from now and stand the test of time. Did I cry, did I laugh, did I hurt, was I mad, was I in suspense, and did I leave the theater a bit changed, perplexed and reassessing my life? Yes to all of these. Go see it. But with an open mind. Let this movie into your heart and you will be happy you did.
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The Signal (2007)
This movie does not disappoint....(Slight spoilers)
2 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
For all who see this movie...let me garauntee you, it's highly doubtful you will regret it unless you prove to be like the people affected by "The Signal". The main quote in this film, "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." pretty much summed it up for me. This movie isn't just a romance, a drama, a thriller, a horror, and a black comedy of which it is all five. Yet, it is also a movie about a test of character. What would you do if you felt everything around you wasn't stable and you felt yourself slipping away? Humans are so fascinated with control and the control they have over their lives. What if that was completely stripped away? I went in watching this movie with very high expectations as it wasn't something I had ever seen before and I honestly will have to watch it a few more times to comprehend that it was "THAT" good. Some people sit at home and watch "The Office" (which I love) and other things that make them feel comfortable. Do me a favor...and take a look at your life, at your heart, at your sanity...and watch something that will make you uncomfortable. Put yourself in these characters situations. Which character are you? Only the test of time will tell...
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The Lookout (2007)
This is the movie to see!
6 April 2007
So I was actually going to see "The Reaping which got terrible reviews when at the theater I noticed "The Lookout" was playing and I am a HUGE Joseph Gordon-Levitt fan so I decided to see this movie instead. Thank you divine intervention because it literally made my week! You cared about the characters for once and what happened to them, it was not confusing even though the subject matter was somewhat incomplete until the end of the movie. All in all I thought it was amazing. As usual Joseph Gordon-Levitt played a character whom had been through something most of us had not and yet we are still able to relate with him as we watch his story progress. Scott Frank I bow down and commend you for your feature debut. Hopefully mine is as good as yours.
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