
4 Reviews
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Syriana (2005)
Great subject matter but should have been a series
27 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
(There's a big spoiler towards the end, marked SPOILER!).

Syriana deals with it's subject matter very well. It's so refreshing to see a film that portrays the complexity of US/global politics in a relatively balanced way instead of dumbing down it for the box-office or political means. However, this is where it fails, as well.

The plot is too complex and interesting to be dealt with in the running-time of the film. The pace was too jumpy and the character development was to insufficient to allow me to really get involved. About a a third of the way into the film I decided that I had missed too much to continue so restarted the DVD with the resolve to concentrate more. This certainly helped but I still had to rewind a few parts where I'd missed important dialogue or wasn't sure who somebody was.

I believe it would have been fantastic as, say a TV/DVD mini series. This would have allowed more time to develop the characters, who all had an interesting story to tell and allow things to build, almost in real-time. And, imagine the political discussions, rants and outrages that each episode would provoke (I guess I'm remembering Twin Peaks - I haven't seen Lost!).

SPOILER: The final attack on Prince Nasir was a big let down compared to the rest of the film. It was so cheesy and unrealistic. Was it rewritten for the studio or something - it seemed that way? I just could not believe the stupidity of stopping the convey on the way to the coup because of a flock of sheep, however enlightened and liberal the Prince had become. They could have driven round, as demonstrated by Bob a couple of minutes later! And what the hell was Bob doing? Why didn't he just text or email a warning? Why didn't the guards shoot him? I could just about suspend belief for the unlikely way that they were assassinating the Prince, but this was just silly and unnecessary. Why even bother to kill Bob - let him suffer in his impotence to undo the chain of events that he has helped initiate, and find out what happened to his 2nd missile. Also why save through Bryan Woodman luck? END OF SPOLER

To conclude, it's a nice change to see a film that deals with US/global political issues intelligently, without taking extreme or dumb viewpoints (e.g. Michael Moore) but too short-running to tell a good story, and a bit silly towards the end. Definitely worth having on DVD so you can watch it several times.
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The Terminal (2004)
Great story and acting spoiled by unbelievable screenplay and setting
25 April 2006
I found myself alternately irritated and warmed by this film. The early scenes required to much suspension of belief - for example not being able to find a translator - the story would have still worked with one. Also the airport chief (or whatever he was) was just too mean and dumb to be believable. However, the film improved for me as it progressed, helped mainly by Tom Hanks' superb acting. The drama and romance was great, but sometimes too sickly.

In conclusion a good story, good acting but the direction and setting could have been better. Seems I have this problem with many films I see!
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Freeze Frame (2004)
Very dark and stylish, great plot
21 March 2006
This is a pretty cool movie. Very stylish with all the handy-cam shots and the unsaturated colour.

A great performance from Lee Evans.

The plot was great but I found the ending a little too convenient and clichéd. I think it would have been better to spread some of the revelations around a bit, or at least give some stronger hints - or did I just miss them? Or was a different ending initially planned?

While watching I was distracted by wondering how such a guy could finance himself for so long? Would have been nice to have been given a simple reason.

Coincidentally I'd watched The Final Cut the evening before and couldn't help noticing the similarity and opposites of the two films. In The Final Cut the main character is tormented by guilt for something he remembers doing, whereas in Freezeframe Veil is tormented by accusations of doing something that he believes he didn't do. Both characters use av-recording technology to help themselves cope.

Anyway, well worth seeing.
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The Final Cut (2004)
Enjoyable while watching but ultimately unsatisfying
21 March 2006
I enjoyed watching this movie but then felt let down at the end, with many plot threads hanging or undeveloped. I found the sub-threads distracting and they didn't seem to add much to the overall story.

I had to (and was able to) suspend disbelief for 2 things:

1. The idea that people would pay to have a recorder implanted in their children, that can only be accessed on death. Much more useful if you could access it when alive - I'd be 1st in line for one! I watched Freezeframe the next day - the main character would've certainly benefited.

2. Robin Williams: I find it difficult to disassociate Robin Williams from his comedy persona. When I do I find him somewhat creepy, but not really credible. It's as if he can only be Robin Williams himself or a creepy psycho.
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