
3 Reviews
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i wish i could put more than a 10 on this
8 October 2023
What a film, what an emotion, this film put me through i dont have the words to detail and explain it all i didnt know what to expect, basically im a wreck after this

its brilliant, the storyline, the script, the acting, the music, the directing

just one of the most touching brilliant films i have seen in a long time

it touches hope, frustration, love, confusion, loss, warmth, family

its just everything

it taps into a mental world that "normal" people havent got a clue about, but its so pure in its innocence, it doesnt try to push a narrative, its so open and wanting to be accepted, LOVE.
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The Northman (2022)
what was I expecting to watch...
22 May 2022
Something of the history of what it was supposed to be about maybe?

What did I watch? A usual bland Viking film

Is this Hollywood pushed, we see the 5 stars everywhere in the trailer to "promote" it

Sorry guys, its not that good.
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Still Open All Hours (2013–2019)
why did it need to be reopened?
25 October 2019
Some things should be left alone, as being classics, and should not be attempted to be reopened, this is a prime example, 80's classical comedies, like open all hours, should be left alone as a memory of brilliant comedy

It was set in its time, perfectly placed in the 80s, and should of stayed there, to be honest, Mr Jason, with big respect shouldn't of done this

His character doesn't make sense to stutter, why would he, what's the point?

Is the show just trying to be a continuation of the original?

If so, then it fails, the character of Granville wouldn't stutter

If it's supposed to be a regeneration of the show, to new modern day situations, then it fails, as it's still set in 70's-80's style "shopkeeping" and the original open all hours comedy script writing style of 80's comedy

It just doesn't work

I suppose perhaps there is a "following" of this current version, because of the memories of the well-loved original which it obviously tries to recreate, but, just doesn't work
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