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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
I love it!
30 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I admit that I was always a FRIENDS fiend rather than a W&G Junkie, but since earlier this year...and when nothing else was on, I started watching Will and Grace, and I'm glad i did. People always ask me which sitcom i prefer, but they are so different. Will & Grace has really opened a door for gay people everywhere following on from "Ellen" (which I watched when I was like six lol).

The whole cast clearly have fun together, and the later episodes show Karen's vulnerability and that she isn't actually as cold as she seems.

Will and Grace have such an unorthodox relationship, and that is what keeps me hooked. So many people say that it should be called "Jack and Karen", and, as much as I like Jack and Karen...i feel that they are supporting characters and without Will and Grace it wouldn't be as funny or interesting, as Jack's story lines rarely last longer than a few episodes, and a lot of Karen's couldn't happen without the help of her lawyer...who is Will.

I also love Rosario...she actually rocks my socks....
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