
10 Reviews
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Designated Survivor: Sting of the Tail (2017)
Season 2, Episode 2
Ridiculous, but somehow watchable
3 November 2023
Like the rest of the series, the suspension of disbelief required to watch is immense. This episode also required setting aside one's logic and reason.

As usual the writing was sappy and melodramatic. The characters cartoonish. The CGI weak at best. The acting by many was wooden...stilted. But then again, the script was terrible making the actors' job impossible.

Nonetheless, the fast pace and silly drama did manage to keep my interest through the entire episode.

This series is based on an interesting premise and had the potential to be great. Unfortunately the execution was less than mediocre in all aspects.
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Dark Winds (2022– )
Good Acting
21 October 2023
Unfortunately the acting couldn't carry this stinker. I don't know where to start. There's a lot.

The production quality was less than mediocre. Poor quality digital effects such as numerous cheesy nighttime outdoor skies in scenes obviously done on a set. Tons of instances of things not being period correct. There were dialogue issues; like when the car salesman bragged about the 7.2 liter engine in an Olds 442; or the home decor (interior paint colors for instance) that was more 21st century than early '70's.

The expectations regarding suspension of disbelief were a bit much as well. The story would have been better and a lot more plausible without the cliche native American paranormal hooey.

I also found it funny that people working hard outdoors in the desert had spotlessly clean clothes. No dirt and dust. No enormous sweat and/or salt stains. The cars were also much too clean for having just been driven on dirt roads in the desert.

The basic plot and story arc without the paranormal crap had potential. It's too bad about the sub-par writing and the lack of production quality.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Drama & Magic
14 October 2023
Sci-Fi has two extremes and many flavors in between, but they all have varying amounts of Science and Fiction(drama).

This particular story relies largely on fiction and drama. Other than a bit of linguistics (definitely not hard science) there's not much science and there's a whole lot of fantasy and magic.

The cinematography and special effects are very good. Quite beautiful and visually interesting. The story borders on and occasionally crosses into the melodramatic. It's all good fun and there's a lot of artsy fartsy happening in the writing.

As a STEM person and licensed engineer, I found the suspension of disbelief impossible. Nonetheless I found the movie very entertaining (occasionally in an unintentionally comedic way).

Overall I'd give it a "meh".
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Far fetched psycho-dram
2 August 2023
The story, though far fetched, had it been carefully executed out could have been interesting and engaging.

While the directing was little better than mediocre, the acting was certainly better and both deserved minimally competent writing. That is where this series goes off the rails. How many ways can I describe the problems with the writing?

It would be fair to call much of it cliche and hackneyed. They regularly get period nuance in language and action very wrong and present it instead using much more current language and actions.

A little research and perhaps some editorial advice from someone in their 70's or early 80's might have helped.

It would also have helped to have some input on the psychology/psychiatry side to help tell that part of the story more with more truth.

In the end, it was somewhat entertaining, but largely for the joy of noting the flaws in the writing and production.
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The Days (2023)
Excellent Docudrama
13 June 2023
This series presents what by most accounts is a reasonably accurate recreation of the events of the Fukishima nuclear disaster.

While cultural differences may be a factor, having worked in emergency services, I find the long dramatic pauses during critical moments when fast action is required a bit unlikely. This is particularly true of scenes relating to personnel in the field.

Some of the acting, particularly with respect to the more political characters, seem over the top at times.

That said, overall, it's an excellent dramatic recreation of a truly awful disaster. There's much to learn from the film from an organizational leadership perspective.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
Mediocre at Best
30 October 2022
I expected more out of Annie Murphy after Schitt's Creek. She's actually the reason I sat through this disaster.

This show is a real stinker. I think they were going for clever ironic parody of classic late 20th century sitcoms maybe? It's hard to tell.

The writing is atrocious, not just mediocre, not bad, atrocious. The "jokes" are so flat and obvious they require the cheesy laugh track or there would be crickets in the room. Largely setup/punchline and a bit of sad physical "comedy".

The show seems like it may have been written by some dips**t ivy league pukes who have never known anyone from the working class. The contempt for ordinary working folks is obvious and transparent.

The direction/production is average at best. The show comes off hokey. It's actually hard to watch. I kept hoping it would get better. Over the course of two seasons, it did not.

I'm not sure what was going on with the acting. It seems like the cast is capable of better work, but they just don't bring it. To be forgiving, let's say the actors didn't have much to work with given the script and the direction clearly did not improve that situation.

Overall, this show is a less than mediocre waste of time.
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The Patient (2022)
Very Unfortunate Writing
30 September 2022
With a script like this, there's not much that can be done to save the project.

Acting seems good under the circumstance of a rather bad script.

Direction is about as good as one can possibly expect with such a poorly written script.

The script seems as though it was written by an over coddled college freshman.

It is a tedious and sadly unbelievable story. There is literally nothing interesting. This series is sad. Such a waste of talent and resources.

I only continue because to review a film or show requires a minimum character count.

Bottom Line this series is sad, thin, shallow, full of plot holes, and simply ridiculous.

A waste of time.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Disappointing-Very Poorly Written
8 August 2022
The acting in this series is actually very good as is the rest of the production.

Unfortunately the whole edifice rests on a very poorly written script. The suspension of disbelief that is expected is a big stretch for anyone with an adult intellect.

It is a drama, but the writing is a bit (at times a lot) over the top.

Given the actors in this series I expected much higher quality.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Good Actors, VERY poor writing
24 February 2022
Overall, I give it a meh+. The acting is good. The budget seems relatively low. The writing is terrible minus.

Reasonably interesting interpersonal drama, so-so humor, ridiculously unfortunate portrayal of anything STEM related. Clearly the writers have never mingled with anyone in a STEM field nor studied and understood anything STEM related.
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The Path (2016–2018)
A Little Disappointing
10 January 2021
Reasonably good cast and acting. Interesting plot and story arcs.

Very poor writing from the pilot through the final episode.

It's OK if there's not much else to watch but asks for too much suspension of disbelief in places and weak adolescent level storytelling.
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