
9 Reviews
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Welcome Home (I) (2018)
12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin... A young couple vacation at a remote villa in Italy to repair their troubled relationship. They soon encounter their seemingly over-friendly neighbour whose motives are anything but kind. Okay so, first of all, the plot itself is too similar to better movies that have come before it. The performances by the two lead actors (Emily Ratajkowski & Aaron Paul) are just terrible. Which is disappointing as I a big Aaron fan since Breaking Bad. The whole thing is just so awkward to watch, and leaves you cringing for all the wrong reasons. I've always thought Emily Ratakjowski was a mediocre actress, but this bumps her down to just plain terrible. Her only skill she seems to possess in this film is moaning. Take a drink? Moan. Sprain an ankle? Moan. Just beat a guy to death?....... Yep you're right again. If you want to spend an hour and a half listening to the overtly/unnecessary sexualised moans of Emily Ratajkowski, then this is the movie for you. Otherwise, if you find that sort of thing unbearable - do yourselves a favour and skip it.
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Webcast (2018)
Pleasantly surprised!
16 January 2019
Two teenagers set out to film a documentary about a teen that went missing from their area many years ago. They soon discover a web of secrets and conspiracy that envelops their community, and their discovery is not welcomed. This low budget British horror flick was really enjoyable. This is how 'found film' movies should be done. The movie does not rely on loud jump scares, nor overtly violent or disturbing scenes. It does however quite effectively suck the viewer into the paranoia and claustrophobia the two teens experience. It is creepy because it is such a slow burner. The atmostphere created by the film leaves you looking over your shoulder. Looking at this film for what it is, and comparing it to high budget Hollywood Horrors; It really is quite good. It just goes to show that bigger is not always better. Louder is not always scarier. The real bad guys could be your next door neighbours the whole time...
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The Super (2017)
Slow burner... stick with it.
16 January 2019
An Ex Police Officer and his two young daughters move into an apartment building where he has taken a job as the Superintendent. Things soon get mysterious when people suddenly start disappearing in the building, the new super is on a mission to discover the truth. Okay so.... this movie is a slow burner for sure. It can get a little tedious and there are numerous plot holes... BUT.... the films reaches its climax with a very nice little twist and, in my opinion, that makes up for the rest of the film. If you can suspend your disbelief and frustration with the first hour or so, the ending is worth it.
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The Moors Murders (1999– )
13 January 2019
This documentary gives more information surrounding one of Britain's most disturbing series of murders. The documentary outlines the case, the stories of each of the poor children that fell victim to the evil that preyed on them, and follows the families of the victims following this in search of their bodies. It really is a heartbreaking documentary that stays with you for some time. The film deals with the horrible situation in a fairly sympathetic way, and gives the families an opportunity to speak out about what happened. There won't be a dry eye in the house.
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The Institute (2017)
A joke, don't watch!
13 January 2019
Set in the 19th Century, a young woman checks herself into an asylum for respite as she is labels by her brother as 'too curious' and 'melancholy' she soon gets sucked into a strange way of life and eventually cult that exists there. I created an account solely to vent about this movie. That's your first clue... As an avid fan of all things Horror, Thriller, Dark and Creepy, I was really looking forward to this film... however I was quickly disappointed. The concept of this movie is truthfully a good one, and it could have been great. It was however, poorly executed, the script was lifeless, boring and lacked any kind of depth. I was left laughing at certain points where they quite clearly should have been 'shocking' or 'creepy' but the whole thing felt a lot like I was watching a High School drama performance. The acting was mediocre at best and even with the big star cameos, it left a lot to be desired. The film was full of continuity errors, and generally easily fixed issues which would have added something to the non-existent atmosphere the film created. For example the film is set in the 19th Century, yet in a scene where the female lead is shown topless, you can quite clearly see her bikini tan lines. I'm not just talking a little, I'm talking she's just come back from a 3 week vacation. The 'climactic' scene left me laughing. All in all, don't waste your time - unless your looking for a film to fall asleep to or have a good laugh at then it'll be perfect!!
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The Institute (2017)
A joke... don't believe the rating!
13 January 2019
This is my first review on IMDb, I created an account solely to vent about this movie. That's your first clue... As an avid fan of all things Horror, Thriller, Dark and Creepy, I was really looking forward to this film... however I was quickly disappointed. The concept of this movie is truthfully a good one, and it could have been great. It was however, poorly executed, the script was lifeless, boring and lacked any kind of depth. I was left laughing at certain points where they quite clearly should have been 'shocking' or 'creepy' but the whole thing felt a lot like I was watching a High School drama performance. The acting was mediocre at best and even with the big star cameos, it left a lot to be desired. The film was full of continuity errors, and generally easily fixed issues which would have added something to the non-existent atmosphere the film created. For example the film is set in the 19th Century, yet in a scene where the female lead is shown topless, you can quite clearly see her bikini tan lines. I'm not just talking a little, I'm talking she's just come back from a 3 week vacation. The 'climactic' scene left me laughing. All in all, don't waste your time - unless your looking for a film to fall asleep to or have a good laugh at then it'll be perfect!!
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Wasted 2 hours.
13 January 2019
This 'documentary' revolves around Rebecca, eager to renovate and move into the old family farmhouse. However, her family soon start to experience strange happenings within the house and call in the 'experts'. First of all, I'm struggling to really say anything about this 'documentary' (we'll call it that to keep up appearances) as it was just so uneventful. Distant tapping here and there, altered ambient sounds distorted to resemble ghostly voices, etc. The whole film is a stretch. It felt like a task to sit through the whole thing. There was no atmosphere, the camera work was shaky and made it difficult to follow/ watch. I have nothing good to say really, nothing particularly horrendous either. It just exists.

Overall, don't waste your time.
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FirstBorn (2016)
Hidden Gem
13 January 2019
This British horror film is a hidden gem in the current climate of repetitive and lacklustre horror films available. A young couple, exhausted from the birth of their first child, begin to experience sinister goings on within their home. As their child gets older they learn that there is a dark entity stalking their child and they must do everything in their power to protect her. The film has a refreshingly original plot, which is well executed with a great cast. The atmosphere in the film is great, and they do well to carry the creepy theme throughout. The only thing I would say is the ending felt a little... incomplete? There could have been more closure, but none the less, well done! I don't know why this film has such a low rating as I absolutely loved this.
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Very Interesting Watch
13 January 2019
This 'film' or rather 'documentary' gives you a brief history of the infamous Broadmoor Hospital. It is surprisingly informative and focuses on how the hospital came into being along with an overview of the earliest patients. It is extremely interesting to see how the hospital itself has evolved over the years, and I enjoyed learning more about Victorian views on Mental illness and their link to crime. I would definitely recommend watching this, it's not too long so keeps the viewer engaged throughout.
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