
10 Reviews
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Nope (2022)
Worse film of 2022
20 August 2022
How did this film get such a high rating? It started as a slow burner and then went out. So many unanswered questions! What was the point of the chimpanzee mini story?

Keke Palmers dialogue was poor and I could not understand half of the words she said.

Would you recommend this film - Nope Did you enjoy the film - Nope Did the film have a good plot Nope

Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope !,
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Moonfall (2022)
So many flaws
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The special effects are the only good thing about this film. There are so many flaws in this film it's laughable.

For example- the Sat phone works despite all the satellites being destroyed. When they crash they are only a short distance away from the rest of the family.

How did the special forces locate Patrick Wilson despite all the phones being knocked out due to the phone. Zzz.
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Risen (2021)
Average sci fi movie
20 August 2021
I enjoyed this movie but it had a few flaws. Some of the green screen special effects let it down and it's a bit slow in places. Her fathers background should of been explored more but it made sense in the end.
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The Ice Road (2021)
The first 45 minutes were ok
29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It then went down hill. The animated cgi of the truck was poor. During the fight scenes the truck drove around the corners whilst the bad guy and neeson were fighting. The icing on the cake was at the end someone ran out of the hospital with a torn up brochure of a truck which was found in his brothers body. Really! That would actually happen! Possibly one of Neesons worse films in the last few years.

Cheesy rubbish !
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Lansky (2021)
Good story based on the life of a gangster accountant
27 June 2021
Really enjoy this film and wanted more. Want to read the book now !
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Great White (2021)
Total junk movie
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bad CGI and rubbish story. Really!!!

The female lead drowns and then is brought back to life underwater by another female blowing into her mouth. The female lead miraculously comes back to life and fights the shark again without taking a breath of air. Zzzzz.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
What a pile of tripe
30 April 2021
Really poor movie with wooden acting. Far fetched and a storyline that has huge gaps missing.
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Domino (I) (2019)
Terrible film
2 June 2019
Bad acting all round. Awful dramatic music and unbelievable script. Made laugh that at a crime scene the CSI are all in masks and gloves with shoe covers. The main character of the film walks right through the crime scene in his own shoes. Don't waste 90 minutes of your life watching this tosh. It's the turkey of the year for me
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I didn't get it
9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was waiting for an explanation at the end of the film that never came. He dies and they have a burial and then turns up to a school play and his family don't bat an eye lid. And what was in the box?? I will never know. What a waste of 100 minutes.
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Glass (2019)
18 January 2019
Boring boring boring. So many holes in the script.
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