
3 Reviews
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Past Midnight (1991)
Nice watch
3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a story about redemption, or, rather, making things right.

I enjoyed this movie, especially because of the acting.

Two late actors whom I love, Natasha Richardson and Rutger Hauer, make this film worth watching IMO.

A social worker takes the case of a man who went to jail for allegedly killing his pregnant wife (and consequently, her unborn baby) in a horrifying manner. He's out now, looking for a job and trying to improve his life.

A young woman is helping with his reinsertion.

She's immediately interested in the case and she feels that he might be innocent after all. They fall in love very quickly.

What makes this movie interesting is that we don't know who we're dealing with until the very end, hence the suspense.

Natasha Richardson, Liam Neeson's late wife, is a very pleasant actress and she's got this loving aura, making her well suited for the role. She even can seem a bit naïve, which works well with the story.

I won't reveal what happens in the end, but my comment can make some people draw (the right) conclusions, so I prefer to say my humble review contains some spoilers, in its own way!

I recommend Past Midnight : good story, tense and well done overall. Good acting.

NB: It might seem a bit outdated though, but I didn't mind at all.
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11 November 2022
I wanted to give it a try despite not "feeling it". Now I can't write a review about the story itself. I couldn't finish it. This is a very boring show with scenes so long I almost felt asleep. Also, it's vey sloppy in the execution with many situations that don't make any sense, and the characters are beyond unlikable, immoral and gross. It's supposed to be a true story, but it looks implausible. Such despicable people. I tried to like it, but I gave up after the first episode and a half. And I lost my time watching it. Sorry, but it's how I feel. I can't understand the positive reviews, but to each their own I guess.
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His Secret Marriage (2019 TV Movie)
24 November 2019
We kept watching this movie, hoping for something to happen, but it was uneventful and we couldn't wait for it to end. Everything looked fake and staged, Lifetime movies are usually better or, at least, not that bad. Not worth it at all.
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