
5 Reviews
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Paris Holiday (2015)
Copycat film with reference no.
2 July 2022
It was a painful experience as filmmaker from Hong Kong, my script "First Love in Paris" from "Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) 2014" of Hong Kong reference number: H103119, as well as "Taipei Golden Horse FPP 2013" with project name: "First Love in Paris", submitted on 2013/08/06.

Of course, same project joined "Cannes film festival" same year and raised 30% of production fund. How stupid do a member of "Hong Kong Screenwriters' Guild" took such script with track record and produced a movie under the name? How's it happen, of course, he is not the first time as copycat (with another ref.)! Do anyone do something about it? Do check the world record, please! Yet, people with bad name still in business.
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Drifting (2021)
Someone should speak out for Mr. Francis Ng
1 July 2022
As the same time, Mr. Ng can take the role of "Hand Rolled Cigarette (2020)" or the role of this film. He took the role of this film with one condition as movie investor as producer, who control the outcome of the movie, that is his deal and he did wonderful job, audiences never know about it! As I mentioned on preview film review on same director (do check if interested), his father got connection with Mr. Ng, somehow he agreed to do so. As Mr. Ng as the producer and Actor, how come he never contribute?
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Tracey (2018)
If there is ZERO Star, there is the one to be.
1 July 2022
Of course, I knew the the story behind the production. When you thought Asian Audience never watch "Ustav Republike Hrvatske (2016)", do watch Croatia's film right now and you will find out how great "Nebojsa Glogovac" acting was; unlike "Philip Keung" who refused the character himself, if I was the director, I was show the actor's original acting and do the same then will be perfect as first time director. It's really bad for first time director and didn't know there was a trick set by someone. Why not just buy the script? There is a "black dot" all the time right now.
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Fulfilled my expectation
1 July 2022
As a Hong Kong Film Critic myself, this is one of the most anticipated Thai film for years as I noticed there are two up and coming film directors from Thailand shining the world. Of course, Mr. Wong Kar-Wai saw the same thing and took one step farther to produce Thai film. It happened once again after Mr. Peter Chan produced "Sam gang (2002)", while I started my career as film critic in which I didn't understand at that time. 20+ years later, Korean and Thai film are already bypassed HK movie and take over Asian market, so what's happen? I finally understood the situation of HK Movie Industry when I got in. Anyway, Mr. Wong Kar-Wai shown the world Thai ver. Of "See You Tomorrow (2016)", also shown the world Hong Kong Film Producer can push to next level.
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Black Box (2021)
My best friend was killed on the plane crash 2022
1 July 2022
I got personal feeling on this film as my best friend passed away on plane crash 03/2022. We desired for the true and the movie showed you how. Somehow, the true is never explored even there are reasonable doubt. Watched the news and it matched very closely with the film. C'est la vie!!!
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