
1 Review
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Really not good
5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is fine but the movie's mostly pretty dull. The thing that got me the most is that they seemed to be trying to combine Eichmann with Himmler as there were some serious historical inaccuracies in the film. Adolf Eichmann was not the 'architect of the Holocaust' - that was without a doubt a combination of Hitler and Himmler with the assistance of Heydrich. Also, Eichmann NEVER attended the shootings of the Einsatzgruppen. Himmler, however, did and it was direct exposure to these atrocities that caused him to reconsider the manner in which the Jews were dealt with - and purely to protect the mental state of his men. and not those being shot in pits.

As others have stated I thought the whole central focus on the sister and the killing of her children was a bit daft, and the part where the van rear doors were opened up and a literal flood of Jewish corpses were exposed was bizarre. I know this was intended to show the operation of the gas vans, but the implication that people were wedged into the back of these in tiered layers was just off the charts mental.

So, essentially the movie was pretty dull, the acting fine, but they certainly didn't make the most of the story of Eichmann. As someone else stated they'd have been better concentrating on the trial itself and his statements about the Nazi regime.
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