
28 Reviews
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Anxiety Inducing...
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So 3 minutes in and I switched it off. I watched it with my kids and my anxiety level went up! Why put these scary and some irrational ideas in kids heads? It isn't necessary to put ideas into impressionable minds. Movies that are coming out of Merica these days seem to have their own agendas and are not appreciated by some parents. Why talk about a bus caching fire while on a field trip?? I don't want my kids ever having those negative thoughts and developing anxiety early in their lives. All this in the first few minutes before i shut it down. Please stop with all this negativity even if it has a happy ending, no child should should be subjected to it, even for 3 minutes.
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Karen (I) (2021)
1 star too many...
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Acting gone bad. I get the message but it was painful to watch. I've seen alot of videos to know this sort of incidents really do happen and that's why it was almost like a re-creation. Anyway, it was background noise while I cleaned the house and folded laundry. Bad acting & make up, unfortunate camera work and the script could have been better too.. All this explains the Razzie Taryn got. Her bad wig and red lipstick will haunt me. I kept thinking of all the actors who could have done a better job and saved the movie.. Micheal Evans Behling maybe and for the female lead, Kiki Palmer perhaps... Hilary Duff could have been the Karen...
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Mean Girls (2024)
Musical No-No
17 January 2024
Some people like musicals, others not so much. This is where you lose the audience. It's like trying to sell something that not all of us are interested in buying. So don't expect this to be a box office hit. The trailer was cooler than the movie. I don't like musicals, theme songs yes but breaking out in song at random times .. just a NO NO. Sorry not sorry. These American teens movie thingy is becoming boring. I watch foreign films where the dialogue is 80% better (if not more) than these movies. The original movie was great without the mentions of social media. The original movie was better because of the actors. This one, just no.
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65 (2023)
Star Wars Meets Jurassic Park
28 March 2023
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I liked it! Lots of jump scares but fun! Adam Driver carried the movie himself mostly and he did a great job! The action was good and I enjoyed the Jurassic element as well. The little girl was cute and she was a good addition to the movie. When it ended I wanted more!! I'm glad I chose this movie as a treat for myself, it was worth it! I will recommend this to friends and family. Star Wars Meets Jurassic Park, best way to describe what I just watched. I'm certainly an Adam Driver fan now! A few parts of the plot were missing like what and why at the beginning but once the action starts, just go with it!
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Ginny & Georgia (2021– )
OTT Teenage Drama
8 January 2023
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Georgia's character ia great, in fact all the adults are watch worthy. The supposedly teenage drama is a bit much. The constant " I want a normal family, a normal mom, a normal life...." in almost every episode. What is normal? There's no normal anymore, just deal with your life, a roof over your head, nice bedroom, nice clothes, good food, a family.... be grateful for that. Anything more than that is a bonus really. Ginny can just talk to her mom about what happened instead she taunts her and plays the victim in every episode. So over it. No respect for their elders. Her attitude keeps getting worse. Explore more of Georgia in S3 maybe...had enough of Ginny's angst.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Just a few plot holes to fill..
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the plot, it was a good twist and a good film. What I don't get is, what is with all the flickering and exploding lights? Does he have his own mobile phone? How did the police hear him talk over the phone plus on the radio as well? Was it a supernatural force? So many questions.
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So stupid.
8 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Leatherface owned it this time. The rest of them were just props! The cowboy was promising, until he wasn't. Watching these millennials act is so painful! Why do they make actors act so disrespectful and entitled that I couldn't have cared less to what happens to them. The blood and gore was there but the plot and acting were weak and stupid.. I thought they would make people act smarter in movies now, not make stupid mistakes as driving so slowly or the classic, I want to walk off on my own in a weird ghost town. Move along now, there's clearly nothing to see here unless you want to scroll your phone throughout the movie.
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Spencer (2021)
Dreary music and acting.
5 March 2022
I reached the 10 minute mark, and already that's too much time spent watching this movie. Kristen Stewart is too short, broody and slouchy to play Diana. Diana was tall and carried herself well. I keep wondering why on earth did they choose her? It certainly wasn't because of any likeness!

The music score was like the start to a horror film and I feel the dialogue was rushed. I loved Diana and grew up admiring her, so I am very disappointed that this movie was made with the wrong actress to portray her. Everyone else was fine though.

I'll give this one a miss.
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Old (2021)
A BIG Nothing!!
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why? Why make a movie that is just meh to watch?? Why spend thousands on casting, location and production just to deliver a less than satisfactory movie for people to waste their time on? The dialogue was so weak. The concept has so much potential but the execution was very poor. The lead actress did not captivate whatsoever. Gael was the only saving grace but only aesthetically.

This movie was empty. I felt nothing for the characters. Poor acting, poor script, constant camera panning... does not make a good film that's worth watching.

I did like the fact that the different actors who played the roles of the children as they aged, look relatively similar. Thanks for that! I did root for them in the end!

Plot twist was ok at the end but the beginning and middle was a miss.. Sorry MNS, I really wanted to like it.
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Haunt (I) (2019)
Painful to watch...
13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Either I have really huge expectations or I appreciate well made movies a bit too much.... because I was very disappointed in this one. How is it that the lame character in the movie ends up being the heroine? Did the actors lose their ability to act? Why don't directors expect more these days? Dead eyes, lame lip quivering and staring into the darkness are a waste of a good script, not to mention the lack of screaming in a slasher flick!!! All I see are entitled, rude brats on the screen who deserve what they got! There was no story, just very bad and laughable acting. I skipped 90% of the movie because it was that bad and predictable. Even a B grade slasher movie is better than this! Choose your movie wisely, time is precious! Stars given to the Halloween theme. That's all folks.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
Bad Meh.
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie needed more passion and a stronger performance from the wife. They should have cast someone else. Pinto switched from a British accent to some sort of American accent and that was distracting. Her reaction to the goings on in the movie wasn't strong enough to bring the movie to life. Her acting wasn't good enough for her character , so it was just very bland and bleh. For example, I would have walked in with more gumption and energy after getting into an accident while following my husband to the wrong location... not walk in sadly like a lost puppy.

This movie could have been better with a different cast. None of them were appealing.

Extra points given to the beautiful house!
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Becky (II) (2020)
Where is the back story??
24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So there are 2 extremes to the reviews, so good or super bad. The movie starts out slow but I light up when I see a dad of a teenager. A bratty, entitled teenager. Why do almost all of the movies these days have bratty entitled teenagers? Moving on, she isn't welcoming or happy about the guests at their holiday home. She gets some news and acts all annoyed and moody. Lulu's acting was not the best in this movie. Her character doesn't draw you in, it pushes you away so that you can't seem to stand her. Anyway, yadiyadiyada... why didn't she go for help from the very start? She hangs around although realistically she wouldn't have been able to do much. Bang, her only living parent dies and she sits on a rock, day dreaming...?! She could have gone to the neighbours, taken the boat to get help, done anything because her dad could have survived... but she sat on a rock. This movie plot irritated the heck out of me. She didn't just kill, she tortured. I really hope they lock her up and throw away the key. She's a psychopath.

I couldn't believe KJ was a meany! The first time ever as a bad guy, but it worked! Joel's character was short lived unfortunately... And what's up with the key? Treasure chest? A locked box? A boathouse? Why was the key so important and why wasn't there a back story... too many plot holes.
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Z Nation (2014–2018)
Humour + Zombies = :):):)
26 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the last episode of Season 5. It's so sad to say goodbye to all the characters who I've seen since S1E1. I loved their banter and togetherness. They are an awesome bunch!! Warren led the group from Day 1 and it's so great to see a strong female lead. Doc & Murphy made me laugh with their one liners and references to other tv shows!!

10K is handsome and super awesome with his *special* skill, he's also quite funny! Addy took on a big sis role and I enjoyed watching her character grow. The cameos of other actors were fun to watch and a pleasant surprise. This series has brilliant dialogue and great chemistry within the characters. A fantastic combination. The growth of the characters itself within the series is pretty awesome.

I'm a zombie fan and there were plenty of them! The way the zombies were portrayed was very clever with their evolving characteristics.

Watch for the fun, stay for the camaraderie!! A light hearted take on an apocalyptic world.... kind of like the one we live in now. I loved it.

Watch more than just 1 episode to give it the chance it deserves. Forget all that mind numbing stupid reality tv shows and useless tic tic videos and watch this well scripted series instead. Don't question plot holes, just go with it and enjoy the ride for survival!

P. S: Crushing on Nat Zang ;) I love you 10K.
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Loved it for what it is!!!
26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was made to entertain not scare you! Mind you, the Zombies were good and quite terrifying at times but the whole plot was just awesome! It was fun to watch and time well spent! If you're looking for a dark zombie movie, this ain't it. This is Zombies on another more intelligent level. All that plus a Vegas heist with some quick wit thrown in, what more do you need?

Just appreciate it for what it is and you'll enjoy the movie. To those Zombie movie extras, bravo to you guys, well done!!

Zack Snyder, I love how you shot the film and used natural light. The cinematography was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of it!
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Only Mine (2019 TV Movie)
Bad acting. I repeat....BAD acting!
20 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The main character cannot act. She doesn't know how to act. 2 dates and he stalks her. She wasn't very likable in the first place. How did they produce this movie and think it's good enough? That's all. It sucked.
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Holidate (2020)
Good Cast. Poor show.
4 November 2020
I had high expectations for this movie so I was ready to spend the time to watch it. I was disappointed. Emma Roberts was cute but I found her character annoying. The male lead, also cute but annoying. 2 annoying characters made me lose interest in this movie real fast. Didn't find anything romantic, comedic nor interesting about this movie. The casting was great but the potential was lost. Inserts of meet-cutes, annoying banter and side storylines were just a waste of time. I fast forwarded so much and lost interest that I barely even know how it ended nor do I care. This movie is just lacking something. I wish it was better, I really do.
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The Lie (2018)
Please teach your kid about taking responsibility!
15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First, the good. Good cast. Surprise ending. Then the bad. This must be the reason why so many kids get away with murder, literally. The ugly. The "Parent's behaviour".
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2 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Besides Elliot Gould who had less than 5 minutes of screen time, the other cast members (and the plot) let the movie down. It's 2020, the quality of acting should be up to par because it isn't cheap to make a movie. First of all, the friendship between Katie and Leonard didn't seem very close or friendly besides her taking care of him, it was cordial at best. When her boss offered his condolences to her, she proceeded to ask for another job. I mean, Leonard gave her money and *a house*. She should have been more grateful and a wee bit sad at least. Camilla's performance was lacklustre. Her expressions and ability to portray what her character was going through was abysmal. I think she was the wrong actress for this role. There needed to be a bit of drama. Her facial expressions went from sad to drab, that's it. I expected more from this movie. The quality of script, plot and actors made it a bore.
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Raabta (2017)
It Was Unexpectedly Awesome!
11 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So it was a gloomy and rainy day and I wanted to watch a cosy Hindi movie. Raabta did not disappoint! It started with a over confident and cheeky guy who flirts up a storm with each girl he meets, but because I had read the synopsis I knew there was going to be more and I was right! It's been a while since I had been drawn into a movie with intrigue, excitement and a cool bad guy! As far as being entertaining, 2 thumbs up! I was particularly glad that there weren't many long winded songs in the movie, although I loved the songs that were in there. The cinematography is amazing and the flashback scenes were electric! I am very picky with which movies I watch so this is a good one! Give it a chance, believe in the what ifs, sit back and let yourself enter the realm of this movie. Also, two guys fighting over a girl, always a classic!
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The good, the bad and the interesting..
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the good. Good cast and good plot. You have to dive in and stay in with this one as the story unravels with each episode. I found the dialogue to be noteworthy. ( We have been deprived of good writing by rubbish reality tv shows ). I have not read the book so I watched this through fresh eyes and without expectations. This movie was set supposedly set in the 90s and it was wonderful to not see people with their heads down looking at a mobile phone. There were no selfie taking kids nor were there instant fact checking on their phones. It was good to be back at that time. The ending was explosive. The relationship between Elena and Izzie is not as uncommon as you think. A lot of mothers and daughters do not get along and it was refreshing to see Elena own up to that and spit out her real emotions no matter how painful. Mothers get tired too sometimes. Each character had their strengths and flaws. The bad.. When Mia went through Elena's house and snooped into their rooms and drawers plus she also took some of their personal items, she looked like she was entitled to do so and yet she felt violated when the same thing was done to her. It made character a little unlikable. As some have commented about KW, I agree that her acting was a bit intense all the time as though she had to defend herself in every scene. She acted like whatever she did was justified and that race played in every part of it, even when it clearly didn't. While I understood why this was happening after learning the reason, it still bothered me as to why Mia was very judgemental of others and this was also pointed out by her daughter, so that was fair. Also there's a few cliche coincidences in the plot but I didn't mind. I wanted to like Mia but because of the over acting by KW, I just couldn't. I understood Reece's character better as the story progressed and found myself supporting her as a mother myself. It's an interesting series, 8 episodes were just enough to occupy my time while in isolation before I move on to another show. I have recommended this to friends and family as I think there's a take away for some, from a lot of aspects in this series.
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Slow with a lacklustre finale..
30 May 2020
Casting was good. Acting was cringeworthy. Plot was good but the dramatization was a bit much with no real drama. The bungling police investigation was just embarrassing. With other platforms around for you to binge watch your favourite series, it was a little painful to wait a whole week to watch another episode, even more so when it doesn't live up to the expectation of those glorious teasers during the week. So the finale came and it was....yawn.. quite boring that I was actually hoping someone would send me a message on my phone so I could spend time replying, my time would have been better spent that way. I expected a lot more from the finale so I was very disappointed. I probably created a better ending in my mind.
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Breaking In (2018)
Mama Bear did good!
29 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For once, it wasn't about a vulnerable woman who had to wait for a man to come save her! There were a few 'what the heck' moments but she made up for it with some unexpected heroic decisions. Mama Bear is awesome. Worth a watch on a rainy day.
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The Toybox (2018)
It deserved NO stars.
29 May 2020
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How could they spend money making a terrible movie like this? They shouldn't have bothered and spared us all the agony of wasting our time on this sad story. While there happens to be a true story about a Toy Box Killer, this plot does not do justice to anything. Who stands in front of a haunted vehicle and even when the vehicle moves, he stays right there continuing to ask his son what he should do? I mean, come on! Denise Richards character saw something on the tv screen and yet didn't mention it straight away? Or what about Micha Barton's lack of emotions when something tragic happened to her brother? How did a director sit there and let it play out like that? If you are going to produce a B rated movie, make it a good B rated movie or else don't bother. This movie had both stupidity, bad acting, bad execution and a bad script to begin with. Save your precious time and keep scrolling for a better movie!
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Before I Fall (2017)
I hoped for a better ending..
11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, it's a teenage anti bullying movie. Be nice to others and don't pick on anyone at schooL. The acting was good and the scenery was very 'Twilight' like! Just teenage girls being teenage girls.

*"Spoiler Ahead"" It's a grounding day type of movie and it could have had a more pleasant ending. There is a positive take away, stop the bullying and just be nice to one another.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
Me likey!
11 October 2019
Into the new season now, four new characters enrolled in the Good Place. I'm Janet's No.1 Fan! So I'm glad she's still around. Only after watching the 3rd episode of Season 4, I had a better understanding of what's really going on now and with whom. What the fork is going on with Chidi and his place in all this is made very clear and as per the past seasons, they just want us humans to be good. Enjoy the show and good humour! Ted Danson is as clever as always!
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