
22 Reviews
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
Would give this show a negative
29 October 2022
Living in area close to Monroe Ct. I know for a fact the Warrens were a bunch of fakes. And this show is garbage. I DESPISE ' REALITY' shows cause they are fake. This is so fake, it must be a comedy! The first person said ' I may not last 28 days' .Really? Allegedly this your professional carreer. You have to be kidding. And the idiot ' firefighter' who is a demonoligist? FOR REAL. I come from a family of firefighters. An embarrassment. Please NETFLIX. You take off great shows but put this garbage on! And this is all fake! I wish these clowns would actually camp out were there are actual sightings. Like Putnam Park, Redding, ct.
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Junior Bake Off (2011– )
Kids are great, hosts are annoying
27 October 2022
I love the great British baking show and the Junior Baking show. The junior bothers me a bit. Too big of an age difference between kids. No way is it fair to have a 9 year old against a fifteen year old. I will throw in I can not stand those idiots that run around annoying the contestants in both programs. What is the point? None of them are funny. I love the judges, so kind to the bakers! Get rid of these jerks who just annoy the bakers! Especially the children who are trying to concentrate! I am watching this show now and Harry whoever is a pain in the neck. He needs to go away just like those other two jerks on the British baking show. What is their purpose?
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Making the Cut (2020– )
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So if some jerk loses it is because of some racial crap. It is annoying. I agree, this show is dumb as could be. Heidi Klum is a jerk. She is a snot nosed biotch. And the last jerk to win, Yannik, was AWFUL. Why dont you use gay privilege? I believe Georgia was great. Along with the wonderful clothes by an earlier designer who was Asian . Cant remember her name, ( is that wrong?) She had beautiful clothing. I would purchase some of her clothes. Love Tim. Please stop with the race card. Btw, my children are biracial and my niece/nephew is transgender. So, get over it. And my review is not to short.
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Cat People (2021)
Very touching
28 August 2022
I adored this. I have 5 cats and a rescue dog. I do not believe in breeding animals when so many animals are homeless and need care. Altho I understand why people do buy pets because rescue facilities can be difficult. Wanting to inspect your home, sign 30 pages of garbage, want you to be home 6 hours a day and one place in my area wanted to charge me a viewing fee. WTF? So I can look at the animal!

This series was great, I sure wish we had a catch and release program here, but the van I would take my kitties to started charging more than a vet.

It was touching to see so many wonderful people out there who do everything to help. So what if the guy raps about cats? Better than some other filth I hear in rap songs.
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Dom (2021–2024)
Awesome! Great acting
21 August 2022
I know that some people complain about a little embellishment. That's what happens with movies. And , YES, he is very violent but I hope the second season brings that out. Also, not sure may have happened in this individuals home life, sure father was not an angel. I believe his parents were way too lenient in earlier years and mother seemed like a total enables both parents blaming everyone else and each other. Move out of a terrible place, make a better try to help family. I know, I know, easier said than done. My heart bled for the family. I thought this series was so compelling. He was such a handsome young man and was not stupid. Too bad he did not use all this to his advantage. Loved this series. Actually watching it for the second time, I see the poor daughter was left behind why the idiot parents focused on this jerk of a son. The POOR girl! Do you have to be an idiot to get all attention on one child? This person had parents who adored him but never seemed to focus on the good child. At ALL. How awful. Would she have needed to stick a needle in her arm to get any attention? The mother was an idiot. Father wasn't much better.
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For Heavens Sake
20 June 2022
I love cooking shows. Really. But this is ridiculous. One episode had some medieval cooking. Then do THAT! NOT WITH POOFY EQUIPMENT! Wonder what these people would make under conditions my grandmother or great grandmother had. Equipment to make this is only available to the the elite. I would not EVER want to repeat some of this stuff if I could. It is fun to watch but what garbage. A serving for one person would cost me more than gas for a week. To get to work. And actually, not that appetizing. Who are these judges? Surprised one of them didn't have those hideous eyelashes fall in the food. Or the other distraction with that terrible beard. Waiting for food to fall in it. AND COVER TATS CHEF!! LOOK PROFESSIONAL SRY, but it is so distracting and I cannot take these people seriously. It is fun, but stupid.
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17 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How in the world do people fall for this garbage? The MINUTE someone asked me for money TIME TO GO. He ripped off all these women, they had sex with him, and kept giving him more money via loans!. A BOYFRIEND NO LESS?? Shame on the credit card companies for ALLOWING THIS! The companies ahoyld have put a kabash on this. The GREED! And these HORRIBLE high rate loan companies. THE GREED! He kept saying his life is in danger. These pictures should have a time stamp on his bodyguard. Should you really believe a billionaires son that needs your life savings? AND YOU GIVE IT TO HIM? He flits all over the world. Seriously? He would be in hiding. And I hope those meals were worth the interest payments on the blue haze you all were in on the money he stole from all of you. I am so sorry for the victims but is life this blind? He laughed all the way to bank. And, again, so sorry but really.
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Judy Justice: When Roosters Attack (2022)
Season 1, Episode 54
Most ridiculous ruling
15 February 2022
This idiot judge judy gave someone 7k for a few pecks on a leg? From a rooster? With no medical records It was a boo boo. Are you a judge? Or just a queen of court? Or where you in some faze looking at son and reminding you of a charlie chaplin movie and got reminiscent? She deserved a band aid and a kick out the door.
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A Bit Confusing
14 February 2022
I have been watching this. Maybe I am missing something but what made anyone in their right mind fall under her 'spell'. Anna is downright unlikable and not very attractive in real life. No credentials. No job and all these idiots start handing out money to her. I still can't figure out what her great plan was. Or appeal. I keep reading up on her and everything is so vague. Most likely because no one wanted to admit to her con. I suppose like Enron or Bernie Maddox but that is more understandable because a bunch of dopes just thought they were going to double their money in a short period of time so greed was the motive. This scam is so hard to figure out. And I agree, should have been a shorter amount of time as far as this series went and what IS up with the pregnancy? Just wish it delved into how this loser got her hooks in so many people. And shame on Netflix for paying her. She isnt entitled to a nickel to keep. ALL THE MONEY should be divided to the individuals who were scammed. Not one cent to her.
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Annette (2021)
You have to kidding
4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this like 3 times. Skipping over the horrible singing. Yet going back I tried, really did. But trying to figure out the "Deep Meaning' Just for the record, never heard of Sparks. Must be a reason they skiddled to Europe. Also, awesome people. Once they became popular over there they got rid of their other members who some wound up committing suicide. And that crap, we are so mysterious we won't reveal anything about ourselves. What are you afraid of? Boring people to death? Or someone will leave burning dog poop on your porch? Like you left us with this crap.

Ape of God is symbolic for devil. The wooden puppet is because the parents used the kid. Can't figure out the apples and bananas. Maybe because Anne was like Eve but you got me confused over the bananas.

The real child is the only thing worth watching. She is ADORABLE. Which has me further confused why that ugly puppet was used. What was the reason for the huge ears? Another AMAZING symbolic POS? Henry thought the kid was like his stage persona, 'Ape' of God?

Which is another thing. His performance was cringe worthy as a comedian. If you are going to make him a funny famous amazing comedian and rich guy, make me laugh. I was embarrassed for him What was up with the bathrobe? Another symbolic thing I can't get?

I like Adam Driver. He is NOT THE BEST as I have read in some reviews. This movie could not be saved with George Clooney . Driver always plays a tortured artistic individual. I am sure he is throwing a chair thru a window reading all the bad reviews. Poor torturted soul. I know Marion Cotillard singing was dubbed, why they didn't do the same for Adam Driver is beyond me. If Devyon McDowell sang, she was awesome. So, between the embarrassing singing " We love you so much, I want to slit my vocal chords" to the embarrassing cunnilingus ( I was so turned off and humiliated) and LENGTH of the movie. This trash should have been 2 hours shorter. It was awful. Stop with the I don't get it cause I am not artistic enough. I am an artist and so is my daughter. She teaches. My niece is also in production. This was a trash

And the songs were cringe worthy. I wish I could repeat the same sentence 50 times and call it music. And be rich.
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Time (I) (2020)
16 May 2021
As someone who worked in banks for over 25 years, I do not care how desperate you are. I have been flat out broke with a minimal salary. Yes Banks Do Not Pay! And we risk our lives everyday! While some bean counter sits in an office and tells us what we should be doing. No absolutely no pity for this person. Or his wife. Should have thought about all this before committing a FEDERAL CRIME. Rot in jail and think about these offenses. AND YOUR KIDS BOTH OF YOU! Don't break the law. The scare of having the thought you are going to killed for 11 bucks an hour is terrible. While the perp runs off with what, a couple grand. And the worst part, in proper bank procedure we don't have the access to vault without two people, one being the bean counters hiding somewhere. And shame on whoever made this movie. Maybe we should take pity on kidnappers who need ransom money. Do what I did. Work three jobs. And go to school.
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Workin' Moms (2017–2023)
Best show ever
17 June 2020
All the haters, I have no understanding. This garbage that it doesn't reflect 'true life' OMG, WHAT SITCOM DOES? AND, I happen to believe it quite possibly does. I love the characters, sorry Kates lips are a distraction to the jerk who said that as if any other characters in any other show dont have physical flaws. She is beautiful and funny. I ADORE all the characters. When my husband, who only watches documentaries on wars and despises silly shows, laughed out loud on several episodes, I knew I was not the only one who thought it was funny. Please , I could give a long list of crappy horrible shows with laugh tracks that were 'hits'. If you all want real, watch a documentary. This show is hilarious. Please. Hope it goes until Charlie gets married! Btw LOVE Allison too, besides all the adults!
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Forever (I) (2018)
25 May 2020
I love the actors. HATED THIS SHOW. It is so awful I don't know where to begin. All these 'amazing ' reviews. PLEASE!! WORST SHOW EVER
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Unorthodox (2020)
So amazing
13 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to give too much away. But I believe Etsy 'finding her voice' is symbolic in the final episode. I watched this three times. I'm APPALLED at the horrible behavior of the the Jews. They whine over their imprisonment of what they went through, but REALLY? How are they different with what the men do to women? Disgusting
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Worst acting EVER
1 May 2020
I wish I could give this a negative number. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. HORRIFIC ACTING. Wife is an ass and to think ANYONE but the guy she married would have anything to do with her requires an amazing imagination. Doesnt make sense. The husband runs a restaurant and the wife is angry because he is always home late. DUHH. Stupid stupid stupid. She is unattractive and nasty. But the 'teacher' can not act worth anything at all. Dont waste your time. This movie should be on mst3000. THEY WOULD IMPROVE THE SCRIPT. Horrible horrible movie
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So much fun
22 April 2020
Let me say, I adore the actors in this movie. My husband, who never laughs at silly movies thought this was so funny. Its was cute and fun! It's just a fun movie! Watched it during the lock down (the virus) way better than a dark movie! All need a laugh, this is it. Btw, loved 13 going on 30. And Bridesmaid. You will get the reference if you watch this
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Worst acting EVER along with the MOVIE
21 March 2020
Tried to get through this movie. Writing is horrible acting is worse. I can not believe this crap gets produced. Who does this garbage??
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14 March 2020
Not even remotely funny. Just some jerk running around a stage with unfunny comments. Worst ever. Prime, get rid of this. And anything else who has this, DO NOT MAKE ANYONE PAY
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14 March 2020
Could not get thru the first 15 minutes. Not funny AT ALL. she is awful. Don't waste your time. OR EVER your money to see her
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Purple Rain (1984)
1 March 2020
Music is great. I actually saw him in concert twice. I love his music. But this film is so cheesy. No great acting, AT ALL. Watch it for the music. Not the acting. Sorry 'Prince' we all had horrible child hoods. So glad you made it. Nice music if you like his songs, which I do
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Scraps (2018)
Awful and not the least bit funny
16 November 2019
I agree with the other review. No redeeming qualities in any of the characters. The man bun actor is terrible, awkward and rude. The whole plot is awful. The only people who would have laughed and gave good reviews HAVE to be personal friends or investors. Which would account for only two good reviews. Dontt waste your time
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16 November 2019
This movie is terrible. Don't waste your time. Acting is stiff and the whole plot drags. Who writes this garbage. And how do these actors even get these parts? Who do they know?
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