
215 Reviews
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Provokation (2002)
One Of Dora's Best!
20 June 2024
Provokation is a short, like most of Marian Dora's shorts, was hard for me to find. But I'm glad that I finally found this one because I think they maybe one of Dora's best films.

It opens with a girl peeing. Then we see that her father gets aroused by it. Then he brutally attacks and kills her. Then the film starts getting really sick with Dora's trademark bodily fluids on display.

Look I don't wanna mention anymore simply because I don't know what else I can mention on IMDB but it's all pretty graphic and disgusting.

And yea normally I'm not a fan of this type a stuff from Dora but the way it's done feels more vile here. Probably because it's not stuffed in a long borefest of a movie with a crap storyline and unlikable characters like the rest of his work. It's just the violence and depravity all done right away with no animal violence.
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Dark Circus (2016)
Nothing Magical Here
19 June 2024
Oh boy where to start with this one?! So Dark Circus is about a girl who seems to have depression brought on by her unfulfilled, mundane existence. Now after she's been fired from her job she starts to commit self mutilation. So one day she's hanging out with her friends and some man with a funny hat summons her to follow him into this "fantasy world". And im putting "fantasy world" into quotations because honestly this seems more like they're just in some bad goth BDSM sex cult secret hideout. Anyways she meets some chick with a funny face mask with a bland monotonous voice that she needs to follow her and some other girl comes out of nowhere and unenthusiastically agrees with funny mask lady and blandly tells her she must go with her. So now the girl see's a bunch of BDSM and decides this is her life now.

So I know I might have missed a few things but this is mainly the plot. This movie is supposed to be an analogy for main character repressed secret desires manifesting into reality The problem with this movie is not necessarily the story but it's the way they try to present this world to you. At no times do they make this actually feel like any world that would actually suck anyone in. Every character is so uninteresting, monotonous and they just seem to wanna sexually exploit the main character one way or another. None of these qualities scream to me like this mythical magical oasis.

The world in general seems like a few S&M performances, some nude photo shoots and people shouting blandly at each other about absolutely nothing. At no times do they make this feel any deeper than what I just said. So I'm failing to see this "magical fantasy world" that this movie is trying to portray here. The only thing I can give this movie is that main chick atleast discovers her fondness for BDSM subculture and gives her new vigor to live now, so there's atleast that.
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18 June 2024
Maggot Farmers is strange little short movie. One that even after it's over not quite fully understanding totally what I just watched or how I feel about it in general. The movie is just so oddly done. It kinda starts off like a brutal serial killer movie. And the 3 quarters in it turns into a living scarecrow film.

Look I'm not saying that this was bad because it wasn't. It just felt like too much shifting in storylines that I think would have been better kept separate. Instead it feels like two different movies stuffed in one film. And not entirely for the best.

Oh and I also got to say that This has got to be the driest gore film ever seen! I don't know how they did it but the lack of gooey blood makes ever thing look super plastic here.
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Variant II (2023)
Modern Day Classic!!
18 June 2024
Talk about a complete difference one movie makes! The first Variant was fun but admittedly tame effort. If was more of light sfx showcase with a goofy premise. And this one I can say's amplifies everything done well in the first one to and eleven here. Just from the NES beginning you know you're about to go on a hell of ride. But man I was not ready for this! There is some seriously wacky violence on display here. And the sfx are really delightful cheesy. There's an overall 80's SOV charm to the whole thing and to be honest this is one of the best SOV movies I've ever seen! Splatter heads and bad movie cinephiles must watch!
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They're barely Trying Here
18 June 2024
This movie is nothing more than just loose excuse to have Felicia Fisher show her hairy bush and have some fake blood and crappy prosthetics on her. Mind you I don't mind seeing it but this movie is barely making an effort here to actually have some kind of story. Just a couple chicks having a photo shoot go way out of hand. I don't know everything looks so laughably bad here makes you wonder what these A Baroque House guys learned if anything about making movies in all these years they've been around?

Honestly just like all there other productions not enough sex to be a decent porn and not good enough horror to even watch it on that level. So who is this for???
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Gore Grind 2 (2022)
Much Better Than The First
13 June 2024
I unfortunately had the displeasure of watching The first Gore Grind anthology. Nothing about it I can even say was remotely good about it. Fortunately for this one it's a huge leap forward in quality just based off 2 shorts. One is Neighbor No. 9 and the other is Keepsake.

Neighbor No. 9 is directed by Wilhelm Muller and it's easily the best short on here. It's about a man abducting a women and violently torturing and murdering her. Definitely gruesome!

Next Keepsake by Nathan Hine is a goofy short about a girl bringing some guy to her house and murdering him while having sex. Nothing that great about this one except for the father in the car telling his son to bang the chick good. And may I add it's a big disappointment that the girl in this was not nude because she has a smoking body. Besides that it's a fun enough watch.

After those two I really can't recommend any other short here. Some of them are really nothing worth watching or even enough content to even be called a short movie in the first place.
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Hell (2018)
Creative Yet Unnecessary
11 June 2024
Hell is basically a college students experimental art project. The focus is mostly on crazy edits and playing with special effects. There's some stop motion work and a lot of music spliced through the film. Which I'm sure they never got any licensing approval to any of the songs considering that they use a lot commercial music which I'm sure any song would cost more than this whole movie.

Overall it's like I said before, a college students art project. There's no story to speak of and over all it feels like some bad acid trip, fever dream. The beginning is fun enough but once it gets to the wrestling bit the movie starts tanking real quick. Besides that still a bit of fun to be had here. There's worse things to waste your time on.
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Delirium (VIII) (2015)
All Style No substance
10 June 2024
If you could have a great movie just based off cool imagery then I guess this would be it . But what makes this great is also what makes this a complete, excruciating, bore! This movie is simply here just for eye candy because there is absolutely no plot. And yes they may B. S. with this whole parasites nonsense in its description and they make some vague dialogue about it in the movie but trust when I say it has nothing to do with the narrative. To be honest there is no narrative to speak of. This is simply a collection of good looking scenes that wear out there welcome in movie that's a little more than a hour long it feels way too long . It's a shame because visually this movie is very impressive. Besides that it's a complete waste of time.
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Lung (2016)
Wasted Potential
6 June 2024
Lung is a movie I wanted to love badly. Being a fan of some of directors Phil Stevens movies I thought this would easily be another winner. Unfortunately I have to say this is not very good.

This movie reeks of artsy fartsy nonsense. It's a shame because Stevens movies are admittedly a bit artsy fartsy in general, but atleast they actually tell some kind of story. This seems to be more of some bizarre fever dream that never really wows you. It's all pretty boring actually. And for a movie made after Flowers I expected this to have more of a visual flare. Instead this film looks kinda drab. Like some bad art school project.

I heard the sequel is pretty much the same movie as this with some slight variations. If that's the truth I'm not looking forward to seeing it.
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Within 304 (2003)
Decent Little Horror Short
6 June 2024
Within 304 is a horror short for Phil Stevens the director who made and is most known for Flowers (2015) and is sequel Flowers 2 (2020). From what I can see this is his first movie and you can definitely see his unmistakable style all over this.

Just like the Flowers movie this is a silent film which I can say for the most part works. There are some moments that you don't quite grasp everything going on but they may be intentional. The movie is pretty dark and violent. And this movie moves quick making it a breeze in its brisk 43 min runtime.

Definitely a good starting point for anyone who wants to get into Phil Steven's work before watching some of his nuttier films.
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Much Better Than The First!
4 June 2024
Like I said in the title this entry in the Suffering Bible movie series is better than the first entry. Now mind you I remember nothing about the first one at all. All I remember is that it was complete trash. And while I mildly enjoyed this I'm not gonna say this a particularly good either. And in a way that's the charm of this one.

This entry is purely cheese. Nothing takes itself too seriously. It just seems to be a bunch of goofy shorts that exist in this weird bad acid trip realm that are only here to show a bit of violence and some light nudity. And I gotta say the red head in the first short has some serious headlights on her.

Besides that I would say you can skip this movie. But if you don't it's only an hour of your life, and there's worse ways to spend it like watching the first movie.
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Permalink Furs (2016)
A Massive Fail!
1 June 2024
...In Furs is a movie tries to be A lot smarter than it is. It plays like it's a dark psychological thriller but it ends up looking goofy and clumsy.

The story is about a guy who takes drugs and is either hallucinating the events that happen in the movie or he's actually doing all the murders he has done.

Now the premise sounds interesting enough but the execution is god awful! The director fails to really engage the audience and make you care about any of the story. By the end you never really find out what was real and not real and to be honest who really cares. I was just glad it was over. The only plus I can say is there's a great nude scene with the two beautiful actresses in this movie. And trust me that's all you need to ever see of this garbage!
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The Masked Strangler (1999 Video)
1 June 2024
I just had the displeasure of watching The Masked Strangler. I read a review that claimed that this movie was disturbing and violent, and boy I can say that's a complete over exaggeration.

This movie maybe a bit violent, in the most unbelievably amateurishly goofy way. But I can assure you there's no disturbing scenes to be found here unless you find it disturbing when some one chokes some one for 3 minutes while the victim unrealistically puts on no struggle. Or a guy licking a guy shoes because he told him to while not fighting back.

The only thing truly disturbing about this movie is how wretchedly bad it all is. It's pretty unwatchable!
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29 May 2024
White Gardenia is name in the modern underground of mutilation that's been the talk of the extreme horror in the last couple years. Me being a fan of actual story based content never really liked the whole White Gardenia shtick. But I did find myself enjoying this documentary. Definitely interesting to know what's in the mind of an absolute nut case and the friends he hangs out with, why he does the things he does and how his body feels through the various self abuse.

Now the documentary suffers from being a bit over long. It definitely could have been paced better. And the interviewer could have been better but overall that's just nitpicking. This documentary really brings it on home to what makes this guy tick and it pretty intense visually. Definitely made for the more hardcore of taste. And is a fascinating watch.
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Uncle David (2010)
Bizarre Almost Works!
29 May 2024
After viewing this I felt compelled to write a review of the WTF I just watched. Uncle David is a movie that's only crutch is it's disturbing factor because besides that this movie is unbelievably bad! And even the idea of disturbing is kinda of joke here. The story is supposed to about an uncle and nephew who are both of consenting age to have their bizarro relationship. All that really goes down in most of this is guy blabbing about his philosophies of life to someone so bored out of their mind that they wanna be murdered by this guy.

Most of what happens here is nothing. The only thing I even remember slightly happening was some bad dance sequence to a song that sounded like a poor man's cover of Muse "Uprising" . Speaking about the music this movie over all feels like it's some weird ass musical. And a bad one at that.

Mind you some of this is pretty effective and dark but most of the film seems so bizarrely inept and badly acted and poorly mic'd that it looses the little bit of good has going for it.
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Vexanthrone (2024)
A Disgusting Snoozefest!
29 May 2024
First lets get this out of the way, this movie is not good! Mostly this film consist of this Napoleon Dynamite looking guy ass naked rambling pretentiously about absolutely nothing! And I stress nothing!! All while smearing his feces on random things while he has various body growths on his body. And there's this mannequin that they keep showing for some reason. Feels like an underdeveloped side character for how much screen time this thing actually gets. Yea and that's pretty much the whole film. Sounds boring and pretentious? Well thats because its exactly what it is.

Now mind you the SFX are pretty impressive over all. Some of it looks very nauseating. So in that department I give it one star. But for the movie it's just too slow and absolutely nothing going on to ever recommend this to anyone.
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Unbelievably Bad!!
12 May 2024
I once read a review about Visions of Filth that after the first five minutes you should just turn it off and I gotta say they were absolutely right!

This movie is a complete waste of time! It's badly done on all levels. The acting, directing, story, sfx, script, it's all trash! The worse part about this is that you actually spend more time watching this guy masturbate than actually do anything violent.

The only good thing I can say about this movie is the main actor completely puts himself into his role. Mind you he's absolutely horrible, but atleast he tries. And there's some female nudity so there's that too. Besides that this movie seems like a 30 min short padded for time to get a full length hour out of almost nothing.
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Lower Than Dirt!
26 April 2024
I just had the displeasure of watching the new Jack Mulvanerty film 'Dolls Are Meant To Be Trash". This movie unfortunately seems to be a tribute of sorts to Lucifer Valentine and/or Samhel and the rest of A Baroque House production nonsense as it's basically a carbon copy of all that garbage! Basically you take a hot alternative model and have her commit actual self harm, vomit, throw in a badly shot real sex scene, terrible sound and editing and viola! You got yourself a movie.

The real disappointment I have with this is that Mulvanerty has proven before that he actually has some talent unlike the other hacks I just mentioned. Now seeing him resort to this form of fetish porn and watch him do it this bad is pathetic and embarrassing. Atleast if you're gonna go down this road make something that put your contemporaries to shame. But this looks and feels like a bargain bin version of the crappy movies these guys are barely doing better.

Mulvanerty have some respect for yourself and your craft. Leave the garbage for the talentless hacks. Live up to your potential that you've shown that you have and make a real film.
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A Disgusting, Boring, Waste Of Time!
22 April 2024
What is there to really say about this film?! Directed and acted by Mikel Balerdi, the same guy who gave you such movies as 'The Girl With The Cutter', 'Golgota' and 'Larva Mental'. Now brings you probably his goofiest movie yet. Crisalida from my understanding is supposed to be a prequel to 'Larva Mental'. Just like Larva Mental the movie shows a lot of scenes of self harm and various unsimulated sexual debauchery. Most of the scenes go on for way too long! Mainly to draw out the runtime for a movie that realistically should have been at most a 30 minute short. Visually the movie comes off like a bad student art project. Editing is choppily seziure inducing and static filled. The soundtrack is also boring with the same music playing through most with random grunts and screams thrown in for unease. Most of the film is just some guy masturbating, having oral sex with an extremely fake looking corpse, penis mutilation, rolling around in feces, finger banging and then whipping some girl. Trust me none of this comes off extreme because of how fake it all looks. Besides ofcourse for the actual unsimulated sex scenes. But even then the movie fails to do anything more then just show anything either sexually arousing or disgusting. Seems again just shot to pad out the runtime.

Look at little more than a hour this movie is an absolute chore to watch. If you liked Mikel Balerdi other films maybe you might dig this. Personally I believe this might be his most unwatchable movie yet!!
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Sikkfukks (2016)
Weird Artsy Nonsense
18 April 2024
I just wanna say this right off the bat, Sikkfukks is one bizarre movie! It's like your watching fever dream with all the random hallucinations that happen in it.

To be honest I couldn't figure out a damn thing going on in this movie between the subtitles leaving the screen faster than the dialogue and the characters rambling about absolutely nothing which in turn led me to not care about the story in general. If it wasn't for the scenes that were a bit trippy this would be completely pointless.

Even the trippy scenes are not enough to redeem this movie. From the acting, script, editing and sfx it's just Bad!
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30 Mins Of Nothing
18 April 2024
Lady In A Sea Of Blood is one of the most exaggerated titles ever! A sea is definitely not what you get here. It's more of a naked girl in a shower taking blood out of a bucket a pouring it all over herself for a little less than 30 minutes. Yup that's right folks. Just a naked girl showering with a bunch of fake blood naked. And this being a Japanese movie they make sure to digitally blur out her vagina only making this worse.

Does any of what I just said sound interesting? Im sure if you have a functioning brain than im sure this sounds like a waste of time and Trust me it is. This is an absolute borefest that's completely unwatchable!
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Downright Awful!!
18 April 2024
Shock 2000 Aka Snuff Perversions 2 has to be one of the longest, most boring movies I've ever seen!! And trust me I've seen plenty of them so I should know. At about two hours this movie is grueling watch. And no not grueling because of the violence, but because of the excessively long scenes.

This movie is basically just random stories of fake snuff scenes. One after the other is pretty repetitive. They mostly all get killed the same way by strangulation. And nudity usually follows.

First I just wanna say how badly the audio is. From scene to another the audio levels are dramatically different. Keep your hand on the remote or you're gonna upset some neighbors.

Besides that the only good thing I got to say is there a lot of hot girls naked and that's why I gave this a 2 and it really doesn't even deserve that. This is terrible on all levels.
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Mondo Shock (2016)
Mondo Meets Mixtape
17 April 2024
With a name like Mondo Shock you would think that this movie would replicate some of the old Mondo films but this comes off like more of a supernatural mix tape with moments of shock videos like face of death. Very little this is actually real. It's mostly a bunch of staged clips that barely keep your interest. There's also some real clips thrown In to keep you guessing what fake and what's real. But the real footage is minimal.

Now these shorts do have there moments. Some of them could be a bit creepy. But most are badly shot and look extremely fake. Unfortunately it makes this almost unwatchable.
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Post-Mortem (2010)
Don't Believe A Word Your Reading From These Other Reviews
17 April 2024
This is the definition of Garbage! Absolutely the most boring, badly shot, over long, horribly written, miserably acted, crappy edited, amatuar hour piece of nonsense you could ever imagine!!! Don't waste your life watching this. Absolutely nothing happens here. Just a lot of implied nonsense with some joke of an actor mean mugging throughout his own movie. This is like the August Underground movies except with nothing extreme happening and even worse acting. Anthony Spadaccini may just be the worst director of all time! Definitely no one who watched this is giving 10stars. Fake family, friends, cast reviews. Terrible!
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Goofy Low Budget Fun
17 April 2024
Creeps is a early Jack Mulvanerty movie that from the looks of it he must have done in his teens since it looks to be a student project of sorts, or atleast a project he did with his friends.

This movie generally nonsensical. It's just a random goofy slasher done more to see blood and have a laugh. Everything is done with a bit of style that's impressive for a kid show. The editing is well done. The acting is amusingly amateurish. The SFX are bad but it adds to the charm of the production. The only real complaint I have against this movie is the audio is all over the place. Either way it doesn't detract from the film.

Overall I gotta say this film is quite fun! I would have loved to be able to make a film like this when I was a teen. Slasher fans and no budget horror fans should check this one out.
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