2 Reviews
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3 from Hell (2019)
29 October 2019
What is up with Rob Zombie trying to portray the main characters as some type of bad ass heroes that should be admired, cheered for, or sympathized with? It's like trying to make Leatherface a humorous anti-hero. I very rarely write reviews here, but this movie was wack, I'd completely lost interest by the end. And as others have said, Sid Haig's presence was sorely missed...without him Zombie is just another Hollywood hack.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
This Season Not So Great
12 May 2019
Sneaky Pete has kind of built itself on extremely unlikely situations and coincidences, but in the past seasons it was easy to suspend belief as the the plot lines were compelling and actors engrossing, especially season 1.

Season 3 is a big letdown, with a horribly written also-ran story concerning the Bowman siblings' parent, which is a HUGE yawn, led by completely charisma free Libe Barer (Carly); it's almost painful to watch. I found myself fast forwarding during any parts of that storyline, and even the actors involved looked like they couldn't care less about Carly's mission when interacting with her. I felt bad for Margo Martindale (Audrey), a wonderful actress, who had to be tied down to that super tired dead weight of a plot.

Giovanni Ribisi seemed robotic and bored this season, almost looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. The writing was off kilter as well, with Ribisi making a ton of very questionable moves for someone deemed to be so clever. His new love relationship was a chemistry fail. Was really looking forward to bingeing this season, but ended up being pretty disappointed.
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