
1 Review
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Looking Forward to Series Debut
2 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*Based on the pilot I'm looking forward to seeing this show and hoping it can sustain the quality, the density and richness, of the pilot.

There's a lot of story in 40-odd minutes. A number of driven characters, each differently motivated, with some new, unusual, but welcome faces. I felt as if I were in actually in this neighborhood in New York. The production value is that of a feature film.

Forget the Super Bowl. This is what hi-def TV is made for.

The comment currently listed on this series's homepage is, in a word, stupid. It's insulting to the storytellers and the audience, not to mention that it contains spoilers. You don't have to be best buds with Haggis and Moresco to enjoy this show.

The challenges, naturally, other than the humdrum Herculean tasks of producing a show (13 eps? I heard?), will be the use of violence, language, and sex on network TV. Good luck and I'm waiting.
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