
9 Reviews
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The Ruins (2008)
totally impressed...
26 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched the movie and i am totally impressed.The plot ,topic.. were mostly consistent.The existence of such a plant is not teorically impossible.The things it is capable of are not illogical.The idea of throwing plants to natives was not very illogical either :) But jeff did not have to die as he got very cllose to natives. When he was shouting he distracted attention enough. Finally talking, after all those so called terrifying movies, the one was the real one.. The bet was an oralsex ,not a handjob anyway :S The plant needs to touch blood to go into a person or simply eat it, however Amy wasn't bleeding anywhere.Then it can only have entered from her mouth ,ear ,nose or pusssy which is not possible to happen without her realize i think...
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hopefully I have my religion...
5 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Many scenes during the movie completely exceed the limits of ethics and moral.The jerking off scenes may seem funny but it made me feel that the movie is actually nothing... The point in here is that funny,sexual quotes and,phrases should have been the thing that made this movie the American pie.However jerking off scenes,stood up dicks or pussies should have never been shown(they could be implied)... This movie clearly states that the American public is not aware of the limits of independence and morality..The thing that worries me is that they will never be ...Is this true? To answer that, they should ask themselves if they are really happy inside..
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29 September 2006
I'm considering how an action,adventure,thriller,mystery and emotional movie can be done best,but I needn't think ;it is Mission Impossible 3. Tom Cruise reveals that he is the right actor and he has lost nothing from his youth.The supposed new tech was excellent.I congratulate who ever had a duty conducting this project.

Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watct it.. Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watct it.. Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watct it..Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watct it.. Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watct it.. Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watch it !!! Watct it..
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Proof (2005)
A disaster .......
9 May 2006
I was very excited when the movie was about to start considering that it would reveal sth scientific or Dobbs and Catherine would accomplish a very important theorem working together for a long time caring the signs of science and life(Also taking care what her father tried to do in his last years).İf the film was in this concept,it would be a great production.Anyway; it is gonna be a little sharp but there was nothing in the movie,or I can say that I gained nothing.I am an Electrical&Elrctronical Engineering student in METU.This may be the reason why I think like that.However this doesn't change the fact that the ending of the movie was horrible,horrible horrible .... Do the American people hate science so much that there is nothing scientific within the movie although it was supposed to be ....(İt would be acceptable if the other elements except science were processed in a good way;unfortunately the film was a disaster...)
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LION(English word)=ASLAN(Turkish);;;;;;Turkish Delight is magnificent:))
4 March 2006
The story was so simple ,I mean there was nothing sophisticated i.e. we needn't use our minds during the film.However it is a very nice child film.During the film,I realized that the main story was most like Lord of the Rings.I mean they tried to cheat from there. The process of the events reminded that movie.But they failed.They couldn't even get closer. Despite all these facts,As a Turk I got honored because of ASLAN. ASLAN is the Turkish word translation of the English word LION which is the main character of the movie.Moreover Turkish DELIGHT was many times used during the film.If you haven't tasted that before,be sure that you have missed a unique taste.Also the tents of the lion's territory and the handwork over them was almost the same as what our Turkish ancestors used once upon a time.Then the question is "is the writer a Turkish fan?"
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really extremely good...
27 February 2006
First ,I want to congratulate Roberto Benigni for this brilliant production.Despite the fact that the film was very long,it never felt me bored or tired.I had the same energy with Mr.Benigni while watching the movie.The combination of romantism, comedy and emotions was the best of all times maybe..As a Turk,I celebrate our friends Italiens for this movie.The world got bored of Hollywood movies(always repeating subjects).It is too difficult to see such movies like Lord of the rings in the future.That's why It is the time of Europe. Gegen The Wand,Valley Of the Wolves:Iraq and this movie are some of the latest examples of what Europe can do against Hollywood... Ciao..Ciao...Ciao.....
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Late comment but feelings can not be surpassed...
26 February 2006
is it possible for a film to be perfect? I mean no mistakes or can a film be criticized in no way? or Can a film include everything from war to love?and can all these subjects be processed in a perfect way they have never been before ?Just one film; really there is just one film in all these properties.. The Lord Of The Rings...Although all the three movies are excellent,Return Of The King has more of that.After I watched the film 3 years ago,I couldn't regain consciousness for two hours.I don't think this film is a movie; it's a work of art. İt's for sure that this film is the best of the rest including matrix, fight club,scawsank,gladiator so forth...
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The Fog (2005)
Explaining the current situation of Hollywood
25 February 2006
I think they should have added an icon below the scene that this movie is only for the age between 3 and 10. In fact this movie accounts for the current situation of the American movie industry.They have already exhausted all they had as a scenario .They got used to repeating the movies produced before.And when they want to create an original scenario,they make it all nonsense. What I am advising is that in Turkey;There are uncountable numbers of stories waiting for being made a movie.Many legends..,affecting directly to heart...Once they examine;the American directors will find out.The reason why we ourselves do not do this job is that we lack the necessary experience...
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The ability to be criticized...
6 February 2006
"The way of being a great country is not only to let,accept or evaluate the criticisms made against that country;but to encourage these criticisms." Critisizms help a country get better and correct their mistakes.if USA claims their being a great country,they have to accept the mistakes done in Iraq.The movie is not an anti-American attempt.It just aims to remind the world what actually happened and happening in there.The value of an Iraqi person for an American soldier...By the way;"The film is not against Americans;it is against the politics carried out by American leaders,Bush. (A confession: We turks ,do love Americans but hate the enemy of islam, Bush....)
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