
14 Reviews
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Crime Junky Clickbait
16 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thought maybe we'd learn something new about this case - I mean a four part documentary? Wow they must have really broken something side open. Not. Total waste of time. Four episodes of "experts" (including a horror movie buff?) repeating themselves over and over about things we already knew. Film footage and the same horrific 7-8 crime scene photos we've all seen before are shown over and over again. Commentary from three really obnoxious self-amused podcasters doesn't help. Even the "lost tape" of Gein's initial interview with police is just the same 3-4 interactions played several times over. Knowing they'll just be repeating themselves, the stupid "warning" title before each episode is just insulting. I suffered so you don't have to. You're welcome.
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Spaceman (I) (2024)
Selfish, Career Driven Spouse Trope - In Space.
15 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
How many times do we have to see this same, tired storyline? Usually the Husband (but occasionally the Wife) works too hard, neglects family, comes to realization of what's important, either on his/her own or through some tragic loss. If it's not too late, we see amends, forgiveness, and a happy ending (usually entails him/her quitting his/her job). If it's too late, we get the sad ending. You can change the decade, the genre, the location...but it's the same old same old. This one is in space and this time it's the husband who's terrible and treats his wife like crap because, you know, Jupiter. Throw in a friendly furry space spider spewing deep zen truthisms (illusion or real, doesn't matter) and a badly timed breakup by the long suffering wife and...yeah. That's pretty much it. And for good measure the infamous Netflix "Non-Ending Ending". Sigh.

Love Adam, love Carey, and Paul is great as Hanush but I gotta wonder what is motivating terrific actors to sign on for these Netflix drivel-fests? Money? Quick turnaround on set? Easy commute with no overnight travel away from home? What? Make it stop, Netflix, or you're gonna lose my $6.99 a month.
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Bodies (2023)
Hallelujah - A Netflix Series With An Actual Ending!
25 October 2023
I can't count the number of Netflix movies and series I have invested in only to be hit with what I call "The Netflix Non-Ending Ending". You know the ones - dead stops where it feel as if the writers just ran out of steam, and finally said eh, forget about it...let the audience figure it out for themselves. So frustrating! Bodies stands out to me if for no other reason than it has an actual ending. There is a lot going on so pay attention or you'll find yourself constantly rewinding to figure out what they're talking about. Time travel stories are exhausting to some degree but I found this one fun and engaging. Worth the binge!
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Waaaaay Longer Than It Needs To Be
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Like many who grew up in this time I thought I'd seen, read, heard it all about the DeFeo murder case and the Lutz haunting. This doc however did surprise me with a few nuggets that I'd never heard before and I appreciated that. So why only 5 stars? Because of the ridiculously loooooong dramatic pauses that interrupt the interviews. Excruciating, exhausting filler segments sometimes as long as 40 seconds (yes I counted!). Long, slo-mo shots of things like a chandelier, a door, a statue of Jesus; set to the same, repetitive eery music. The interviewees were interesting and would have been more than enough on their own without all the drama.
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From (2022– )
I'm A Potty Mouth & Even I Can't Take It!
16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's the same old tired format - a somewhat interesting premise drowned out by soap opera drama. A whiny teenager who puts everyone in peril with her stupidity. A woman who won't SHUT UP until her yakking wakes! Up! The! Monsters!!! No one asks the right questions- or any questions at all for that matter - because then the writers would have to provide actual answers. And then there's constant stream of the F-Bomb. It gets worse as the series progresses and by the episode I'm listening to right now as I type this review (S2E4) it's just insane. Dozens of them each episode. Look, I use the F-Word myself often enough and I have no problem when it makes sense and helps create a character or a time. But this is just stupid nonsensical cursing because they can. I'm so over it.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Another Non-Ending Ending From Netflix
17 October 2022
Netflix is the champion of putting out movies & series that will suck the life out of you for absolutely no payoff whatsoever. I'm starting to wonder if they're doing it for the fun of it just to see how long we'll keep paying them to do it to us. The vast majority of their projects end👏🏻actual👏🏻ending👏🏻. Not in a good "gosh this could be interpreted this way or that way". Just NO ENDING as if they just spitter out and have no more juice and say that's it! I don't know who I'm more annoyed with; Netflix for pulling this stunt or me for falling for it yet once again. Five stars for the cast who do a great job, despite the pointlessness of it all.
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The Secret (2007)
Skin Crawling For All The Wrong Reasons
1 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ick. Waiting/worrying that something would "happen" between Ben & Hannah/Sam was just too creepy/grueling for me. This story definitely did not need to be told. Did I say ick?
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John Carpenter Tried To Tell Them!
1 November 2021
Carpenter never planned for sequels to the original Halloween. He envisioned an anthology series where each film would be a completely different story centered around Halloween. He tried to tell the producers there was nothing more to say about Michael Meyers but they wouldn't listen. He begrudgingly did Halloween II and definitely shows. Finally they let him tell a completely different story in Halloween III but people were pissed when there was no Michael. Sigh. So when people complain about how bad the sequels are (truth!) just remember...John Carpenter tried to tell them!
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Amazing Casting!
4 October 2021
The "ripped from the headlines" dialog is amazing and and the performances are top notch, yes. But it's the eerily realistic casting that make this even more fun to watch. Obama's lilting speech pattern? Clapper's appearance and mannerisms? And Trump being...well...Trump? Just wow. Spot on. As a news junkie who became very familiar with the real faces and voices of the players over the summer of 2016, it was just mesmerizing to see them recreated with such accuracy. Well done!
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Everybody Needs An Angel Like Dolly
11 December 2020
Come on y'all don't be so grinchy! I mean it's Dolly in a dozen costumes dripping in rhinestones & feathers and looking gorgeous at age 74! Yes,'s cheesy and hokey and waaaaaaay over the top. But it's DOLLY and it's could it be anything else?!!
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Once Again Background Music Ruins The Experience
2 October 2020
Yet another doc that would have been great if it weren't for the loud techno violins that play constantly throughout. When will doc directors stop this madness? I want to hear your story, not screaming loud background music that NEVER ENDS. What a shame.
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The Daughter (2015)
I Grow Weary Of The Non-Ending Trend
14 March 2020
When will it stop? This trend of dropping the story mid sentence and letting us figure it out for ourselves. Despite a stellar cast, an engaging story and haunting cinematography this film, like so many others these days, just QUITS and leaves the rest up to me. I want YOU to tell ME a story, not the other way around. LAZY!!! 😡
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General Magic (2018)
General MUSIC!
10 July 2019
Horribly mastered film with non-stop, repetitive, BLARING background music that completely drowns out the interviews. No setting on the sound bar will fix this. Don't bother. What a shame.
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Stink. Stank. Stunk.
12 June 2019
Whew. Is it over? Hallelujah.

Despite nodding off a few times, I stuck it out to see if maybe there was a big payoff at the end. Uhhhh...yeah that would be a no.
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