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Harley Quinn: Joker: The Killing Vote (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
The Harley Quinn show at its finest
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Showing the normal struggles of a suburban stepfather trying to instill confidence and self-love in his children is mildly interesting, but making that stepfather the Joker is perfect. This episode is oddly wholesome with a straight forward theme, all while using The Dark Knight, Batman (1987), and The Killing Joke as it's framework.
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Swap Me, Baby (2022)
A light-hearted comedy with enjoyable characters
15 June 2022
The comedy may not always be to everyone's taste but the characters are enjoyable to watch and the film doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's a wholesome comedy.
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Halo: Inheritance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Filler episode for a filler subplot
5 May 2022
This episode derails the momentum of the previous two episodes, all while adding nothing important to the main story. On its own it would be a good episode, but in this show it feels unnecessary and forced. You can literally skip this episode and not miss a thing.
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Basically the movie Team America: World Police
1 July 2021
This movie is stupid, obnoxious, offensive, crazy, comical, and extremely patriotic. If you watch the trailer and enjoy the trailer, then you'll enjoy this film. It's not a clever or insightful satire, rather it's a frat house rendition of the American Revolution and of American culture. If you enjoyed the 2004 film "Team America: World Police" then there's a strong chance you'll enjoy this. It may not be historically accurate but this film has spirit.
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Moon Knight (2019)
A Gritty Noir Take on the Character
25 February 2019
The creators here were able to stay true to the character and not shy away from the more graphic and psychological elements of Moon Knight. This Moon Knight kills like in the comics and suffers for multiple personality disorder. He's not a Batman clone. With the film's gritty noir its adds new life to the superhero medium and keeps things fresh.
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