5 Reviews
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Nefarious (2023)
Well Done
9 June 2023
I'm an atheist, and I enjoyed this movie. People dismissing it as Christian propaganda are watching movies for the wrong reasons. I'm here to be entertained. I don't need every movie I watch to match my world view. In fact, it's often more interesting if it doesn't.

It had some excellent acting and kept me interested. It's dialogue heavy so keep that in mind. That's a plus for me, but if you want action, go watch one of the many mindless Marvel movies.

The only gripe I had was the soundtrack. I get it's low budget, but honestly the only part that felt low budget was this.

To the producers I say, your writers were fantastic, your cast was great, maybe look for a different composer. Soundtracks are incredibly important and this movie probably would have been better with no soundtrack at all compared to what it got.
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Turning Red (2022)
What happened?
13 March 2022
I was looking forward to a new Pixar movie for a long time but this... this is worse than no movie at all. It was annoying. It was cringey. What happened to the studio we all loved so much?
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South Park: Help, My Teenager Hates Me! (2022)
Season 25, Episode 5
13 March 2022
This episode reminds me of the early days of South Park. Just the boys having adventures without any politics (Not that the political stuff isn't funny too). It was absolutely hilarious the whole way through and will be an episodes I remember for a while.
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It's so bad...
13 January 2022
No review I could write could do proper justice to just how bad this movie is. Most of my time watching this was spent asking myself "What the hell is going on?"

On top of the bad writing, directing, cutting, and acting, they've also decided to make the movie woke.

I don't even know what to say...
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Pickings (2018)
9 August 2018
When I went to see this movie, I did so because it had a 7/10 rating. I had expected it to be a good movie, but what I was met with was a trope and cliché filled attempt at a revenge film by a director/writer who is trying way too hard to be Quentin Tarantino.

Imagine Tommy Wiseau directing "Kill Bill" and you would get something in the vicinity of this movie. It's been a while since a movies dialogue made me cringe this badly.

I feel it is my civic duty to warn others away from seeing this, so I made an IMDb account with the sole purpose of writing this review. That is how disappointed I am with this film.
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