
5 Reviews
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5ive Girls (2006)
High expectations Low deliverance.
19 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie showed great promise, the setting set the foreboding tones, the cast I thought was great as well as delivering decent acting. I feel the movie fell down greatly with its direction and its writing.

What was the point of all these girls having their abilities, as it states in the title, they use their ability to battle the Demon, but the only one I saw doing that was the main actress with her Telekinesis and even that was kinda lame. Leila's walk through objects ability, didn't really do anything. Sure Leila used it when she was possessed by the Demon to get into the room with the Priest, but evidentially he had other abilities that could have served the same purpose.

The 2nd sight girl gave a premonition that was vague and pointless. Don't get me started on the Conduit girl. Look I could go on about this movie in this tact but its simply not worth any more time. The writing and direction let it down greatly, as well as the Actors and Actresses.
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The Mirror of Equity
17 January 2007
I am a young Maori man who grew up in Auckland New Zealand for most of my childhood life I was surrounded by Domestic Violence, but back then it was so common it was hard to recognise, a hiding is just a hiding, you get them when you're bad, you get them when you've ticked off Mom or Dad, sometimes you get beatings that were pretty bad.

This movie allows the Maori community especially those who grew up or are still in an environment of Domestic Violence to reflect on their situation. It allows all the "Jake the Musses" out there to look at themselves through Temuera Morrison's portrayal of this character and to ask themselves; "am I really this bad?, I know I can loose my temper now and then but surely I'm not like this monster..or am I?" For me this movie was a story that needed to be told, so our people could see ourselves in this horrible way so that we may understand the affect our behaviour has on one another.

Don't get me wrong I don't like this film because of its dark nature and violence, but I rate it so high because the good quality acting and directing have portrayed so many undeniable truths so accurately.
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Soulcalibur III (2005 Video Game)
The best in the series so far.
12 June 2006
The Story line for this game is very jerky where it appears the game writers have tried to find ways to justify how a character appears in certain areas of the world map in Tales of the Soul. That being said, this is the only gripe I have about the game.

The beginning FMV is spectacular with breath taking sceneries and interesting new devices such as the ability to create and design your own character and their own Martial Arts discipline. There's even a second story mode which makes up for the awkward Story design of Tale of the Souls.

Parts of the FMVs during Tale of the Souls is also interactive where you can decide the fate of your Character to a certain degree which is an interesting feature.

With the many combinations of Characters you can create, the varied paths you can explore in Tales of the Souls and the Chronicle of Swords story mode, this game will keep any Beatem up/RPG fans amused for a while!
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Rent (2005)
Ladies and Gentlemen it's a Musical!!
14 March 2006
My vote maybe seen by Cynics as a little too generous and I admit they maybe right but I enjoyed this movie.

How could someone enjoy a movie like this? Well I guess you could try:- - liking Musicals, this might help. - Be a Bohemian. - Go with a good crowd who wants something light to enjoy (There are some serious social issues that are addressed, but I guess bad news doesn't sound so bad when you sing and dance it ;-) ).

Things that might hinder your enjoyment are: - Being unfortunate enough to know a movie/musical (Even if it is the original Rent) or Opera that is better in Comparison. - Feeling Embarrassed for the Movie (Which I guess happens a lot with Musicals in now days) because you are completely aware of the Audience and actually care what they think.

Well my vote is based purely on how good this movie made me feel and it made me feel like a 7 out of 10.
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My two cents.
7 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie was very refreshing because it wasn't fast moving like most new releases are. It doesn't use tricks or gimmicks to keep your interest just raw honesty (Well as much as a fictional story can be anyway).

I've read some of the comments posted in the hated it section where some people called it boring and summed it up to be a little unrealistic. I just have a few questions on that matter: Was it boring because it wasn't as fast paced as most of the movies being released are? I personally found it an enlightening experienced as I like fast paced movies, and at first when watching this movie I was thinking to myself 'Oh God this could be bad'. But after watching it I figured Ang Lee wants the Audience to prepare themselves for the rest of the movie by slowing down the pace and allowing the audience to concentrate on what makes the film personable. This is isn't any easy thing to get use to for someone like me who likes his action films.

As for the unrealistic side, there were some comments about how the relationship just happened Suddenly, neither one hinted at interest at each other before they got down to the action. I think Ang did purposely addressed this point when Ennis was naked and around Jack. Jack didn't even look or pretend to look. I'm just wondering how many gay men back in those days would have had the courage to look at any guy they found attractive even sideways :-) .

In contrast there was a comment about when they were kissing outside the steps of Ennis's house and Alma saw them. The comment made was how no one would have the courage to do something like that where the risk of getting caught is pretty high, I would have to agree. It makes me think though of what Ennis said to Jack on the Mountain "I figure we got a one-shot deal going on here." I was wondering if they were just acting like a couple of puppies who've been given a ball for the first time, just a little bit of recklessness, granted that came with serious consequences.

I am gay and my partner and I both come from a small town. When we first started going out he wanted to hold hands on parts of streets he thought were empty. I thought that was crazy. The part where Ennis and Jack were caught by Alma made me think of that.

All in all I loved this movie, I'm thinking about buying it on DVD.
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