
1 Review
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Walker, Texas Ranger (1993–2001)
Comments from "scythempress"
24 January 2006
Some of his points were well taken if you were a paid CRITIC of TV shows. For those of us in law enforcement that just want entertainment, Walker provides it to many of us. We all know that it's a make believe world. I'm also an ex/experienced ER Registered Nurse and Ex-Paramedic. When I watch the TV show ER, I don't critique it, it's entertainment too, it's NOT real life. My extensive surgery experience as an RN finds mistakes in MASH and the more recent plastic surgery show "Nip N Tuck", but it's just a TV show, for the clueless by and large, entertainment all. I don't think a show show be judged TOO harshly (especially Walker) if it provides decent family, moral, and ethical values (most of the time) - and besides, he hardly ever hurts, much less kills anyone. He got awards from a Christian group for his values. Change channels if you don't like it I guess. That's what I do if I must critique a show that much. Turn off the TV, read a good book, go for a walk, listen to music. You don't HAVE to watch Walker.........I see mistakes on EVERY show I watch, but I am tolerant.
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