
12 Reviews
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Ruthless (2023)
My Only gripe is HT
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So during one scene where he's at the auction he sees age brackets for the girls. We see 10-13 listed and he's acting appalled to see like 15-17. Ummm what about said kidnapped middle school girls. Just rescue 7 underage girls. Like great but no one seemed to care at the end.

Otherwise poor, mediocre film with flimsy dialogue and script. Fight scenes seemed to calculated, so they didn't look real at all. Cops barely did anything productive in the film. Girl almost sabotaged the whole rescue towards the end. If it wasn't for Dermot and Jeff I probably would've turned it off after the first 10 mins.
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Just Super (2022)
It's cute but....
13 September 2023
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This movie is cute but not done correctly. The little girl was okay physically but she doubted herself so much she couldn't do anything. She was able to jump to the cable and use a book to make it over a train, the suit only enhanced her brain not her body which they kept reinforcing. So when she played the drums I guess that was all her she just used her mind to pinpoint what to hit and when. Don't listen to the bottom guy. It's entertaining, I just wished they went about it better. This movie made it seem like the little girl was completely useless.

Thank god for the grandma. Can we also talk about the nephew almost killing his uncle and innocent townsfolk. Strange that they just let it go and blamed the suit. Turn your brain off and the movie will be fine. The design and style are quite nice otherwise. The dub is terrible.
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The Boogeyman (I) (2023)
The first movie where a child makes good decisions
4 September 2023
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The only one in the movie make reasonable choices. Like when she said she didn't want to go back home. Used the Christmas lights and barricaded herself with a spray can in the closet. Asked her sister for prof to open the door. Used the turpentine to dose the monster with. I was rooting for the little girl to survive.

Her dad and sister were just straight up terrible. The father didn't send the daughter away after being attacked. The sister went to the woman's house and noticed all the same mold like structures in her home but still refused to believe her little sister. This could've been a great film that fell short towards the end. Still enjoyable.
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It's half good and half bad
6 August 2023
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The gore like everyone else says is great. There's no humor tied in with the horror like the campy ones. The reactions are odd and unrealistic.

Sister/aunt gets stabbed through the had but barely reacts. No screams, no help kids.

Sister gets possessed and starts bleeding from everywhere, doesn't scream help me. What's going on? She tries to drink water like that's gonna help and spits out a black pile of bugs. Still barely reacts. It's like who decides to make the kids so stale.

The Mother is the best part of the whole Gil because she's the only one that had realistic reactions. Wasn't enough to carry the whole film.
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I wanted to like this series
3 November 2022
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It started off strong with Lot 36, graveyard rats and the autopsy. Then it just becomes weak and terribly written. The outside and the murmuring are straight male hating episodes. I'm a woman and the husbands were so caring and supportive but small things are taken out of context.

The husband gets a bit too excited for sex and a kiss lasts too long that's it. He doesn't try to rip off her clothes. I saw it as a broken man trying to rekindle the love they once had through intimacy and being rejected. I also saw an emotionally abusive wife continuously gaslight her husband and belittle him every time he tries to get answers. I couldn't stand it, I would've left her, she just continues to push him until he starts to look like the bad guy.

Stick with episodes 1-3,5-7 because they're the only entertaining ones that does pit one gender against another. In todays world I just want to watch a good horror story not todays agenda smooshed into it.
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It's not that entertaining
30 October 2022
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I'm confused by the reviews. I can say the special effects are really good but aside from that it's a bit draggy. The plot drives are weak, the animosity the sister has for her half-brother isn't warranted, seems forced. Everyone in the beginning treated the brother like trash.

There aren't repercussions for actions, not sure how it's okay to Stab someone and leave them to die but retaliation is a death sentence. So many questions, unexplained but it's pretty so I guess those things got overlooked. It's makes it very hard to like any of the characters when they all kinda suck. Nothing is really cohesive, rushed and stale acting at times.

Well if you want to kill time with a supernatural show this, otherwise I'd say there are better shows about magic out there.
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A beautiful animation
22 October 2022
This is such a lovely story of self discovery and dealing with internalized feelings of fear and self doubt. I appreciate the art style and mix of tradition with modernism. Please watch this while you still can. It's a great series for the family to enjoy and a bit of a tear jerker towards then.

The character development and pace is great. Nothing is shown to fast, they don't leave questioned unanswered. Just simple sweet and wholesome. I love the diversity of this film between human struggles and the struggles of the mythical creatures.

This is one of Netflix's gems that comes along every so often.
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Way too much in for a film
19 October 2022
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Visually stunning and costume design is top tier. The overall execution is bad. It tries to shove way to many things into one film. Should've been a series with 2-3 seasons max. I season to develop the bond between friends and intro To school. Season 2 Transition to identity crisis with manipulation. Seasons 3 good vs evil triumph-it ending. This could've made for a great series. Felt like a copy of Sabrina style with Harry Potter sprinkles.

If you're very very board or need a family friendly film give it a watch. If you're use to shows like Sabrina or The magicians, stay away because it'll give you a headache at 1 hr mark.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Very entertaining
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailers I didn't want to see the film. I got a early screening of it an I actually enjoyed it. It's more about the characters, their bond and how they're able to come together to get the job done.

I've never seen Christian bale be this charismatic and charming. He sold this film to and for me. The chemistry that Christian, Margo and John have is undeniably good. Zoe and Christian also had small but good chemistry. If you're looking to be entertained, give it a watch. If you're looking for some intricate plot this film isn't for you. It's a nice rollercoaster ride with a simple ending.

Taylor swift needs work, she isn't bad she just wasn't needed because she added absolutely nothing to this film. All the big names where like dashes of spice/garnish added to specific scenes or moments. Some needed, others just for show. Overall an enjoyable film.

Edit: don't let people sway you with the lack of open-mindednesses. This film beautifully captured the struggles of wounded/injured soldiers returning home neglected by the government as well as Racism. It never spends to much time dwelling on one subject, it gives enough time to the important parts. It's sprinkles in fantasy and harsh reality.
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Black Crab (2022)
Decent survivor film
24 April 2022
This movie does have a lot of plot whole but if you can watch it uninterrupted you'll enjoy it. The action and atmosphere are built perfectly to convey suspense, frustration and hopelessness. Noomi does a good job in this film of conveying a mother with the faint hope of meeting her lost child. Erik as the snipper is done well, a kid confused, slowly cracking from past and present trauma. I don't think this is supposed to be the best film but it is a good depiction of the lengths people will go to when given the slightest amount of hope. I think the action is well done, set and costume design is great. The plot is a mess but this was overall entertaining. Watch if you don't have a short attention span or the need for everything to be explain.

This is a partly fill in the blanks movie mixed with just turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. If you like that then give it a go, if not pass.
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The Cursed (2021)
Classic horror
5 April 2022
I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful cinematography, eerie atmosphere with perfect amounts of fog. I think this movie does a perfect job of building up the suspense and uneasiness. It doesn't give away too much too soon, like most films of today. The characters were decent, nothing overplayed. I think the child actors were pretty good in this film, nothing felt forced. So I would recommend this film if you like old horror that builds a story then slowly brings tension which turns into madness.
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Chambers (2019)
It wasn't worth it in the end
14 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Now I don't write reviews on movies just food sometimes but the build up was just so disappointing. Some many inconsistencies. The beginning starts off kinda strong but the character build up is so weak. We don't really get introduced to her friends family until like episode 4-5 which is weird because if this is supposed to be your best friend why at least didn't they show a scene of her at the hospital after the heart failure. It seem so rushed at time and other times just full of filler no one needed.

The scenes must have been reshot so many times they just left it in since your not supposed to be sure what's real or not. One scene she cutting hotdogs and there's a pile, then there's not a pile. Then she's cutting one into a pile and it disappeared then reappeared when she cuts the tail. I'm like jeeze man. Scenes that were shown to try and confuse or build plot are just not explained. Becky is shown running and then being pulled butt naked, no explanation like it never happened. Why show it then. Another the girl supposedly kills herself standing but the tin had hand marks like she gripped it being electrocuted shown by a scene when her mom is crying in the tub and placed her hand over the marks.

I think the directors or writers had alternate plans for this film and couldn't decide so they left the inconsistencies which to me was stupid. Take out the bad scenes and this could've been better. The end was the worst part. If her grand pappy could sense the evil how the hell would he be okay with a demon taking over his granddaughters body. Man was just causally sitting at the table like all was well and it was over. She got to answer the door and it was like he died. No "who's at the door, or you're not welcome on this land". Man just entered the void. She kills at the men which why not kill everybody, oh that's right because this show is stupid and I there's a season to they're justify it in some stupid man is why the world is imbalanced 🤢. If you're looking for a good plot stay away. If you like B-movies which usually the plot sucks but it's kinda entertaining this is for you.
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