
2 Reviews
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I can't help but love it.
9 May 2024
This film is objectively not very good. It is a poorly aged time capsule of what college students would do with their spare time and a camera circa 1966 but, this was filmed in 1969 but by that time, the Mod scene had died and the film feels split between whether it wants to be for Mods or Hippies but, I can't help but love this film because despite it's flaws it's charming as Hell and I can never be in a bad mood when watching this. It's a lot like David Bowie's 1967 debut where it feels like the fast food of the music industry. It's objectively bad but it is so charming you can't help but love it. It's just a fun time.
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Shorts (2009)
I honestly don't know.
23 November 2021
I have very fuzzy memories of religiously watching this movie as a kid and to be honest, I thought I just imagined this movie in a dream.

It's not that good but I really can't give an honest review of this movie. All I can say is that is incredibly surreal and gross.

This movie is just such an experience that I can't explain.

It really does feel like a movie that I just made up as some false memory and I really just can't believe it actually exists and wasn't a figment of my young mind.
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