
4 Reviews
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The critics are wrong, dead wrong
16 July 2006
Last night a friend coaxed me into seeing "You, Me and Dupree." Even though I have liked all four of its principal actors for years, I hadn't planned on seeing it last night or possibly ever. The reviews have been uniformly terrible, so I was expecting the worst. I sat in a movie theater that was perhaps one-third full, and I was waiting for the boredom to set in, which the critics said was coming—in spades.

Yes, Owen Wilson has bleached-blond locks, again, but that is probably the only accurate comment in any of the reviews that I saw, and I must have read at least ten of them, from various parts of the country. He was very good, as he was in the "Wedding Crashers." Kate Hudson was perky as always, and did a splendid job; and anyone who has loved her mother over the years will find Goldie's "clone" just as lovely as ever.

Matt Dillon did a terrific job, and was totally believable comically; and Michael Douglas was very good too, playing his character with aplomb. In short, it was a very funny movie, and quite refreshing given the alternatives; namely, movies that are loaded to the gills with special effects, which jar one's cranium to the uttermost.

It seems like the critics were in lock step in panning this film, which may be driving away audiences unfairly. Indeed, this may be a perfect example of the critics being wrong, dead wrong. Go see it in a theater, or buy a DVD when it comes out, and my guess is that you will not be disappointed one iota—and may actually love it. All four principal actors are perfectly balanced, and they are strong enough to be wonderful foils to one another.
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Flirting (1991)
Thandie Newton is the standout star of this film
18 February 2006
Despite fine performances by Nicole Kidman and Noah Taylor in particular, Thandie Newton is the standout star of this film. She is truly delightful; and anyone who has seen her since, and enjoyed her performances, ought to watch this movie because it demonstrates the range of her talents and how lovely she is.

When one sees the "innocence" of a "star-in-the-making" like her performance in "Flirting," one hopes that she will display the same wonderful qualities throughout her career, and not become "Hollywood-ized." Hopefully some modicum of her beautiful innocence will remain, always.

I have given this film a 9-star rating because of her!
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Johnny Depp is in a class by himself
4 February 2006
I saw all of the candidates for the Oscar, and still feel that Johnny Depp and "Finding Neverland" should have won in the Best Actor and Best Film categories. Depp is probably the most talented and versatile actor in the world today, and the movie was terrific -- a wonderful addition to his brilliant portfolio. He is truly in a class by himself.

Also, anyone commenting on this film cannot ignore excellent performances by Kate Winslet, Freddie Highmore, Dustin Hoffman, Radha Mitchell, Julie Christie and others in the ensemble cast -- who have brought magic back to the silver screen where it has been lacking far too long. This film is apt to be considered a classic in the years to come.
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4 February 2006
A truly charming film, with wonderful actors, which captures the very essence of rural Ireland and its windswept islands offshore. Few movies can be shown to children these days; however, this is one that can. Jeni Courtney as "Fiona" is terrific, and a remarkable young actress.

Having spent time on the unspoiled coast and in the quaint villages of County Donegal, this film brings them to life for all to see and enjoy. It is a magic movie and I recommend it to anyone—unless magic and "fairies" have gone out of your life, in which case this film and "Finding Neverland" (with brilliant acting by Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet) might bring them back.
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