14 Reviews
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From (2022– )
Lost clone..and so very bad
30 November 2022
It s like Lost, so many mysteries that make non sens that it will inevitably end very disappointing.

You will watch 10 seasons and end up with zero answer.

This the level zero of writing a show, the laziest way, this is an insult to viewer.

I really like the first season until I realize that it was a Lost clone...you will never have answer to any of the mystery that the serie build.

And they are also a lot of thing that it difficultly credible: How they have for enough food for 40 people without nearly doing some farming?

How they have coffee, maple sirup and pancake ?

Nobody seems to be crurious about those talisman ?

The very scary monster.....only walk and cant run ?!!!!

Nobody is looking for gps signal ?!!!

And a lot lot more...

Apparently some Lost writer are involved in this... what a surprise !!!
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Saint Maud (2019)
So boring....
3 October 2021
Visually stunning.

Great actor.

A slow descent into a mad mind on the theme of religion.

But it s so boring, story is going nowhere.

Not a horror movie, not a thriller movie, not a suspens movie...not a movie in fact lol.

Boring and boring and boring.

How can this have such high rating ?..this is the most stunning part of this movie.....
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Beautiful but not a good Dune adaptation
17 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lynch win, even if he took some liberty in adaptation... The tv mini serie is far better adaptation than both movie, but lack of budget... This one is beautiful but failed to the universe, character and feeling of the book... A good movie for people that didnt read the book, or hate the lynch movie style, or the lack of budget of the mini serie... but a failure for me.

I will still advice to watch it, it s not bad, but for Frank Herbet's Dune book lover, I doubt it make the job (or a better job than what was previously available).

(...and for f.. why liet is become a women ? And he/she didnt die like that in the book too ? Why changing that ?! ...Where is the very strong/powerfull Jessica ? Why mentat are just figurant ? Where is Gurney playing balisette ?Where is Feyd ? Piter de Vries ?....)

End of rant... going to watch Lynch Dune.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
This is so bad, unbelievable !!!!
25 July 2021
Written by a 6 year old, filmed with a low budget, quality footage of very very bad fan footage..................... I cant imagine how they have manage to make it so bad.

I cant imagine what the cast have thought when they saw the result ?...............Maybe get drunk and try to forget as fast as possible.....

It s a bit laughable, the only good thing I can see in this movie.

The start is bad, the rest of the movie is worst, the end is terrible, lol.

Really bad.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Plot is bad but still entertaining
26 June 2021
Every thing is said in my title.

Plot and everything that happen are hard to believe, the rest is good.
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Really good !!!
8 June 2021
I was not ready to say that... ....but this is my first wnna be "hollywood-like" scif korean blockbuster.... ..... that i have really enjoy !!!

It s not perfect but : Character are good and enjoyable Actor act well Fx are very good Realisation is good Photo is good ..story is predictablebut no big and stupid plot hole to make the movie move ...end is a bit too much happy end

I would say it s a bit mix of "the fifth element", "the expanse", "guardian of the galaxy" and "planet" (anime).

Omg, I want more !!!
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6 June 2021
When you try to make the lord of the ring ...and you end with a bad fan fiction with heavy budget (for a fan fiction)
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Its really hard to like it
5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It s dumb at the start and become dumber and dumber until the end.

I wont list everything wrong, jsut a few :
  • at 2/3 of the film you discover he have a shovel and kill a alligator with it but never never had the idée to break the wood to go up....
  • he have a broken leg with a bone going out, and he walk outside with the dog in his arms......
  • His arm is amputed, 30seconde later he speak casually with his daughter about why he didnt sell the house....
  • the shower door !!!!????!!!!!!!

I was very happy when his arm was eat....
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Stray (2019)
First quite good russian movie
3 June 2021
It's far to be perfect, no doubt.

But the idea is quite original.

Character are dumb like they often are in horror movie, but just enough dumb to make the movie work.

The story is quite good and believable.

The realisation is also quite good.

+1 for mains characters, they do a really decent job.

It's the first russian "hollywood style" recent movie that have a decent story up to the end, and for the first time I watch it until the end and not to see how f... dumb it is, but because I like it enough.

Watch it with open mind and no expectation and you might find it quite pleasant.

Nothing exceptional but ok.
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The Blackout (2019)
How many fake critic have been paid by russia on this page......
20 September 2020
....a lot !!! So bad writing, non sense, and non believable character reaction. A bit entertaining but stupid movie. Avoid it if you like good movie. It's like a lot of russian crap around that have been release lately, invasion, invasion 2 or this crap superhero movie (the one with the bearman) and some other that i have also forget. So badly writen. Im happy that i will forget it fast.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Enjoyable but bad.
19 February 2020
It's badly written. Just enjoyable after postologie. It looks like "Xena" or "Hercule" 90's series sometime. It have potentiel but a bit wasted. Music/sounds is good, western like style work well, character are not bad, CGI is good (not lways) but a lot of non-sense in the story (character reaction, plot twist, magical item,...)...
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bad, useless and bad, we live in a poor time...
19 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I realy cant see any reason that this s...t exist. It's rushed, character are empty, music is bad, nothing epic here, what happen with the sound design, the fight are so bad, animation is really poor, and it s ugly. Dont let your children watch this, give them the original !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will have to watch a full season of the original to wash my brain, and I m not sure it wont have permanent damage.
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23 May 2018
Boycott starwars and Disney. And IMDB where do u find 8 stars for this film !!! It smell bad...
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So bad!
23 May 2018
The good : beautyfull to watch and hear The bad : characters, story, humour, twists, and a lot of things....

I feel the urge to fight against this s...! The next will be bad, there is no way to recover from this film. Boycott Disney! (before they buy and f... some other good franchise)
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