
3 Reviews
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Mainstream (2020)
Interesting, and pretty weird
4 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, I watched it twice, and the third time only listening to the conversations between the characters. I really wish I have liked more of the movie, after all they gave us the blonde Andrew Garfield.

I guess I was hoping that at some point the movie would take itself seriously, which it didn´t. For example, after Frankie realized that she was in fact tricked by Link in the final stretch, the fact that she vomited emojis in the sink spilled the tea that this would not happen. Anyway, the story is quite interesting until the middle of the movie.

Clearly the girl's warning lights don't blink and she was kind of allowing herself to be fooled until almost the end of the movie. But actually I don't blame her, who wouldn't let be fooled by such a charismatic character? Andrew Garfield ´s acting is always very impressive.

But from there the things that happened kind of took me out of the story. Maybe there's some kind of criticism about this current online society, but I don't know, if that's so i guess the film would need to be complemented, I mean, the ending was pretty weird.

Towards the end of the movie I thought, damn what is going to happen to sort things out in the next, idk 14 minutes?? And in fact nothing happened. I say, watch it and see what you think.

Here´s the list of things I liked: The chemistry/compatibility between Maya and Andrew. The curious way these characters met. Andrew Garfield's character's sense of humour. Their choice of clothing.
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I'm Here (2010)
It's a good short film, i recommend you check it out
4 March 2022
Even with just a few minutes, the director establishes very well the way robots live, the lonely, sad and complicated life they live, and the way they relate to each other and to the world around them. I confess I didn't expect it to be so touching. Even not "appearing" on the scene (the actors are covered by some kind of mask that imitates a safe or PC tower) the body language and the dialogues are both very good.

Apparently, for Sheldon all that matters is Francesca's well-being.

I understand that this is perhaps the director trying to demonstrate what love would be in the vision of the machines, but I still think that Sheldon missed a bit of self-respect. I´m aware that maybe I'm here judging too much based on my condition as a human being.

Another thing that I noticed, at no time does the girl's life appear, I mean, what she does, who she lives with, but we started the film seeing that Andrew Garfield's character has routines, rides the bus, works in the library, that makes we relate better to him than to her.

He was clearly in love with the girl, liked and valued her more than he did to himself. At some point I caught myself thinking that maybe she wouldn't show up to pick him up at work for whatever reason. Something that indeed happens at the end, but the reason is much more dramatic. I recommend you watch it and see if you agree with me or not.
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Average film
28 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The suspense is good and lasts until halfway through the movie. I found the ending to be pretty weak. What pissed me off the most was that even though they managed to get through all the creepy situations and talk to the press in the end things weren't resolved. The "boss" of the two killers is still on the loose. And he would certainly send new henchmen after the child, who would possibly mysteriously disappear. I do not know. I recommend that you watch it and draw your conclusions.
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