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State of Happiness: 123 (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
A very enjoyable TV series from Norway.
7 August 2023
Very surprised that no one else has given a review of this last episode of the 2nd season. Great episodes all the way through this 2nd season. I would find it hard to just comment about one particular episode when all were of merit. After watching both seasons of Lykkeland, it shows that Norway can produce top quality entertainment.

They can surely act, credit to the actors in this series, not all Norwegian from the looks of it. Throughout it all, there were credible performances seen that gave it all realism. Playing the characters very skilfully. All quite believable.

The script & writing was also of high quality, as was the production, camera work, lighting, set designs and other production work, wardrobe, props, scenery etc. Well put together.

I really could not see what was not to like about it. It taking quite a bit of effort to stage it in the time span that it was set in. I bet the music even fitted years that was shown. The second season I noticed seemed to step up a gear or two. Became a bit more energetic, with more action.

I became more involved in the enfolding story line in the 2nd season. It really was good, as was the first one, that was decent enough. I would recommend both seasons of Lykkeland to folks.

Usually most people will view them in order, though it might not harm things to see season 2 first, then view the first one afterwards. Getting the foundation of it all later on. Filling in on what most people would already be aware of.

Yes there are subtitles to read most of the time, though not all the time as English is spoken quite often.

I very rarely have a problem with subtitles as it does need more fuller attention to be given by the viewer, as unless they can understand the native language it cannot be properly followed.

Giving the viewer little chance to wander off whilst watching the TV program doing other things, fiddling about doing something else.

Great then. Well done to all concerned. Many of these 'foreign' language TV series and even movies are well worth checking out.

Borgen by the Danes and 'The Minister' aka Ráðherrann, with of cause the first season of 'Trapped' both Icelandic productions are favourites of mine. The Minister I found was a powerful and quite scary performance by the same guy in Trapped.

(That series deserves a sequel and prequel as well). As an astute reviewer with scripts in hand commented about that show. If it's still there.

Plus btw of late I have also seen El Presidente, a Chilean TV series of all places, it shows to me these Euro nations and even South American countries can produce excellent work. That I found is well worth watching, if of cause such material is known about in the first place and searched for.

Ok then, I would add to those TV series mentioned above this 'State of Happiness' show. I can't see another season of it coming along, but we never know.

Well worth 9 stars. I enjoyed it a great deal. Great effort by all involved.
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I got up to one particular point in the movie and then had to erase it off my hard drive asap.
30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain spoilers** ** Does contain spoilers**.

Such a pity this movie was ever produced. Taking the last Shazam piece of garbage as a starting point I wondered could it get any worse?. Some say it was better, hence I sat down to watch it, from what I did see, could bear to! It was far worse.

Putting up with it right until the guy with the bad leg and his very bendable crutch was seen perched high up on the schools roofs ledge. 25 to 30 mins in to this movie.

Seems like students can do what they want at that school, having access to such a roof, AS IF!!!!. It would never be allowed, unless it was some sort of after school astronomy telescope viewing malarkey event, and then under strict supervision.

Students can be bullied in the hallways at that school with even teachers looking on and nothing gets done. In the age of mobile phone obsession any vulnerable student getting PUNCHED in their stomach in a crowded school hallway even by two clean cut thugs would be RECORDED. Stuck on YouTube or TikTok in a short time.

Other students who would dearly like to see those thugs be expelled would have their mobile phones at the ready to witness & record such a repeatedly cowardly attack. There would be some students as well who would go see the Principle and tell them directly. NOT displayed in those scenes being indifferent to the situation. Showing that they do not care and neither should you, that the message? Warner Bros & DC?.

WHY did the victim not do it themselves?. It sets a VERY VERY BAD example to young impressionable viewers that what they should do is not say anything about being verbally & physically molested by fellow students. And if you see it, say nothing.

No excuses for it, the sitting on the edge of a high up ledge (which they would not likely both have done even if they had roof access), that was the final straw of Warner Bro$ & DC IRRESPONSIBILITY. Virtually the same bullying antics in the last Shazam travesty.

The sheer immaturity of most of those assembled characters, the constant repetitive IMMATURITY about every 10 seconds especially by the seventeen year old Billy Batson. Played by a noticeable 20 year old actor. Though more so in his Man Baby form of Zac Levi. An obnoxious performance by Levi as it was by many of the others. Almost as if they were being as obnoxious as they could, something for their target audience to recognise was it?.

Just what was the target audience?. Eight year old's?, this is what we got, actors acting like eight year old's. I bet even eight year old's considered them to be pathetic.

A worldwide box office flop, without doubt, taking just $133,004,280. Maybe a few more weeks left to drain every last drop of box office money it can, but what a flop Shazam 2 is. Even the last 2019 garbage incarnation took around $367 million in worldwide box office.

Just GIVE UP on it Warner Bros. Do us all a favour punting out a product, clearly that is not wanted. Don't you ever get it?.

This movie is far too obnoxious to watch, sending wrong messages to the impressionable who taking heed of examples in this rubbish script (as mentioned, likely even more later), they could well end up unnecessarily suffering. But that seems ok to Warner Bro$ and DC, in their rush to waste $$$ millions on this flop.

Yes, one star is all it is actually worth, if that. Best then to avoid Shazam 2. Still, at least there will not be a Shazam 3 after this latest one. A relief.

Come on DC, we know Stan always used to say that, "DC is for mommy's boys", these days Man Baby Mommy's Boys in some cases would be more appropriate. There are other more obscure DC titles to choice from, Shade the Changing Man with a Ditko style of filmography.

Or even do Kirby's, "The Forever People". Almost any of Kirby's DC work would make a decent artistic fantasy genre movie. Mister Miracle, Kamandi, OMAC, any of them. For sure taking in more than $131 million Worldwide. Who does DC think was behind a great deal of Marvels success that is making $Billions at the movies?. And you lot were graced for a while with some of the Kings work as well. USE IT.

One star ratings are very much justified then. What a flop.
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Hello Tomorrow!... goodbye Today, in fact right NOW!!.
7 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
**May contain spoilers** ** May contain spoilers**.

What a load of garbage this is, can't Tim Cook come up with anything else better than this?. It is a total insult to ones intelligence.

The ludicrous premise of having to pay salesmen to convince common run of the mill people to relocate to the Moon and purchase a property there, (as IF they could afford it!!), people would need 'convincing' would they?. And who pays for the transportation to get there?.

A multi $million/billion cost of getting there payed for by who?, A misery guts Joe Schmuck who frequents a backwater nondescript diner?.

Where does all the oxygen up there come from?, in this massive great plastic dome covering these properties?. (How would that dome up there be constructed?, and these properties?, by whom?, living where?, in what mass accommodation, built by whom?), with all the MASSIVE cost of that, for material, its transportation, labour and running costs.

Do not insult our intelligence, or are we supposed to lower it to accommodate this garbage so that the nonsense plot can actually fit in. It's true purpose is exposed then, that being to dumb down our intelligence, by self infliction!!. Not me though.

Who would pay for the food and water transported there, sewerage treatment plant, air purifier & its technicians and for the fuel to both HEAT and COOL their purchased abode in such a temperature fluctuating hostile environment?. And what do they actually do up there?. Sit around and do what?, play a communal game of bingo that they could just as easily do on the Earth.

This TV series is just a silly, silly, silly, ill thought out show, as said mostly designed to dumb down the intelligence of its viewers, to stupefy their minds. In this case it has been thrown out there under the banner of 'Sci-fi', this excuse for Sci-fi that the Sci-fi enthusiasts some desperate for anything remotely decent in their lives in that genre are expected to just 'lap up' are they?.

Well I don't. I REJECT it completely, spend the money on something else, this I do not need.

It is pure garbage, total garbage lets face it, that I just cannot wait to erase the 4 episodes downloaded, 3 of which I will never ever ever bother to see OFF of my hard drive. And good riddance to it.

Goodbye Hello Tomorrow!.
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The Rig (2023– )
Getting on fine with episode 1 until 5 mins from that episodes end.
8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain spoilers** **Does contain spoilers**.

It started off ok, I noticed the camera work on some of the external shots were splendid. The way it covered a lot of scenery following a moving person, swooping along with them even straight through an open doorway and along an internal corridor. Sort of seamless flowing camera shots. Yea fine with all that.

The enfolding plot I could put up with, even putting up with the big mouth trouble making Yosser Hughes type guy who should have been confined to his quarters from the start. I would not have hesitated in doing so.

BUT then almost near the end we get what I consider to be UNFORGIVABLE.

What we got was the WRITERS taking us for IDIOTS. In that the badly injured guy who fell from the metal tower had what appeared to be the only person keeping a close watch on him whilst the ill guy was laid out unconscious on a saline drip, the guy looking over him appeared to just get up and completely leave the medical infirmary.

There must have been someone ELSE in there I thought, to monitor the severely ill guy. NO WAY I thought would anyone just leave him there. No situation would arise for that to happen.

Surely the WRITERS were not taking us for idiots, insulting our intelligence in such a way. Wanting us to dumb down our sense of reasoning to make something as preposterous as that work within the overall plot.

This being the lowest sort of script writing, writing that needs people to dumb their intellect down and go along with something they know would never happen, usually time & time again all so the plot works, except the plot doesn't work because it is full of TOO MANY 'as if's'. Too many 'as if's' or even one big one spoils a show.

(As if the Rig manager would have left the big mouth in his office with that rig redundancy letter just left sitting on his desk for anyone to look at, it would have been locked away for sure). A big 'as if' there then. Yet another insult to our intellect.

Anyway, we end the episode with a scene of a meeting of the Rig employees on the helipad, (they all would have been ordered to stay inside due to the intense FOG and all that structural SHAKING) not left to all wander off to such a dangerous place.

And then up pops the ill guy, climbing the metal steps to stand there semi nude. Obviously then HE HAD been left on his own, where he could have choked on his own blood or got into any other medical difficulty.

No way, no way would he have been left on his own, staff would have been assigned to even sit there all during the night to look over him, not just clear off after an hour or two. Something more important was there than preventing his demise that the Rig Manager couldn't spare 1 person to look over him, whilst most no longer had any work to do. Especially after the Rig manager was taking flack for sending the guy up the tower in the first place. He would have covered his back.

What you have here is the WRITERS blatantly INSULTING our intelligence. LAUGHING at us for swallowing all this garbage of theirs. So there you have it. Such a shame, it was an unusual novel setting, that took quite a bit of research to portray the function & procedure on such an instillation as that. Which to me seemed credible. All those knobs & dials and that impressed me.

BUT even before the first episode had finished we had the WRITERS taking the mick at us, NO WAY would the injured guy have been left on his own. Of cause as we could see he was so that the injured guy could wander off from the medical infirmary undetected, to appear on the helipad to trot out some cryptic warning of impending doom.

So NO, I won't be watching anymore episodes of this series. If the WRITERS insult your intelligence from the start they do it ALL the way along. I just won't put up with it & neither should any one else.

You can have the most preposterous overall story line, as no doubt this would have been but in such a situation as having some severely ill guy being left completely on his own in those circumstances that is far too preposterous. (Maybe not much they could do to improve his situation BUT they'd have ensured it didn't get any worse by being in attendance).

Nice camera work, setting was good and some of the rig functional procedures looked about right, (the collective acting though was not fantastic), but for the utter insult of the WRITERS wanting us to lower our intelligence to accommodate their made up as they went along & ill thought out script, for this first episode, (the only one I'll ever bother to watch) it only gets 2 stars.

Effort was put in to this series by most concerned just that the writing has let it down. Poor writing.
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FBI (2018– )
One thing in particular marked this down to two stars.
10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain spoilers** **Does contain spoilers**.

There actually being two gripes I have about this FIRST episode, though one main one stood out to me that I considered totally absurd.

Namely concerning that the FBI discovered a BOMB in a packed out round shaped room/hall. At about just before 39 mins of the episode, take a look for yourselves.

There being around ten rows of chairs from the back wall exit to around the centre line on the hall. (The other half side being mainly empty with a podium for speaking against the opposite side to the exit).

The bomb itself was located under one of the chairs a tad few rows of chairs back from the centre line of the hall, and we could see all the people the other side of the bomb nearer the exit cleared out of the place instantly.

This of cause left the rest who were also making their way out of the room. The BOMB gets discovered and all in the room hear that there is a bomb BUT even with a FBI agent kneeling over the bomb, taking her time unzipping the holdall the bomb was in, then getting out her laptop to look at diagrams.

You could see streams & streams of people without much haste coming directly withing just 3 feet or so past the bomb. The place would have all ready by then been emptied.

NO WAY is anyone going to physically get near a bomb even if the slightly shorter distance to the exit would take them within a few feet of the bomb. It'd just never happen.

EVEN if it was right at the exit, hardly anyone would go past it, so at around 40% in to the room you would have found that a more CIRCULAR motion of travel would have occurred around the bomb.

With some even running in panic the 180 degrees opposite direction to where the bomb was located towards the wall of the hall, even to the far side of the hall the furthest distance from the exit, then almost flat against the wall shimmying around the sides of the hall towards the exit.

NO WAY is anyone going to stream directly past a bomb that may go off at any second, tens of people did, loads of them, we could see none of them were even looking at the bomb, not a glance at it. Recap & take a look at that preposterous scene.

Two points in that room would have been looked at, the bomb and the exit, until someone was well past the bomb. And even then some would likely have glanced back. It is just an unlikely scene, would never happen as depicted.

DICK WOLFE slipped up there even with all his experience. As he did for my 2nd gripe which is it was all TOO RUSHED. It just went from one lead in the investigation to another. Supposed to have been over a 48 hour time span, yet even with a night time scene it all seemed as if it was all done and dusted within a few hours.

Far too rushed, giving the viewer little time to get on top of the quickly evolving script. It went from one guy to another to another to this to that, there was no down time in it all, just too fast paced. It should have been as it was the first episode an opening 90 minute TV movie type episode, but they decided to cut it all down and crammed it in to not even half that. It was a 43 minute episode.

Found out at the end btw that it was a Dick Wolfe production, I never knew that from the start. So it is bound to be his usual formula of a TV series. The same old same old rehashed stuff with just different faces.

Yes there was some action in it, the bombing scenes stood out as being spectacular. The sort of thing sadly that would inspire bombers to bomb places. But the dumbness of the bomb in the hall scene and the too fast pace let it all down. Not really for me. Maybe other episode redeem the failures of this one. Who knows.
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Red Oaks (2014–2017)
An enjoyable series, if you have not seen it make an effort to track it down, it is unlikely you'll be disappointed.
9 December 2022
Yea, I got on with this series. Very enjoyable. A off beat series that has it all really. The main thing was there was some good acting put in by the entire cast, who were well cast for the roles.

Peter Parker in the staring role and Scam Bankrupt-Fraud as his curly haired doper buddy. What it seemed to me. I liked the swanky Mr Getty he was well played and with confidence, and I couldn't resist the Dirty Dancing woman, Jennifer Grey just remembered her name.

She must have been at least 50 years old when it was made but still somehow has an alluring nature to her, maybe bringing out the protective nature in a guy due to her size, she played her part well as well. Mostly the reason I did get into it, seeing she was in it. Just wanting to see more of her and her acting.

The Tennis Pro guy he was spangling very up beat, I liked his performance & his character, even the so called baddies of the piece eventually won you over. They mellowed out and became likeable and this would likely have mellowed out the viewer as well. There were just so many actors putting in some of the finest work they have done, some that are ever likely to put in.

The director or various directors really did get the best out of them, such high quality acting even though many of them are not well known actors, some were, but they all seemed to rise to the occasion. FITTING the parts, being & becoming that character, more so as the series went on. Many of them did immerse themselves in to their role.

Then of cause we have the story lines, dialogue, music and comedic elements, plus romantic ones. It all fitted well together taking the viewer on a rewarding trip. That is when you know you are watching something well worth watching when you actually 'look forward' to seeing the next episode. NOT because you want to finish off a particular season, moving on to some other TV series or movie, it becoming a bit of a chore to see the remaining episodes. Either something great is there or not.

Very few series I have seen this year have kept me viewing, wanting to see the joy of the next episode as this Red Oaks series. Compelling viewing. Borgen series 1 to 4 that I got into this year, that was compelling viewing, as was the intense Radherrann (the Minister). Well worth watching!.

Both being foreign language series needing to keep ones attention affixed to the subtitles on the screen. Though with Red Oaks I was hardly ever not consumed into the goings on within it. Maybe the 30 minute ish viewing times helped, short & sweet, just the right amount, keeping the episodes fresh.

An upbeat tv series then that I say was well produced, some good camera work as well, it all blended in along with the ongoing developing story lines and of cause the high quality acting to produce something well worth someone spending their time in watching.

Yes glad I got into watching the Red Oaks series. Worth 9 stars to me, hardly anything in it was off putting, the odd gripe here and there but this is a quality series that Amazon did get right.
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Sledge Hammer!: Wild About Hammer (1987)
Season 2, Episode 4
A decent enough episode, had a few laughs, it's what they were produced for.
25 October 2022
These Sledge Hammer episodes just kind of grow on you. You know what you are going to get. A bit of light hearted comedy that if folks don't take things too serious they will have a few good chuckles out of each episode, some more than others.

I was checking out the cast of this show to see how old Amanda Bearse was when she was playing that psycho Cop character, who btw seemed quite athletic. Picking up Sledge's partner over her shoulders and walking off.

Thing is as I've just found out it was not Amanda Bearse that I was convinced that it was but instead was a actor called Beverly Leech. She does a real good impersonation of Bearse that is for sure. I couldn't tell the difference.

Stuck with the show so far into its second series, it is a bit of fun to wind the night down with. 25 mins of silliness with maybe the odd Karate kick from Anne-Marie Martin. Who I am sure had Martial arts training. Can't see anywhere out there that said she had training but it sure looks convincing to me.

Just noticed the episodes were produced in 35mm, so maybe could be transferred over to HD if those with the rights to this series thought it would sell.

It has come out as a Blu ray box set but we hear was still only 576p. It'd be real nice to see it in 1080p if they can do it. Make it more fresh & sharp.

Right then, this particular episode was as good as any other Sledge Hammer episode, the star in it makes me laugh, plays the part really well, as do the other actors, so good enough for 8 stars.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Quite impressed with the first episode.
23 October 2022
Stumbled upon this series, having seen 10 mins of it on an Amazon Fire 4K device. Though it was only at 720p, but looking into it was only actually 480p. SO this time around I decided to get a full 1080p version.

Oftentimes you only see these productions the once and at a nice juicy 1080p I though I'd give the entire series a go.

Well as said, I'm quite impressed. Some sort of Sci-fi thing going on. All a bit bloody & violent and that, though nothing too disturbing & off putting. Though what was all that tuna fish thing about?, all Japanesy goings on isn't it.

The sign of a good series is, Do you want to see another episode of it?. Well yes I do. All a bit of a grungy feel to it, though peppy and snappy as if it is going somewhere. Taking us along for the journey in this World these characters inhabit. Yea it is up my street. I'll give this series a go.

Currently seeing box sets of Special Branch series 4, Danger Man series 1, Sledge Hammer series 2. The Commish series 1, though that latter one does feel a bit soppy & unrealistic. And now almost front & centre is this Bebop thing. So far I'm impressed. Worth 8 stars so far.
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Utter mind F from start to finish. END it and do without, you'll feel better off.
15 October 2022
I had enough of it just over half way. It went from one mind F to another. Always wanting to keep us engaged.

I had enough of SLAB FACE Reeves and yes the regurgitated nonsense of this Matrix Keanu Reeves nonsense.

Who cares about it, why should we care, I refuse to care.

Trying to gain some semblance of understanding from a load of nonsense is the wrong way to go. Just forget about this garbage.

It really is not worth bothering with.

SO in the end Keanu ends up with his beyond child bearing age Trinity, then what?. What comes of it?.

He feel satisfied YET the viewers of this mess are not all satisfied. I was not. Hence a belated 2 stars and this travesty that is swiftly erased off of my hard drive.

Good riddance to it. More trouble than it is worth.
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Special Branch: A Date with Leonidas (1969)
Season 1, Episode 4
More like the Special needs Branch in this episode.
14 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain Spoilers** **Does contain Spoilers**.

The acting was decent enough though the script was a bit shabby. Ok a nice enough premise for the story and just before the first TV advert break we did get to see some guy on the inside of the targeted cop's house in his lounge with a gun sticking in his back waste band of his trousers.

Cor wow I thought the perp is already in his house. We of cause found out it was his fellow cops assigned to protect him. Nice little twist I liked that.

BUT the perp being an explosives expert and all what was going on at the time concerning Irish/Anglo relations you may have though someone at Special Needs Branch would have pondered the possibility of a letter/parcel bomb!!.

In due time a suspicious parcel did turn up at the on leave cops house and what did the plank SB cop do?.

HE took it off the posty, NOT leave it outside, and even with suspicions ofit being a bomb brought it into the house in the direct vicinity of the Pinky & Perky viewer. The KID!.

(the kid btw who had just commented as to what people would say about a plain close cop escorting her mother all around the streets & City.

So knowledgeable about smutty goings on & gossip by neighbours about possible sexual goings on between her mother & a strange man BUT was an avid Pinky & Perky viewer of a sub 8 year old Pinky & Perky TV program.

SIX year old's would grow out of it.

All in the script but was not consistent, both mature & immature at almost the same time, just didn't fit.

NEITHER did pistol toting cops who would have been ordered to HOLSTER their firearms and keep them out of sight under a suit jacket that would be worn, so as not to frighted both the mother and the kid. (Safety anyway, a falling gun can kill).

So the script is breaking down already, then we have the cop bringing into the house what HE himself suspected was a bomb or at least could be, THEN after leaving it on a small table near the child he bogs off outside for some unknown reason for 10 mins or so.

Anyone could have approached the house from the back and he was outside round the front leaving a package that could explode killing the kid or she could have picked it up and it exploded or even hand delivering it to her father.

Which of cause blew him up. NOT VERY LIKELY. It'd be real sloppy Police work.

And after all that that schmuck still had his job when an investigation would have revealed his own suspicions into was it/wasn't it a a bomb.

He'd have been booted out the Police Force.

The Chief Superintendent whilst actually acting the part quite well is the BIGGEST LIABILITY in the squad.

Always making the wrong important decisions.

Stuck in a just post WWII area. Not with it what is going on and what actually really needs to be done. Looking for some sort of Dixon of Dock Green 'fare play'scenario all the time.

He HAS to go. Only really Nesbitt is carrying this series so far, cop wise, Though he slipped up in at least three areas in this episode.

Not ordering his subordinates to conceal their weapons, not notifying the GPO at the time to quarantine safely the victim cops mail. And not ordering his subordinates to take a full face picture of the perp whilst they had him initially for questioning. Having we hear to rely upon a 11 year old photo of the perp.

And don't get me started about continuity and Nesbitt's office wall clock that I have seen show it to be 3.15pm another day to be 3.00 pm and even 9.32 am.

BUT even after 3 mins of dialogue in his office not one minute had passed.

That must be what it is some sort of special reality where time in his office slows down to minutes becoming seconds. Just poor continuity, all still finding their feet, though without Nesbett this show would have been cancelled after the first season.

Even the current intro title and music is NAFF, it picks up though, finally gets into gear, maybe by episode 9, the Colour one onwards. End of the stuffy bare Sixties and into the Seventies, best decade there was. It picks up, though it is interesting to see how it stuck in there & progressed.

Actually not a bad idea for an episodes overall script, a thrilling suspenseful episode where I though the kid with the ball at the registry office thing wedding would bounce the ball under the Special Branch female cops Austin Maxi or such vehicle prior to her getting in it, subsequently exploding.

But of cause that would have given the game away of what the perp was up to. WHERE did he get his explosives from?. Was he not chummy enough with an ex Cypriot terrorist/fighter already in the UK for the perp to give detailed instructions to him to make a bomb and simply post that package to the victim Cop. Just as he did!!.

Did he really need to come over to the UK to do it?.

Some sort of Police TRAINING program was it?, litter it with really bad procedural mistakes for the real cops to sit around and watch. The REAL Special Branch must have been livid with this, having such incompetents portray them.

So nice enough bare bones script this was but the cops in it are just not up to a level of competence they would need to have had, even at that time. We get to see the varied sort of special things they did but it is a bit amateur hour isn't it.

Just 3 stars then, not poor acting though some is quite stiff & wooden, (Inexperience & finding their feet), but glaring poor Police procedure, poor Special Branch procedure shall we say.
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Special Branch: The Promised Land (1969)
Season 1, Episode 3
Not such a good episode. First two far better.
13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain Spoilers** **Does contain Spoilers**.

Bit of a boring episode with names banded about that I soon couldn't keep track of who they were. The 'Mind Your language' guy really over acting in this, by way of his desperate bodily movements Just how did he ever get away from the beach lugging a suitcase around?. Not likely was it.

The Police chasing guy just giving up, like he had something more important to do back on the beach. The land Rover guy just SITTING in the vehicle, maybe wanted to go back for a chat with him.

This episode didn't really go anywhere did it, WHY would people be so helpful in firstly hiding the illegal alien then others transporting the scruffy immigrant, and even eating their sandwiches?.

Compared to the 2 previous episodes, which surprisingly the 2nd even followed on from the first, THIS episode was a dud.

Good initial episode, well scripted with proper dialogue though this one even with its guest star, who was good to see in it did nothing much for me. A Blake's Seven guest star in episode 2 as well in a commanding performance, how they all cut their bones in this TV series then.

I'd sooner get on to the more grittier George Sewell episodes, a great believable actor he was, but will likely stick with it to see how it progressed to his era.

Even breaks into COLOUR from episode 9 onwards, (Sole EDIT: just found out from episode 10), and I hear from season 3 onwards was filmed in 16mm, so possibly a better picture if copies can be tweaked up with Ai software.

Nvidia Shield TV Pro's are supposed to picture enhance streamed content from Youtube & places, so it may not be beyond someones ability to upload an episode from whatever source obtained, hard drive or DVD, to a private part of a youtube account seen by no one, so not as to break copyright laws. That Youtube will likely not like.

THEN download it through the Nvidia Shield via the Nvidia AI enhancement part and see it in better pic quality. (It I hear not being able to do it directly off of existing material on hard drives & DVD's).

A bit of a nice dodge if it works, just waiting for a new long awaited 2022 or 2023 Shield TV Pro version to try it out.

Until then even this Special Branch 625 lines TV pic quality is not too shabby to watch. All part of the now 53 year old TV show and its technology at the time.

All a bit stuffy at the moment but it is likely to get better. Still finding their feet with the series. A big part of UK TV history a precursor to the Sweeney as we know but stands up in its own right.
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For All Mankind: Stranger in a Strange Land (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Not even half way through I just got fed up of watching this season.
19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
** Does contain spoilers** *Does contain spoilers for entire series**. It all just fizzled out. Season 2 was the peak of this series, this season wasn't too bad in parts but having to look at MR GLUM'S one and only GLUM facial expression really put me on a downer.

How depressing he was, making the wrong decisions out of ego & arrogance time & time again. It was him who insisted on having Danny Stevens on the Mars trip, a lot to do with misplaced loyalty, how did that work out?. Mr Glum then effectively killing seven or so people.

And what a failure as a Commander and a step father he was that he could not educate his adopted daughter about CONTRACEPTION.

What led to her pregnancy would likely have been banned by NASA anyway due to the consequences, unlikely to have happened. It would have been instilled into them with treats of severe financial & other career prospect consequences. Many aspects of the enfolding scripts &events would not have happened as well. To many 'as if's' for my liking.

Such poor security at NASA, both internal & external. No one detecting big heavy statues being stolen, and following that up, had they done it would likely have stopped that attack there and then ages before it ever happened.

No one checking the backs of vans on NASA's site, did they deserve any better?. Like as if Mr GLUMS ex wife would have survived even for a short while whilst in front of a building that sustained that amount of damage where half of the building was disintegrated. Concrete & steel.

Do not insult our intelligence, neither would the dopey Stevens kid have survived to mope around the place in regret. Both would have been ripped/blown by the shock wave to pieces. Barely be a trace of them.

What a traitor Margo was, no internal security found her out, had she been removed due to her instances of misplaced loyalty, maybe that NASA building would have fared better with someone else running it. How would she have got away from her responsibility as head of the place, criminal responsibility for such slack security.

The Mexican tech kid after all that, who we were shown to have survived would surely have grassed her up about her Russian involvement. Had she done so beforehand and not had such misplaced loyalty, (yet another instance) a more competent Administrator may have prevented such a disaster in the first place.

I got fed up of it all, it had some good scenes, even decent enough episodes and some good acting as well from some of the actors, Danielle Poole was a convincing character & a few others as well. Many to be fair doing their best and their particular performances were enjoyable.

But it got bogged down & side tracked in the wokeness of cranky mop head in the White House, her exploits & other peripheral characters. Hopefully there will not be another season.

Seen enough of these Sci-fi series that are mainly seen due to them being sci-fi, oftentimes all that is around at the time to see, but many never quite make the cut. This one for me fell short.

It could have been better, never achieved its full potential, some actors did try though, and there are some exciting parts in it, for me not quite satisfying enough as it could have been.

Maybe had they an actor as MR GLUM, the main 'star' who could actually ACT!!!. And had a differing facial expression than the only one he ever had that he must have picked up at the Joey Tribbiani Jr's school of acting it would have been much better.

What was it? Too high a setting in the G force spinning machine at NASA gave him that permanent look!.

Three stars for this episode then and also for this 3rd season, though maybe four stars for the entire series. Perchance 5 stars for season 2.

The two Stevens and their heroic effort on the Moon being the highlight of the series for me, that of cause the dopey Stevens, the Earthbound one, was conditioned by his flunky radical chums to believe that it never even happened.

No wonder he was such a patsy, not believing the other NASA astronauts accounts of what happened, easily manipulated. Poor upbringing by the two Moon hero Stevens then that effectively contributed to such destruction of NASA.

A tale of poor upbringing and many instances of misplaced loyalty

NO MORE of this 'For all Mankind' please for all our sake's.

I could not stand it. I would not watch it.
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Better Call Saul: Nippy (2022)
Season 6, Episode 10
An utter GARBAGE episode, better not call Saul after watching that tripe.
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
** Does contain Spoilers** Does contain Spoilers**. ** Possibly future episodes as well**. What made writers Vince Gilligan, Peter Gould, Alison Tatlock and Ariel Levine think we wanted to watch that rubbish. As FLAT and as washed out as they could get it. In B&W as well.

A NOTHING of an episode, embarrassing in far too many places. As if that security guard is going to eat that pastry thing consecutively around the 190 second mark, give or take 5 secs or so always sitting in a seat looking away from the screens. Stretched that improbability too far. And of cause EVERY time Saul popped around to add to that security guys waistline the other security guard just happened to clear off on his rounds. NOT VERY LIKELY. Too many 'as if's' spoil an episode.

And of cause the ludicrous notion that Saul would risk 30 years imprisonment for some clothing tat, when as we know he had a bag full of money. And income from all his shady lawyer work. PLUS of cause if there was the slightest chance he could 'get back' with his wife he would take it. Being banged up for 30 years he would have no chance. Hence would keep within the law.

So whether or not as we know he had a history of 'thrill seeking' he WOULD NOT HAVE DONE WHAT HE DID in that episode. A fraction of 1% probable chance that he would. A tiresome episode all the way through. Barely worth 1 star.

Far better the series ended after the last episode, going out with a BANG not a whimper, as per this episode.

3 more episodes to go but if they resemble this one in any way it'll get the 16x fast forward. Of cause if they do have the chemistry teacher guy in any of them, why not spoil the surprise completely by HAVING HIS NAME in the opening credits. Yea then it'll be a real big surprise won't it. AS per the title of the next episode. Producer schmucks. Oh that was Odinkirk as well as others wasn't it.

NEVER in any series have names of actors in opening credits, it SPOILS the surprise of seeing the episode, when some unexpected person is seen. ADDS to the episode. So it'll be the first 5 mins skipped and then seeing if the chemistry teacher guy 'in heaps of make up to try to make him look younger' turns up.

BIG DEAL if he does, it has to be said the standard of acting in BB was atrocious, only about 3 actors could even act. If that, just its main star and the Chicken guy, and the parking lot attendant. The REST could not act out of a paper bag. Embarrassing to watch many of the rest of the cast.

Only the plot and at times the action made it worth watching, far too over rated. Have not seen it all since it came out, yet something like the Sopranos gets folk watching it time & time again, though maybe Fast forwarding all the Meadow and her dopey brothers scenes. You learn to.

So there you are then, a poor episode and BCS has had a few good stinkers, this one was bad. Worth about 0.6 of a star out of 10.
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The Orville: Future Unknown (2022)
Season 3, Episode 10
Had enough of this season many episodes ago.
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain spoilers** **Does contain spoilers**.

With any luck there will not be another season of this Seth MacFarlane's sociopolitical CONDITIONING tool. His echo chamber Sci-fi production for the Democrat party minded types. Similar to the just as woke DC and increasingly so the Marvel outfit as well then.

Prior to this episode I had the entirety of seasons 1 & 2 of the Orville on hard drive and 9 episodes of season 3. All of them were deleted, purposely so then this episode 10 was downloaded. Maybe last night it was.

Going out with a 'bang' eh!, yea between Bortus & Clyden, and we are just supposed to sit back and let it all play out. And even go along with it all rooting for the theme of it.

Except having seen 5 mins of this episode and seen how conditioning MacFarlane was being in this particular episode. I said my goodbye's to the Orville. Switched it off and a day later when I could be bothered erased that last remaining episode off my hard drive.

Had MacFarlane kept his woke sociopolitical leanings that turned into his scripts out of this series it would have been a whole lot better. A lot of it being idealistic claptrap. Such as episode 9, the one about the Kaylon killing machine and a reluctance to use it to its ultimate end.

How pathetic such a presented notion as joining forces with the Kaylon and having thousands of this version of Star Fleets personnel and much needed space ships being destroyed.

An enemy that has destroyed entire Worlds, known to be intent on wiping out all others in the Galaxy and we are presented with the bogus notion that possibly stopping this juiced up Kaylon killing device from wiping them all out may sway them to stop. How weak.

This band of misfit weakling species would not last a minute in a real Galaxy be they united or not. Ted Danson had the right idea, a realist not an idealist. Of cause in MacFarlane's mind he was the enemy and had to be seen to be destroyed.

Anyway, some of the special effects and action was impressive throughout the entire series, at times it was spectacular and enjoyable. Had it not such a woke sociopolitical theme, multi themes running through it all, far in excess to the pre Discovery Star Trek material then I could have put up with it.

Just too much preaching in it on too many levels for my liking. Mainly to the converted Democrat party minded types, a preponderance of them tuning in most likely, though failing that it set out to convert through this Sci-fi medium all others. Doing so in a drip drip manner, brainwashing folks with MacFarlane's social conditioning that is just propaganda. The Orville is Sci-fi propaganda.

About the only one in the entire series that I cared about was Halston Sage, for obvious reasons, and she cleared off far too soon for whatever reasons that it was. You have to have at least one female in a Sci-fi series that is remotely attractive else it is just not so good, helps put up with poor episodes.

Right ok then, good riddance to the Orville series. Even if there is another season I would not bother with it. MacFarlane himself being far too smug & smarmy to even look at at times.

Having taken far too long in bringing out the 3rd season. Ongoing enthusiasm having fizzled out. Many folks had given up on it all before this last season even came out. Hopefully it will be the last.

If others like it, fine, good luck to them. Though as the viewing figures for this season are being withheld from what I can see. Were they great they'd be published far & wide!. More likely POOR viewing figures then. Looks like whether folks want another season or not they wont be getting it.
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The Minister (2020– )
Another offbeat gem from the Icelandic drama hit factory.
30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain entire season spoilers** **Does contain entire season spoilers**. **And even possible future season storyline spoilers**

Strange how the Icelanders can keep doing it so well. The series 'Trapped' especially the first season showed us how intriguing and absorbing a drama series can be made.

Maybe a constant attention to the screen, the need to read the dialogue rather than fiddle around with other things really does focus and draw a person in to the production.

It gives these foreign language subtitled series almost a novel like structure to it. Almost as if you are reading a book and instead of using ones imagination to picture it all in your mind it is instead played out in front of you.

Of cause there is not a total suspension of all of ones imagination as that is usually put to use considering what has gone on, working out what is going on in that particular scene & episode and contemplating where it is all going. Freeing up you could say some of our AI processing power to be able to utilise it elsewhere then.

In this series I consider the Dog was the key to it all. Many folk just did not realise until much later on that the Minister actually had no dog. (except to him of cause!), That instead it was just a part of his deranged mind, his ever malfunctioning mind. We were never shown a contradiction by another person as to the existence of this dog.

Around his abode the dog fitted in, we initially were given the idea by the producers that the dog was real and actual, a party of the family. Though upon an aircraft journey to some place up north where that hotel complex was being built, later on in the wanderings of the Minister by the roadside along came his dog Leo. (Wasn't on the aeroplane was it, and would not likely have travelled all that distance across land even though on occasion some are able to).

So OBVIOUSLY the dog was not 'real'. Though to the Minister the dog was incredibly real and initially to us it also was real. Maybe before that there was a 'giveaway' sign. But cleverly the producers for a while gave us an insight on the same par to the mental processes of the Minister.

The dog being SO REAL to the Minister even we could see it, not just him stroking & fussing up thin air which would have 'given away' the SEVERITY of his condition from the start. Skilfully we were gradually made aware of his condition.

This then I would say took on a more sinister and frightening tone, that he could not differentiate between real & imaginary. The title of this season for me turned more from being The Minister to The Monster. From Ráðherrann to Skrímsli. (Maybe season two can), keeping the same title logo as seen above with the flag across the face, though with a jif the 'Minister' morphing into the word Monster.

Of cause of no great fault of his own other than not seeking expert treatment he was gradually at an increasing pace turning into a Monster. Exhibiting monstrous overbearing outrageous behaviour for sure.

Highlighting with the brief sexual assault upon his female aid and that piano stool scene shortly thereafter with his giant buttock in show, (thankfully only that!!) that he really had 'gone'. Completely gone.

Underlyingly a modern day Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde screenplay, having aspects of that.

Though the monster was increasingly taking over the Man not due to the use of some concocted potion of chemicals but we find likely due to being a genetic condition and due to the demanding position he found himself in. From a teacher to a Prime Minister of a Nation with all those responsibilities he had to deal with.

Yes this really was an enjoyable series, what more was there to want?. Well acted by all the ensembled cast, they fitted in well, with twists & treacherous turns in the plot with an ending to me that was unsuspected. I didn't think it would turn out like that. (though does it?).

A nice little series then that was not 'milked' as some are into being a 10 episode series or even longer but from how it played out was rightfully kept short and sweet as an 8 episode production. Just the right amount.

Good acting, great story line, nice scenery as well, though to me this time around as wonderful as the Icelandic countryside is that was secondary to the actual performance. It added to it, was a part of the splendour & plot of it all but it was the compelling portrayal of this Man into Monster then at the end thankfully so back into being a reasoning Man once again by the lead actor Ólafur Darri Ólafsson that was the heart of it all.

There was other good acting in this but Ólafur's acting was exceptional. Terrorised people at times by his sheer compelling size & bulk and by the power of his spiralling out of control malfunctioning mind. Terrorised & horrified them increasingly so in a personal one on one physical way, in a way that left them almost in incapacitating shock and there being the bigger terror & horrification of him being in such a position of power. Adding to it all.

Something we see that the victim himself exhibiting this malfunctioning mind struggles without much success to get to grips with, with those around him having to come together collectively with great planning & indeed deceit to deal with this emerging threatening problem.

IF there is a second season, I really can't see where it is all going, ***Future possible season alert!!***.

WILL the Minister actually resign or will the Icelandic people support him and he does carry on and it turns even more sinister & darker. Some sort of Dictatorial nightmare with the Ministers opponents one by one disappearing and great social change.

Then we get to see in a fictional way what it is like to live in a Fascistic type Dictatorial regime, as sadly people of many nations endure. That really would be frightening and compelling to see.

Or will instead his wife Steinunn seek high office with him supporting her as she sought even through difficult times to support him. There could be another season, though it could just be a 8 episode one season and done series. I'd sooner see it get even more sinister.

MAYBE even have a 3rd season, a prelude to it all perchance a 6 episode season, even shorter & sweeter. Set in the Ministers early teaching, political awakening & romantic courting of his wife days, plus his initial mental breakdown, entitled Maður. Man, Minister, Monster. A nice compelling trilogy then. Yea, Producers do that.

OK then I wont be mean instead I'll give it a 10 stars. Having recently given Ms Marvel a -10 star score this one gets the full 10 stars. Ten stars for what it is and for what it could turn out to be.
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Better than expected.
5 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**The odd season spoiler**.

Quite an enjoyable mini TV series, the producers getting it almost right. The odd bit of overly wokeness, trying to rewrite history which these days is sadly to be expected. Expected but not necessarily accepted.

The ART of such a production should come before any such sociopolitical claptrap going around. Selling this series off the the Americans as well no doubt so they can kid themselves of their near distant past.

This Harry Palmer TV series had a certain feel to it, a sixties feel, spending a packet on all the props and site locations. Though TV aerials in those days were not as commonly depicted.

They were massive kite like things. Some boxed type aerials and vertical wedge shaped unsightly things, not the compact long freeview type ones. Unless the London ones were that different.

But apart from all that and a bit of a rewrite of the story to make it fresh & not predictable this was a TV series that kept me enthralled all the way through. Some gritty exiting parts and intrigue.

Some really good acting, Dolby being a cold blooded killer as was Alice with her Luger. You didn't want to mess with her. The Harry Palmer part was well played as well, similar to the original though a character of his own. Yes all in all an off beat production that gives me an appetite for even more Harry Palmer TV seasons.

I would say it was a success, it was for sure good enough for me. A nice 9 stars then, very enjoyable.
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Star Trek meets Alien 2.
3 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I soon got fed up of this episode not even half way through. WHY WHY WHY WHY do producers think we want to see STROBE EFFECTS almost non stop for over 30 mins. It ruined it.

All that unnecessary strobing & flickering to JAZZ the episode up, was there really any need for it?. It does not excite folk it merely disturbs them be they aware of that or not. We had more than enough of that in the various BORG CUBE extended shots on Next Generation and Voyager. Don't these producers ever learn.

I just got fed up of that episode very fast, it was laborious, such a shame. This Star Trek series had potential but somewhere along the way lost its way.

I'd sooner see a 4 part documentary Meltdown Three Mile Island or even a 2022 6 part TV version of The Ipcress File than any more of this season of Strange New Worlds. It has fizzled out, I'm just not too bothered about it.

Episode 8 almost killed it off, this episode did nothing for me, ripping off Alien 2 with that kid, even had the same hair style covering her face, just too much strobing for my liking.

I was going to give it 4 stars but excessive strobing, have I mentioned that yet! & light fixture flickering plus characters I care little about, even ones that get killed off, marks it down even further. Just 3 stars then.
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The Old Man: II (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Not very likely is it. I'll be ending viewership of this series from this point onwards. All hopes dashed, had enough of it.
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So where were they going with this series?, the guy lays low moving on a bit now and then and they don't find him or they do.

AS if Jeff Bridges is going to get involved with some neurotic woman who just happens to invite him out to dinner somewhere. Whereupon they happen to get stopped by the Police. With body cam footage getting passed on to Lithgow.

Like why would Lithgow ONLY look through video cam footage stills of folks stopped by the roadside by the Police, the VAST amount of such material sent off to the FBI to start with!, all throughout the US, just not very likely is it. The odds & probability. Just not kept REAL is it.

There would be subway video footage, airport footage, Mexico & Canada boarder footage, toll road footage, loads of video footage in the streets & public buildings 'not' just Police roadside footage that JUST HAPPENED to take place due to an evening meal that Jeff Bridges could easily have got out of.

He could have showed her his severely bruised back and even pointed out he'd have to leave both his dogs UNATTENDED.

NO WAY would he have exposed himself to detection by going out like that. Of cause what a stale boring series it would be if he just took to ground not even cooking a meal for someone. Which anyway he'd have made minimum contact with her at that homestead.

So all in all, it'll be a long drawn out series, with yes two big name actors, but already the series is a busted flush. Top tip is to just watch episode one and IMAGINE what the rest of it all would be. It'll be a far better viewing or rather non viewing experience.

Sometimes with an after meal desert just having part of the bowl of whatever it is is far better than consuming the whole portion. The later spoonfuls never giving anywhere near the same satisfaction that was initially obtained. Hard to do but can be better.

We see from this episode where this is going, NOWHERE really. Just pack it in. Decent enough effort though that should have been a taunt 2 hour long Movie thriller not a TV series. It would not have had great box office figures with two old farts like that but it'd been a better format for it. Some Movies being better were it a multi episode series and in this case a TV series that'd been best as a Movie. But then a sub $100m box office viewership if that, might have struggle to even do $50 million, for sure put the producers off of that idea.

Get it all over and done with in effectively the time span of 2 episodes in a movie format, not drag it out with at least 7 episodes and it becoming a drag. Negating whatever was initially seen in it. Which was mainly a HOPE of actually having on our hands a decent thing to watch on the TV in and amongst the 98% of UTTER GARBAGE produced these days.
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What a load of Utter GARBAGE, did the Producers really think we would want to see such an episode as this?.
24 June 2022
Well, this is the first ST Strange New Worlds episode that from around 10 mins in, I started to x8 speed it. Then within a short time racked it up to x16 speed.

This episode was sheer indulgence like all these worthless 'Holodeck' episodes in STTNG and Voyager. Episodes that did nothing and went nowhere.

Utter twaddle of an episode, it was a wasted episode.

Up to prior to this disaster of an episode it has been not too bad of a series. Overall so far well worth more than 2 stars. But this episode barely just makes a 2 star rating. I shall not look forward to watching subsequent STSNW episodes. Sooner see the third season of 'The Boys'. That drops a day after STSNW.

So a big disappointment of an episode and just gets 2 stars.
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Ms. Marvel: Generation Why (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Jibber Jabber Jibber Jabber Jab Jib Jab.
10 June 2022
After watching this I contemplated how much I would actually pay for a MENTAL ENEMA. To erase the very memory of watching it.

This really is another load of Garbage from Kevin Feige. As if the direness of Moon Knight was not bad enough we now get this.

6 to 8 year old intended audience is it?. Some sort of computer game with people in it is it?. I Carly meets Saved By The Bell, except nothing can save this TV series.

It was all we were getting, non stop tiresome Jibber Jabber, so much so my toleration for any such similar to & fro of small talk in other TV programs, last night, wore very thin.

Hopefully I will recover but it may have left its damage. Like running an engine with no oil in it at all, afterwards even if it survives it is never the same again. I feel like that.

Watching this load of tripe was like wading around a room full of treacle up to ones waist whilst looking at newly daubed paint drying on the walls.

Generation Why?, I think what would be more fitting is Why would anyone of any Generation continue to watch this rubbish.

That is the thing here, it is a tale of ENVY and PITY.

In that I ENVY those who ideally NEVER EVER watch this garbage and those who gave up on it well before 20 minutes. I do ENVY those folk.

Of cause on the other hand I do PITY those who watched the whole episode and PITY the most those who go on to see all the episodes.

I implore them DO NOT DO IT. Do not punish yourself in such a way.

Yet another failure from Marvel then. Feige STICK to making the Movies. With the Marvel TV series Daredevil was the best hit so far and that got cancelled.

Two failures in a row then, Moon Knight that I did stick out for 4 episodes and this utter mish-mash of Jibber Jabber & doodling graphics for those with a short attention span to keep them engaged.

Ms Marvel all based on what?, Captain Marvel that we all know is a MAN as drawn by Jim Starlin.

Not Brie Larson named after some sort of Danish soft cheese is it?, certainly an uncomfortable cheesy look on her face most of the time and for sure cheesy acting.

If that is you can call it acting, she is just there!, but not there, no screen presence at all. She'd be great as the new FF Invisible Woman.

If Chris Evens can do 2 prominent Marvel characters she can, though instead have her INVISIBLE all the time with temporary through the whole movie an inability to talk.

Having this Ms Marvel offshoot based upon the Brie Larson Capt Marvel, it is not for me and I bet even the intended audience the 6 to 8 year olds don't like this Ms Marvel much either.

You can stack anything Robert Rodriguez has made in this Genre and his material is far better. In fact in his hands Ms Marvel could have been something a whole lot better. Marvels missed opportunity then.

Avoid this TV Series.

So actually as y'all may have guessed, this is more of a minus 10 star rating then. In the instance of Ms Marvel, temporarily, I get the feeling that the star ratings here for many of the real viewers and not the paid off shills are really minus stars. This then gets the full Minus 10, it is that bad.
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La'an Noonien-Singh and Camina Drummer, noticed a similarity?.
22 May 2022
Better than nothing, certainly better than Discovery the only Star Trek Series I would not watch. This however is not too bad. Quite morbid though. Enjoyable so far with 3 episodes under my belt.

I was convinced as some other folk may also have been that Christina Chong playing La'an Noonien-Singh and the bird off of the Expanse who played Camina Drummer who was actually Cara Gee were the same person. They certainly look alike and play a similar role.

Maybe after seeing Cara Gee on the Expanse this influenced the casting crew to pick Christina Chong and play a similar feisty role. Maybe they actually wanted Cara Gee but decided otherwise.

Characters in other Sci-Fi series do influence others. A regular occurrence throughout the Star Trek franchise itself. Yes so far happy enough to tune into the next episode, a good 52 mins or so per episode, getting our monies worth. Lets see how it progresses.

7 stars then.
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Moon Knight (2022)
2 mins of Moon Knight per episode saving him up for a rainy day were you Marvel/Disney?.
9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does contain part Season Spoilers** **Does contain part Season Spoilers**. Maybe.

Up to and including episode 3 was all I could stand of this garbage. I thought Marvel couldn't make anything worse than WandaVision. I could not last a full season of either.

Not my cup of tea, I could never see the attraction with the comic book version, kids went potty for it in the day. Just too jokey blokey for me this TV series, not nearly enough action, far too hocus pocus as well.

It started doing my head in all this Egyptian goings on. Something in real life the weaker willed could get sucked into the mythology of it all.

Not such a healthy series then. Of cause not as degenerate as a DC offering such as Titans. DC having had squeaky clean 60's Batman & Superman comics later on these days with their TV series have gone the degenerate route, ideal for democrats then. Always out to disturb & shock to get away from their original soft image.

Marvel in a way, starting out edgy in their 60's & 70's comics have drifted into being the 60's DC of righteousness in their TV Series & movies. Well, the later part of them. Especially after the Disney takeover.

Some Marvel series though, DD, being in parts quite brutal.

A bit of a role reversal though on the whole. Not that I am looking for degenerate disturbing Sci-fi fantasy material. This Moon Knight garbage being neither here nor there, even Hawkeye being better than this.

No episode 4, 5 and 6 for me then, ep 3 was a stretch, the character does nothing for me, the action was few & far between, I just don't care enough about it and was not impressed enough to carry on with this series.

It IS ok to do so, to pack up watching a TV series, even if a few episodes are tried out, plenty of other material around to watch. There being no need to see them all, I cannot see that I am missing anything other than eventual disappointment, which I have had more than enough of with the first 3 episodes.

UNFULFILLING at best then shall we say. 2 stars for this near nothing of a series.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
ST:P in season 2 becomes ST:PFCB
7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does Contain SEASON Spoilers** **Does Contain SEASON Spoilers**.

Yes sadly Star Trek: Picard in season 2 becomes Star Trek: Picard's French Chateau's BASEMENT. A seemingly almost endless tale of Picard's French Chateau's BASEMENT and his exploits down there.

A dozen times we see his foot getting caught in decrepid wooden floorboards, SUCH GREAT SCI-FI action!!! & also more tiresome scenes in a conservatory.

It all seemed to lose its way after episode 3 or so. Going from a SPACE themed setting to a land locked one, centring around some basement supposedly in France, though obviously a CBS film set. The last episode again adding space based elements to it.

Some episodes did drag on, though it was good enough in parts, what could they do with it really?, maybe about the best that they could. Utilising the ensembled cast in various and in some cases different than Season 1 roles.

A very narrow minded and shortsighted viewpoint from Picard I thought, here he was in a situation where he was in a Galaxy without the BORG, and along with 7 of 9 was dictating events.

Could he have not seen what he was thrust into was better, that it 'had' the potential to be better at least. Some changes and they all could have got on with it, smothing it all out.

OK the current wars would need to be curtailed, strange though how the BORG from the Delta Quadrant were supposed to have been defeated, yet the "Confederation" was still warring against a local neighbour Vulcan. The scriptwriters wanting us to swallow that scenario.

NOT VERY LIKELY is it. Big PLOT HOLE there then.

Picard & 7 of 9 who was the President of the Confederation could have mellowed out the belligerence they were actively engaged in. Called a truce. Did this not occur to him?. His precious Federation gone and all its lofty ideals gone as well was too much for him to bear.

He could have had a Galaxy without the Borg, THAT is the thing here but chose the same old same old. One palatable to him. So it could fit in with his moral sense of right & wrong.

Yes initially they would be doing harm, this was in motion already, so hardly his fault, but surely couldn't 7 of 9 and him soon changed & ended that. Made things better. All a bit of a wasted opportunity, plot wise, in that fictional setting.

Not too bad of a season, I was entertained in parts & intrigued esp with Q being in it, who always picks an episode/season up. Decent enough acting, though I would have liked to have seen it more SPACE based as the first amount of episodes were, this is integral to a decent Sci-fi series, especially one that is set in space.

NOT Star Trek Picard's French Chateau's Basement Trek. To boldly go where no one has gone before, into Picard's French Chateau's Basement.

Not too bad then, better than nothing, always decent enough acting & production, though the script could have been tweaked up in places.

Having reviewed season 1 just prior to this, yes I would say I did prefer season 1. Worth putting the effort in though. 5 stars then.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Sub Rosa (1994)
Season 7, Episode 14
Sub Standard Sub Rosa.
26 April 2022
What made anyone think we ever wanted to view such a limp episode as that. Still, it was an Award Winning episode. An award that I bestow upon it. Well, to one of its principal actors in it, that of Gates McFaddon. SHE gets the award, that of the MOST HAMMIEST ACTING OF STNG SEASON SEVEN.

It was dire, just swirling around and throwing herself all over the place like Kate Bush did in her Wuthering Heights music video. It just went nowhere, did nothing was nothing. Just a dud script that no one wanted to watch. Decent enough production & cinematography though, as usual, Star Trek always had a decent standard of production. This episode was just not my cup of tea. Too wet, too drab, maybe more of a chick flick episode. Now and then they perchance do need catering to. Romance and all that.

Just 3 stars then.
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Station Eleven: Wheel of Fire (2021)
Season 1, Episode 1
Barely worth 1 star, if you want your Intellect dumbing down watch this GARBAGE!.
17 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
**Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**, **Does Contain Spoilers**.

So where do you start with this utter GARBAGE. Right then, some actor starts dying on stage. Of cause there is no one in the production crew on hand we are supposed to believe with any medical training. Even though there is a DEFIBRILLATOR that gets called for by some medic types coming from the audience or somewhere, who FINALLY twigs that the guy is indeed having a heart attack and calls out for the device.

So they HAVE a Defibrillator but we are 'supposed to believe', (you'll be seeing a lot of these 'supposed to believe' moments throughout this show if you are daft enough to continue watching it). Yea supposed to believe that NO ONE has been TRAINED UP to actually USE his device.

Just have such a device eventually on hand, dug out with no trained person to operate it, that I bet they would have had to have someone at least with first aid experience all as part of the Theatre Insurance, maybe even Union requirements.

So anyway, we are supposed to believe that the Stage Manager & supervisors there would be more interested in getting some fake snow turned off than having 8 year old children STANDING AROUND watching some guy die. Not instead having them took away to the side, off of the stage.

Not very likely is it.

Then we have the bogus saga of the young girls wrangler/chaperone person who after eventually finding the girl to take her home but then vanishes, disappears into thin air, even though she has been given a KEY to the young girls Parents home. An almost total stranger given a key to what looks like an expensive house. Not very likely.

So abandoned with no way for the child to even get in to her home BECAUSE her parents just happen NOT to be at home. Her Parents can't be bothered to COLLECT the girl every night or send an UBER to pick her up, they do not even trust the girl to have a key of her own.

So they all go off on a train get to her Parents home, with the girl who we are led to believe did not know her Parents were not even going to be there. Her elusive Parents we are supposed to believe never told her.

So the guy & the girl can't get in, she just happening to be an 'only' child with no elder sibling at home. With neither the neglectful Wrangler or either of the girls parents can be contacted on the phone. All unavailable. We are supposed to believe all this.

Then we get the sheer nonsense of the guy getting 5 shopping carts FULL of food. And pushing it all in a train of shopping carts miles through the snow.

It'd be hard enough pushing one EMPTY shopping cart let alone one that was full of shopping through the snow. Let alone FIVE!! Shopping carts, somehow strapped up with some bungee straps up the sides.

Not very likely being able to push all that amount of weight and rolling resistance, not in the snow and up even the slightest of inclines. The weight of such a train of shopping carts needing as we could SEE a large BATTERY PACK. I suspect installed on the lower shelf of the second shopping cart at the front of its forward motion. Hidden inside a white cardboard box.

A battery pack & electric motors being rigged up to this utter nonsense of a situation, with the guy just flipping a switch or some off scene crew hand did and off it went at around 33mins in this garbage episode.

The guy initially was not even PUSHING this train of heavy shopping carts FULL of food, we can clearly see his elbows were bent, not straight. So unless he has Superman strength pec muscles it is an impossibility. The electric/battery motor had been activated before he had started his initial PUSH. The most strenuous moment, getting it initially moving.

WE see shortly after he can even push it all along one handed whilst on the phone and even when sticking his phone in his coat pocket it moves along effortlessly no handed. (possibly a slight incline downwards maybe, it looked levelish but in that snow it would take a bigger incline than that to keep it moving on its own).

Later on around 35mins 38secs at the apartment block lobby we see all the shopping carts even had bottles of water as well on the lower racks, 4 lots of them other than the cart with the disguised battery pack in the white box.

The weight of all that could not be pushed by him, not a chance. So TOTAL GARBAGE THEN. But you are all supposed to lower your intellect accept this and swallow it all down, the sheer garbage of it.

At 37mins 30secs onwards at the apartment front door, again we see this guy has super strength pushing the shopping cart one handed with his super strength even being bestowed upon the 8 year old girl as well!!!. She is seen pushing a shopping cart full of food & water, not straight armed to get leverage but with bent elbows all on likely to be the apartments carpet. AND around a corner in a circular motion.

Then just 'moments' after getting into the guys bro's apartment, not hours or days later but almost straight away within 5 mins, (the chances of that!), of all the places for a commercial aircraft to crash, it crashes right outside that apartment. 200 yards from it. Again the chances of that.

Just a load of improbable nonsense. Poorly written script.

Of cause even after this garbage nonsense of an episode I then decided to waste even more time viewing the next episode. Giving it a chance.

**Does Contain Spoilers** **Does Contain Spoilers** **Does Contain Spoilers**.

Episode 2 then, containing ***SPOILERS***.

We then find ourselves in this hippy dippy trippy World of HAPPY hippy communes with a roving acting troupe of acting performers visiting them all now and then.

They would likely have been wiped out. Many outside factions, Mexico, even South Americans heading north etc, for the booty. GANGS of thugs would have swept the USA, setting up warlord provinces, it would have all gone down the Mad Max type setting. Not some low polluting happy social utopia.

Not the 'nice' people living a carefree happy life as depicted in this 2nd episode but something far more sinister, fearful & threatening. Just how does this band of entertainers even SUSTAIN themselves?, producing what?.

We are supposed to believe they receive a shed load of supplies from hard working communities to feed them all for some garbage Shakespeare play performed. All clamouring to get them to perform for them we are shown.

They would have been either ENSLAVED and under the jurisdiction of some Kingpin type warlord guy & his thugs making all the local rules & demands or just bumped off. Shot dead.

We then get a pair of guys come along one of which the Speedo swimwear woman later cold heartedly STABS UP, leaving him for dead behind a log. Later to be seen slumped in a wheelchair, BLOOD coming from a wound in his side, either already dead or severely wounded and instead of the younger guy kicking up fuss about it to the troupe of performers, (the others seamed reasonable), instead just does 'nothing' about it. No justice pursued, just pushed the wounded or dead guy after looking at the waterfront for some reason??, wheeled him off back to his community. Not very likely is it.

Just sheer garbage. One of those series you are just supposed to accept any old garbage plot, any old garbage preposterous situation, time & time again all so the completely worthless POORLY written script can fit in, so it can actually work in folks dumbed down minds & proceed along. Yet it doesn't work does it.

Too many "as if's", just not a probable series of events, time & time again, unlikely individual events adding up to sheer garbage.

What an INSULT to the intelligence this series is. I refuse to watch any more of this utter tripe. All of the season swiftly ERASED off of my hard drive. A waste of time downloading it and a waste of time watching the first 2 episodes, giving it a chance. It just is not worth it.

DO not put yourself through watching this series, refuse to watch anything that insults your intelligence, having to dumb it down to be able to watch it.

I want material that does the opposite, something that IMPARTS something of value not what this is, as what that troupe of performers are... mainly Parasites. That is what this series is, a Parasite of the mind & intellect, something that takes away from what you already have.

It is OK to give up on watching a TV series, there is never a need to put yourselves through garbage. If after giving it a chance it does not come anywhere near being even satisfactory, best to leave it and forget about it.
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