
15 Reviews
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Fallout (2024– )
Intriguing and Satisfying
23 September 2024
Fallout is a surprising new series. I really love the art in all of the episodes. The idea is basic but it is implemented into the episodes very successfully. Characters are real, satisfying, without any extremeties. Well, we know that locomotive of the Hollywood is advertisement business, we sell and you buy, and this is actually stated in on of the episodes "the screen show is nothing but a product", but this title plays it very cleverly, I mean the selling of the Retro, unlike those other stupid tv series that look like some silly car ads. The human past is the basic idea that we fantasize about these future apocalyptic environments. So, I really would like to see, in the following episodes, some allusions to the great ancient civilizations, Rome, Egypt, China and Africa. Looking forward to see the next season.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
A bone - morrow kind of reality
20 September 2024
Bone Tomahawk is the theater of humanity in our times. The human feelings are successfully adapted to the stages. Meaningful and intended conversations, strong characters, taken up to the limits of the human existence. I liked the journey of four characters to the unknown primal level of humanity. The characterization of the female is to the point, no more no less. One woman is dear and abducted and another is annoying and suppressive of her husband. And the description of the animal-like primitives are harsh but penetrative. Their horrible deeds are that we actually do in our shiny society, only with so called polite manners. And that is a good point the movie makes.
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Fargo: The Tragedy of the Commons (2023)
Season 5, Episode 1
Fargo adapted to the system
1 July 2024
This season of Fargo is clearly under the influence of feminism. There is this woman, blond, skinny and mischievous. Her husband is a nice guy, soft, almost like a gay personality, he does nothing to stop his wife's plays and going-arounds. Totally under the dominance of the feminine. This type of man is the normal man in the normal marriage nowadays. There is of course the opposite, the wife beater cowboy, the supporter of the trumpian new right. Well, Fargo series have been good criticism to the apocalyptic culture. But it is sad to see that Fargo is now under the influence of the Bank System, representing only the presumptuous and guided intellectualism.
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True Detective (2014– )
Series like an art book
9 June 2024
True detective is a quality tv series. I especially like the season 4, set in Alaskan winter town. The show should not be only evaluated on the story. The series crew have done a splendid job in making out the most beautiful artistic sceneries. You can feel them throughout the line, outside and inside the buildings, the decorations in the kitchens, police stations, hospital environments, everywhere. The colors of the environments and the contrasts are beautiful, eye catching. And the actors do not look unprofessional, their actions feel real. All these said, the horror scenes and some scary and disgusting images can be lessened and reduced.
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A Senseless graphic movie
24 May 2024
This movie is nonsense comedy. I Actually really like the other movies of the writer but I cannot believe he did a really bad job in this one. There are many obscene things shown to the viewers, and these are not necessary for the flow of the film. The director wanted to attract the attention towards some basic facts of humanity, but there is no meaning in showing some disgusting images of human simplicity. Cruelty is abundant, the characters are useless, sex is pointless. The dialogs have some fun in them but this does not save the film. The film actually started with an interesting beginning, and after that it came to the wast of our times.
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The Purge (2018–2019)
Does not deserve to be watched
19 September 2023
There is something sinister going on, in the production of these cheap title. Let me say first things first the acting of all characters are really bad. Yes the sceneries, rooms, streets, offices are shown in good angles. But there nothing actually which goes beyond a good artistic camera work. Everytime you think there will be story: there is not. There is sex, same sex different sex, sexual harrasment going on between the characters! And so what? What is the purpose for showing all these immoralities. Customers who pay some monatery bills deserve so much better acting qualities, and better stoy telling, not something sexy ladies looking at each other.
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Black Death (2010)
Historically correct movie
8 November 2022
This movie is truly underrated, it deserves to be starred much more. It is completely different from those shiny graffic game of trumps stories. This is very effective in that it give the right clues about the middle ages. The idea of wichcraft is so accurate and strong, and one can see it as a result of the jacobite-judaic- demonic institution. I also liked that there are true believing characters in the movie, true unitarians and they just say to a witch I am ugly and I am christian so go away. Therefore the movie is about the conflict between the satanic ritual and the true belief. It must be noted.
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18 October 2022
Very strange movie, with clear allusions to the story of Adam and Eve, human evolution, and the devil. Malkovich clearly represents God, in that, it gives the idea of seeing the world through the eyes of Jesus Christ. God and the Devil are the same entity in this movie. So , welcome to the kabal industry of the Holywood. Do not contaminate your childrens brain with witchcraft.

We come across the image of Sun in several scenes, and the seven and a half floor is also something about the real heavens in Christology. A woman finds true love with another women, and she gets help with a lower-level human, that is, a monkey.
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Waste of money
15 August 2022
This was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. It is indeed waste of time for all. This kind of art is nothing. There must be a rationale, a purpose for the film making.
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Matrix is another Marvel now
8 January 2022
All originality about the first movie is lost. Ridiculously boring references to the previous series. And its a rocket science to find out what is going on!
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iconic movie
7 November 2020
History of the twentieth century, in symbolism, put in the screen, by those who has made it. Catwoman is American people, Batman is the Church, penguin is the puppet president.
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Curon (2020)
Waste of time
4 August 2020
The series are made for teenagers. Even for this, it is lame, poor and annoying. And terrible casting
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Frances (1982)
A real story
14 March 2020
This movie might not be so much entertaining, bu it is indeed very important. It tells how much pressure people put on someone who is just trying to be herself, and how deceitful the community will be when they think they control you. It shows how cruel the psychological nonsense as it is called mental hygene. So real and so effective.
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Another video game kind of movie
8 July 2019
The film is good in the beginning. But at the second half, it just turns out to a video game. Full of Hollywood cliches. It is really a waste to see good actors in such bad movies.
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Rescue Dawn (2006)
Good movie but nothing special about it
14 March 2009
People generally love those kinds of movies about one man trying to survive in a jungle, an island etc. Because, I think, they find in those movies the relief of the feeling of escaping from bad situations surround themselves. Because of this relief that they feel at the end of the movie these movies mostly have high ranks in lists. This is most of the time true when you think the success and the credibility of the movies like Cast away. However when it comes to the aspect which make this movie different from the others, I can say nothing! Only some strong scenes (eating a snake) made it a little bit different. The end was the same.
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