
3 Reviews
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Saw it at Sundance
1 March 2008
The Merry Gentleman (Dir: Michael Keaton): The word on the "street" (or shuttle) was "eh" for Keaton's directorial debut, as it was for other gems like "Quid Pro Quo" and "The Escapist". That's too bad, especially considering hot tickets like "The Great Buck Howard" were underwhelming compared to the lower-profile films. The Merry Gentleman is slow paced, yes, but that's an attribute. Keaton doesn't rush anything in his story of a lonely young woman (Kelly McDonald) who is the locus of desire for several men, including her ex-husband (a great Bobby Cannavale), an alcoholic cop, and a suicidal hit-man (Keaton). He honors the complexity of the situation with an ending as open ended as it is authentic. It is a glowingly photographed, impeccably performed magical realist drama, one that I'm glad exists in a market where it cannot thrive (just like the best Alan Rudolph films). Taking place during two of the loneliest holidays (Christmas and Valentine's day), The Merry Gentleman is also a great religious film, movingly detailing McDonald's faith as she in turn becomes a figure of worship for men with a variety of intentions. It even ends with a resurrection. As a primer on our ability to "save" each other, this is nothing less than rapturous, and Keaton infuses the frame with snow, fluorescent light, and human encounters that match the melancholic beauty of the frame. With Game 6 and this film, Keaton has proved to be one of our most reliable and literate actors. He is also a knockout director. ****
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Norbit (2007)
11 November 2007
We start all of our reviews with the following information. My wife and I have seen nearly 100 movies per year for the past 15 years. Recently, we were honored by receiving lifetime movie passes to any movie any time at no cost! So we can see whatever we want whenever we want. The point of this is that CRITICS count for ZERO. Your local critics or the national critics like Ebert are really no different than you or me. The only difference is that they get to write about the movie and are forced to see hundreds of movies whether they want to or not.Therefore, it is our belief that if you get your monies worth for two hours of enjoyment that is good enough for us! We NEVER EVER listen or read the critics. We only care about our friends and those who we know like the same things as us.

Especially our friend Marco. I really care about his opinion...a lot. His Sal Mineo eyes tell the truth about every movie. My wife hates him, but we don't even care! We ditched that dirty girl and make our own movies ;). Well enough about that.

Consider Norbit Blitizen Blane! This moovie was aaaaawesome! Eddie Murphy is so funny, and he tells the truth about people of his own race. I bet his fellow African American's love their representation in the character of Rasputia! the comedy was so fresh and rubbery! SEE, WHO NEEDS CRITICS WHEN YOU HAVE REVIEWS LIKE THIS!!
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Redsin Genius
31 October 2006
My immediate reaction to The Redsin Tower was this: ToeTag is going places. Watching this pitch black horror film, i was amazed that the makers of August Underground, which i consider to be the most disturbing film experience i have ever had, have made something completely 180 this time. Redsin Tower will earn them an enormous following. They have made a great, sinister, hard edged movie that has mainstreme appeal, but without sacrificing their dark integrity.

It's hard to gauge Vogel's actual directorial talents from the August films, of course, but he proves a natural behind the camera in his first "traditional" attempt. It is one of the most ambitious independent horror films of recent years, and Vogel and crew take the narrative into astonishingly diverse and original directions. As a filmmaker he has a great eye for Americana, subtle character interactions, color pallete (lots of eerie, Argento esquire blues and reds), pace...and of course, BLOOD AND GUTS!! The movie is on the surface throwback to teen body count films like Slaughter High, The Evil Dead, and Night of The Demons, but i link it thematically to films like Carrie and The Exorcist. This is the most perceptive teen horror film in ages, understanding that all the horror is an extention of awkward young feelings and tumult. Which isn't to undercut the other macabre places this film goes. ToeTag juggles a lot of different themes and styles here, and almost completely succeeds. If this were relased nationwide i can imagine it becoming as successful as Hostel and Saw-it's that professional and well made. I already think Vogel should be placed at the forefront of the "Splat Pack", and this film is just further evidence of his sinister genius.

I won't say anything about the plot. I'll just say any expectations are going to be totally destroyed+the ending is absolute genius. ToeTag is one of the most important genre forces today, and this awesome film should catapult them far past the underground (not that i would ever want them to leave!).
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