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Fun, fast-paced movie filled with heart and humour.
13 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Overall - Had lots of laughs at the cinema with a friend. But don't go in with high expectations.

Having just watched Sonic, I can say that it was an enjoyable movie. Many of the elements that make up the movie has been seen before but the movie executes them well enough for them to be justified and certainly funny.

Standout from the cast is Jim Carrey, who steals the show, especially in one scene in which he is experimenting with something that belongs to Sonic.

Visual Effects and Sonic himself could have done with a little more polish but its adequate.
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Raatchasan (2018)
Set out to be bollywood "seven" and thats exactly what it is; for better and for worse
11 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Overall: WORTH A WATCH (once)

For better and definitely for worse, the movie sets out to be the Bollywood version of "Seven" or "True Detective".

The premise is that our main character wants to make a movie, but no producer wants to put their money on it because it is not commercial enough and this is meta because that is what this movie is as well.

Supposedly the movie would only be this dark and psychological look at several serial killings but it turns out to be a commercial Bollywood movie particularly in the second half.

The first half of this movie is brilliant. This approach to a "hunting a serial killer" is unique and something that will keep you in the "edge of your seat". The characters are believable and although you still have to make some leaps, the actors portray them well enough to forgive that.

The second half is where the movie begins to show that exactly what our main character was asked to put into his script; "Bollywood" moments. Sad to say but the ending and the reveal of the killer is lame and predictable (first word that came when i watched the ending). I was hoping for a "show don't tell" type of situation but off course they introduce a character who is only there for a voice-over and exposition before killing him off.

I really thought the movie was going to great but damn the ending is disappointing, which is maybe telling of the fact that the producers probably wanted to add some commercial elements in it to better market the movie.
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Simple love story that outstays its welcome
26 January 2020
Solid first half and it a predictable "bollywood" movie after that.
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Confessions (2010)
A weird thriller in which a teacher sets out to exact revenge on students who have killed her daughter.
12 January 2020
By the title I am pretty sure you are questioning the seriousness of the movie and if you were hoping for a serious take then this is for you. This movie is absurd but you cannot Not take it seriously.

Regardless of the tone, I was completely surprised that the adult themes explored in this movie are done so through kids. This resulted in certainly a unique take but also was incredibly distracting because the subject matter is so serious and adult focused, that children trying to convey these emotions feels completely out of place. However, saying that, you will quickly get used to what this movie is trying to do and get behind its dark and unforgiving characters.

  • Another thing that is great about this movie is the dark and gloomy atmosphere that it creates. This blends well with the story that the director is trying to tell.
  • All actors are amazing, especially the leading characters.
  • Leading characters are fleshed out well and they serve their purpose in the story well.

  • Slow motion is used a little too much

Overall: An unusual thriller that you cannot, NOT take it seriously.
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An impact-full end to the many movies before it although being a little messy.
28 April 2019
Overview: Avengers: Endgame is a messy but an impact-full end to the many marvel movies that came before it. It manages to pay homage to the past whilst showing the possibilities of the future.

Pros: All of the main Avengers have their moments to shine and shine they do. Arcs for Captain America and Iron Man feel thoroughly earned. There are a lot of surprises in the movie and most feel earned and well-developed. Considering how many characters there are in the movie, it is an achievement that it feels natural and not shoehorned. Parts of the movie are much darker than I thought however, the tone remains consistent throughout.

Cons: They do something with Thanos towards the end that erases what happens in Infinity War which undercuts the "win" against him in the movie. Most of the messy stuff comes into play with Thor and a spoiler "thing" which I will not discuss. The scenes with Thor were supposed to be funny, you know like marvel movies funny, BUT I was not laughing at all. It felt so completely out of place and out of character. It is a horrible direction that the directors decided to take this character, who absolutely shined in Infinity War. Talking of weird directions, a character in Endgame makes a huge decision off-screen that should have been shown on-screen. This didn't feel earned but rushed for the sake of the movie which is 3 hours long. The run-time is mostly justified but there are several and I mean several scenes that can be completely cut of and it would have ZERO effect in the story.

Summary: All-in-all, Endgame achieves its goal of giving a fitting end to the marvel movies and hinting at possible future directions, however, it does so with noticeable faults. Go in with an open-mind and you'll certainly enjoy it a lot.

Rating: 8.5/10
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Shazam! (2019)
Shazam is another solid movie for DC
5 April 2019
Summary: Shazam is another solid movie for the DC universe with a great sense of humour and a fitting story.

Shazam is about a boy named Billy Batson who turns into a super powered hero after being grated powers by a wizard.

Pros: The movie is surprisingly funny and it does not feel out of place for the most part. I have not laughed this hard at the movies in a long time. Although the movie is funny, it does not miss out on the emotional beats that make these characters feel real and relatable. The movie makes some surprising decisions with Billy's character that brings something fresh to a familiar plot point.

Family and finding out where you belong is a big part of the movie and it's executed pretty well. Supporting cast do their job really well, with the standout being Darla and Freddy.

Cons: When young Billy says the magic word "Shazam" he transforms into the superhero of the same name, and with that the adult Billy actor comes into play and frankly these two characters feel very different to one another. Young Billy is more mature and has more attitude, while Shazam doesn't feel as mature nor does he have that same attitude. Now you'll get used to it but it can be jarring at first.

Another con is that the film has pacing issues. The movie doesn't have the flow that I wanted. Certain scenes feel like they were thought off at the last minute. I wished they had more scenes with the family.

All in all: Shazam one of the better DC movies to come out. It has a fresh take on a familiar superhero story with some great surprises towards the end.
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The Guilty (2018)
This Movie Does So Much With So Little
12 February 2019
Summary: It is a movie that is set in one location however, is able to achieve more than some other films in terms of its interesting narrative and and complex characters.

The idea a movie is set only in one location can be a really an obstacle for some people in their ability to enjoy a movie. It would be for me as well but thankfully I did not know anything about this movie prior to watching it. However, saying that, the location serves and fits the narrative and direction of movie very well and this should not hold you back from watching the movie at all.

Pros: Story: Well executed, nice surprises. Characters: We only get to see one of the four main characters in the movie, but the all the actors do an excellent job. The child actress who provided the voice over for a character stood out the most to me and she did a wonderful job.

Cons: It is definitely slow going, and takes its time to get to the "meat" of the story. I personally think that the duration of the movie could have been a little shorter. It can be a little difficult to maintain the proper attention the movie deserves during the first 30 minutes or so because of its pacing but if you stick with it, it will not disappoint.

Overall: A surprisingly great movie that is certainly unique in its approach in telling its story and thankfully it gets it right. RECOMMENDED!
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Polar (I) (2019)
Wasted Potential for a Solid Movie
25 January 2019
Summary: It is a fairly good movie.

Polar is set in an interesting world that is filled with characters that feel like they are in different movies. It is a violent movie that does have a solid story with a few exceptions.

Pros: Mads Mikkelsen does a great job in presenting a subdued hitman who is hunted by something he did. Vanessa Hudgens also does a great job with her character. There is a revelation in the movie that she plays really well. Story is good.

Cons: Supporting characters are not terrible. They feel like they exist in a different movie all together. The dialogues are fine for the most but horrible in some scenes. Pacing is inconsistent. The main antagonist is a shell of a character.

All in all: Its a weird movie with at least two actors doing well. Story is solid but its supporting characters are horrible. The tone of the movie is what hurts the movie the most. Watch it for Mads and Vanessa.
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Aquaman (2018)
A Solid Movie, with Stunning Visuals and Action
26 December 2018
Summary: it's another movie that is best experienced in theatres. Definte watch, at least once. FYI there is ONE end credit scene before the long end credits

Aquaman is the latest movie from DC comics that strays away from being a setup for another movie in the future. It stands together as a solid movie, with heart, stunning visuals and actions sences that are extremely cinematic but it's not without its cheesy moments.

Pros: Aquaman, himself, had a good arc and although a little underdeveloped, Mera makes an awesome debut. Same can be said for Black Manta, who is the standout character of the movie, with a good motivation for doing what he does and what he will continue to do.

Cons: Ocean Master aka King Orm, the main Villian has some great scenes, and some motivation that does not really blossom into something meaningful. The movie can get a little cheesy, especially with those close ups.

All in all, as I've said it's a solid movie that stands on its own, something that cannot be said for DC's previous endeavours. Along with Wonder Women and Aquaman, DC seems to be heading in the right direction.
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Incredible animation and a well executed story
19 December 2018
Summary: MUST WATCH in cinemas. Do not watch this movie on your little phone or laptop.

You have probably already noticed everyone talking about how amazing the amimation is, and all of it is 100 percent true. I find it hard to describe the animation and be able to justify how amazing it is, so go witness it for yourself on a big screen. The movie is funny and "over-the-top" in the best way possible. Soundtrack is really good.

Pros: All the characters are surprising well developed considering their unequal screen time, but off course this is Miles Morales' story first and foremost and he gets to shine. His arc is great and the ending to this arc is executed really well. All supporting characters are well thought out and have their own moments to shine.

Con: I felt that a few emotional beats failed to really hit me, and be totally invested in Miles' story.

All in all, Spider-Man: Into the spiderverse is an awesome movie to watch and I hope we get to see this type of animation further developed and used.
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Andhadhun (2018)
Surprises come one after another, and all of them are executed incredibly well.
18 December 2018
Summary: It is a MUST watch.

I did not know what to expect from the movie, except for that fact that I knew it was well received, but I was kept on the "edge of my seat" throughout the movie. It is a out-and-out thriller that is set in a amazing yet brutal world filled with individuals that have more going on than they initially let on.

Pros: Characters feel like real people which certainly helps the story feel grounded and well, real. The world the director creates is urging to be explored further. Cons: Now this is nitpicking however, I felt the movie could have been "tighter" in terms of the story telling especially towards the last act of the movie. Finally I felt the ending should have been less of a "happy ending" for our main character as a darker ending would certainly suit our main character.

All in all it was an amazing movie, filled with interesting characters and a setting that makes the characters feel grounded and brings them to life.
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Visually Stunning, lacking everywhere else.
6 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts with a great sequence introducing us to the post apocalyptic-steampunk world, and how it works. But from their on the movie is predictable and rushed, with story lines that you have seen elsewhere and executed better elsewhere. It's predictablility wouldn't hurt if the story and most of its characters were compelling enough to allow the audience to be invested and care. As the third act of the movie began I quickly tried to rummage through the entire movie trying to justify watching the movie and I was left with only a few reasons. One of them was the world created.

Standout character: Shrike, solid arc and amazing design. (You have seen this character in the trailer).
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