
1 Review
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Unconventional Heart
15 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie surprised me! In many ways, this film takes the established stereotypes and crashes them against the closet door of our self-imposed homophobia. Are there gay men who do not fit in? Do they deserve to have their story told as any other? Is it possible that there are gay men who love baseball and beer more than a singing diva?

By way of an answer, on the commentary track Pete Jones (Writer/Director) saw how stereotypical the roles of gay men had become in TV and film. At the same time, he wanted to write a comedy and also had friends who were gay guy's guys. While seemingly rehearsed, I feel it to be a genuine revelation of his thought-process for the genesis of the script.

Perceived bad acting aside (you do know this is a low-budget movie, right?), this movie touched me on many levels and I was amazed at the depths of the characters. They were well fleshed out and could have a life outside the film.

*** BEGIN SPOILER *** When he began reading the letter from his father, I cried. Who doesn't want the acknowledgment and love (if not the respect) of their parents? And when his brother's talked about their feelings (and questioned/commented about their brother's "new" lifestyle), they were probably the same questions my brothers asked. This film was as much about the family's reaction as it was about the main character.

My only complaint about the movie was the underwater scene. Up until that point, I was right there! I found it hard to believe that a straight-acting guy like Pete's character would day-dream about this -- even if he thought it was funny and was making fun of it. *** END SPOILER ***

The formula for gay films today is 1) an oddly voyeuristic coming-of-age tale of young love or 2) a man suddenly realizes he has been gay and "comedy" ensues. Both formulas have been done so many times, they seem cliché. If you are a fan of formula, this film is not for you. Finally, if you are criticizing Pete Jones for not having seen a gay film, you may be wrong. He probably saw them and thought "I can do better"!!!
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