
2 Reviews
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Skater Girl (2021)
13 June 2021
Another blackfaced fair girl playing a rural Indian saved by a foreigner.

I am a British Indian and this movie did not relate.

Hopefully, it may inspire some.
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Meh - A Review.
29 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To all you fans of the film, and others I may offend, please understand, this review is not about taking down your childhood/memorable ties to the superheroes, it's really just an honest review. That said, I too am a fan of comics and superheroes (Marvel/DC included. I walked into the theater with no knowledge of spoilers and the internet hype, no expectations, (yes, if you turn off your internet you will notice how many people don't care about how great the movie was) and I walked out a few minutes ago feeling the same as I did for the last marvel movie and the one before that and so on.

To anyone who watches movies (acclaimed ones, not the popular merchandise selling, trilogy/series expanding films out there), it is easy to notice the studio laying ground work in the film for resurrecting all the heroes it just killed, because lets face it, no one is giving up the rights to spider-man or 'nick-fury' till the fad of superheroes is taken over by the next generation of media (or till Samuel Jackson hits 76 and they make a 'Logan' film for him). It was kind of a popular yet shameful move they used where they split the film in two (a 3 hr movie would never sell as much as 2 highly awaited 2 hour films with filler'awkward' jokes and pip culture references).

A corny 'I love my daughter Gamora so much that I have to kill her' scene to add a little back story to the otherwise bland antagonist, and many such ridiculous gimmicks forced into the film to facilitate all the superheros did not make the experience any better. CGI was good, but nothing better than an average 3-D film nowadays. Music was by Skywalker sounds. and is easily relate-able to 15+ Lucas films movies (and Rubber-band Man because recycling old catchy music we all subconsciously listened to as kids is something the guardians producers like to do. Maybe it would bring out nostalgia if you are older than 22).

honestly. this film doesn't deserve the rating fans are giving it and no doubt, it will die out in a while, so I suggest those of you who are planning on watching it, go now so you can judge for yourself before your neighbor decides how great the film is for you or before the hype dies out and nobody cares. Oh yeah, most importantly, human superheros can now breathe in space without any gear because the millions of dollars they spend on paying the actors goes to waste if under a space suit.

If you have made up your mind to wait anxiously for the next few films and don't like this review, don't waste your energy hating people like me, go do something productive. If you haven't yet watched the film, go watch it with a fan. You'll be entertained, no doubt.
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