
74 Reviews
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Young Royals (2021–2024)
Nextflix, you b****! Don't U do that ever again! (I love you).
18 March 2024
I was a fan from the beginning.

I spent my entire day preparing for this S3E6.

Two days ago, when episode 5 ended, I found myself biting my fists and kicking my blankets. I wanted to kill someone, preferably the people at Netlix who arranged such a cruel cliffhanger.

6 PM in France today, everything stopped, my family, my house, the entire world, and my heart. I held my breath for two minutes straight waiting for the (happy?) ending. I prayed, guys. I prayed!

This love was intense, beautiful, moving, modern and realistic. The acting was so convincing! I loved all the characters, even the wannabe villains.

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Good Omens (2019– )
Not enough reviewers!
25 August 2023
This is one moving love story. Last episode of season two, I was watching through my fingers, knowing what would happen but denying it. It's so horrible. Crowley. Actually the kindest, softest, most angelic one of the two... He'll have to stay in a place way worse than Hell. My heart aches. And Aziraphaele still blindly devoted and clueless... But he'll know what Hell means too, I can tell you that... and he will so deserve it! As much as I love him, he's such an idiot...

This show NEEDS a third season. Anyone who reads this, help in anyway you can. Have people, family, friends, colleagues, followers... watch it by all means necessary. And review! People in charge. Please, don't cancel this show, just please. I love these guys so much, I couldn't stand it if their story just ended like this because, well, audience and money...

PS: I need to extend my review after watching a second time, without a pause between the two seasons. In all honesty, I was so smitten by the love story and so shocked by the ending that I granted10 stars although I thought to myself "season one was better crafted and more sparkling. Our beloved Terry is obviously gone." I'm no so sure anymore. Watching the whole story in one go and maybe watching *again*, carefully, with a sharper mind, I realized that I had missed A LOT of VERY IMPORTANT things. The show is actually it quite consistant throughout. So much so that when I began reading the book today, I actually expected to find Crowley and Aziraphale setting the universe into motion. Of course, had Terry been there to refine things in his very personnal, unrivaled, brilliant ways, well... If someone knows how to summon him... Anyways, I don't think he's turning in his grave. I'm sure he's proud.

Lastly, I wanted to say that I'm not mad at Aziraphale anymore. I can see things from his point of view now. He is oblivious because he is who he is, obviously, but also because he has less information than Crowley. I have a theory as to how Crowley just KNOWS that things won't work out for them in Heaven.

Ah. A bit of advice. If you're going to watch again, don't think it will be less painful. You'll only end up more traumatized.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
heartstopper indeed.
12 August 2023
Wow. So many things to say.

First, what is wrong with imdb not allowing more than ten stars?

Second, Netflix, I want to marry you, and mother your children.

Now. I read some of the reviews before writing mine, especially the bad ones, because I wanted to understand how people could *not like* something that got me obsessed.

I understand that Charlie was supposed to be black? Well, there are many black guys among the cast, so it's hard to call this racism or discrimination. Still... I understand how it may have hurt some people's feelings. I remember how I felt watching "Ender's game" thinking that Ender should have been black. It just wasn't right.

Also, I undertand the not-straight people who felt like this was (again) not realistic at all, and not dealing with their actual issues. If you ask me what my favourite LGBT+ series/movie is (and I have watched A LOT), I'll say "Queer as Folk". The difference is huge. But I don't think you can really compare them. This show was meant to be a fairy tale, it's there to make you dream. Why else would there be sparkles and fireworks and little hearts popping everywhere?

When you watch a "straight" ROMCOM you know it's not true, you know it's never gonna happen to you. You know Richard Gere (I'm that old, yeah) is not gonna come to pick you in a white limousine... Right? That's why you need to slip into fiction characters if you're going to experience perfect love, and you want to. I want to. Also, I am part of a large "community?" of slash readers/writers, mostly straight women, for some reason obsessed over BL. Anyway, for us, such a show is pure bliss. When I was a teen, I wanted to be man, so I could be gay.........

Last flaw mentionned was how could there be only one straight character in such a small group. Agreed. Felt really unrealistic. But, come to think about it. How many straight people are actually not straight, staying in the closet (and it's their business) or not even being aware of the closet?

About how *I* felt. Well, I am on top the universe, walking on happiness. I am watching for the second time (both seasons), I keep rewinding, I can't seem to get enough of their hugs and kisses, and smiles, and looks, and brushing hands, and...

OMG Kit Connor's visuals... True enough, he does look like a golden retriever, at first. But there is some kind of transformation about him when he smiles? And throughout the 16 episodes he kind of goes from teen to man. It's not just his body with all the working out. It's... the vibe. BTW if someone is looking for a new Captain Kirk?

I can't begin to say how much I loved absolutely everything about this show. There is this moment when the screen is parted in four frames where the boys kiss in different situations. Who (raise your finger if you dare) didn't pause several times to actually follow all four scenes?

Oh, yes, it's too sweet, too cheesy, too cliché, too predictable... So what? I want more!!! It grabbed me by the heart, pulled me inside this beautiful, warming, comforting romance. That's what matters.

I liked the parents and the teachers. How supportive they were. How they still established rules, as they should, because there should be no difference between straight love and gay love. No positive discrimination.

There are many things I wanted to say but won't, cause it will take all day. Just. At the end of season 2, I sat with my hand on my chest and thought "Ah, hence the title..." <3.
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31 July 2023
I'm not sure how I feel about this piece or if I would recommand it despite the eight-star rate. At first, I watched eight episodes or so, and then I dropped it... or wandered off... After a while, I thought the reason I had fled was it was boring and cheap.

But then I watched "Good Soup" and was mesmerized by Yang Se Jong's skills and visuals. He managed to stand out, even in the presence of Kim Jae Wook and that is a feat. I first saw Yang Se Jong in "Still seventeen" but his character was so dull and insignificant, I completely forgot about the actor. Worse yet, had I recognized him, I would have discarded Good Soup! What a character (and a nice haircut) can do for an actor!

So, I decided to give "My Country" a second chance and realized... I didn't remember a thing about it. It was new to me! But good! Really good! Until I got bored again...

Overall, I think what I didn't like was the useless complexity of the politics with plans changing all the time and alliances shifting endlessly. It was a mess. Also, it felt like the characters' motives, feelings and actions were inconsistant. One could argue that it made them look more human. It didn't for me. Resentment, hatred, love, greed, jalousy, tears everything seemed to be there to move the plot forward. The characters don't grow or learn, except for Nam Seon Ho, right before the endind.

Another issue is that the same scenes and situations keep coming back. And fataly wounded people too! I mean how many lives does everyone have?

Ah. And the music, gosh, this cheesy-creepy, tarzan-like sound they chose to enhance( ruin) Hwi's epic scenes... murdered my ears

Sadly, the most beautiful part of this story, the love between Hwi and... (Hee Jae??? What are U talking about, she got two kisses, four hugs and countless "I'll be right back") Seon Ho, of course! (He got Hwi's tears, blood, flesh, life, everything), this wonderful love was diluted by that convoluted plot.

There is a lot of brotherly love in this story, but that of Hwi and Seon Ho is special. If Hwi was to choose... Wait. He did choose between Hee Jae and Seon Ho. Several times at that.

1/He said to his friend that it was about time they realized that their bond was unbreakable. He bought his lover a bracelet to pretend that they were tied by fate. Note that it's only the bracelet that reminds Hwi of the woman he is leaving behind.

2/While eating between Hee Jae and Seon Ho. Who does Hwi feed? (That one was huge!) 3/After promising to go back to the woman who has been waiting for years, who does he follow? (Not a spoiler) In all honesty, the story would have been roughly the same without Hee Jae. I think she was there to stress just how great Hwi's love for his friend was. It all boils down to this: Hwi and Seon-Ho were each other's country. That's what is worth eight stars, or ten, or a hundred.

Special mention for Jang Hyuk (Bang Won). Great acting although a tad over the top at times.

PS: The boys were insanely handsome. Always a good reason to watch! ^^
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Star Struck (2023)
21 June 2023
The one and only review posted so far was so harsh that I had to balance it a little bit.

It is true that the plot is lacking, messy and cliché. Also, the characters were too shallow. I should hold a grudge against writers and directors who think "good enough" because I love BL and I want the genre to flourish, so I can always find an available one when I need it.

Thankfully, the actors' skills were enough to bring emotions. It worked for me.

Some issues could have been delt with though. It is unclear why the boys didn't just date from the moment they became aware of their mutual attraction. I think they both know, as there is a hint that they may have slept together already (or had some kind of sexual interaction going on for a while). Seo Han Joon is afraid of speaking out loud because his friend/lover doesn't want to make things official. Is Jo Yoo Jae in denial about his prefrences? Is he afraid of ruining their friendship? We never get to know that.

Also, I'm a bit disappointed at the way they managed to avoid an actual kiss. As in "let's show people gay-friendly content, but not actual gay".

Still. I enjoyed it. A nice evening watching.
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8 out of 10????
20 June 2023
I usually don't review shows that I didn't watch to the end. But this one is such a torture! I looked it up to find outhow many more painful episodes would be released and almost puked when I read 50. 50!!!! What the??!

Matter of factly, I coerced myself into watching because the actors speak a very vivid, realistic Korean. As a learner, I wanted to mimic their intonations and it works marvels. Still. The story, gosh!

So many useless characters, scenes, events. It's all a pathetic mess. No tension, no romance, no nothing. I read somewhere that dramas are made for brainless people and that most of them were just like that, both boring and ridiculously over the top. I so disagree. Despite their many flaws, most dramas are excellent, as they will pull your heart out. This one is an epic failure.

So... how is it rated 8??? I must be missing something. Still. I don't care. I can't have any more of this. I just can't.
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No wonder it's so well rated.
11 June 2023
I wasn't going to review but the characters stayed with me and I realised they really deserved at least this much.

The story is rather cliché. Nothing special about it. But everything, every damn thing else! Heart- blowing.

You will hardly find a proper kiss and yet it's hotter than hell. The acting is simply incredible. The glances, the stares, the tender or passionate hugs, the whispers, the massive attraction between people just standing in front of each other! And the love. They painted love all over the screen with just their acting skills.


The second couple broke my heart in the end. It was just a sentence, but a life (two lives) of painful, endless longing behind those few words... So unfair...
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Welcome (2020)
Ending explained!!! Brilliant!!!
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What I liked.

It was cute.

The transformation was simple, more credible without any CGI to make it awkward.

The male leads. I really like KMS from Angel's Last Mission and any other than Seo Ji-Hoon wouldn't have been able to compete. SJH in Flower Crew was so handsome and heartbreaking that I wanted him to be happy, even if in another drama, that's how I couldn't help rooting for him, especially with his character's background. Lee Jae Seon is actually a very broken and very sensitive man who is just afraid of love. He so deserved to be with the girl he pushed away in a misunderstanding. At the same time, I didn't want the cat to end like the Little Mermaid. Even before starting to watch, you know things will go wrong once they realize cats age faster than humans. Unless you're in a fairy tale?

What I didn't like.

The lead actress's laugh. So fake.

No sexual tension, no chemistry AT ALL. Not even real romance. Hardly a kiss. This really felt like a fairy tale. It's a pity, because this story could have been way more intense, had they tried to improve the acting.

Also, the cat was...lifeless. Not all cats are just pretty carpets. Some of them are very strong-minded and have a temper.

Ah, this sentence was heart-wrenching. "I'm slowly losing my hands that I need to hug her with"

last but not least. The ending. I edited my comment to scratch everything I said about a WTF?ending. After spending my night thinking about it. Tada! I came up with an explanation that not only satisfies me, but also matches many clues. The ending was BRILLIANT!!!

Ready? Although I don't consider this a spoiler, I would advise watching first, so you can draw your own conclusions.

There. Quotations marks are sentences from the show.

The cat will always be able to turn into a human. It will only take more time if he overdoes it. Not being able to come back is the "white lie", so the girl won't get her hopes too high and spend her life waiting.

It makes sense that the cat comes back as a young man since he is only three years old at the end of the story. That would be about twenty for a human being.

What's so beautiful and moving about this ending is that the girl actually turned into a cat. Remember, she said "let's live like cats" and earlier, Hong-Jo says "that's what cats do, wait for their owner." Also, as the cat explains to the pervert, it's okay, because it's love, and since it's love, it's worth it.

When the cat gives Ji-Eun a necklace and a name "Mignon", he becomes her owner and she fully "embraces it all" the moment she decides that it won't matter if he is "old and wrinkled" when he comes back and that she will "recognize him in a heartbeat". Because she loves him (and because she was well-trained in waiting too) she decides to become the pet who waits for tiny eternities with her owner.

Also, their story is different from that of the old cat because Hong-Jo didn't just run away, leaving Ji-Eun dumbfounded and full of questions. He explained why he had to say goodbye. That's how he allowed her to make her own choice, knowingly.

Is it a sad ending? I mean, he'll grow old and die before her. Or not. Who knows? Let's not forget that humans get sick and die young too. We never know. That's why we should all live like cats. Like everyday is today. Thanks for the lesson.
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Silly but adorable. Don't miss out!!!
8 May 2023
Silly, is what I thought at first, although I'm not the kind of person who cringes at such fantasies. I'd watch a love story between a dragon and a unicorn, no problem. The beginning was weird, though, mostly because there is no explanation whatsoever as to how a cat and a dog would come back from the dead as perfectly functionning humans, able to walk on two feet, speak, read!! Don't expect more information, there is hardly any. We don't even get to know how the pets died.

And... it's not so bad an idea to leave these things alone and just think of it as a miracle, some kindness from the skies. Such stories easily get plot holes. I'd forgive unsufficient background and information, but I can't get pass inconsistencies.

Another problem is how easily Jungwoo lets in two strangers who could be scammers or sociopaths, sleeps (*SLEEPS*) with them, feeds them...

....aside from that, I just LOVED it.

The cat and the dog had the main characteristics of their species both in looks and behaviour. I'm grateful they didn't over do it with the cat licking his paw and brushing his ear, or the dog sniffing trees and lifting his paw to pee, stuff like that.

The chemistry was great, the feelings grew smoothly and steadily.

It was fun, yet moving and intense. I don't know why these shows are so well hidden in the depths of the Internet. How am I only the second person to review??? There needs to be a way to search KBL specifically.

This one was so worth watching... with an open mind, of course.
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The Last Empress (2018–2019)
The acting.
4 May 2023
That's the worst part. I read a lot of reviews where people praised the acting. I can't believe how I felt like puking whenever the Emperor showed his face. His performance is, imho, one of the worst, most pathetic, ridiculous, caricatural and embarassing I've seen in a long time. Not even on purpose! Also, the dowager's face was indeed such a mixture of botox and fillers that I couldn't read her expressions, if any.

It's also true that people keep showing their anger by throwing things across the room and breaking glass. I guess, to compensate for their lack of acting skills. I mean, anger, frustration, hatred, they all should be read ON THE ACTOR'S FACE? Right? Or in their lines? Again, Park Seo-Jun in The Itaewon Class. Sorry, it always comes back to him, but most Korean actors are incredibly talented, I don't know how they ended up picking that guy who doesn't even have the good looks to get away with it, like Lee Min Ho does.

Having said that, I won't blame it all on him. Those evil smirks??? It has to be the director. For me, it's another way of either compensating for the bad acting, or helping poor, dumb viewers understand that the character just deceived someone. Except, good acting and good plots don't required such things.

About the plot. It all boils down to "How to ruin your own plans in one lesson: Go find your enemy and brag about how you're gonna bring them down, leaving out no detail..."

So many things that don't make sense at all. Like. Apparently, this is a parallel universe where the cloud doesn't exist. People use their phones to get evidence, but will only keep the data on the device? WTH!!!

And the ending. After everything, I don't think the one dimensional villains got what they deserved. No. I can't believe Sunny crying over her former enemies "ande, ande, irona!", especially over a guy who wronged her so much! What about Na Wang-Sik? Who cares about him? WHO???? I'm sorry but the emperor pinning a badge on his own bare chest and taking over Na Wang-Sik's cause, is just... sickening. He has no right to. That douch*, that joke, that evil clown, that sad excuse for a human being... he doesn't deserve redemption. I don't care about his dead parrot, or his dead wife, or his insane mother. He's a monster. Period.

Ah, 6 stars? Why. Because the last five episodes were okay, and because A-ri, the little princess was cute and an amazing actress. They should all take lessons from her. She was the only one with presence, the only one who shone. I look forward to seeing her again in something better. Attagirl!
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everybody rated ten, so...
4 May 2023
Kidding. It was gonna be a ten any way.

The chemistry . Maybe cause i was sick yesterday, I was on fire with chills and electricity running through my limbs and belly. What's strange is I felt okay as soon as I paused the show...??!

The boys behaved very caringly around each other, like a real couple. Their acting was terrific; just by looking at their faces, I could tell how they felt and feel with them. They didn't even have to utter a word.

The story was pretty simple. We don't even get to know what actually happened to the dead dongseng (not a spoiler). By the way, what is the meaning of the title??? At some point I though there would be a story with a ghost. But no. The little "twist" after the accident was cheap, cruel, petty, and I hold it against the writer. Seriously. Playing with our feelings like that? But none of this was enough to ruin the vibe. So hard to lay down my phone and go to sleep. I slept and then woke up at four in the morning to watch more!

The cinematography was amazing, mesmerizing. The kiss in the middle of the foaming waves, the golden-rose aura, the peaceful sightviews... so romantic...T_T <3 The music... I already added the OST to my playlist.

Right now, I feel happy and I remember why I NEED a good BL now and then, when nothing else will cheer me up. More, please. It doesn't have to be a complex plot. All it requires is butterflies. This was beautiful. Thank you.
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The Glory (2022– )
22 April 2023
Maybe because I had such high expectations?

Revenge stories are not my fav, admitedly. But I still sort of liked "Again My Life" and "Itaewon Class" is my second favourite drama of all times.

So... Let's begin with what I liked.

The lady who was beaten by her husband. She may be the reason why I managed to watch to the end. Her acting was decent while her character was rather realistic. She was also fun and warm.

Ye-Sol's father. The actor was handsome and his character was classy to the very end. The bits of romance he brought were the only ones that made my heart flutter.

I also liked the tiny twist in the end, the reason the villainess will get a little more than what she was sentenced with. Not enough though.

What I didn't like.

The music. Dull. Discrepant. Useless. When it should have been there to enhance emotions, it only blurred them.

The acting. OMG. Is this a joke? The villains were caricatures. I mean, evil laughs, crazy laughs, lustful looks, nasty glances, yelling, swearing and throwing things across the room. That's it. I couldn't even hate or resent them. They didn't feel like real people.

SHK was beautiful of course, as ever. But so lifeless. She looked like a zombie. Not even a brain-craving zombie. Just a corpse walking about. No purpose. No energy, no presence, let alone charisma. With everything her charater went through, I couldn't feel for her. I never even shed a tear or felt my heart tighten for her. I didn't care. Her revenge itself was a mess, a combination of artificial luck and coincidences. Basically, she threw meat at a pack of wolves and waited for them to rip each other's throats. Good idea, but her character was too weak to stand out in the fight, even as a triumphant spectator.

I remember Park Seo-Jun in Itaewon Class. The burning rage, the relentless hatred, the drive. He looked like a super nova.

On the contrary, SHK looked like a cold rock... I realize hers is a character who is supposed to be broken, dead even if still walking, an empty vessel whose soul was simply erased. I think this is what the director was looking achieve and he succeeded, but as a result, I couldn't relate to the victim. I felt no sympathy for her. A mere rock. Not even a blade.

Come to think about it, I wouldn' say SHK is a great actress. I love her looks but I noticed more than once how rigid her acting could be. In "Encounter" she was already this cold and lifeless. Again, I blamed it on the character. I'm not so sure now. She was exactly the same in "That Winter The WInd Blows". Maybe better in "The Full House?"

At any rate. This show was so and so. No real flaws. Worth watching (not sure why), but nothing special.

Ah. If there is a third season. I won't watch. Not that there is anything to ruin. Just... Not interested.
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Unexpectedly good.
17 April 2023
I wouldn't normally watch that kind of movie. I'd say "you've seen one you've seen them all." But of course, Park Seo Jun, so... And I don't regret it. There wasn't a single boring moment. I laughed hard and almost cried in the end. I was so proud of them.

PSJ prouved to be an even better actor that I thought (I don't know how that's possible because I already thought very highly of his skills) and the duo was really cute. The story went from funny to very dark, to and fro, effortlessly.

I didn't expect something so horrible. I never even thought such things existed. I mean, it makes sense. It's just that it never brushed my mind. I can't believe this movie showed me yet another ugly side of this world. Good choice of subject. Amazing performances. Flawless execution.

Ah, I'll add another star. 10 it is.
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Beef (2023– )
13 April 2023
First things first. Netflix, you keep making my heart flutter these days. Will you marry me?

OMG that was good. As a KDrama lover, it's the first time in forever that I watch something not-Korean. Wait. That was kind of Korean, even though it was weird, Korean faces speaking English words...

I only have one slight complaint about this piece, and it's the pace. I thought it was slow at times. Having said that, I'm not sure it was a flaw as I kept watching without getting bored and maybe it helped with getting more emotionally involved.

I hated both main characters. And I loved both main characters. They were real human beings with all the specifics and idiosyncrasis. I could totally relate to the "solid emptyness" inside.

Everything else was perfect. Everything.

The crows!!! You'll know.

The ending though. There was this moment when I though it was the end and I sat straight on the edge of my seat, stunned, with my mouth wide open, unable to even think. That ending would have been horrible. But there was more. The actual last minutes were beautiful, heart-churning, but then came the "second" ending. WTF man, who does that? I know Koreans do that! And they got me again! WHY!!!!!

One of the best series ever.
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Good KD
10 April 2023
I loved this one. I don't know why I won't rate 10 stars. It's actually 9.5. 10 stars are for the ones that will stay with me forever. Still. This was really good. Medical accuracy aside, I can't really think of a flaw. Maybe the ending. Doesn't make sense. But I'll let it slide because this show has brought me a lot of strong emotions.

Mostly, I came here to congratulate the main actor. His performance was really impressive. I'm getting used to Korean actors being very good, but this role was difficult. He had to act lustful, greedy, selfish, kind, warm-hearted, cold, desperate, stunned, stupid, sharp, brilliant, cute, name it. And he did everything with pitch accuracy. I can never forget the moment when he first stands as a modern man after his speech. The glance towards the girl. That glance. It had to say " See? Where I stand? Without your help. After you treated me like s**t!" And it said just that.

The lead actress was very good too.

My favourite character was of course the baby pig. OMG, so cute!!!

Ah. Black people. Actually having a part in the story. Wow.
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A fair 10
10 April 2023
I read that many viewers didn't like the ending and while I can relate, I am somehow used to "Korean" endings now. So. I'm good. About a season 2, I am against it. The show is perfect as is. A second season would only ruin it, imho.

I loved every bit of it, while it's not my genre at all. The music. It matched and enhanced every scene. I need to look for the OST. The atmosphere, the plot, the characters, to the last one of them, the acting. The acting was really good. The lead actor was amazing and so was the supporting cast.

People liked the "Stairs scene" I think. I loved it too, but maybe not the same reason. This is when the main character goes from just a poor guy who only wants a normal life to a multidimensionnal human being with an ugly edge to it.

My favourite character was of course the Leon-like badass.

And... somehow, somewhere, in the middle of all this suffocating darkness, there is love and not only romantic love. This is definitely worth watching. Netflix... I love you. Keep up the good work.
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faith restored!
22 March 2023
Thank you, thank you so much everybody for a REAL Kdrama. I didn' t expect this much, but I hugged my phone at the end and kissed the screen in gratitude. Finally, a next-gen that manages et grasp the spirit of KD while daring to push against bigotry.

What I liked. Everything. Not that much chemistry, admitedly, but the leads looked really cute and comfortable together. The female lead had great acting skills and I instantly fell for her.

It's the same vibe as Mr Queen (except they didn't mess the ending). The story was fun and fresh and trendy and punchy and sweet, and romantic and... OMG, it's been so long since I came across that kind of antidepressant, the very reason why I watch KD. I needed that so much. Keep up the good work!

Stuff I didn't like. Err... Well... I'll let you know.
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Don't know that I can watch to the end.
10 March 2023
Episode 27. I don't know how I made it that far. This is too heartbreaking. 120 dramas so far and this is the first time that I can't watch because it causes me too much pain. I must say this is very tricky. You are deceived from the beginning as to whom the actual leads are. As i watched further, i realized that the man I was rooting for would be left in pieces at the end of the story. Unable to just wait for this to happen, I did what I never do and checked the ending spoilers. Turns out I was right. I can't stand it. I just can't.

Someone else wrote that this drama made them realise that their heart was made of glass. Well, same here. I'm about to burst into tears right now. I feel distraught, lost and somewhat broken, shattered. They also said that they couldn't watch after checking the spoilers. I think I'll try to keep going, if only because, true enough, that show did replenish my faith in Kdramas. Out of respect and gratitude for this outstanding work, I'll try, although dramas are supposed to be my antidepressants... Beautiful. If you can withstand it.
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Summer Strike (2022)
Feel good.
2 March 2023
It's been a while since I liked a drama enough to take time to review.

I usually don't like "feel good-piece of life" shows. Il always feels like I was scammed somehow. I think the reason why I watched, in all honesty, is the male lead. OMG I find him cute. He's as cute as a puppy hugging a kitten. His hair style helps a lot. Those fair long curls made him look like a painting of the Madonna. His being so quiet and new to everything, made me want to protect and console him. I just loved his looks and his... moseube (don't know how to say that in English, demeanor?) Anyway. Without him, I wouldn't have watched.

Still. I'm very grateful for the story itself. At some point, it really felt like I was on a vacation on the countryside. I felt relaxed and happy for a few very rare and very precious minutes. I laughed my head off at the joke about the chicken (Dae-Bom sayin' "Na Gwenchana", I'm still laughingXD)

I can't say I cried, although it seemed like I should have. I didn't have enough empathy for the characters. There were no butterflies either, no chemistry between the leads. Having said that I liked their love, so innocent, so simple, so realistic without any of those silly reasons why they can't be together. Admitedly, I'm sick of "Your father's friend was mean to my cousin, twenty years ago, so you and I can never be a couple" stuff like that. There were hardships, but they never tried to run away, as if they knew they just couldn't be without each other.

Finally, I want to stress that this was a nice lesson, that I already knew, but still. One is never a pushover or a loser. One has to find their way and place in this world. Ending up in a remote place earning just enough to live by is not wasting one's life or time. Quite the contrary. Life is short enough to just be who you are and do what you want, as long as you don't hurt anybody. Yes, there is a difference between succeeding IN life, and succeding ONE's life. Imho.
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Director Choi
22 January 2023
I don't know that my rating is acurate. After watching so many Kdramas, I think I've seen most of the very good ones. Since I couldn't let go of this passion, I lowered my expectations a while ago. That's how I found myself watching something with Lee Min-Ho in it, although this should have been enough to deter me. Someone wrote "If I ever see the Male Lead actor in a show again I'll stop watching immediately" It was really funny because his performance in this drama is actually the best I've seen from him so far.

So. Cons. REPETITIVE SOUNDTRACK. (Pabo choleoooom....) WEAK PLOT. POOR ACTING. POOR DIALOGUES. NO CHEMISTRY. No chemistry of course, with the leads behaving so awkwardly around each other, hardly touching, as if they were both contagious or something. I remember SHJ in Something In The Rain. It doesn't even compare.

Pros. LMH. Ah, I can't help it, his beauty is really from another world. Er... What else... Yes. Director Choi. If memory serves, he is now my second favourite character in the entire Kdrama world. First one is Mister Ma, the lawyer in I Hear Your Voice. My admiration for him is immeasurable.

Director Choi melted my heart. If such a man existed in the real world, I would want to meet him and stay by his side forever. He is handsome, classy, dignified yet humble, selfless, thoughtful, caring, sensitive. His one-sided love story was the one beautiful thing in this drama. My heart ached so much for him. I'm grateful if only for that part. The actor's skills stood out beside all the poor performances. Such pain, and at the same time, such kindness in his eyes... I will never forget him. I'll seek out more dramas with this actor, maybe it's something about him? There. 8 stars just for him.
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Once Again (2022)
16 January 2023
So honoured (and surprised) to be the first to review. This is a must watch. After over a hundred regular Kdramas, il felt like I had seen everything that was worth it. So I set for a BL marathon, as I really love the genre. I think I've watched like fifteen so far and this one was the best. Way better than Color Rush or To My Star, that I didn't like at all, despite their good reviews. This one was well crafted, with a.simple but efficient plot and it churned me to tears. Such a cruel fate. Such a beautiful love. This will stay with me. Thanks you. Keep up the good work and fear not, the genre will flourish, I can tell.
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Somebody (2022– )
Spoilers at the end, with warning.
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I came here thinking I'd rate ten stars. Imagine how shocked I was when I was saw low the ratings were! After reading the reviews, I had to admit that this show indeed had serious flaws. I'm going to list them first, then I'm going to explain why I still loved it. Finally, I'll provide my own explaination for the plot and ending, as I couldn't find a satisfying one on the web.


1)Slow. Very slow. Like, French-movie like slow. So slow that sometimes, I had to check to see if my screen didn't just freeze.

2)Useless scenes and characters. The whole chamanistic part, event the shaman herself (and her lesbian love story) were useless, should I say, a nuisance. The story would have been better off without them. This is the kind of plot that benefits from keeping the number of characters to a minimum.

3)The police. What the heck were they for? Gi-eun should have been a private detective, this would have explained her stupid decision to meet a dangerous man without certain backup. Which brings me to...

4)...silly behaviour and reactions. Seom aside, most of the characters do dumb things at one point or another. Or things that don't match their background/job.

5)Things left unexplained. Or maybe I missed something. It looked like there were added scenes after every episode, but I didn't bother to watch...

Now, what I liked: The love story, the plot, the scenery, the music, the relentless tension, the acting, the actors, the sex scenes, the gore, the leads' bodies. OMG, that man's body, anyone? And...........the slow pace. That WASN'T BORING! I'm serious here, that wasn't boring for a moment. Better yet, being so slow, it enhanced things like the way the killer moved. Whenever he moved to catch someone, he turned into a panther. He just dropped on his victim and snatched them. That left an impression. In times like that, he really didn't seem human.

Now for the explanation, go watch and then come back.


Why did Seom kill Youn-Ho?

I read somewhere that this story had nothing to do with Asperger, and that it was a good thing. I disagree. I think it had everything to do do with Asperger.

First, who is Somebody? Seom's body. Seom means island. She is alone in a sea of different and unfamiliar people she can't relate to. Seom's body is the part of herself she created to study people, understand them, the way they think, behave and interact. It is her connexion to society. Somebody says to her "You're the only one who loves me". So, of course, hurting the AI, was Youn-Ho's main mistake.

Gi-Eum was Seom's friend. It's not true that Asperger don't feel. They do. They just have a hard time connecting feelings with body language. Gi-Eum was dear to Seum. Somebody says "You miss her a lot".

Hurting her was another mistake.

And hurting people was the last mistake. Remember the very first scene. Seom says "I'll do anything, as long as it doesn't involve killing people" Aspergers usually have a high sense of justice !!!

Later on, when talking to her friends, apparently protecting her boyfriend, Seom states that "everybody will pay for their crimes". And when she visits that man in prison, he says to her "Didn't you tell me that everyone has to pay for their crimes?"

But how should such a monster pay for his crimes? Seom was the only one who could punish him properly.

He loved her. That tear on his face. I can never forget that. At this moment, he knows only one of them can remain. When she says that she wants to come to the hideout, he knows what to expect. He just wants to pretend otherwise. He wants to hope, he wants to delude himself. He's willing to risk his life for a chance to be with her.

He loved her, and she used that love. We have several clues that Seom is leading Youn-Ho on.

When they last try to make love, she can't bring herself to touch him. He realises that and withdraws. Then she masturbates before him. Do you remember how that scene about how-to-fake-an-orgasm popped over and over? There. She needed to keep him hooked. He seemed to be aware of that too.

Finally, she used his self-blinding love to distract him while she approched him to kill him.

And of course, she was "Fingers". Aware of every single hideous thing he did as a killer, even bringing a kid to the dark side.

THAT was justice. Balance restored. Seom could be at peace again, go back to her "normal" life. Routine is important for an Asperger.

She loved him too, though. She did, I have no doubt. She must have been torn apart doing this. Not because she smiled in the end, she didn't suffer. Remember, issues with body language.

Unbearably sad. In one of the last scenes, we understand that Gi-Eum, after eveything, was still in love with Youn-Ho. I think I would have been too. T_T.
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9 December 2022
I had high expectations, as most of the reviews were really enthusiastic. Besides I like most of the actors. Truth is this drama is very good. The scenery, the acting, the plot, the music, everything is very good. I have no idea why I still got bored. So much so that I managed to go to bed without problem, without trying to scrape even a second. I even managed to watch several other dramas between episode 10 and 14. Not once did I feel the urge to go back to this one. I only finished so I could add it to my list.

What in the world happened? I think too many twists and turns, and side stories, and no real development of the romance. The chemistry was bad if you ask me. Same girl in Bulgasal, OMG! I didn't like Bulgasal either, but whenever the leads were near each other, I couldn't stand still. Their chemistry was phenomenal. In this drama, it felt like the real love story was between Yeon and his brother. That was actually what kept me interested. A bit.

The last scene is mentionned nowhere in the comments. How come? It ruins everything. (assuming there was something to ruin) Because of it, the great love feels like a scam, Yeon comes off as deceptive and manipulative (several time throughout the story actually).

So. Everything was good, but apart from the bromance, it left no impression.
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Light on Me (2021)
30 November 2022
I came here determined to rate 10 stars no matter how low the other ratings would be. I couldn't believe my eyes. To be honest, I have no idea why I loved this show. There was hardly a plot. Everybody seemed a bit slow, the boys were girlier than girls, batting their lashes and moving their hands awkwardly, everything was so impossibly innocent and pink and sugar-coated, it was only short of rainbows and unicorns. Some scenes were plain embarrassing. Yuck!

Still... I was hooked, OMG!!!! I couldn't sleep or work! What got into me!!! It was like a spell. My heart sunk several times, I almost choked trying not to wake up everybody by laughing in the middle of the night. Right now there is a huge smile on my face.

So. I didn't like it, but I was mesmerized by it. And that's all that matters. Best BL so far. Good job 👍😍
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Mild spoilers
28 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The people who reviewed before me already said pretty much everything I wanted to say. There is great chemistry, and very cute moments. I, who watched Queer As Folk without even blushing, was a little bit taken off guard by the intimate scenes, although they're nowhere near porn.

I too, felt that the story was lacking. It's a pity they couldn't give it more time. It did have a lot of potential. The acting was more than decent. The plot twist would have worked marvelously if the characters had had more depth, if the relationship had been more about love than attraction, if only we could pinpoint the moment when the "plan" was put into motion. From the very beginning? Then how come Wild Dog starts to fantasize about Flying dagger/Black rose when he knows what he will have to do in the end? Doesn't make sense. Or maybe, like he said, he didn't know then what they actually expected from him? Hm. Too many things are left unexplainded.

Still. I loved it.
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