
7 Reviews
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AHS - The Coven!!! A Must See!!
14 May 2024
So I love the AHS Series since first discovering it. My absolute favorite "story" in the AHS "Delicate" is "Coven"!

It is very entertaining about a Coven of Witches living in "Present Day" New Orleans! Jessica Lange is awesome playing the "Queen of the Witches" or "Supreme", (their Leader!). Kathy Bates is juicy as she tackles 3 different roles, but when she's playing "Madame LaLaurie", (a real-life woman who was known to do horrible things to her slaves in early1900's New Orleans), I feel like I am watching the real Madame L!! Bates is very entertaining & could pull the story off easily by herself, but when paired with the legendary J. Lange & an unforgettable A. Bassett, you just can't stop watching until the end!! So pick a good day you can binge-watch this story, put your sweat pants on & fix yourself a good snack and be treated with another classic from AHS!!!
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1922 (2017)
Loved It!
16 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love period films & Stephen King, this film is a combo of both! It's categorized as "Horror", which of course it would be since it's an S. K. piece, but it didn't strike me as a typical "King" film at least not until the last 10 minutes. The only other part that got a "gasp" out of me was what happened to a cow as I'm an animal lover! But it is compelling & interesting (oh & if you have a thing about "rats", I'm not sure it's for you!). There is also a huge message here that most will get immediately other than murder is very bad is that we all reap what we sow in the end, that is certain! Yikes!
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Gritty & Cold As The Civil War Itself
15 September 2023
Okay, I kept waiting for the little "Gem" that other reviewers promised was in this video, but I must not be sharp as others because I never caught what that was! Regardless my main reason for viewing this piece is mainly due to my being a fan of Clarkson's work. This film itself is supposedly "inspired by true events", but during the horrors of the civil war, there were probably many stories similar to this one! Also, it's a bit on the slow side if you are looking for lots of gun fighting action, but then you remember (like I did), that this truly happened & that's what makes it worth watching.
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Time (I) (2020)
Are You Kidding Me?
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this doc, I feel compelled to point out that yes, he spent 20 years behind bars, while the wife was left alone to raise their family, but let's not forget why they were in this position in the first place! What was it again?? Oh yeah!!, "Armed Robbery"! Worse, the wife spends most of her time talking about the good Lord, but at the same time being blasphemous! I'm sorry, I cannot get behind their tale of woe because it was brought on by his poor decision to rob a bank! This is the same dishonest concept of blaming others for our stupid decisions!! Seriously, please don't look for sympathy for a violent crime you committed by your own hand & after 20 years still don't show one bit of remorse! That's a very bitter pill to swallow my friend.

Worse, this garbage was actually nominated for an Oscar in the "documentary" category?? Why?? Have we really lowered our standards by this much!!
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Ouija (II) (2014)
Not A Sequel, But....
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so supposedly this is not a "sequel" to the earlier "Ouija, Origins of Evil" movie, but the characters in this film have the same names as the "Origins" one. Even the characters are old now (& we're much younger in "Origins", especially the storyline that revolves around young Doris Zander! That character is in both movies (as a young child in "Origins" & as an old lady in this one!), they seem to work pretty together, so that's why I was puzzled how this one is not a sequel to the other, but oh well! Lol! One last thing but isn't every Ouija movie pretty much have the same plot (group of usually young people messing with a spirit board only to let something evil loose, who then proceeds to wreak deadly havoc on all those that participated?? Characters might be different, the scenery or location, but plot seems like it's always the same (or pretty similar)... just saying!!
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
16 January 2023
First, let me say this piece was a pretty good "classic western" until the last 10-15 minutes! I won't give the plot away, but I will say there is a very gruesome & frightening scene towards the end when one of the characters is captured & killed by the "cannibalistic" Indians! This scene actually scared & scarred me like no other film I've EVER seen! That's not an exaggeration, but more to warn folks the cannibalism scene is very, very disturbing (at least it was for me) & I will ALWAYS remember this film out of the thousands of movies I've seen in my 54 years because of it! On the upside, the movie does have "Star" power with Kurt Russell (have been a long-time fan of his & Goldie's!).
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The Monster (2016)
I'll Give It Points For Trying
16 January 2023
I love movies like this until they are silly! I will, however give this film credit for trying to be scary! The "monster" itself reminded me of the alien in the film "Alien" with Sigourney Weaver, but not as large! The "scary" scenes were heart-pounding, but predictable! Also, I hate trailers that give a film's "surprises" away! Therefore if a trailer has already shown me the jumpy parts, it's hard to be in suspense since I already know the "monster" will be appearing in a certain scene! The only actor I'm familiar with in this film is Zoe Kazan & I'm still undecided on her acting chops! But she does get a B+ for this movie & I'm still a fan of hers & her partner, Paul Dano! The surprise for me here was the child actor who played her role very convincingly!
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