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Hypnotic (2023)
The Pretentious who have never made a movie will hate it.
1 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a clever look at the old mystery thriller or psychotic drama as it is also sometimes coined. I was so happy to see Rodrigues take a break from big budget Hollywood to hang out with old friends and just make something that's badass and cool again. Action sequences are in the classic 80's-90's presentation and there is plenty of profound juxtaposition of story beats to have you wondering how far down the rabbit hole we are actually going?

This film does a wonderful job of using the mystery box plotline technique and surprisingly not like most big budget Hollywood films, it leaves no door unopened.


It's easy to compare this to Interstellar, Matrix or even Inception as they are all derivatives of the evolved genre of the Mystery Thriller. I love Rodriguez's new way of approaching the genre outside of the sci-fi realm.

That of using mystical hysteria towards psychic abilities to tell his story. I sense that we will see a string of films exploring this over the next couple of years as we emerge from one of the most hypnotically induced media psychoses in history.

Ben Afflick does not steal the show or maybe wasn't the best pick for this film, although he does not disappoint, and I can't see this film being funded without his billing. Alice Braga is exceptional as always and William Fichtner gives us that old Bruckheimer feeling that where off on a wonderful adventure.

I think most will not like this film, because they connect the cinematic conventions used to tell the story to other films of higher caliber due to being 100 times the budget. But if you had not seen those films before watching this one, Hypnotic would be considered an exceptional film.
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Salvador meets The Hang Over. Not TO Be OVER LOOKED
9 October 2022
Although funny, this is not a comedy movie, this is a serious film. A well-crafted script in the style of Richard Linklater mixed with Oliver Stone themes. It has that authentic nostalgia in its production value similar to another film I watched recently called "Licorice Pizza".

But don't be fooled by the Title and the poster. This is a war movie like Under Fire or even Good Morning Vietnam. Where the protagonist secluded from the hardships of the world realises the true potential of humans to do the most horrendous things.

Everyone has a perspective towards Vietnam, and I really feel this film was able to explore the different belief's without taking sides. Surprisingly this is probably the most trueful representation of war I have ever seen in a movie as it shows both the reality and visceral experience.

I really enjoyed this movie. It helped to settle allot of the feeling I have towards how the world is currently operating. It helped me not to feel alone in my understanding of human nature. But most importantly it did not hide from the truth of war being nothing more than genocide.

This movie is a roller coaster ride but believe it or not it is a feel-good movie. It is simply about the people who do the best they can with whatever they find themselves doing, no matter the tribulation.

I think I'm of to watch Operation Dumbo Drop now.
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This Movie is SIX STARS
26 June 2022
If your after one of those old school buddy action comedy movies than this is for you. About the same quality as an Adam Sandler Film and to tell you the truth, I probably enjoyed Kevin Smiths Cop Out with Bruce Willis more than this film. The script is lacking character development but the CGI and fight scenes are better than Will Smiths Gemini Man . But what I don't understand is the amount of hate this film is getting. I understand when you first see the poster with Kevin and Woody you have high expectations. But in a Lock Down World because of an invisible buggy man, their are few movies as it is to enjoy. Micro Wave the Popcorn and watch this one with the kids. This movie will be funny to any audience not familiar with the classic HollyWood Gimics within this genre. A fast passed fun movie with action explosions and dad jokes.
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Clearly 7 Stars you crazy fools
6 October 2021
I haven't seen the original film, but I did read the book many years ago.

As a film the story is solid and works within the principle of the subject matter. The performances are great and it's a very enjoyable 90min Sci-fi.

I think people have gone into this movie with to many expectations.

It doesn't have a crazy budget, but I don't feel it needed too. It feels more like an episode of Black Mirror which I absolutely love.

Don't let the Nancy elitist prevent you from watching this film. Seriously.

There hasn't been enough non superhero sci-fi created in the past 5 years to turn your nose up at this reasonably executed movie.
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I don't understand the Hate.
7 September 2021
This is not A Bugs Life nor is it Jurassic World. Although I did enjoy it more than both those films. It's a classic Disaster film and feels like it could have been made in the 90's. It's got that Starship troopers nostalgia combined with Stargate and the thing I like most about it is it brings it home with warming family drama. I couldn't tell you what movie the plotline resembles as it might ruin the film for you. But if you like a movie that combines a whole lot of other ideas and influences into one jam packed Action Sc-Fi. This film won't disappoint. Just keep in mind that this is an amazon budget with a first time director.
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I don't understand the Hate
31 August 2021
First of, this is not a Shia LaBeouf film. His character is nothing more than a supporting character. Also if your expecting a massive action film with Shia being a bad ass like Bruce Willis. This is not the film for you. However a prequel to this film with Shia LaBeouf character would be amazing.


It is about organized crime within the ghetto's. It plays on those classic mafia type tropes. I actually really enjoyed the fresh take on it.

I have no idea why this has received so much hate. It is a low budget film with a big budget aesthetic. All the characters are believable and there is a good mix of drama, violence and exploitation.

Bobby Soto the main character is an up and coming to look out for.

Great crime drama with the classic showdown at the end. If you like Donnie Brasco, Training Day and Sopranos you'll probably like this film.
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Yes it is good. The Reviews are true.
30 August 2021
This is a good old meet the odd couple comedy. I am thankful Kevin Hart didn't play the lead, because he probably would have ruined this film. But yes this is the feel good laugh out loud comedy of the week. Put the pop corn in the microwave and curl up on the coach, because good films in this genre only come along once in a while these days.
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Cuck (2019)
Few people will have empathy for the Protagonist.
25 August 2021
In the vein of "The Wrestler" with relation to style. We take a look at a character deprived of any real intimacy and desperately seeking validation in a world he had been left to defend himself in, by the death of his father at a young age. A mothers strong co-dependency and this young mans inability to take responsibility leaves him seeking out other ways to blame others for the situation he feels left in. And this movie takes that character into a glimmer of self realisation and hope, before letting the story world tumble him down into becoming the anti hero of his own story.

The performances are exceptional in this film and the execution with relation to visual narrative extraordinary at times. It's a world with characters not many would like to delve into. Like Taxidermia or Gumo at times. However as a libertarian who was an only child I can definitely relate with the emotions and frustrations of the protagonist having felt similar feeling in my 20's. Not so extreme, but enough to think that I could have made this film. The director and cast are definitely ones to look out for into the future. Keep up the great work.

We definitely need more films that explore things outside the narrative using Genre to create tolerance.
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Rattle-Can (2021)
Lets Be Honest - This is as Independent as Films get.
24 July 2021
This movie is definitely a 3 Star film if judged mainly on it's budget.

There is also about 20-30minutes of this film I could have done without, but then again if it wasn't a Feature I may never have watched it.

Let me make one thing clear. I love this film. It is the exact film I needed to watch, about the right subject matter, at this very moment in my life.

Thank you.

This film comes across as a student film excellently executed. Lets say as a Film maker yet to take the leap of faith to make a 90 minute film. I am Fan boying right here, and look forward to following this director and the team into the future.

Everything about this film is Independent, and I can only guess that the Music which is superb would have been the greatest expense.

This film is a must watch for any aspiring artists or filmmaker.

The story is equal to the drive to make the film and you can feel the love of everyone involved pouring through the screen. Films don't do that any more. Everything these days is so formulaic and I love that this movie has it's finger prints left still in the clay it was molded from.

For anyone wanting to watch this film. If your expecting a high quality production that is going to require no concentration at all. This is not the film for you.


If you are looking for a film that shows a heartfelt perspective of every young adult hoping to make something of themselves in a creative field. This is the in-depth film you are looking for.

Alexander Raye Pimentel, I look forward to seeing your other films and do not give up. I hope to sit with you on a panel one day. <3.
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Babyteeth (2019)
Just Watch this bloody Movie
26 March 2021
I don't normally leave great reviews on Australian films. Just due to Aussie films having an incessant need to patronise there audience. But you won't find any University Student film exposition in this movie. It is 100% genuine in all aspects. Imagine some of your favorite European Drama's and add some of Australia's greatest dramatically actors. Just pure magic if your in the mood for a good Tragedy. At first glance you may feel that this will be the typical melodramatic acting from down under talent, but the entire cast is exceptionally brilliant and Toby Wallace's performance as a drop kick dead beat is so natural it is hard to believe that this character is being portrayed by a baby face actor. I just hope Hollywood don't scoop him up and have him playing non challenging roles in blockbusters any time soon. I'm glad I watched this film. It's like "50/50" meets "Candy".
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The Flood (2020)
A Cheap Proposition
7 January 2021
This is no Red Hill. Actually at times I'm not sure if it's trying to be Bran Nue Day or The Propositions, however if you are looking for a modern film that explores the suffrage of first nations people with a touch of tradition. This is one amongst a small list of films available to watch. The acting and cinematography is exceptional, however the editing, direction and all round Composition of the film is horrific. The films major lack is that it has no strong protagonist. It's just a series of characters going through a series of events.

It doesn't give the audience a chance to become attached to any of the characters journeys. It drops in and out of artistic intention without provocation and loses it's audience in the typical Australian Contemporary Cinema style, where experimentation is used to give subtext overshadowing the audience's desire for understanding and wastes valuable time exploring themes that need no further explanation.

This film is irritating in that it could be so much better had it been given to an experienced post production team focused on just telling the story and not trying to be clever.

This is not a Saturday night movie, but a Sunday afternoon time killer.

Don't get me wrong, I am so happy movies like this are being made in Australia, and I did enjoy watching this one. It has so many amazing scenes, but the entire film as a whole leaves me feeling patronised. It is a shame and it angers me that this film will disappear into the SBS B grade Australian films catalogue that only get played on television once every 10 years.

In all honesty this is exactly the kind of film that gets made with government funding hoping to cater to an imaginary demographic that does not exist. It's a Black Exploitation film that hides behind being a Biographical piece in order to present neo feminist perspectives.

An Australian poor mans version of Django Unchained. But I feel that the director is a wanna be Wes Andersen trying to make a film to impress Peter weir.

However if you want the blatant truth. The fundamental reason why this film will suck to many who watch it, is simple because the entire budget was spent on the filming leaving very little funding to post production and vast amount of attention needed to make this film what it could have potentially been.

This is not a bad film it just jumps around allot and you have to be in the right mood to enjoy it through perseverance.

Bitter Springs will probably give you a closer connection to Aboriginal victimisation if that is what your in the mood for.

All done and said, this is an exceptional first film from a production team and cast that show allot of promise.
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