
13 Reviews
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So Wrong in All the Right Ways
13 January 2024
From the very first scene, everything feels wrong. One is made to feel extremely uncomfortable and a nagging sense something disturbing is happening, happened, or about to happen.

Not in a predictable way, either. There's a deeper form of unease here, to the point I was worried I stumbled into the darker side of macabre movies.

I came to this movie knowing absolute nothing about it, and if I weren't already aware of the acting ability of the main characters I might have walked away, mistakenly.

It's meant to be wrong.

The dialogue, the delivery, the lighting, camera angles, sounds, it's all purposeful and brilliant.

Admittedly I despise 'art house' and 'film school' type movies as they're usually pretentious, boring, and conceited. Rarely with anything to say other than "Look how arty I am!" Not this movie! This one actually delivers! It's truly art and takes you on an unflinching journey of classical story telling. That is, if you like your stories with a Greek tragedy vibe.

This isn't going to be a widely appreciated film, not should it be. Each individual is going to find different meaning in it and most likely a fair amount will miss it entirely.

For me, that's part of the message. We're so lost in a digital, instant gratification world we can't tell what's fake, what's art, and where there's genuine depth anymore, as a society.

The self centered, lack of empathy, dark secrets, outward awkward judgement, is beautifully portrayed.

I think it's a mirror on society as well as a modern twist on mythology.

Genuinely and pleasantly surprised by this movie and after reading this is familiar for this director I'll certainly be checking out more of his films.
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65 (2023)
Unexpected and Beautiful
12 July 2023
Well, my review was randomly deleted midway through typing, which is really odd, but here we go again... I'm genuinely shocked at the low reviews here.

I'd never heard of this movie, knew nothing of it but it popped on my recommendations. Looked like a silly action movie, so I figured, 'why not'.

Expectations wonderfully exceeded.

It's a simple story, a man protecting a child, with every fiber of his being, with a SciFi backdrop.

It's the epitome of 'show don't tell' movie making and it's done wonderfully.

Turns out, I like Adam Driver! After the Star Wars debacle, I'd written him off, but I've been won over.

He has the physicality and movement for this role, making action sequences believable but he emotes so much, wordlessly. He's excellent at subtle story telling even without lines.

I don't know of the child actress, but she did really well. I was never yanked from the story because of typical 'child actor' issues. She was believable as a stoic, frightened, stubborn young lady.

The CGI isn't great, but not so bad it distracted me from the story, but nothing to write home about, either. The practical effects and locations are more than enough to keep the eyes happy though.

It's a story of a father, a man, trying to survive on multiple levels, and a child dealing with horrible trauma and having to trust a stranger, in a strange land.

And being he was written as a real man, he steps up, and does everything to protect this child and get her to safety.

I miss simple story telling like this. Again, I don't understand the bad reviews, it's such a sweet, heroic movie.

Very touching, nice to see, I hope it does well so we can get more story telling like this.
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Low Budget Huge Win
17 June 2023
Near perfection, deeply satisfying, and a toast to Jamie Bamber showing us he had more than BSG going for him.

This movie doesn't flinch and tells its story, properly, ditching the usual PC weakness that's made near all media horrendous. You can't be PC and tell this story, so good on them.

It tells the realities of a deeply flawed justice system in a fantasy inducing premise of vigilantism. It speaks brilliantly about media control and lies and most importantly reminds us to protect and look out for each other and those who can't protect themselves.

I am so happily surprised by this movie, I'm still in fresh awe and felt compelled to come rate it immediately.

(Also note the low ratings on IMDB make no sense here. Read the other reviews!) Make this movie well known, more people need to see it. It is incredible.

Bamber's final message to the camera may be one of the best cinema moments I've seen in a very long time.

Positively fearless story telling.

This is the Australia we know and love!

I highly recommend this movie, especially those who understand right and wrong and the nuance complications of justice and law.

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The Whale (2022)
Moves Like a Play
29 May 2023
The tempo, movement and line delivery of this film are almost exactly like watching a play, and at times it's very distracting. (I'd specifically note the conversation between exes) Never the less, the story is a truly beautiful representation of the human condition and the variety of ways we let pain rule us into further destruction.

I truly believe everyone could see a little of themselves in this piece, and it is heart wrenching, tragic, and hopeful all at once.

A truly despicable character of the daughter never really becomes likable but we can see her point of view, when if laced with animosity for how she's chosen to cope. (Cruelty and arrogance) Where as Fraser's character copes with his pain through self defeating, passive suicide, and quiet altruisms, his nurse through frustration and generosity.

Loss and pain turning one inward and outward in a truly human fashion.

Without spoiling there isn't much more to say, and I think each person will see their own piece here. Lovely, uncomfortable, sad, and always hinting at hope.
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Well Acted Pandering
29 May 2023
I love Michelle Yeoh, and movies that show loving what you have but this? This was idiotic.

Albeit the acting and action was very well done (Is that Data from Goonies kicking butt?!) this brain vomit of mixed signals doesn't deserve them.

Jamie Lee acurtis shows up to be, fat Jamie Lee Curtis and tries to demand we find her charming. She isn't nor are her disgustingly bad scenes.

Moreover the real message pressed is; 'Dammit you dumb old people, stop being old, and make grandpa be excited about lesbians!' Also, enough whinging and you can break the universe.

A wildly overworked mother gets smacked around by all the whiney brats desperate for her attention, RIGHT NOW! ... Could her husband really not wait until dinner, at least, to drop a bomb on her? Daughter is mad because her family is out right screaming with joy she's gay, they're ONLY accepting. The nerve! Her father is apparently an ass, but we never actually see that.

Oh, and be careful who you watch this with, or you may end up in uncomfortable, wildly unexpected, conversations about sex toys... What was the point of that, movie? Seriously, how did this move the story along?

Although I found the things needed for travel funny most times, it got really stupid, really quickly. It's somewhat like a small child trying to show you how gross they can be, passing gas in a tub and hoping you'll laugh. This doesn't fit with the 'message' or rhythm of the movie in any congruent way.

Watch it, if you must, but this is a wildly overhyped piece of junk with amazing actors doing incredible things to carry it.
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Fall (I) (2022)
Dumb yet Fun Will to Survive
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely worth it, even with the dumber moments.

*Spoilers warned below* I had seen some pretty low reviews, so in boredom I put it on, expecting very little but figured the scenes of height and survival would be worth something.

I was pleasantly surprised, and had a surprising physical reaction that after seeing some reviews seems to be a subconscious reaction humans may have to height? Climbing tension? Sweaty palms! Never happened to me before, and though fun I wasn't feeling scared. It was so pronounced I thought I may be getting some weird flu.

So, the main characters in here make some terrible decisions that will probably drive you a little crazy, and if you're a climber, or even someone familiar with basic safety it's pretty cringey... But I really couldn't help but be curious to what was going to happen.

What this movie *really* is, is a will to live, survival through pure grit, movie. That part is great. It's something all of us are capable of, even those making really dumb decisions that got them there.

Pretty fun tip of the hat to TikTok / YouTubers doing really dumb things for clicks, too.

"What would I do if I somehow ended up in this situation, or that?" These are the moments that make this movie great to watch and I absolutely adore movies where people have to dig down and find that will to live, even when everything seems hopeless.

If you're watching just for a climbing movie, you'll probably go crazy yelling at the scream (which could be fun in its own right)

*** SPOILERS ****

So Becks is still torn up a year after her husband dies during extreme climbing with her, and her best friend. Her best friend decides to defeat her sadness she needs to take Becks to do even more extreme climbing with even less safety... Odd choice for dealing, I would have gone with smaller degrees to start! That wouldn't make a good movie, so Hunter (the best friend) out of guilt and her own sorrow takes Becks into a very deadly situation in order to scare her into living again... but also nearly kill her, repeatedly even before we hit the climax. Again, odd flex, but exciting to watch while yelling "WTF are you idiots DOING?!" Seriously, no safety prep, at all. I don't even think they put on sunscreen let alone informing anyone where or what they're doing. They use one rope that's only hooking them to each other, never to the tower they're climbing, so basically, 'you fall, we fall and that's that'.. One backpack between the two one water bottle, no food, no protection from the elements, no extra ropes or carabiners, no radios... Yet each awful situation they end up in it becomes really fun to think how one would deal with the consequence.

The entire time this rusty, neglected towers is squealing, creaking, and rattling off parts. It also looks like a party for tetanus.

Nearly at the top, Hunter, in the lead jokes about the ladder being shakey and shakes it harder to uh... scare Becks? Bolts are falling off but haha fun! It's just conquering fear! Totally not being horribly irresponsible!

When they finally get to the tippy top of the tower (2,000 ft 610 meters) they don't clip to anything and begin free hanging off the edges... for selfies. See, this is really dumb but also rings pretty realistic now days. In fact, a lot of their stupid moves are very believable if you've seen some of the content creators out there... After driving you completely crazy with their decisions for a few moments they start to descend. And we know what's coming because well, the movie is about them being stuck up there!

No surprise, the previously creaking ladder tumbles out from under Becks and Hunter somehow catches her, and pulls her up. But don't panic!

The emergency box has one flare... one a flare gun and binoculars. That just seems mean to only leave that!

At this point, their situation is so bad their actions become really interesting to watch because now it's pure survival in a truly dreadful situation.

I was absolutely racking my brain trying to come up with reasonable ideas for them but it was really challenging.

Several great 'almost' situations that hang on absolutely terrible limitations. (Why on earth didn't they secure themselves to the tower with their ropes?! Especially when sleeping?!... but these sorts of things happen a lot) This is where anyone can relate to this film, because regardless of how they got there, being there is just the worst and true survival insanity. This was very reminiscent of 121 Hours in the sense of dangerous hopelessness.

The ladies here do quite a few of their own practical stunts and do a really decent job, they actually look athletic and capable, even with some unrealistic physics it's easy to imagine pure adrenaline getting them through.

Hunter, being the stronger climber and voice of calm becomes really important as one begins to realize, without her, Becks doesn't have a chance. Yet, she's taking massive risks.

The 'twist' is actually quite good, if not a little predictable. (After the backpack dropped, it crossed my mind she wasn't actually there anymore and the rest of her actions seemed to validate that) Never the less, it's a good twist. Hunter still helped Becks survive, even through her former will and calmness.

Becks wants to live, and she does anything and everyrhing to do so.

The idea of being in a situation where if you fail you're only option is to either give in and jump off, or wait to die is truly harrowing to watch. She suffers through, even to the point she realizes it's all over for her. Her will to live never ceasing.

Love it. Her struggles and realizations are incredible to watch and even with all the horrid decisions, you want her to live.

I was truly surprised how much I liked this film, maybe because I wasn't expecting anything from it other than a few good thrill scenes, but it is a very fun watch.

Thrills, great opportunities to mock dumb characters, then somehow start rooting for them to succeed, because WE would want to succeed if we somehow ended up there.

Watch it, you might be surprised. Either way, you won't be bored!
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The Bubble (2022)
Awesome self awareness
14 May 2023
I'm not sure why this has such low reviews. I found this on accident today and found it absolutely hysterical.

The impressive cast does a great job of gleefully making fun of the stupidity that is Hollywood, especially in recent years.

Everything from celebrities complaining through their mansions, horrible re-shoots, pieced together nonsense movies with too much CGI, aging stars trying to compete on social media, the loss of glamorous mystery, actors thinking they're experts on everything and saying very stupid things... It is incredibly funny and surprisingly honest with itself.

I'd advise ignoring these low reviews and giving it a watch.

Smartly done satire and self deprivation of the entire industry.

Judd Apatow even pokes fun at himself about always using his wife and kids in his movies... with his wife. Clever.

Well done. A ton of good belly laughs.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
A Tribute
5 July 2022
I haven't been this utterly sucked in by a series in many years. Absolutely perfect. The little things, the details, absolutely nailed it. I was so utterly moved by the story, the action, the phenomenal military details that I actually cheered out loud at a couple moments. I don't even care how cheesy I sound, it's that good. Even if you're sick of SEALs (like me) and love making fun of them (like me, because Rangers Lead The Way) you'll love this movie. Any and all branches will see themselves here, and civies will see so much to love, too. Truly, a tribute. Well done Pratt, even if I giggled at you playing a Frogman, again, you won me over. Well done.
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Unsettling, even for the skeptical mind
15 December 2021
I am one that really cannot be convinced by simply hearing what people said they saw, but this show doesn't do that, it simply shows the facts of numerous extremely bizarre situations as compiled and realized by a former police officer.

It never tries to force the 'why' there so bizarre, it let's you ponder that yourself. What it does do, is show you the forensic facts of of cluster cases so horrifying and so strange it gave me chills. That is almost impossible for me, it just doesn't happen. Though when facts as absolute as these are presented enmasse, it's hard not to take note.

The less I say, the more you'll enjoy this. In fact, I say the more scientifically minded you are, the more you'll enjoy this, and more likely you are to get a few tingles and a how lot of of "how??" and "why??" beffudling your brain.

When the hunters are hunted.

A must watch, for any and all (of appropriate age, this could be pretty spooky for the youngish especially as it shows actually crime scene photos and video, though nothing gory, but it is real death. Though the story doesn't in anyway rely on that, it relies on simply showing you facts and evidence, not word of mouth or hearsay.

Skeptic? Believer? Both will thoroughly enjoy this, maybe for different reasons. It hasn't left my mind, and has left me with so much to ponder, it has left me with a desire to more and more, a craving for details, science, theories, anything to see more of these incredible and rather unsettling stories.

This is the first 10 rating I've given to my recollection and it is well deserved. As I said, I love they leave the audience to interpret the "why" and don't try to insist upon us.

Story telling at its very best.
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The Great (2020–2023)
Occasionally True, Always PC Nonsense
13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A perfectly insulting take in actual great history with dreadful PC nonsense and fringe modern opinions shoved in to make history an utter joke.

Catherine the Great, was born in Pryssia, modern day Poland and at 15 married Peter III mostly due to his mother's fondness of her. After his mother passed, Catherine worked quickly and Peter III abdicated the Throne to her and she became Russia's longest ruling woman, in history. It's an amazing story. This story on the other hand, is insulting and sickening.

She's about 20 in this, the Empress, Peter's mother is already dead when she arrives, and she begins immediately to try and overthrow Peter with zero experience and zero understanding of the country she plans to rule. (In reality, she was there for decades before she and Peter III were raised to Emperor and Empress, respectively) So, obvipisly this comes off as childish, selfish, and forcefully inserted absurd drama. They do try to insist through high-school writing she'd just be a super duper leader, because she's just so super duper adorable. Says a lot about why voting has gone the way it has gone as of late. No experience, wit, cunning, or knowledge is bested by a thin layer of outward charm.

Then there's such addition as a forced diverse cast that makes no sense in the time period or geography. Trying to force such things into historical shows is extremely insulting to actual history of the people that had their own stories from the time period and were nowhere within thousands of miles of events. For crying out loud, they have a man of African decent, playing the role of the Swedish Ambassador in the early 1700's. You can't make this nonsense up. Trying to pretend a black man was Russian, and part of the Russian court in the 1700's is strange and utter dismissal of actual history and real pains suffered.

They also all speak with English accents, and all of the settings, clothing and architecture could be any stereo typical English period piece. There's nothing Russian about it, except rare mentions of recipes.

I don't understand why they didn't simply write an entirely fictional story instead. Why mock real people and real history?

Then there's the addition of modern politics into an era 300 years old. It makes zero sense and as clunky as the ridiculous, self important acting. It goes to prove how disturbingly lacking current education has become.

I could go about this, but it would be as annoying and desperate as this show.

The acting, as I stated before, is more about the actors feeling self righteous in the very heavy handed political insistence, than actually trying to capture a character. Most of it is bad English accents, cussing in a modern tongue, and sex scenes, followed by toilet humor. Did I mention it feels as though this was written by high schoolers?

If the writers were trying to be cute by stating it is "occasionally true" while throwing in the modern speech, they were painfully mistaken. There's nothing charming about it.

I don't believe in be a critic of critics, but it's extremely hard for me to imagine anyone with even a vague grasp of how the world works, or of history, finding this anything but insulting garbage.

If you like your Facebook or Twitter page, acted out terribly, by people in period costumes, than this show is for you, otherwise, it is a hard pass, for the sake of your sanity.

I should note, I love period pieces, and I certainly don't mind a free hand with dramatic additions to history, as needed to make a show or movie work, but this isn't that. It is pure social media nonsense with real people used as a stamp, and nothing more.

0 Substance 0 Intelligence 0 Historical accuracy 0 Realistic behavior 1 Appeasing Drama for the background.
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How It Ends (2018)
No spoon feeding here
11 December 2021
This is a really fun, apocalypse/Sci-Fi/Human nature film, that will not hand you the answers.

In a very sudden, and confusing way we're clued in "something" has happened on the west coast yet the entire country if effected immediately. Great start! The lack of clues, the difficult mass communication,trying to piece together what's happening while trying to survive is fantastic fun.

I think if you're paying attention, the clues are there as to what's causing everything to happen in the film.

Without spoilers I'll give three hints here, the compass, the birds, the borealis.

The breakdown of civility is always a favorite in films, for me, to see the different perspectives. It's going to happen fast, especially in high trafficked areas, and I feel this film does a wonderful job of portraying that, without give each and every encounter some sort of backstop to validate it. You're not going to get that in reality, and it doesn't hand it out here. You've got everything from dumb and helpless people trying to take advantage, to organized intelligent groups using the terrain to their advantage, and you've got the helpers in there, too. Nice scope of human nature under duress.

Forest Whitaker's character, a former Marine, is fantastic. He talks the hapless, yet determined lawyer, son-in-law, through some quick and brutal basics to tactics, and it's relatively realistic. (Though I'm not sure his aim would be as good, as fast) In the end, this is a fun movie to watch, and if done right, I'd enjoy a sequel. Though I sadly doubt a sequel of quality will happen.

Don't expect to be spoon fed the answers, expect ambiguity and why it's there, and you'll like this movie. Like any proper Sci-Fi it will make you think.
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A very worthy indie film
1 December 2021
For those rating this so low, I assume they either don't understand indie films or REALLY don't understand Sci-Fi. If you're over indulged in Hollywood lighting, settings, and effects, indie films take some getting used to. If you're not used to them, watch a few lower budget Sci-Fi films and you'll see why this one is rating very well with fans of those.

Let the story take you, the imagery is low budget, the story isn't. It's supposed to make you THINK and have fun with 'what ifs' There are several cool films about these concepts, most well known, is the Matrix, of course, but this concept has been around for many decades and many prominent scientists have discussed it in extremely interesting ways. What if?

Take the ride folks, it's fun. Science + Fiction is really, really fun.
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Just a lot of fun to watch
30 November 2021
At first I was surprised this film didn't have a higher rating, but now days it's much more common practice to pick a movie apart rather than enjoy it for what it is. I can respect that, to an extent, sone movies are so bad it distracts you enough, while watching the film, it's all you can do not to think about the mistakes. What makes this movie a great, classic action/Sci-Fi flick? It's so enjoyable to watch, the little slights don't matter. I was pulled into the movie well enough that the technicalities barely occurred to me.

Take into account, Sci-Fi movies are going to have a much pickier audience in this regard, as they, understandably, want the science to hold up. With time based movies, no one is ever going to get everything right, there's too many variables and paradoxes.

Then of course you've got the military aspect, something I can again understand and respect the desire for authenticity. It should be remembered in this movie though, the warfare is completely unconventional as they're wishing civilians off to the future to fight an alien spieces and it has to be done in an extremely tight time constraint. Granted, we could go into how they're setting themselves up for failure by not giving them more thorough training, but the batch we're seen being sent off, was sent off before the completion of their training. The full seven days may have been a little more indepth. I also want to throw this thought out there, it's said the troops will be gone for seven days, and their training is also seven days, therefore they'd be gone for fourteen days, but one could say, the seven days they're gone in the present is the training, as the seven days they're gone in the future may only be momentary in the present, meaning it's fourteen days for the troops, but only seven days pass in the present. It's only a theory, though it's never examined in the movie, either way. So, they either forgot to add it, made an error in writing, or assumed the audience could put it together.

I'll conclude with this, although I understand the desire to nitpick, this movie is well worth just sitting back, and going for the ride. It is extremely fun, good action, sweet family story, pretty cool looking aliens, NO PC POLITICAL DRAMA, (we just want to enjoy our movies/TV without having the newest Twitter-gate being shoved down our throats) nice VFX, and dang decent acting for a Sci-Fi/Action movie. Enjoy it! I did!

P. S. Anyone else really impressed with Mr. State Farm Insurance looking so buff in this??!
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